MTL - Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)-v8 Chapter 86 Talk with the goblins

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"The president is an adult, and the front is the king city of the goblin family." The former captain of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guard, the current commander of the Magic Cloud mainland, human Hart pointed to a group of black shadows on the horizon, to the side of Xu Yidao .

"Mr. Xu, we will immediately launch the general attack!" I didn't wait for Xu to talk, and the other side of the skin was going to play. The Ens Continental Elf was slightly dark. The magical mainland native male elf Verus looked excited and excited. Look like it. "In front of our army, the goblins certainly can't resist!"

"Yeah, Xu Huichang, since I have already come here, what are you waiting for? These goblins are now only dare to shrink in this so-called king city, and the courage to come out against us is gone." This time, it was the representative of the indigenous dwarfs of the Devil Clouds, Mayn Firehammer.

"Yes, they must have been scared by us!" The voice of Ke Weiyin, the representative of the indigenous gnome of the small magic cloud, was very loud. "We should be mad at the moment and kill them!"

"Yeah, Xu will grow up, don't give these goblins any chance to breathe. The goblins have at least 10 million on the magic cloud mainland. If you give them time to organize them, then we are very It’s troublesome.”

Xu Yi’s gaze fell on the last of the devil’s indigenous human representative, Mens, and nodded lightly.

The indigenous peoples around these magic clouds have apparently been bullied by the goblins. The resentment of the goblins is extremely deep. Now, I finally see the opportunity to destroy the goblin and turn over to be the master of the magic cloud. It is natural. Anxious.

But in so many races, only representatives of indigenous humans consider it more comprehensively.

I don't know if this is because the advantage of the race itself is caused by the excellent qualities of Mens, who represents itself.

Then turned to look at the so-called Gemini kings who occupied a large area of ​​land in the distance, but it was a mess, and there was no city at all. Xu also narrowed his eyes, but did not immediately agree to their request and immediately ordered an attack.

After letting go of the things on the mainland of Sainz, most of Xu’s energy was placed on the magic cloud continent.

And to complete the development of the Magic Cloud continent, it is imperative to remove the obstacles of the Goblin family.

So after two years of preparation. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce in the Devil Cloud Continental Sub-base and other indigenous ethnic groups in the Devil Clouds launched a large-scale sweeping operation against the Goblin Group.

The reason why it is a big sweep, not a war, is that Xu also feels that this cannot be called war at all.

In front of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce **** equipped with a large number of advanced military magic machinery. You can only rely on the goblin who can't be called a strong body and extremely simple weapons. There is no power to fight back.

Before the goblins were able to claim the king on the magic cloud continent, the most important reason is that they have extremely terrible quantitative advantages.

However, in the face of the extremely powerful and large-scale anti-military military magic machinery owned by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guard, no amount of advantages is meaningless.

Often the goblins gather a huge number of tens of thousands or even tens of thousands. It was only under the gunfire attack of the New Flyer Guards that it was declared in less than a few minutes.

So this way down, it is simply sweeping.

If it is not because Xu also hopes to be able to stabilize the market, after occupying each new area, it will build a bunker to stabilize the defense, and then build roads and railways to connect the traffic, and make the occupied area into a piece of iron, with the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guard and Goblin. Their exaggerated disparity in combat power, as early as four years ago, I am afraid that I have already captured this so-called Gnome king city.

Now that the four-year mopping operation has begun, the area controlled by the new Feishang Chamber of Bases has been around 50,000 square kilometers. It has reached millions of square kilometers in one fell swoop and has risen hundreds of times!

Nowadays, with the Amrit Chamber of Commerce, the new Feifei Chamber of Commerce has laid down the road and rail transportation network under the name of more than half of the land of the Magic Cloud, and has actually controlled these areas, so that the goblins have no way to start.

As long as the former Jingjing king city was attacked, the only recognized kingship within the Gnome was dissipated, and the goblin on the magic cloud continent had no room for resistance.

But... Xu also does not intend to do this.

"Hart, go and arrange it, let the guards look like they are attacking the city, but don't really attack." Xu also commanded.

Hart looked at Xu with a puzzled look. But did not ask more, and led to death.

The other representatives of the indigenous ethnic groups around the Magic Cloud were horrified and could not help but reveal a puzzled look.

"Mr. Xu Changchang, you... Is there any other plan?" Still the indigenous human representative Mens saw some clues. I asked Xu Yi as much as I thought.

"Yes, I am going to talk with the goblins." Xu also nodded.

"And peace talks?" Everyone around them showed a shocked look.

"Mr. Xu, why do you want to talk?" Mayn? The fire hammer is a dwarf on the magic cloud continent, but the temper is similar to the dwarves on the mainland of Sainz. It is also hot and straightforward, and immediately asks: " We are fully capable of solving these goblins in one go. Why bother to talk? Besides these goblins are never worthy of trust, what are they talking about?"

"Yeah, Xu Huichang. What is the significance of peace talks with the goblins?" Verus was puzzled. "Even if your new flyers want to get something from the goblin, just destroy them, what can't you get?"

"Unfortunately, what I want is their own." Xu Yiyi suddenly blocked the questions of everyone around him. "It’s no problem to kill all the goblins. It’s not too difficult. But have you ever thought about where to find so many people after killing the goblins?”

"Manpower?" Everyone around them looked at each other.

"Mr. Xu Changchang, you should not want these goblins to work for your new flying business club?" Mens asked cautiously. "I am afraid..."

"You all think that the goblins are not credible, so can't you use them?" Xu Yixiao asked.

The indigenous ethnic representatives looked at each other and nodded.

In the eyes of these indigenous gods, the goblins are the biggest enemy that has plagued them for thousands of years.

Now there is a chance to destroy the goblins in one fell swoop, and of course they hope to be able to do it once and for all.

As for the goblins, they are not credible... that is not a matter of course!

"It may be like this to you. I also understand why you have this idea. But in my opinion, this is actually something that doesn't matter. The goblins are not credible? No problem, I haven't said that I have to trust them. Isn't it? What I need is only their own, not trust. We also have a large number of goblin workers in the Amway Chamber of Commerce and now. From an objective point of view, if you don’t pay attention to the low IQ of the goblins They only need to use their simple labor, then these goblins are very good workers."

Regarding the situation mentioned by Xu. Everyone around them has actually seen it in these years, and naturally it is very clear.

"But... Xu will be long, it's just because the number of these goblins is not enough now. They don't dare to make troubles and resist. If the number is too much... then it's hard to say." Verus still tried to convince Xu also.

"As long as we keep the absolute power of the goblins, we don't need to worry about this." Xu also waved his hand. His eyes passed over the faces of the indigenous ethnic representatives. "Still... who do you want to privately hand the military magic machinery to those goblins?"

The crowd quickly shook their heads.

Whoever has nothing to look for to die, will the advanced and so powerful military magic machinery be handed over to the goblins?

You know, even if they have cooperated with the new Feishang Association for so many years, they have only obtained some low-end military magic mechanical supplies from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, which is convenient for them to fight against the goblin.

"Mr. Xu will grow up, you have no need to worry about this. You think, even if someone handed the military magical machinery to those goblins, they will learn how to use it or not?" After saying this, the door Siha laughed.

The representatives of other indigenous ethnic groups around them immediately cooperated with a burst of ridiculous laughter.

"That is, the goblins are still eating raw flesh and blood. I am afraid that even cooking will not be able to cook." After the Mayan fire hammer added, the laughter of the people was even bigger.

The IQ of the goblins is always the target of their ridicule, and they are also an important factor in the face of the goblins who always maintain their sense of superiority. Now, collectively mocking, of course, is not welcome.

However, Xu also does not see it this way.

The IQ of the goblins is not high, but things like IQ can be improved through long-term education.

Judging from the situation in these years when the goblins worked at the New Flyers Chamber of Commerce and the Amrit Chamber of Commerce, in fact, the goblins still have a fairly good learning ability.

If they are given enough education and training, even if they do not reach the level of IQ of other races headed by humans, they will be qualified for ordinary work.

As for the use of military magic machinery. That is not a difficult thing.

From this perspective, Verus's fears are correct.

In the unlikely event that the number of goblins is still absolutely suppressed, and the military magic machinery is mastered, the threat is too great.

However, Xu also has the intention of peace talks with the goblins. Of course, I have already considered this issue long ago, but it is not convenient to disclose it now.

The representatives of other indigenous ethnic groups said that after laughing for a while, seeing Xu still did not change his mind, and he could only helplessly give up the idea of ​​continuing to persuade.

They can now have the opportunity to defeat the Goblin, relying entirely on the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce.

Since the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce can easily defeat the enemy gnomes that they have been unable to defeat for thousands of years, it is of course no problem to want to kill them.

So in front of Xu. They actually don't have any arbitrariness and right to speak. Xu also said how to do it. They can't really have any ability to oppose it.

The indigenous peoples on the magic cloud continent have clearly understood this point for a long time, and the representative of Mens is the most outstanding of all indigenous ethnic representatives.

However, with him and Xu Yitong as human beings, he is born to be closer to Xu and the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce than other races.

This is the natural advantage of indigenous peoples, and the envy of other races is also envious. (~^~)

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