MTL - Machine Storm-Chapter 429 Little girl, do you want to know how Nangong Yuhang died?

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They understood what Li Hao said this time. The top experts first rob the space, which is the coverage of the combat radius by the golden zone. Klein has formed a coverage control over Victoria. Under Klein's control.

This is not a level worse.

In fact, it's not just Victoria, this kind of battle is beyond the imagination of Tita and others. They are still at the level of skills versus skills and tactics versus tactics just like Victoria.

Tita and the others don't have many memories, but the other Apocalypse people, seeing this scene, really realized what Xilian's return means. The core of Shadow Whistle is back. They are confident and proud of their five years of experience And experience, in the eyes of these super geniuses is simply a joke.

In the first game, Klein wins!

The victorious Klein seemed a little unsatisfactory. After all, he couldn't do real swords and guns. He didn't see blood. He gestured to the camera with cute scissors.

The Moon people are collectively explosive. Victoria plays other positions as easily as **** eating mung beans. This happens every year. Many teams in the Moon fall under his hands, and he likes to play other positions. The sniping made many strong players unable to perform, it was disgusting to death, and today, he also experienced the pain of being sanctioned.

The people on the moon also realized that the Sea Dragon team is the first in this mid-season game, and it may be the real number one!

The pressure came directly to the side of North Carolina Rossi. The only thing they expected was that Klein would be deserted or stagnant in the past five years. If not, there was no way. The current situation is that Klein's power has been completely beyond imagination. What have they been doing for the past five years?

In the live player area, Offie and others felt a huge gap. Klein is best at speed, and he hardly played it. In terms of telekinetic power, Klein crushed Victoria's first rank. Breaking through hidden insights is probably the foundation of Tanglang. Back then, Klein was the ceiling for the insight of apocalypse, and these tricks were children's play in front of him.

It's not that the previous performance was mediocre, but that the opponent is not worthy at all. The current North Carolina Rossi can make Hai Long a little more serious-accounted for.

Hillian came back out of the rivers and lakes, not to make trouble with you!

If it wasn't for Li Hao's return to the S game this year, I still don't know what kind of scene it would be. At this moment, not only the people on Earth, but also the Martians and Titans felt the heavy pressure. Tianjing Jiwu's growth and characteristics are visible to the naked eye Give everyone a sense of reality, with advantages and disadvantages, everyone feels that they can fight, but Hai Long is unfathomable, and it gives everyone a pressure to surrender.

Not to mention other federations, the Big Dipper also has their own thoughts. The five years when Xilian disappeared were the five years when a hundred flowers bloomed and a hundred schools of thought contended. So after Xilian came back, everyone didn't care too much. Just give some face. And Xilian didn't make any moves, which made everyone think that he had lived up to his courage. With Xilian's character, would he settle accounts later? how to count?

After enjoying freedom, everyone doesn't want to go back to the past, but the king's arrival will not care what you think.

In the second round, Yetong stood up, and Lu Gang and the others looked at Yetong. This was North Carolina Rose's big killer. The closer to Hai Long, Yetong showed more maturity.

The Yetong in front of Li Hao is completely different from the Yetong in North Carolina.

At this time, Yetong's eyes were also very calm. She knew what she was here for, so she nodded towards Qinglong.

"Go, be careful of An Lita's illusion." Chao Qinglong said softly.

Yetong didn't change his expression, his expression was still cold and arrogant, "I'm Yetong, Nangong Yuhang's younger sister!"

Hai Long is playing against the vice-captain An Lita. Under the absolute advantage, Hai Long didn't play any tricks. They are experiencing it. After five years, they can finally enjoy the world and kill all opponents. This is their favorite program. This Who would be willing to be lonely at this age?

The scene is also full of expectations for Anlita. Anlita, Yetong, Zhou Naiyi, Tita, and Offie are also star-studded female pilots this year, but compared to the dazzling combat skills of Zhou Naiyi and others, Anli Tower's performance was amazing, powerful but not so exaggerated, and easily entered the quarterfinals.

Cool Yetong, the youngest player in the top 16, tall and stern, from the ancient martial arts family on Earth, Supernova, North Carolina Rose, all kinds of labels mean that Yetong is the focus, and her performance in front of her is indeed very good.

An Lita always gives people a very **** look, and her smile is easy to fascinate, but she is actually a very soft-looking beauty.

As soon as these two appeared on stage, the atmosphere of the audience immediately increased, and it was also very lively in the live broadcast room. When the beauty and the mecha were together, there was nothing to stop them.

Combat scene one by one arena.

An Lita, the core of Shadow Whistle back then, and Xilian's most capable subordinate, Yetong knew that if he didn't defeat An Lita, he was not qualified to challenge Xilian.

Yetong sacrificed the black night saber!

An Lita chose the Phantom Fighter.

Two mobile suits appear in the arena. Here, the two sides have no room for maneuver, and the most direct battle will be given, and the effects of abilities such as stealth and mimicry in the arena mode will be greatly reduced.

From this point of view, Yetong has certain advantages. The pre-match analysis of An Lita's abilities actually occupies a considerable part in concealment. Back then, An Lita was famous for illusion, and her willpower and mental power were slightly weaker. They will be interfered or even controlled by her. It is definitely a big killer in the hands of Xilian. It was not until she met Li Hao that An Lita knew what it meant to hit a steel plate. Of course, people like Nangong Yuhang Chaoqinglong and others are not likely to receive interference. , The will and determination of these people can be called terrifying, and there will be no obvious flaws for An Lita to target.

Therefore, resisting Anrita's mental abilities will be the key to this battle. It depends on whether Yetong's mind is firm enough. Another advantage is that this is a mech battle, not a pilot battle, and it is also good for Anrita. Certain losses.

Yetong's eyes were red, the golden zone opened, red flames enveloped the Night Fighter, the blood moon unsheathed, the flames transpired, and Yetong showed his ability when he came up. ,

The corner of An Lita's mouth on the opposite side has a **** and strange smile. Nangong Yuhang's sister, how can you not make people feel distressed? An Lita's eyes are full of black flames, but the black gives people a colorful look. Feeling, covered with black flames, starting with the titanium sword.

Under the stage, Zuo Xiaotang was a little obsessed with watching, his heart was pounding, was he hopelessly hopeless,...what's the situation?

At this moment, a voice sounded in Yetong's ear: "Little girl, do you want to know how Nangong Yuhang died?"

Hearing this voice, Yetong's pupils contracted violently. She knew that the opponent would use all means to stimulate her and find her psychological loopholes. This was also An Lita's spiritual method.

Yetong looked at her opponent coldly. She already understood what happened back then during the mid-season game, and there was Nangong Yuhang's own karma in it. If we want to pursue it, it should be the organizer of the apocalypse. An Lita used this to stimulate her and looked down on her too much.

The blood moon was unsheathed, and the night fighter was burning with flames. With a bang, the night fighter rushed in, and at the same time, the phantom fighter also rushed towards the night fighter.

The two mobile suits came to the midfield in an instant, and the blood moon stabbed at the phantom fighter in an instant. On the side of the phantom fighter, the titanium knife in his hand immediately cut into it, dang dang dang dang...

The blood moon and bee sting titanium swords staggered crazily in an instant, and every knife of Yetong carried a strong murderous aura. Basically, Yetong inherited the essence of ancient martial arts and was by no means inferior to any opponent. , looking chaotic but very dangerous, the collision sound of swords, lights and swords bursting, and nearly a hundred knives were blasted in an instant.


Xueyue's high-speed inch-step upward pressure three-in-one plus two-handed knife is a strong main attack, and the word-wrapping formula used, the knife and knife force An Lita to fight head-on with herself. As long as there is a head-on collision, every blow is powerful against the night fighter, and An Lita also has it. To weigh the meaning of Sister Nangong, the bee stinger with both hands did not give in at all, and did not care about the disadvantage of the Phantom Fighter. The bee stinger and the two swords were both offensive and defensive, constantly looking for opportunities to cut into the space, but Yetong's blood moon was really good , An Lita's two-handed sword, one attack and one defense, is quite rhythmic, while Ye Tong's offense and defense are all in the sword move, which has a picturesque visual impact.

Withstood the high-speed series of bee stings in the half-retreat, with a flick of the right leg, the blood moon stabbed An Lita at the end of the attacking posture with a half arc, and almost knocked away the phantom's bee sting titanium knife, which also scared An Lita. Rita jumped, she really didn't expect Yetong to have such a stable and solid resistance.

At the moment when the Phantom Fighter's engine roared and tried to pull it away, there was a bang, and the Night Fighter followed closely in rhythm.

The Phantom Fighter's titanium shield was on top, UU reading made a loud bang, and the fighter flew back directly. An Lita wanted to use her strength to pull it away, but at this time the night fighter's lightning strike came, the blood moon was red and flamed, The flame ability erupted suddenly, instantly covering the Phantom Fighter.

, under the blessing of the billowing flames, the blood moon burst out, An Lita's bee sting directly cross-locked the hard frame, and the titanium gold swords staggered for a moment, An Lita's face changed suddenly, boom.

The raging and huge fire dragon shot out at the moment of contact, the K23 element was radiant, and the phantom fighter was directly blasted out. The flames instantly enveloped the area of ​​more than ten meters around the phantom fighter, and the blazing fire showed no sign of extinguishing.

Nangong Flame Knife flashes the dragon teeth!

Seeing this scene, the supporters of the North Carolina Rose race shouted wildly. Their hearts almost jumped out of Victoria's loss in the first game, but perverts like Klein are rare.

"Excellent!" Musashi couldn't help but said, "She's better than me."

The same Saber of the night, also from the ancient martial arts family, Yetong's basic skills are not inferior to him at all, and he is obviously more proficient in the combination of supernatural powers and ancient martial arts skills. It was not until the moment of the attack that the force was counteracted that there was a sudden critical strike.