MTL - Low Temperature Dependence-Chapter 2

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Clouds covered the sky, and tears were shed all day.

Along the way, Qi Wenxi drove the car calmly, and there was no expression on her face.

Only her hand holding the steering wheel could vaguely reveal her emotions.

It was not until she drove the car to the place where she would come to pick up flowers every time that she took a deep breath and eased her tense and depressed mood.

White iris.

It was her mother's favorite flower when she was alive.

"You're here, I thought you wouldn't come on a rainy day today."

The flower shop owner who heard the sound of the wind chimes on the door raised his head and saw the familiar black figure, and immediately said hello.

Qi Wenxi put the umbrella on the shelf at the door, sorted out the slightly wet sleeves, and walked in.

"It rains at this time of the year, have you seen me not coming?" Qi Wenxi took the florist's white iris and said lightly.

"Well... it seems that too, you really come every time these years." Boss Yu looked at Qi Wenxi with a smile, thought about it, and sure enough, he never left.

Miss Wenxi is always like this, her brows and eyes are downcast, as if she was born with a melancholy and desolate temperament.

It is precisely because of this that when the other party came to his flower shop to buy flowers for the first time, he thought that this woman had run out of a mental hospital. On such a heavy rainy day, she was wet and like a ghost standing in the flowers that closed early. store front.

Just asking: Hello, is there any white iris in the store?

Boss Yu recalled that the clips at that time were both terrifying and funny. At that time, she was really frightened by Qi Wenxi. After all, on a stormy night, a woman in white clothes suddenly stood at the door. Who wouldn't be afraid? .

"The flower has been perfectly arranged, here it is for you." Boss Yu handed the arranged white iris to Qi Wenxi and asked him to take a look.

Qi Wenxi took the elegant white iris, looked at it carefully, and said sincerely, "It's beautiful, thank you."

Boss Yu looked strange, he quickly waved his hand, and took a plastic-sealed handbag from the cabinet to pack the flowers for the other party, so as not to be exposed to the rain on this rainy day.

"Really, you are being polite to me," Boss Yu carefully packed the flowers, scolded the other party, then returned to the bar next to him, ready to wash his hands and make a cup of scented tea for Wenxi, "It will be cold when it rains today. , I'll make you a cup of tea, drink it before you go."

"No need, Boss Yu, I want to go early, in a hurry." Qi Wenxi thanked the flower shop owner for her kindness. She wanted to visit her parents and grandpa earlier.

Boss Yu saw Qi Wenxi's insistence, and did not persuade him to stay.

When the other party picked up the rain gear and was about to go out, she just remembered that she heard rumors from neighbors when she opened the store today, and she didn't know if it was true or not.

"Wait a minute, are you going to Suirong Avenue later?"

"Well, what's wrong?" Qi Wenxi nodded, a little puzzled.

"I heard people say this morning that Suirong Avenue and the road to the north were all blocked, and they said that there was an accident there or what was going on. The specifics are not clear, anyway, the road is still blocked. "

Qi Wenxi thanked Boss Yu for reminding her. She held up her umbrella, held the bouquet carefully in her arms, and quickly got into the car parked on the side of the road.

She checked the news, and there was no news that Suirong Avenue was blocked, but just in case, she decided to take a detour.

She looked through the car window, and the rain outside the window didn't seem to want to stop.

The other side road has significantly more vehicles than usual, probably because Suirong Avenue is really closed.

After she drove halfway, the car radio slowly broadcast the road condition information. For example, the blockade of Suirong Avenue was caused by construction. After she said it, it was quickly covered by other news.

Although the detour we are taking now is indeed a bit detoured, fortunately it is still flat and a little easier to drive.

Suirong used to be only an hour away, but now it takes about an hour and a half.

On the mountain road she passed by, it seemed that she was the only car driving forward.

Also, on a cloudy and rainy day like this, people who are okay will not come to this mountain.

Although the bottom of the mountain is the sea area known as the "blue gem", a cemetery was built on a part of the top of the mountain.

Many times, the beach is very lively and there are many tourists, and the mountain is sparsely populated, which is taboo for everyone.

And she couldn't come here because today was the anniversary of her parents' death.

Once in this world, the only people who cared about her, the tombstones of her parents and grandfather were in the cemetery on this mountain.

The autumn rain has been falling, and the raindrops beat on the car window to make a pattering sound.

This had to cheer up Qi Wenxi, who was a little tired, and slowed down.

Just after she passed through the tunnel, she saw a rickety old gentleman in front of him walking slowly by the side of the road. He was walking on the road alone on such a rainy day, without any rain gear.

Walking slowly on crutches.

Her car passed by the old man's house.

After 30 seconds of driving out, she finally stopped.

Looking at the lonely figure in the wind and rain through the rearview mirror, she suddenly thought of her grandfather.

So, Qi Wenxi took out the spare umbrella in the car, and quickly trotted to the old gentleman, and handed the umbrella that had not been unsealed to the old man.

The white-haired old man, who was still walking slowly on the side of the road, immediately raised his head and looked suspiciously at the girl who gave him the umbrella.

He smiled instinctively, then shook his head to reject the other's kindness.

He was not afraid of such rain at all, and it was even quite pleasant for him.

But I saw the girl silently stuffed the umbrella to him, and then walked forward decisively.

The old man had no choice but to hold up the black umbrella in his hand, and thank him with a smile before he got into the car.

"Thank you, kind little girl, the gods will definitely take care of you."

His voice was full of energy, forming a subtle sense of incongruity with his hunched body.

Hearing the old gentleman's thanks through the sound of rain, Qi Wenxi nodded gently and immediately drove on the road.

about ten minutes later

She parked the car at the entrance of the cemetery and took out the bunch of white irises from the car.

"On a rainy day like this, only you can insist on visiting them. I also heard that Suirong Avenue is closed, and fewer people come here."

Qi Wenxi wrote the registration form at the tomb guard at the entrance, listening to the other person talking.

After writing the registration, he nodded his thanks to the other party, and then went to the cemetery alone with a black umbrella.

She usually stayed for an afternoon, standing quietly in front of her parents' tombstones, cleaning up some scattered fallen leaves, and it took a long time to say a word.

"Mom and Dad, my life is still the same, you don't have to worry over there, I work hard every day to live, I..."

She still hung her head, the corners of her mouth tightly closed.

She probably won't be able to say the words "I miss you so much" in her life, and it is precisely because of these words that her parents will leave her forever.

Qi Wenxi squatted down slowly, looked at the photo on the tombstone with a sad face, and wiped it carefully.

Suddenly, a voice she had never heard before came from a distance, low and majestic, like a strange sound emanating from the depths of the ocean at 20,000 meters.

She frowned slightly, until she heard this strange low voice again, she stood up instantly and raised her head, looking at the sea area of ​​​​Linhai that seemed to be very close and far away.

At this moment, the beach was empty, but the sea gradually gathered colorful colors, slowly and abnormally surrounding in a vortex.

Everything is so weird.

Qi Wenxi stared silently at the strange sea for a long time, as if attracted by the gorgeous sea water.

When she left the cemetery, she even took the initiative to ask the tomb keeper if he had seen the strange scene of the river under the mountain. The tomb keeper looked at her like a monster, and even comforted her not to live in the past, but to look forward. .

Until she was on her way down the mountain, she kept repeating the treacherous scene just now in her mind, as if her soul had been summoned.

When she realized it, she was already standing alone on this quiet and cold beach.

The cold rain wet her whole body, and the cold made her shiver.

She looked at this sea of ​​​​without a single person and the gorgeous sea water, and the whole person was stunned.

She seriously wondered if she had recently suffered from mental stress, severe insomnia, and taking a lot of escarpone, which caused her to have deranged hallucinations.

If not, is this a strange situation before the end of the world?

Qi Wenxi smiled self-deprecatingly for what she thought for a moment, she patted her face to make herself sober, she didn't want to appreciate this kind of world miracle she had conceived here, just when she was about to turn around and leave.

The huge colorful vortex on the sea instantly regained its calm, and the sky and the sea suddenly darkened.

Just the second Qi Wenxi looked up, a fifteen-meter-high turbulent wave suddenly emerged from the bottom of the sea.

This weird and terrifying black tide appeared in front of her like a huge sky, giving her no time to think, and instantly engulfed the entire beach, and together with her, she was involved in the terrifying deep-sea monster.

The turbulent waters swallowed everything relentlessly, and she sank quickly in the Black Sea.

It was dark all around.

Is she going to die?

She didn't have the strength to survive in this rapid current. She felt that her lungs were filled with sea water, and her mouth was filled with a strong smell of rust. After entering her ankle, the sore spread with the toxins under the stimulation of the icy sea water, and she had already lost consciousness.

It is said that people will flash back many past events and fragments in their minds before death.

But she didn't, only the dark waters and the endless murmur of the bottom of the sea.

That weird sound again.

The low voice that was getting closer and closer made Qi Wenxi shudder. She knew what her blood would attract.

She didn't want to be shark feed.

But it seems it's too late...

Just as she was about to accept her fate, a light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

The golden light and dark light was sharp and cold, and in the dark and icy sea water, it was like a pair of eyes staring at her tightly.

Until it became clearer and clearer in the dark, she suddenly had a strange hope, she wanted to reach out and grab it, but it was so far away.

If there is a **** in this world,

If it really exists,


"Please... help me. 』


This chapter still randomly grabs a message and sends a red envelope to the little baby~



Deep Sea Dreader has fainted

I didn't want to recharge, because once I recharge, I can't stop, but this article perfectly fits my sexuality, what should I do? hum hum

It's Scotty!

I'm coming

Here comes my wife~


Always think of Chenghua Avenue. . .

The white German irises on campus are blooming these days

Dusk de Camissama

Keep your paws!

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes