MTL - Low Temperature Dependence-Chapter 167

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The familiar old song was playing on the car stereo—


in the dead of night

you will come to me

tell me don't worry i love you

When Jing Lin listened to the lyrics of the second half of the song, she didn't care about Hong Que's extremely unpleasant jokes, and she just held back the tears she was about to fall.

"If it wasn't for the sake of the driving tool, I would definitely destroy your car." Whale glanced at Hong Que, kindly reminding the other party that it would be a **** to stop her. speech.

Hong Que shrugged, he was not afraid, there was more than one means of transportation at home, but now he had to go back to the villa early, he didn't want to get angry with the whale and take a taxi back to the mansion in this uninhabited ghost place.

And soon, when the vehicle was halfway through the road, an emergency announcement of the city began to play continuously in the car audio—

An emergency notification is played below:

At 3:40 this afternoon, the Tongqu District Public Security Bureau of our city received an alarm that a fire broke out in a laboratory 3 kilometers away from Qiming Mountain Road. The fire was serious. After receiving the alarm, many departments in our city quickly launched fire rescue The operation has now brought the fire under control. It is understood that the laboratory here is affiliated to Xu's Technology Group, and the casualties are currently unknown...

Hong Que listened to the emergency broadcast in the whole of Lutan City, slowly scratched his head, and looked at an abyss ancestor who had begun to close his eyes and meditate.

"To be honest, I thought you would do it yourself at first." Hong Que felt that it was a miracle that Jing Lian could hold back his actions and just talk, "As a result, you are doing it for personal favors. When did you become so kind?"

Jing Lian listened to her old friend's yin and yang's strange tune, how could this old thing always make her unhappy when she talks like this.

"I've always been kind. I emphasized to you at the beginning that I was there to make friends, and that child was quite pitiful. Although I didn't like those fish monsters very much, that child was much cuter than the fish monsters." Jing Lian recalled Lin Star's performance in the laboratory sighed.

"then you"

"She only wants to be with those people... there is a word called, die together, um, as she wishes." Jinglin explained why he didn't do it, otherwise the laboratory must not have a complete body, and why he hadn't rescued Xia Lin star.

Some people are begging for death and cannot be saved.

Hong Que shrugged, feeling that his friend seemed to be slightly infected with the human touch of the world, suddenly felt goosebumps, and quickly lit a cigar.

"Oops, I'm a little uncomfortable with your ability to interpret humans like that."

Whale frowned slightly. To be honest, she didn't like the strong smell of smoke at all, "You will die of tuberculosis sooner or later, Mr. Hong Que."

Hong Que snorted, "Please, your professor Qi also smokes, why don't you say that to her."

"Qi Qi has quit smoking at my request. She listens to me very much." Jing Lian raised her eyebrows and expressed her position in Qi Wenxi's heart.

Hong Que almost fell off his cigar, looking at Whale with disbelief.

"Don't look at me like that."

"No, I just doubt your words. I don't think Miss Qi listens to you. Your status is not that high."

Hong Que shook his head and laughed extremely exaggeratedly. The giggling giggled made Whale Lin want to punch the opponent.

Whale pouted, as the arrogant and arrogant Lord of the Abyss, how could it be bad face, especially in front of single friends.

"Hmph, you don't believe it?" Jing Lian snorted softly, and then she started to exaggerate her family status.

Seeing his friend so proud, Hong Que simply listened to it, and quietly started recording on his mobile phone.

"I don't believe it, why are you a high law?" Anyway, he was bored in the car. He liked young couples quarreling very much, but it was interesting.

"Qiqi listens to me very much. Usually I say go to the east, but Qiqi dare not go to the west, and I have the dominance at all times, at any time." Jing Lian told his friends how serious he was. excellent.

Hong Que immediately applauded and asked tentatively, "You are not afraid that Miss Qi will listen to you."

"I have nothing to be afraid of, it's a fact." Whale glanced blankly, and he must show a good face in front of his friends.

Hong Que nodded, "Amazing, I didn't expect Miss Qi to love you so much."

Since Jingling has said this, it will be nothing for him to tell Miss Qi this sentence in the future.

The vehicle was driving to a place 3 kilometers away from home, which happened to be the grape cup cake shop that Jinglin had bought for Qi Wenxi before. Because the last time I bought a cake for delivery, I happened to be in trouble with Qi Wenxi, so the other party didn't eat it. The ring Didn't send it out either.

Therefore, Jinglin asked the driver to stop, and she wanted to go down to buy a copy and give it to Qi Wenxi.

She is selfish.

Because she is a little flustered now, after all, she used her mental power to control Qi Wenxi to go to sleep, but the other party will wake up soon. If Qi Qi is angry, Little Cake can coax a little.

Not to make her miserable.

"Are you going to buy a cake?" Hong Que looked at the newly opened dessert shop in the distance and looked at Jing Lian suspiciously, "Do you like desserts?"

"No, it's a grape cup cake. Qiqi likes to eat it, so I bought it for her." Whale explained, and opened the door by the way.

Hong Que smiled and said that the family status was high, which was not obvious because he was afraid that Qi Wenxi would be angry.

"Go, go, wait for you."

"Give me the money." Whale reached out his hand and motioned for Hong Que to pay.

"Can you pay for your electronic equipment?" Hong Que's eyebrows jumped up. Can't you even get money for a cake?

Whale squinted and stared at Hong Que, paying for electronic equipment is so troublesome.

In the end, Hong Que angrily took out a few red notes from his wallet and handed them to the white-eyed whale.

Even if he is so rich, he still asks him for money! !

In this way, Hong Que kept his eyes closed and rested in the car while thinking about how to get all the treasures from the bottom of the whales. Just when he was thinking about it, the driver in front, Lao Jiang, coughed and whispered to Mr. Hong. Report a mouth: "Master, Miss Whale she..."

Hong Que opened his eyes immediately, but if Lao Jiang's tone of voice was hesitant to speak, he must have a play.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the car window.

I saw that my friend was standing on the road with a packaged cake in his left hand at this moment, and a young and beautiful woman was standing in front of him, talking to him.

Hong Que was surprised for a moment. Could it be... is this the legendary approach? Or is it that the whale can't resist the temptation of the outside world, Hong Xing, has gone out of the wall?

The old man raised his eyebrows, how could such a wonderful scene let him live for thousands of years of boring years to miss.

He quickly took out the device and snapped several pictures.

At the moment, the woman was walking forward intimately, and took out her mobile phone and said something to Whale. Hong Que couldn't hear it clearly, but judging from the other's facial expressions, the woman seemed to be interested in Whale.

Peach blossom, whale.

Hong Que watched with relish.

In an instant, a sharp and cold gaze came over, it was Whale, Hong Que had no choice but to withdraw his gaze, sat back to his original position, and continued to watch quietly.

"No need." Jing Lin frowned slightly and refused the request of the woman in front of him to transfer money to him.

Here's the thing, this person was in front of her to check out, but the other party's mobile phone was stuck and couldn't pay. Jinglin didn't want to waste time waiting, so he checked out together, so this woman kept following her to add her contact information to transfer money to her when she went out. she.

Whale has repeatedly refused.

"This cake isn't cheap. I'll add you, and I'll transfer it to you." The woman still wanted to add Jinglin's contact information. First, she really wanted to transfer money, and second, she wanted to make friends.

She had no choice but to grab Whale's arm.

Whale Lin immediately avoided the other's touch, and said a little unhappily, "You are annoying."

Then quickly left.

A surprised and lonely woman was left standing there.

It was not until after getting into the car that Jing Lin eased his emotions, shook off the bag in his hand, and carefully sorted out the beautifully packaged cupcakes.

"you just"

"?" Whale Lin turned her head sullenly.

Hong Que was stared at by Jing Lin's menacing eyes, so he had to shut his mouth.

Che, let's talk to the pretty girl outside without the knowledge of Miss Qi.

You wait.


In this way, it was almost night when the black express vehicle arrived at Hongque Mansion.

it's getting dark.

The air was damp because of the rain.

"Master is back." After seeing Hong Que's return, the butler hurried up to meet him, and reported to the other party about the security work to protect Miss Qi Wenxi today.

Of course, Mr. Lu is already arranging staff to go to the community where Miss Qi lives for investigation. After confirming that no one is watching, he will report it immediately.

Hong Que went into the house while listening. To be honest, it is estimated that Qi Wenxi's community inspectors would have already evacuated.

This afternoon's internal news, Xu's Technology's stock market has plummeted, and now it has become a mess. Old man Xu and the secret non-law research institute have been exposed. Not only is the problem of dead people inside, but the incinerator in the back mountain is no longer in use. Knowing how many innocent lives have been cremated, and now that the media and networks are scrambling to report these incidents, there is no time for small actions.

"Is Miss Qi awake?" Hong Que asked the housekeeper.

Whale Lin on the side immediately pricked up her ears, she was starting to get nervous now.

"Report, sir, Miss Qi has woken up and is resting in the room now. Qin Ran is taking care of Miss Qi, don't worry." The housekeeper told everything truthfully.

Qi Qi has woken up...

Does she remember how she fell asleep?

Whale's heart began to jump, it was all right, she clenched the cake gift in her hand, no one would refuse the lover who gave her grape cup cake all the way!

Whale Lin cheered himself up in his heart.

"You're nervous."

"No, how is it possible." Whale frowned and denied it seriously.

Hong Que was kind, he gave Whale a bottle of fruit wine that his friend gave him before, and asked the servants to prepare some glasses and ice cubes.

"This fruit wine is very expensive, with a low degree of concentration. Miss Qi would definitely like to drink it. The packaging is so delicate, it's good for coaxing people." Hong Que patted Jinglin on the shoulder, saying that he always thought of his friends.

Jinglin did not expect Hong Que to be so good, and was moved.

"Thank you." She sincerely thanked her friend.

So Jing Lian took the fruit wine and the cake he bought and gently knocked on the princess's door.

After not hearing the response from the person inside, she held the doorknob and opened it. What caught her eye was a woman who was helping Qi Wenxi to sit up at the moment.

She is a beautiful woman in the work clothes of the mansion.

Whale stood there and looked at the two people who had not seen her.

The faint jealousy made her put down the gift in her hand, and when Qin Ran was about to meet Qi Wenxi, she grabbed his hand from behind.


"I'm coming, you can go down."

Jinglin turned his head slightly, and his golden eyes looked straight at the surprised Qin Ran.

Qin Ran was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly and agreed, "Okay, okay."

Whale Lin then let go of his hand, and it was not until the other party left and closed the door that he focused his eyes on the woman in front of him again.

her kinship.

He was about to be hugged just now.

Although she knew it might be unintentional, it still made her a little sullen.

"Are you too embarrassed to be angry?"

Suddenly, an angry voice came from the front.

It was Qi Wenxi.

After Qi Wenxi finished saying this, she looked at Jing Lian with a terrifying look on her face that was about to eat people. She immediately pulled her slippers and walked in front of him, scolding: " didn't want to explain?"

Jing Lian immediately returned to her normal expression. She looked at Professor Qi, who was beginning to be puffed up, and realized that the other party remembered that she had controlled her mental power to fall asleep...

"Qiqi, I"

"Don't call me 'Qi Qi'." Qi Wenxi immediately interrupted Jing Lian's classic opening remarks.

"What explanation do you want to hear, Professor Qi?" Jing Lin changed his name and lowered his head in a low voice, begging for forgiveness.

"You know, you know what I want to hear. Did you go to find Xu Fanxing alone? Or I'll take a look at it." Qi Wenxi was a little anxious and took Whale to look up and down, for fear that the other party was injured .

Jing Lin allowed Qi Wenxi to check himself, very well behaved.

"I don't, I just want Qiqi to live in a different environment, nothing else." Jinglin assured very sincerely.

"Then where have you been today? I asked the others, but no one said anything. Mr. Lu couldn't get through on the phone. You are hiding something from me." Qi Wenxi looked at Jing Lian complainingly, she knew that Jing Lian must be hiding it from her.

"Qiqi is just too worried, think of the worst in everything, look what I bought for you," Jing Lian diligently opened the exquisite cake box and the fruit wine next to it. Of course, I don't know who put the ice The cubes and the cups were brought over. "Cupcakes, grape flavors, and this, it's nothing."

Qi Wenxi looked at the exquisite food on the table, and at the face of Jing Lian, who seemed to have nothing to do with it. Although he was suspicious, the other party just looked at her very simply.

Forget it, she decided to ask Mr. Hong later.

However, as long as Jingling is fine, God knows how frightened she is when she wakes up from the villa alone, she is afraid that Jingling will face everything alone, and the stupid guy will finally be...

Qi Wenxi couldn't hold back, walked behind Jing Lian who was unpacking fruit wine, and hugged him deeply.

Jing Lian was surprised, but she didn't expect her little princess to hug her.

He was so happy that even the stripes couldn't help but burrowed out from his back, and happily went around Qi Wenxi's hair.

To be honest, although Qi Wenxi has been fortunate enough to see these unique visionary features on whales many times, she will still be a little scared suddenly.

The little stripes were twisting the hair around her ears.

Hit hard.

Qi Wenxi had no choice but to pick up an ice cube to block these naughty little things, but he did not expect that the markings would shrink back when stimulated by the ice cube, and the whale's body trembled.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Seeing this, Qi Wenxi immediately put down the ice cubes.

Whale blushed strangely, and then went to the bathroom to wash her face.

Qi Wenxi was a little dazed as he watched the figure of his little ancestor leaving, could Jinglin not be able to stand the temperature of the ice cubes? It's obviously as low as ice cubes.

Just when Qi Wenxi was wondering, her cell phone rang, who sent her a message.

"Drip" several.

Qi Wenxi had to take advantage of the gap to pick up the phone to check the information, and it turned out to be Mr. Hong Que.

Mr. Hong rarely texts her.

Qi Wenxi hurriedly clicked on the message to receive inspection, but what caught his eye was—

A few pictures of Jing Lian talking with a pretty young woman on the road.


The first one is a conversation, the second one is a woman walking beside Jinglin and the two look down at their phone, and the third one is this woman holding Jinglin's arm.

When she was going to check again, Mr. Hong withdrew the information.

what's going on! ?

Qi Wenxi wanted to call back to Hong Que immediately, but she stopped again, feeling that it was inappropriate, but she was in a mess now, and she began to feel a strong sense of sourness. She looked at the unpacked fruit wine, and the more she thought about it, the more bored she became. , poured two glasses and drank it directly.

Without a drop of water in the afternoon, he drank two glasses of pure fruit wine at once, saying that he had only deceived Whale if he didn't have a degree.

Qi Wenxi coughed when she finally came out of the bathroom, and blushed slightly, looking straight at each other: "When you came back in the afternoon... did you see anyone else?"

Obviously, Whale has forgotten all those irrelevant people.

She thought that Qi Wenxi was still testing whether she was going to see the Xu Group, so she quickly shook her head, "I just bought a cake for you."

Young, beautiful, energetic, who doesn't like such a person.

Qi Wenxi recalled that the woman in the photo was sunny and wearing a miniskirt. Yes, she was old-fashioned and would not wear these unattractive.

"What's wrong with you, Qiqi?" Jinglin didn't quite understand why Qi Wenxi's face turned red and white until she saw the half-empty bottle of fruit wine, "Why do you drink so much?"

Whale Lin immediately held Qi Wenxi's burning face and palm, which was sweating.

Why did Qi Wenxi drink so much all of a sudden? Even when she wasn't paying attention.

"Qiqi, I'll go get you a glass of water."

"don't want!"

Suddenly, Qi Wenxi reached out and grabbed Jing Lian's icy hand, staring at him fiercely. She saw that Jing Lian was still talking about other things. Damn, she was still pretending to be confused here!

Qi Wenxi took a deep breath, and immediately pulled the whale over, and then began to untie the other party's clothes, she quickly tore off the button that was in the way of the whale.

Jinglin looked at Qi Wenxi as if she had changed, and did this to herself in a hurry. She was startled at first, and then asked the other person in a daze: "Qiqi, you want to be with me"

Qi Wenxi was too lazy to pay attention to Jing Lian. After twisting the last button, she pushed Jing Lian down, and then she leaned over.

After Jing Lian realized what Qi Wenxi wanted to do, she first looked up at the outside, the door should be closed, well, she didn't expect her baby Qi Wenxi to be interested, so wild.

So Jing Lin didn't push back, directly supported Qi Wenxi's 堠, and tried to turn around.

As a result, Qi Wenxi stopped Jing Lian's offensive first, and warned viciously: "Just take it, or I will be separated from you for a month."

Why is Qi Qi so fierce...

Whale had no choice but to withdraw his hand and handed over the dominance aggrievedly.

However, she thought it would be gentle and comfortable, but it was completely different from what she expected. Qi Wenxi actually gave her everything with ice cubes in her mouth.

"Qi Qi!" When Qi Wenxi was about to put ice cubes into her most vulnerable and unbearable area, Jing Lian immediately took Qi Wenxi's hand and looked at each other in horror. Like the stripes before, she would actually tremble.

Alcohol urges Qi Wenxi, who is full of jealousy, to look at Jing Lian's intoxicating face. She doesn't want this expression to be seen by other people. The other party has not told her about everything that happened today, including the tryst. A young girl!

"You're not being honest with me."

Qi Wenxi only said this, and pushed the ice cube in, followed by the second and third...

In short, if an abyss ancestor doesn't tell the truth tonight, don't think about it.


Whale Girl: Dangerous, hurry up. T^T

[Waiting for a long time, this chapter will leave a message baby and send a red envelope~]



After drinking 10 bottles of nutrient solution, 77 whale girls come on

Qi Qi is good at attacking and loves it|? ω? ')

Wow, Professor Qi is really brave after drinking

Where are the ice cubes placed? ? ? stunned jpg

I have a friend who wonders how this is doi

shit, shit, shit

Guest officer, the nutrient solution you ordered, we accept payment by renewal. If you don't update the text, how can I buy the text, if I don't buy the text, how can there be nutrient solution, what do you say!

Professor Qi is more powerful than Jingmei

so wild hahaha


zebra excited gif

Is Qiqi so wild, the whale sisters are all stunned! !

The bright moonlight in front of the bed, the more text is in Jinjiang, the nutrient solution is watered, and the code word is doubled~

Thousands of words can't express my heart, I can only try to irrigate you with nutrient solution, you can feel my endless affection!

Did you update today? more. Has the nutrient solution been watered? watered. I have come to see you with the nutrient solution, hand over the manuscript master! ! If you don't update the text, how can I buy the text, if I don't buy the text, how can there be nutrient solution, what do you say! snort! Look, for your hard work in updating, I will pour you some more nutrient solution! Yes, come on! !