MTL - Low Temperature Dependence-Chapter 150

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Qi Wenxi never thought that she would experience what was about to happen.

This is completely unimaginable in her regular life trajectory.

You must know that she has always acted conservatively and restrained herself. How could she agree to be in the car with the whale...

"Jinglin, you! Don't do this!" Qi Wenxi saw that her zipper had been ripped off by Jingle, and she hurriedly reached out to stop her, but in this claustrophobic, narrow and dark space, Jingle's movements were quicker than hers Many, the key is that the opponent's hand decisively suppressed all her resistance.

Jing Rong pulled Qi Wenxi's shirt up at once, the neckline rubbed against the tip of the other party's nose, causing her Qi Qi to exclaim, and then in the next second, she tied the shirt that was supposed to cover Qi Qi with restraint. On Qi Wenxi's wrist, he tied a knot by the way.

"Jing Lin, you tie me up!? Quickly untie, open..." Qi Wenxi had no idea how Jing Lin could be so smooth that she couldn't move, she was very passive now, she lay down on the seat ashamed , There is only one piece on his body, and his trousers have been half torn open by the whale.

If she hadn't struggled to hold down Whale's hand around her, the clothes underneath her would have been dragged away.

"Qiqi, Qiqi...I like you..." Whale overturned uncontrollably on Qi Wenxi's body, her icy hand swiped across Qi Wenxi's exposed skin in the air, she lifted Qi Wenxi's whole body with a little force He pulled his hand away easily, then glanced at Qi Wenxi who was about to scold her, and took off the other party's clothes decisively.

"Jinglin, don't do this, I can't, let go quickly, let me... let go..." Qi Wenxi's nervous voice was trembling. Because she was afraid that someone would see, passers-by or vehicles passing by, she could only suppress the trembling The sound tried to make Whale stop.

Qi Wenxi held the shameful Jin tightly, not letting the whale touch her.

Whale frowned, she held Qi Wenxi's cheek, and was about to kiss him frantically, her knees forcibly pressed against Qi Wenxi, letting the other party break the defense inch by inch.

Qi Wenxi was tangled up in shame and anger, and her hands were pulled to the top of her head by Whale's shirt, and she couldn't push her away.

"Whale... I don't like this." Qi Wenxi tried hard to avoid Whale's intimacy, and told him in the space that this was not what she wanted.

After hearing Qi Wenxi's refusal, Jing Lin, who was originally in love, stopped pulling her hands. She slowly straightened up, the black hair on her forehead covered her eyes, and Qi Wenxi couldn't see the other party's expression.

In this way, Jing Lin silently stayed above Qi Wenxi. In the dark carriage, only the two of them were breathing roughly.

Qi Wenxi didn't know what Whale was thinking.

He didn't speak, didn't let go, just stomped on her so straight, making her feel very flustered.

"You don't like me touching you."

After a long time, the person above suddenly opened his mouth, and his tone was mixed with a trace of difficult loss.

After Qi Wenxi heard it, he immediately raised his head and met Jing Lian's eyes. The other party turned his face slightly, and for a moment, his expression seemed to be about to cry.

"...No," Qi Wenxi couldn't stand Jing Lian's fragile expression the most, as if she had made a big mistake and made the other party sad. She lowered her eyelids, noticed her messy appearance, and didn't know how to explain it. .

"I'm impulsive." Jing Lin could see that Qi Wenxi was quite resisting her. After returning to her normal expression, she restrained her enthusiasm, let go of the other party's hand, and then slowly turned sideways, preparing to sit back where she should be sitting. s position.

Just as Whale was about to leave, someone grabbed her wrist.


"It's not that I don't like you touching me," Qi Wenxi grabbed Jing Lian's wrist tightly and did not let him leave her body. She wanted to explain to Jing Lian clearly that she clearly liked Jing Lian very much, "You can't see that. Did we just come out of the sea?"

"...Huh?" There was a hint of confusion on Jing Lian's face, she didn't understand what Qi Wenxi meant.

She was still immersed in the sad little world that Qi Wenxi didn't want her to touch.

"I mean, my body, clothes, face... everything is sticky and uncomfortable. You see, there is still grit in my mouth. Do you think our state is suitable for this?"

Qi Wenxi roared angrily at Jing Lian, she wanted to slap Jing Lian's innocent face to death, why did the other party realize so lately.


Jinglin lowered his eyes and looked at the few small particles hidden in the gully of Qi Wenxi, stretched out his fingertips to pick up the particles that were in the wrong place, and said to Qi Wenxi very sincerely: "Qi Qi, I don't despise you like this. ."

Qi Wenxi's temples jumped when she heard Jing Lian's **** words. She just blamed herself for Jing Lian's fragile expression. Obviously, she was too soft-hearted.

"It's not that you despise me, it's me that despise you, okay, I'm like this, and you are too, I don't want us to be so embarrassed..." Qi Wenxi was angry, and directly hit the whale on the arm.

It was only then that Jing Lin realized that Qi Wenxi was not unwilling to let her touch it, but because she was not in a very decent state.

"How is it?" Jing Lian deliberately asked back, but she didn't care about each other so wet, she would clean Qi Wenxi, anyway, the next day Qi Qi said that the car should be wiped.

She thinks it doesn't matter what it is.

"In embarrassment... kick you out of the car!"

Qi Wenxi couldn't be more angry than Jing Lian's knowing teasing, she couldn't help but stretched out her foot and wanted to kick the opponent, but her calf was grabbed by Jing Lian.

"Qi Qi, you're so fierce, I just got hurt by you, do you still want to kick me?" Jing Lian snorted, she didn't care about Qi Wenxi's anger, she couldn't help but put her mouth at Qi Wenxi's ankle. .


"How?" Although Jing Lian snorted for a while, he still touched his lips thoughtfully, and then went up.

Qi Wenxi blushed as she watched Jing Lian do such a thing to herself, she could only hug Jing Lian's face and prevent the other party from making small moves.

"Whale, I, I said that I just came out of the sea with gravel all over my body."

Qi Wenxi turned her face away, she could understand the wildness of the whale because the other party followed her instincts, but after all, Qi Wenxi was thin-skinned, she wanted to get close to the whale cleanly, otherwise she would not let go, "And I only Knowing that you are different from me is probably not knowing everything, should you let me know the real you first, and then we will do this."

To be honest, these days, her spirit has been in a state of high tension, and things about the whale have come one after another. Now they are considered to be "renewing the front line", but the identity of the other party has changed from a little lunatic who may be a mental hospital. Evolved into non-human creatures living in the abyss.

Do you need to pay attention if you do it with such a "person"?

After all, Jing Lian, the signal this time is completely on her own, which is definitely different from their last time.

She has to know about this in advance.

Qi Wenxi felt sad in her heart, her lover was not of the same species as herself, which was a mix of joy and sorrow.

"What do you want to know? I can tell you everything about me." Whale held Qi Wenxi's hand and responded seriously.

Qi Wenxi was at a loss for words. She wanted to know whether Jinglin would suddenly mutate when she did that kind of thing. If Jinglin mutated, would her car be able to withstand it? Will she suddenly be hungry and unbearable to eat her.

And those weird spots on her body...

"Let's go back first, there will be people passing by at any time." Qi Wenxi still wanted to talk to him, taking advantage of the opportunity of Jing Lian to let go of her, she took the opportunity to put the shirt back on her body, otherwise, if anyone outside passed by, It's really a blast.

Whale frowned, who would appear in this kind of ghost weather, and it's still not bright yet.

"No one will come, you tell me first what you want to know." Jing Lian was curious, Qi Wenxi would want to know what she was, she took the other party to the bottom of the sea, probably showing a special identity, unless the other party I want to see my original form.

But the original form was too large, and the car was scrapped.

I want to know too much.

Qi Wenxi pouted, and asked a casual question, "Are those marks on your body... alive?"

When Whale heard this, he smiled shyly, "Are you referring to this?"

She turned her head slightly, and soon, a black, bizarre, twisted alien shape suddenly appeared in front of Qi Wenxi's eyes.

Well, Qi Wenxi didn't expect Jinglin to show his "beautiful" side so generously.

"Uh, yes, yes, this, you can take it back." Qi Wenxi stared at the thing with a little fear, and swallowed hard.

do not come,

I am afraid.

Qi Wenxi screamed inwardly.

However, Jinglin was very enthusiastic. Since Qi Wenxi wanted to understand herself, she did her part to show Qi Wenxi enough of herself.

"Qiqi, you can touch her, it's part of my body." Whale invited Qi Wenxi coyly.

Qi Wenxi squeezed out a stiff smile and wanted to decline, she didn't think this thing would feel good.

However, this stripe approached Qi Wenxi's hand without any shyness, and wrapped around her fingertips like a docile snake, extremely intimate.

Qi Wenxi's whole body turned upside down.

She could only symbolically model the icy cold stripes, and then asked Xiang Jinglin, "Can you feel my touch?"


Qi Wenxi was at a loss for this kind of creature beyond his cognition.

"Why are you blushing?" Qi Wenxi was already terrified enough, and he was still entangled in this strange, who didn't know if it was dangerous, but when he saw the ancestor in front of him, he blushed strangely.

Jing Lian turned her head away silently, she did not expect that Qi Wenxi would feel so comfortable in the markings.

A little shy.

And in the next second, before Jingling could fully enjoy the SPA-level treatment, she felt her whole body cramping with pain!

Qi Wenxi actually clenched her Banban tightly, and then pressed her on the other side.


"Shh, don't talk!"

It turned out that someone passed by their vehicle, but fortunately Qi Wenxi saw the car lights reflected on the mirror window, and it was the traffic police who came to post the parking ticket.

Qi Wenxi nervously grabbed the stripes that were about to be strangled, and held down the whales so that they wouldn't be discovered by the outside world, otherwise they would be completely ashamed and thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

Fortunately, I just posted the ticket and left.

Qi Wenxi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the sound of the motorcycle leaving.

But the whale in her arms did not know that the pain had already burst into tears.

"Whale, why are you crying?"


Little Zebra: Never been so wronged before. (っ╥╯﹏╰╥c)

Thanks to the following little babies for feeding:


I suddenly thought of so many small tentacles on Jing Lian's body... The future **** life is very secure...

How to subscribe? Why do I see duplicate chapters


The author has a great brain hole, come and continue brainstorming with a bottle of nutrient solution~

Tiny Stripes: The Seed of Resentment is Me

Claw! I have a bold idea! Tentacle play! (twist)

Hahahahaha, the old ancestor finally got caught and hurt his feet one day


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Little Mark: After all, I took it all

Zebra: Are you polite?

Haha, Whale Girl, this character doesn't feel like anything is against harmony. Ha ha