MTL - Machine Storm-Chapter 426 battle of glory

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The nickname is a bit intentional to create panic. In Li Hao's view, it is essentially a kind of psychic supernatural power. People's resistance is the lowest when they are asleep. It is also divided into tiers, reaching a certain level is indeed quite a threat. Li Hao searched for a while before, but he didn't expect to meet here, but he underestimated Zuo Xiaotang's ability to resist, and he was creating a threat for Zuo Xiaotang's dream. When the death was terrifying, he encountered a strong backlash, which also attracted Li Hao's attention. After discovering it, he immediately followed the clues to find the other party. He was a staff member of the Galaxy Center, and in all likelihood, it was a disguise. Naturally, this kind of person Li Hao would not Let it go, he wants to know the mastermind behind the scenes.

With Li Hao's ability, the opponent had no room to resist at all. The surprise and shock were like seeing a ghost. Li Hao didn't intend to yell at the opponent and directly controlled the opponent's consciousness. However, he still underestimated the opponent's preparation. As soon as the word "Noah's Ark" was spit out from the killer's mouth, it exploded.

The guy has a miniature bomb buried in his body, and Noah's Ark is the signal to activate.

This is nothing new in Noah's Ark. The question is, why did Noah's Ark attack Zuo Xiaotang?

If he finds out that he has been fighting against them, he should also be the one who attacked, and he feels that the level of the killer is slightly lower. Even if Li Hao didn't find out, Zuo Xiaotang probably just had a very tired nightmare.

Another motivation is related to the S game, don't want Tianjing Jiwu to win and don't want to be too obvious?

Who has such a motive, and who can contact Noah's Ark?

There are quite a few people with motives. It is possible on Mars, but it is relatively low. Not to mention that the price of dream magicians on the dark net is astonishing. can be ruled out.

Cillian is the most doubtful target, but if he makes the move, he seems very low. He probably wouldn't look for such a half-baked guy. Dream magicians have little room to play when they meet strong-willed people with a strong golden zone. Based on his understanding of the three dreams, it would not be so funny.

The Galactic Troopers guy?

Maxis is a dry person, he doesn't know much, he is capable, ambitious and has his own ideas, but if he says to find someone to do this for the S game, it is somewhat unreasonable.

Li Hao is not sure if this is Noah's Ark's direct attack, or if someone else just found Noah's Ark this organization.

"Ah, second brother, is there really a dream maker?" Kevin was excited, "Ah, it's a pity to die!"

"It's a modified person with an audio bomb, but this kind of killer doesn't know too much. The news hasn't been reported. The Galaxy Center should be handled in secret, and the security has become stricter. The people from Noah's Ark have infiltrated quite deeply. I just don’t know who’s behind it.”

"Will it have something to do with Xilian?" Kevin asked. To be honest, Xilian has the most ability and can definitely arrange people into the center of the galaxy.

"It's very unlikely."

"I think so too. Based on the three chapters of his dreams, if he really wants to kill, he won't just send one person. This person likes to play tricks, but the structure will not be so small, and your revenge must be considered. What a promise!" Ya's Ark initiated it on its own initiative, and it seems that the scale is a bit smaller, who could it be?" Kevin also thinks it's unlikely, the fight between Xili, An and Li Hao is not, it's the kind of ordinary people.

"Second brother, do you want to scare the snake away?" Kevin suddenly smirked, "Tell Xilian about this directly, and see his reaction?"

Li Hao snapped his fingers, "This is good."

He also wanted to see how Xilian would react. With Xilian's pursuit of perfection, he would not allow anyone to mess up his stage.

Cillian was in a very good mood recently, until receiving information from Li Hao, Anrita and Mar had already stood in front of Cillian, obviously feeling the anger under the calm face of the boss.

"Have you checked the person who died yesterday?"

Of course, this kind of thing can't be hidden from Xilian, but he didn't pay much attention to it. This S match is like a beautiful cake that he resurrected. It has been prepared for a long time, and now someone wants to bury flies in it, disgusting him.

"Master, he is a modified person. The miniature bomb is blown to pieces. It belongs to the voice-activated type. The T57 type is circulated in the black market in the space city. It is a commonly used model on the dark web. The specific purpose has not been found out yet." Mal said.

"This is a dream maker. He attacked Zuo Xiaotang yesterday and was backlashed." Xilian said flatly.

Mal was silent for a while, "Not one of us."

An Lita understood, "Boss, this must have nothing to do with us. There is something wrong with this matter. I just met with Zuo Xiaotang, and something happened in the evening. The result is still in our best interest. Is there someone who wants to frame us?" ?”

"Mar, go and find out. I don't want a second time during the finals. There are rules everywhere. The dark web has its own territory. Be careful not to cross the line."

"Yes, master." Mal bowed and stepped back.

"Li Hao doesn't know, the boss won't be so unprofessional if he wants to make a move," An Lita said with a smile, and now everything is moving in the direction that Xilian wants. This kind of thing is purely disgusting, "But It also helped us to test Zuo Xiaotang's strength, being able to block the dream maker shows that he is not as stupid as he looks."

Xilian nodded, "Find some time to express condolences. The guest has been wronged, so we can't be stingy."

"Could it be Maxis?" An Lita said, this kid is a bit ambitious, and he was not willing to be dormant back then. With the support of the Milky Way and Tianxinliu, and the blessing of the champion, it is difficult to maintain a little swell and a little crooked thinking.

Hillian waved his hand, "From his character and motivation, the possibility of such behavior is extremely low and can be ruled out."

An Lita pursed her lips, seemingly unwilling.

"You want to say that it is because of this that he has the possibility of doing something. If you think this way, you will fall into the hands of the mastermind behind the scenes." Xilian smiled, "Don't worry too much about it, this kind of thing won't make it to the stage It’s a small means, and the layout is limited, the current priority is the S game, and the rest can be released later.”

"Yes, boss." An Lita smiled sweetly.

In fact, this incident caused a great shock in the entire high-level of the Galaxy City. After all, it happened in the center of the Galaxy, and when it was so sensitive, internal martial law was affirmed. The security force was fully strengthened, and all relevant personnel conducted further investigations. .

Tianjing Jiwu didn't make any big moves here, Zuo Xiaotang didn't know what happened, what to eat, what to drink, the next few days are crucial to Tianjing Jiwu's team members, everyone They are all in the best condition, have the best training opponents, and their mental state and physical state are constantly rising. This is the best time for a breakthrough. The interpretation of combat and the understanding of mechs are constantly improving.

Human beings are extremely metamorphosed creatures in the environment, especially Musashi. Every time he returns from injury, he will be full of strength. The background and daily training of the samurai is to reserve potential and rebound with stronger strength when encountering high-pressure situations. Musashi also communicated with Wu Xun through Tianxun and asked for advice. In the process of growing up, he will have a new understanding of some ancient martial arts of the Wu family.

Ma Long is very focused. He likes to be noticed. That kind of excitement and sense of presence allow him to devote himself to training with a hundred times of concentration. It is impossible to be comprehensive. As for the trump card, the masters who come to help can solve his doubts.

Zhou Naiyi received the full support of Ao Fei, and Ao Fei and Yinhe have played against each other a lot, so they know their styles better.

Tianjing Jiwu has entered the best state, and the same Galaxy team has no distractions. In this regard, the strong team also understands what it means to focus. All social media are closed. Every member of the team as strong as the Galaxy team understands that they have won. What champions look like, and what they look like when they lose.

In this world, victory or defeat determines destiny.

The first match of the semi-finals between the North Carolina Rossi team and the Hailong team is about to start. The glorious North Carolina Rossi, the hope of the people on earth, and the strong contender for the championship, the Nine-headed Dragon Chao Qinglong is once again on the way to the championship.

Against Sea Dragon, no matter how you look at it, it is the top lottery. The Galaxy Center has been merged into a whole, and millions of viewers have poured in. "Cheering for the battle I supported, the two teams have already appeared on the stage, the solidarity of the mountains and the tsunami, the status is full, and the live broadcast The instant popularity started at 29 billion, which is the solid prestige accumulated over the years.

In Inuico City in North America, the largest city in America, countless people gathered on the Avenue of Stars to watch the scene. At this time, the North Carolina Rose Race is like a holy place. It carries the hopes of countless mecha fans. Sai is also the strongest one.

Players from both sides:

North Carolina Rossai team: Chao Qinglong, captain of UU Kanshu, Victoria, vice captain, Yetong, Demichelis, Lu Gang, Alfonso, substitute,

Sea Dragon Team: Xilian, captain, An Lita, vice captain, Klein, Li Xiangshan, Davari, Silla, substitute,

In the semi-finals, each contestant had the opportunity to stand alone under the spotlight. The host showed his strength and shouted his name, and the audience on the scene responded with deafening cheers. Under the spotlight, he was unique.

The faces of the North Carolina Rossi players were calm. They had such experience and were full of strength. As a newcomer, Yetong was extraordinarily dazzling, without the slightest nervousness of a newcomer.

On Hai Long's side, apart from Li Xiangshan, who is an old man, the others are all newcomers. In fact, Li Xiangshan has no experience in standing in the semi-finals, and his mentality is also one of the problems that plagued Hai Long in pre-match predictions. The other one is Krypton Gold King Xilian. The level of Liu Xinwu, but he is still engaged in scientific research in front of him, genius is sure, but this talent is a bit complicated, how can he perform, and such a good opportunity to train himself in the S competition is missed one by one , Looking at the normal course of Tianjing Jiwu, everyone has recalled it. This is also what the anchor experts are worried about. Which one of the previous S game kings did not come out of hard battles? To be strong is to stand at the top in the end.