MTL - Low Temperature Dependence-Chapter 177 Extra 6

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Qi Wenxi's voice just fell

Almost everyone at the wine table, even Director Li and Professor Sun Li, who had just returned from the bathroom, were so shocked that their glasses were about to fall off.

Wait, the scumbag they thought was irresponsible for getting Xiao Qi pregnant turned out to be a woman? ?

No, no, what's the situation now...? fiancée? !

Professor Qi's object is not a man but a woman, a big beauty who looks cold and cold, or the type who is not easy to get along with at all.

Then the suitor who gave Xiao Qi a love lunch and took her home was also the same person?

Obviously, Qi Wenxi's introduction made everyone else in the office a little confused, not to mention the other people who gathered together for a meal in a system, they all looked at the newly announced couple in surprise.

Professor Qi and her beautiful and cruel fiancee.

And hearing that the sweetheart she cared about the most actually introduced herself so solemnly and firmly, she was Jing Lian, Qi Wenxi's fiancee.

She is Qiqi's wife and wife...

Jing Lian opened his eyes in disbelief, and his gloomy expression suddenly became brighter.

She turned her head mechanically to look at Professor Qi Wenxi who took the initiative to hold her hand in front of her colleagues. Qi Wenxi also smiled gently at her, as if saying: It's okay, I'm here.

"Qiqi, say it again." Jinglin was very afraid that it was her own delusion, and she looked at Qi Wenxi very seriously.

Qi Wenxi sighed helplessly, and sure enough, her family's reaction was half a beat slower than others, and she even asked her to repeat it.

She just mustered up a lot of courage to say it.

Now that I've said it all, well, in order to make the ancestors in front of you more certain, Qi Wenxi doesn't mind introducing it again.

"I didn't expect that my fiancée would suddenly appear and disturb you all." Qi Wenxi looked at his colleagues again, without a trace of panic and timidity, but introduced and apologized for the appearance of Jing Lian.

When Jinglin heard Qi Wenxi calling her 'fiancee' again, he squeezed Zhang Xinming's arm excitedly.

The man cried out in pain instantly.

"Ah—it hurts—"

Seeing this, Qi Wenxi hurriedly let Jing Rong loose, Jing Rong immediately let go of the shackles of this man, and turned around like a happy big dog who only got praise but didn't know what to say, and was next to Qi Wenxi, with each other. Body clinging close.

She eagerly wanted to express her full of joy, but there were too many humans here.

Qi Wenxi sensed that her little ancestor wanted to hug her, but now she had to deal with her colleagues who had already exploded.

"Director Zhang, I'm really sorry, she didn't mean it, are you okay?" Qi Wenxi hurriedly asked Director Zhang Xinming, who was just grabbed by the whale and grinned. If this man touched her shoulder at that time, she would be worried about the whale Will Lian break each other's bones...

Zhang Xinming has a good face after all, no matter how painful he is, he can't show that he is about to bleed from being held by the woman in front of him.

He had no choice but to shake his head, "It's alright, you, uh... fiancee is really strong, ahem."

Qi Wenxi smiled apologetically. She raised her teacup and wanted to pay respects politely, but Zhang Xinming didn't dare to drink with Professor Qi Wenxi anymore. After all, Qi Wenxi's fiancee was staring at him coldly.

Strangely scared, he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

After Director Zhang left in a hurry, other people in the same office immediately greeted him. They were all very very... very curious about the fiancee introduced by Professor Qi Wenxi.

In addition to being shocked, he also saw that the black-haired woman beside Qi Wenxi was not simple.

Otherwise, how could Professor Qi, who has always been low-key and low-key, introduce her so boldly.

The other party seemed to be quite possessive, but the way they caught Director Zhang just now was seen by them. If Qi Wenxi didn't go up to stop him, he always felt that this woman would teach Director Zhang a lesson.

"Hello waiter, please serve another set of cutlery." Director Li looked at these young people watching the new fiancée, and quickly dispatched the waiter beside him to bring a set of cutlery, and then asked everyone to be quiet first. Slow down for Professor Qi Wenxi and her fiancee.

"We all sat down to talk, and it just started. Xiao Qi, take her to sit down and have a meal together."

"Yes, yes, Professor Qi, take her to sit down and eat."

The older Director Li and Sun Jiao smiled and greeted the two newcomers to sit in the middle. It was nothing more than a pair of chopsticks. They were very curious about this breaking news!

This is the first person who has never been in love with Professor Qi Wenxi, and he is also his fiancée!

Being surrounded by everyone, Qi Wenxi was obviously embarrassed. She didn't expect that after her introduction, Jing Lian couldn't get out of her body.

Qi Wenxi didn't predict in advance that his colleagues would invite Jing Lian to sit down and eat together so enthusiastically.

To be honest, she had already planned to "break the boat" from the beginning. She wanted to introduce her lover. Even if she was likely to be scorned and resisted by colleagues who did not accept their love, she didn't care.

Now, it's beyond her expectations.

When Qi Wenxi saw Director Li and the others pushing them to their seats so happily, she couldn't refuse them.

She didn't know that Jing Lian was not willing to participate in her dinner party. Although there were several good colleagues in the office on this table, the arrogant temperament of Jing Lian should not be very willing.


"it is good."

He always held Jing Lin, who was held by Qi Wenxi's hand, and silently agreed.

Qi Wenxi thought she heard it wrong, and she whispered to Jing Lian, "You don't have to force it."

Jing Lian chuckled lightly, it was obvious that she was in a good mood at the moment.

Because Qi Wenxi introduced her in public.

"Shall I sit here?" Seeing the vacant seat in front of him, Jing Lin asked a young female teacher beside him softly. Yang Jingshu is a young teaching assistant who has just joined Qi Wenxi's junior.

It was the first time she attended this party, and she did not expect to encounter such a surprising scene.

The fiancée of her predecessor, Professor Qi Wenxi, appeared at the scene, and she looked really good...

Teacher Yang immediately blushed and nodded desperately, indicating that this location was newly moved, there was no one, and the tableware in front of him was also new.

Jinglin nodded, and immediately ran across Qi Wenxi to say that he was sitting here, and Qi Qi wanted to sit next to her.

Qi Wenxi had no choice but to lean on Whale, and sat down with Whale under everyone's jokes.

And only Mr. Liu Fu knew that the smiling black-haired woman in front of her was actually a very terrifying "devil".

She remembered that in the morning tea restaurant, this woman said she liked raw meat...

It turned out that Professor Qi Wenxi's object was not a scumbag, but this "devil woman".

Liu Fu didn't dare to let out the air. After all, she spoke out of the way, afraid that if she said one more word, she would get into trouble.

"Little Qi really hides it. The person we talked to has only brought it out for us to see." Professor Sun pushed his glasses and looked at Qi Wenxi and her partner from time to time. She was really curious about their office Wan Wan. The single professor Qi and her fiancee.

Qi Wenxi also just smiled shyly, her character with few words couldn't handle so many eyes watching.

They all want to dig up secrets.

For example, what is the identity of this Miss Whale? How many people are in the family? What do you do? Do you have a house and a car? Gossip questions like that.

"Can I drink? I'll give you a toast." Professor Sun picked up the small wine glass, trying to test Professor Qi's fiancee's drinking capacity.

Qi Wenxi looked at it and wanted to stop it.

"She's not very good at drinking..." Qi Wenxi didn't want Whale to drink very much, she still remembered the last time Whale was "drunk".

"Ah, you can't drink enough?" Professor Sun teased with a smile.


How dare this stupid human woman say she can't.

Jing Lian, who was sitting on the side, picked up the glass and looked at this Professor Sun: "Qi Qi can't drink it, I'll drink it for her, and she'll get drunk later, we're not responsible."

Oh! The breath is not small.

Director Li was a little impressed with this junior. Professor Sun is famous for their heavy drinking here, and the other party actually wanted to get Professor Sun drunk.

"Hurry up and stop her, Sun Li drinks too much to drink with her." Director Li hurriedly asked Qi Wenxi to persuade her calf fiancee.

Unfortunately, these two have already started.

The three-cup small pot goes down.

Professor Sun felt a little dizzy. She stopped Jing Lian, who was about to start toasting again, and quickly interrupted: "You, your way of drinking, why are you drinking so violently, wait for me to slow down, I'll go to the bathroom."

Whale looked at the small empty pot in front of her, frowning slightly, this thing is not good at all, she wants to drink grape juice.

It's just that she was still so awake after three or four small pots, which shocked everyone present.

Everyone thinks that the fiancee of Qi Wenxi's family is too strong, and the amount of alcohol is not like what Qi Wenxi said he hasn't drunk a few times.

"Jinglin, are you sure you're alright? Hurry up and stop drinking." Qi Wenxi on the side quickly took away the quilt and the jug in front of Jinglin. Why is this guy still addicted to drinking?

After drinking such a strong drink, most people will feel uncomfortable for a long time.

However, for the ancestors of the abyss, it was as tasteless as drinking boiled water, and it also carried a spicy feeling.

taste not good.

But she just wanted to let that Professor Sun drink to the ground.

Who let the other party joke and say something that can't be done.

At this time, Sun Li, who had gone to the bathroom for a long time and didn't respond, called Yang Jingshu, saying that she was dizzy and could not come, and asked Yang Jingshu to help her call a car home.

Jinglin listened to Professor Sun's weak and confused words on Yang Jingshu's phone, slender fingers moved the goblet in front of him, and couldn't help showing a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth: "Trash."

On the other side, Qi Wenxi heard his lover's childish muttering very clearly.

She rolled her eyes at the proud whale, peeled a few oranges to moisten her throat, and was not allowed to speak, don't be so arrogant.


The dinner is finally over

After saying goodbye to his colleagues, Qi Wenxi dragged an ancestor who started to "drunk" down the path at night.

"Qiqi, I'm drunk~"

The dim light shone softly on the two of them.

When Qi Wenxi was about to start preaching to this little comrade Jing Lian, who didn't know the importance of drinking, the other party coughed.

She quickly put the coat in the bag on the whale.

"Bow your head." Qi Wenxi demanded.

Whale frowned, expressing that he didn't want to wear a coat, "Qiqi, I'm not cold..."

"Don't you know after drinking?" Qi Wenxi frowned and stared at this worry-free guy.

Whale was stared at so fiercely by Qi Wenxi, so he had to bow his head obediently and let Qi Wenxi put it on him.

Whale was always smiling.


Qi Wenxi looked at it and thought that such a little whale was a little cute. She couldn't help but folded the collar of her coat and clasped it tightly, "Our little pig whale is acting handsome again today."

Whale frowned slightly, Qiqi always likes to use this word to tease her.

"Why am I a pig whale? I'm cool, okay?" Whale murmured, expressing that she was cool, and she didn't want to be a pig.

Qi Wenxi pinched Whale's red face, it was really nice to pinch Whale's face when she was drunk.

Well, Qi Wenxi thought that Jing Lin was a little drunk.

"Huh? How cool is it? I only know that someone has been drinking so much alcohol today. I guess you will be sleepy later. I'll call a cab in advance." Qi Wenxi helped the whale to stabilize and motioned him not to move. She came to call a car.

It's just that the whale on top of "Drunken" looked at Qi Wenxi's graceful figure in the night, and was a little confused.

She admitted that Qi Qi made her more intoxicated than high-concentration spirits.

"I can hug you." While Qi Wenxi was not paying attention, Jing Lin instantly hugged Qi Wenxi with one hand.

"Jingling! Let me down, someone will see you on the road." Qi Wenxi screamed, she was embarrassed, just happened to pass a car, and the people inside were still looking at them.

Whale is unrelenting, she doesn't care what others think.

She liked to stick to Qi Wenxi and didn't want to leave for a moment.

Whale Lin tightly locked Qi Wenxi's waist, arched his head against Qi Wenxi's pleasant neck, and almost pressed his alcohol-smelling lips to Qi Wenxi's face.

"Qiqi, today is the fifth day. You promised Little Pig Whale. We can do that on the fifth day..."

Qi Wenxi was still thinking about taking a taxi, but suddenly there was such a sticky and low-pitched **** in her ear, and she felt a voice reminding her, which made her shiver uncontrollably.

After she became pregnant, she had three chapters with Whale, and she could only do it every five days.

Whale grumbled for a long time before agreeing.

So, is it the fifth day so soon?

Qi Wenxi always felt that the marks from the last time had not disappeared.

She poked Whale's hand, indicating that the other party was not allowed to put pressure on her, which was very heavy.

"Jing Lin, you remember so clearly, are you drunk or not?" Qi Wenxi looked at Jing Lian's state and was a little skeptical.

Whale humming, she even opened her mouth and poked Qi Wenxi's neck lightly, "I'm drunk, I'm really drunk, but I remember the fifth day, it was very deep in my mind."

Qi Wenxi was a little helpless, she wanted to push away Jing Lian, but the other party was covered in the smell of alcohol.

"You're all drunk and smells of alcohol all over. Little Pig Whale is a dirty little pig now. I will dislike it." Qi Wenxi said this deliberately. She hoped that Whale would let her go tonight and do it when she wakes up tomorrow. , she can't escape anyway.

How could Jinglin accept Professor Qi Wenxi's certain statement next time, but she looks forward to the stars and the moon every day for the fifth day, and she immediately said that she is a clean cub.

"Tonight the little pig whale is clean and waiting for you!"


Whale Girl: Let’s talk about it, go up or be chosen one. (smelly face jpg)

[This chapter grabs the message Baozi sends red envelopes~]



Nutrient solution in hand, plus more wood? ! There are only 6 bottles, all for you, hum nutrient solution in hand, plus more wood? !


It's over, a whale has begun to call herself a piglet whale

hahaha so cute

If you don't update the text, how can I buy the text, if I don't buy the text, how can there be nutrient solution, what do you say!

Hahahahahaha, these two are so cute (??.??)

so cute so cute so cute

Professor Qi: You've already had two pots, don't drink it

Whale: Drink another lake!

In a few months, my colleagues in the school will watch the whales with a grassland~

The little pig whale is so cute, where can there be such a powerful pig whale

come on

I feel that it is interesting to drink wine slowly. It’s really uncomfortable to simply drink and mix wine.


Read The Duke's Passion