MTL - Low Temperature Dependence-Chapter 148

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this moment

A soft, silent light rose from the far horizon.

However, the two wet figures emerging from the no-man's-land waters were not affected by this beautiful and gentle scene.

One of the women with curly hair and a missing lower body was staggering and was caught by another woman by the ear.

She kept making a very pitiful apology.

"Qiqi, listen to my explanation, it's really not what you think... Like that, I was very young at that time and didn't understand this at all, I just thought"

"What do you think?" The woman who had been holding her ears all the time was staring at each other angrily at the moment, the strength in her hands did not drop at all, she was so angry.

The mouth of this calf, this **** mouth, can make her cry in the first second, and her blood will boil in the next second.

How can this guy, how can he be in love with jellyfish?

And the other party is probably guilty of being a thief, and is simply unwilling to show her that so-called "old lover", that elegant and beautiful pink-blue jellyfish.

Powder blue, very special jellyfish.

"I think it's beautiful..." Qi Wenxi's small ears were hurt, but she didn't dare to avoid it. After all, Qi Wenxi was in the stage of getting angry, so she didn't dare to act rashly.

I just hope that Qiqi won't be so hard, it really hurts.

Jinglin didn't expect Qiqi to pull her so hard.

"Pretty? Well, it's beautiful. Although I haven't seen it before, I have realized how beautiful it is through your coy and shy expression, so beautiful that you are in love with them." Qi Wenxi said coldly, she is now I really feel that Whale is simply challenging her limit.

She can accept that Whale has once liked someone, after all, who can be like her, who has never been tempted after living for more than 30 years.

Seven emotions and six desires, human nature, she can accept it.

But, what are the objects of Whale's estrus...

An even more absurd thought popped up in her heart, that is, whether Jing Lian likes those creatures a little more, or Qi Wenxi who is a human being a little more, she has begun to doubt it now.

No, she might as well be a jellyfish.

"It doesn't count, I'm exaggerating a bit." Whale pursed her lower lip, very aggrieved. She has lived for so long, and she has always lived alone and alone, and it is normal to have a sensitive period occasionally. I don't want to mate.

Although she sneered at those pair-on-the-bottom idiots' mating behaviors, she was more or less unable to control it when it came to herself. Of course, she could swear that she was under control and did not force any creatures.

Her first time was still given to Qi Wenxi.

In human form.

"I haven't done it with them, so it's not a love affair."

"Do you still want to do it with them?" Qi Wenxi opened the carriage directly and stuffed the whale inside, her voice raised.

"I'm just telling a fact, I didn't do it." Jing Lian said very honestly, but he didn't know that his lover wanted to beat people.

Qi Wenxi held back her anger, and glared at a certain ancestor who was huddled in the passenger seat.

Then he got into the car by himself, the sea breeze outside was strangely cold, not to mention that they had just come up from the sea, and the whole person was equivalent to taking a bath in the sea with their clothes on.

Look at what **** Jing Lian said, "I haven't done it yet" does it mean I want to do it but haven't done it yet?

Qi Wenxi sat on the seat, and didn't want to worry about cleanliness such as whether the clothes of himself and Jing Lian would wet the seat or not.

She just wanted to smoke a cigarette to calm down.

She rummaged through the car cabinet and found that her cigarette case was empty...

She thought about it, it seemed that she hadn't smoked for a long time, since she reconciled with Jinglin.

"Qiqi, if you want to smoke, I'll buy it for you." Jinglin recommended herself very discerningly. Now she just hopes that Qi Wenxi can let her go, don't be angry.

Qi Wenxi glanced at Jing Lian, who had begun to be attentive. The other party had already lost his vigor at the bottom of the sea. It was obvious that the other party was escaping the picket.

Qi Wenxi put down the empty cigarette case decisively, raised her eyes and glanced at Jing Lian, "I want to ask you those jellyfish, are you male and female? Or do you feel it?"

"Ah?" Whale was stunned when asked.

"to be frank."

Whale tugged at the corner of her mouth awkwardly, she twisted her wet hair, obviously she didn't care whether the jellyfish was male or female when she was in love at that time...

"Qi Qi, you insist on asking this question, and I don't know what to answer. I have no time to take care of you at that time, right?" Jing Lian muttered in a low voice, and then silently looked at Qi Wenxi's increasingly frosty old face.


Qi Wenxi was very dissatisfied with this answer.

"Qiqi you"

"What are you, you can **** me off," Qi Wenxi shivered and started the car. The little ancestor she treated wholeheartedly turned out to be in love regardless of species, male or female, okay.

Originally, it was enough for her to accept the true identity of Whale Lin, but now she has to accept that the other person's former admiration objects are all kinds.

"Whale, you are really amazing, and I am impressed."

"Oh, Qiqi, why are you complimenting me again? I don't even understand what you mean." Jinglin squeezed out a pure and innocent smile and hung it on her silly face. She looked so cute with her fingers.

Qi Wenxi just wanted to hit her.

It started again, and began to pretend to be pitiful and innocent again.

Therefore, Qi Wenxi couldn't hold back this time, and slapped Jing Lin's cheeks with both hands.

"It hurts..." Whale Lin was dazed by Qi Wenxi and couldn't help but resist.

Qi Wenxi rubbed her cheeks fiercely. After pinching for a while, Qi Wenxi took a deep breath. She almost forced herself not to grit her teeth so much before she said, "Jing Lin, since you said that you didn't make any substantial content, I It doesn't matter, but from now on, you can't have **** with any creature other than me, any creature, male, female, male or female, you know?"

Jinglin was completely stunned when he heard Qi Wenxi's so serious tone.

She was not at all disgusted with Qi Wenxi's request of herself. On the contrary, she felt as if many little flowers suddenly bloomed in her heart, and she was very happy.

So, Jing Lian chuckled lightly in the atmosphere of such a serious warning and a big demerit.

Qi Wenxi stared silently at Jing Lian's beautiful face for five seconds, then frowned and asked, "What are you laughing at again, be serious."

"Oh." Whale Lin quickly closed his mouth and stopped laughing at Qi Wenxi's scolding.

Qi Wenxi had no choice but to use all her strength to continue to give Jing Lian's angry face, "What's your answer? What about you? You squeak."

Whale's overly pale face had already been ravaged like a toy by a certain professor. She could only beg for mercy and say, "I'll listen to you! I'll never be in love with other creatures."

Qi Wenxi let go of her hand after hearing this fairly sincere reply.

Whale quickly rubbed his cheeks with his hands, it hurt so bad.

In this world, only Qi Wenxi dared to be so violent to herself, she couldn't fight back.

"Qiqi, you are so fierce to me..." Jinglin lowered his head and complained in a low voice.

Qi Wenxi ignored the other party and took the shopping bag from the trunk. She found a pair of black sports shorts from it. Fortunately, when she went to the mall before, she saw this set of sportswear and thought it was suitable for whales, so she silently bought it. I kept it in the car and never took it back.

"Hurry up and put it on." Qi Wenxi threw his shorts on the big white jingle of the whale. God knows that the bottom of the whale is all naked except for the triangle.

The other party actually took off his pants quietly for the convenience of swimming under the sea.

Well, this is not a good sign.

Whale pouted, it was rare that she could not wear pants, and she was not willing to cooperate.

"Do you wear it or not?" Qi Wenxi turned her head and looked at her as she spoke.

Whale held the new shorts in disgust, and finally threw away the one that was in the way, and another one was in the way. She was looked at by Professor Qi's stern eyes, and she was so worried that she had to put the shorts on sadly. go up.

After Qi Wenxi saw that Jinglin was dressed, he lowered his head and admired it a little. It was not bad, just right.

Seems to be a good buy.

"Qi Qi, look at me listening to you, so good, I even gave you flowers, now." Jing Lian stretched out his hand and hugged the bunch of blue-lit flowers on the back seat, taking credit to please Qi Wenxi, "You Don't be mad at me."

Qi Wenxi glanced at Jing Lian, who was starting to be charming. She knew the virtue of Jing Lian.

The other party always has a way to solve all the small misfortunes, using this cute way to pass the test.

But who can refuse the angelic smile like Jing Lian, even if the other party is likely to be the opposite of the angel, but Professor Qi Wenxi is always very soft-hearted.

"I'll think about it. Take your seat and I'll drive." Qi Wenxi replied, but obviously her tone had softened.

Jing Lian heard this, she sat down with a chuckle, holding flowers was the best way to coax others, which could prevent Qi Wenxi from berating herself.

She'll think about it later.

Of course, in the future, the problem of the mouth scoop must be corrected.

It's 4:50 now

Because the days are short and the nights are long recently

It was still dark.

Qi Wenxi didn't drive fast at night, and it was rare for him to go crazy once, so he didn't rush home, safety first.

In my ears, I heard the small thoughts of whales from time to time.

She also laughed.

"Qiqi, do you know? You look good when you smile, and I like your smiles more." Jinglin approached Qi Wenxi slowly, without concealing the fiery in his eyes, and confided his love.

Qi Wenxi resisted being praised for being so happy, she raised her voice deliberately, and asked in return, "Really, do those Miss Seal and Jellyfish sister, sister, brother, brother and sister look good when they smile?"

After Jing Lian heard it, he immediately hugged the flowers away from Qi Wenxi, and groaned angrily: "Qi Qi is really, and I don't know them anymore, I'm not familiar with them at all."

"Hmph." Qi Wenxi snorted lightly and continued to drive.

Just as they were tacitly arguing with each other, while they were having fun, suddenly, a half-sucked cigarette **** was thrown from Qi Wenxi's car window.

Qi Wenxi turned her head away immediately, then hurriedly avoided the next car that was about to collide, hit her own car, and quickly moved away.

(Hey woman, do you want to play together?)

The leading young man sitting in the co-pilot shouted at Qi Wenxi, followed by wild laughter.

Qi Wenxi pursed her lips tightly and ignored her.

And this sudden acceleration caught the Whale holding the blue stone flower by surprise. She planted her head into the bouquet and broke several gorgeous flowers.

Her face darkened instantly.

Finally, her Qi Wenxi was in a good mood.

What is this doing.

The whistles of several young people in the car next to them came from outside the window. They opened the window and made a sublime gesture to Qi Wenxi.

"It's alright, the racing party, don't worry about it, I'll drive quickly and ignore them." Qi Wenxi comforted the whale. She didn't know that these gangsters would suddenly appear on this road, and the noisy sound of modified vehicles affected her. Eardrum, she can only quickly avoid the touch of these people.

Jinglin didn't speak, she heard Qi Wenxi's anxious tone, it was obvious that those people were eyeing them.

Not easy to throw off at all.

They raised their fingers to signal Qi Wenxi to stop.

Those young people did it on purpose. Then, the modified car rushed in front of Qi Wenxi and forced her to stop.

"Whale, sit down"

Just as Qi Wenxi was about to let Jing Lin sit down, she was about to take the opportunity to back up and drive away, but the people around her reacted one step ahead of her and opened the car door directly.

Qi Wenxi's eyes widened as he watched Jinglin get out of the car and walk towards the car in front of him, and immediately panicked.

She hurriedly lowered her head to unfasten the seat belt that suddenly couldn't be opened.

what happened! ? ? At the critical moment, it can't be pulled apart! ?

Jing Lian walked to the car step by step, and her clean legs provoked a smug whistle from the young man who just got off, as if to say that this woman has a great figure.

When she walked to the man who took the lead in throwing cigarette butts at them, she tilted her head slightly, as if to confirm something.

"Wow your legs are really ahhhh-"

"It's you." The voice was as cold as a blade.

Just as the young man was about to tease the other party, the black-haired woman in front of him grabbed him by the neck, and then he was dragged to the other side of the vehicle. Her actions made the other two people in the same group stunned. .

"Say, how do you want to play with her."

The next second, the man's face was crushed under the window glass by gravity.


Whale Girl: Play, I just coaxed my wife :)

Thank you to the following babies for their feeds!


It's a pity that flower

roar roar

Oh my god, can't you just cover it up and go on? It's not pure, woo woo

Whale sister protects his wife handsomely

Whale: If Qiqi thinks I'm a, then my **** should be saved. If Qiqi thinks I'm too impulsive, then my legs should be gone.


Protect your wife, Shasha!

So handsome, so handsome! shasha




Qi Qi: Whale, do you hear me? Squeak acridine! …

Whale: Squeak ~ squeak...

Since I drank the nutrient solution, I don't want to do anything other than update.

Hahaha Whale protecting his wife is so handsome! Since I drank the nutrient solution, I don't want to do anything other than update.

The author has a great brain hole, come and continue to brainstorm with a bottle of nutrient solution~

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