MTL - Magnate Uncle: Starting from Supermarket Shopping with Ten Nephews-Chapter 492 50 million in exchange for a life

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  496, 50 million for one life

  Luo Feng raised his eyebrows.

   "What do you mean by that?"

   "My son is in your hands, right? Let my son out, I can talk to Vidley, let him leave you and your girlfriend alive."

  In short, this is the condition that Ueno Kumazo and Luo Feng negotiated, and Ueno's life was exchanged for Luo Feng's girlfriend.

   Their lives are of course on Vidley's side. His ultimate goal is Luo Feng, not Luo Feng's girlfriend.

  Although he is a member of the military, it does not mean that he can kill innocent people casually.

   What's more, Luo Feng is also a public figure, very influential in the country of cherry blossoms, and even spread to China.

  Many people also know that they, the rumored Uncle Shenhao, have gone to Sakura Country now.

  But if Luo Feng died in the hands of Vidley, it would make things even more difficult.

  He was just trying to vent his anger on behalf of Han Yao, there was no need to take this kind of dirty work on himself, besides, he would get tired of playing with a woman like Han Yao after a while, so there was no need to pay so much for her.

  So as long as Luo Feng obediently handed over Han Shaoqi's villa and the money, he would not make things difficult for him.

   After all, the more noble a person like him is, the less he will gamble his own future, and neither Lin Naizi nor Luo Fengyanba knows this.

  So they came directly to Lotte's villa, because they believed that before that, Vidley would never hurt Bai Ningbing.

   "Unfortunately, I have disappointed you, and I will not agree."

   After Luo Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap.

  He could hear the wishful thinking of Shangye Xiongsan here. If he really agreed to the other party, he would be a complete fool.

  However, he had a new idea after being reminded by Ueno Xiongsan, since the person who captured Bai Ningbing had also colluded with Ueno Xiongsan.

  Then he can ask the other party, and maybe he can find out what the cooperation between them is.

   At that time, he will draw inferences about other cases and use this point to get some information from these two people, and he can make a lot of money again.

  Although his idea at the beginning was not to make money through this matter, he would not let go of the door-to-door business easily.

   "This guy is really toasting and not eating fine wine!"

   On the other side, Ueno Kumazo was so angry that he swung his fist and slammed it on the table.

   Then his eyes changed, and he made a call to Vidley.

   "Mr. Widley, it's me, Kamikuma III."

  At first, Vidley thought it was Luo Feng calling, but unexpectedly it was Ueno. Xiong San was a little disappointed. He is now waiting for the other party to arrive, and then continue to implement his plan.

   "It turned out to be Boss Ueno. What's the matter? I'm going to be busy with another big thing recently. If there's nothing else, I'll talk about it after I'm done."

  Videli hurriedly said to the other party.

  He now has to wait for Luo Feng's call, and immediately connected to Ueno Kumazo's call, so he has no way to answer the other party's call.

   "I know you are waiting for Luo Feng's call. I just talked to him. It's too hateful for the boy to toast and refuse to eat fine wine."

   Ueno Bear San couldn't help complaining that his current situation doesn't look like a boss.

   Mainly because he really hated Luo Feng too much, which led to this situation.

   "If I am like this, after you get what you want, kill these people directly, don't wait any longer."

   Hearing this sentence, Navidelli's eyes gradually narrowed.

   "You mean that you plan to let the other party go? Right?"

   "That's right, I don't plan to let him go anymore, just kill him, it's over, and I will return the one million dollars I gave you as scheduled."

   This is his previous cooperation with the other party. This time he found the other party and offered a bargaining chip of 1 million dollars, hoping that the other party can help him teach Luo Feng a lesson.

   Then rescue his son. Of course, for Wadley, as long as Luo Feng is caught, it will be much easier to deal with those around him.

   "It's a pity that this one is not so expensive now, I need fifty million US dollars."

  However, what Ueno Kumazo didn't expect was that Vidley said such a sentence directly.

   "What did you say? Fifty million? Are you crazy?"

   Ueno Makoto's eyes widened when he heard this.

  He couldn't believe it, and even asked another question uncertainly, but he got an affirmative answer from the other party.

   You must know that what the two of them talked about at the beginning was only one million US dollars.

   At this price, Wild Bear III is still acceptable, although it is not cheap, it is much more expensive than the Yixiu Killer Organization.

   But after all, the other party is from the military region, so he endured it.

  But this time the other party actually asked for 50 million US dollars directly, which is not a small sum.

  Even if he is the chairman of the Ueno Group, if he wants to spend so much money in a short while, he has to weigh whether it is worth it.

  Although he hated Luo Feng very much, but relying on this guy's life in exchange for 50 million US dollars, he still somewhat hesitated.

   Moreover, this guy took 20% of the shares from him. He has suffered a lot now, so he naturally thinks that he can get back the 20% of the shares as soon as possible.

   "What's the matter? Are you a bit reluctant?"

   "Let me tell you the truth, the 50 million US dollars is cheap for you. Let me tell you, the price I offered to Luo Feng is also 50 million."

   "And you are also the one who paid 50 million. If it is lower than this price, why do you think I will help you kill the other party?"

  Videli sneered and said.

  He didn't intend to kill Luo Feng originally, as long as he took the money back, it would be enough for Han Shaoqi's things, and the money would be regarded as mental damage expenses.

  Han Shaoqi will not pursue anything further, after all he and Han Yao are not dead, this is the reality.

   There is no need to make things more serious, but now Ueno Xiong San hopes that he can kill Luo Feng, and at the same time get rid of Luo Feng's girlfriend and his nieces.

  The lives of so many people are added together, and the follow-up of these things is so tricky and troublesome. For only 50 million US dollars, he really wants to make a friend with Ueno Kumasan.

  After all, even if he is a member of the military, it is really difficult to process the names of so many people at the same time, and then no longer expose them. It is not that simple.

   Ueno Kumasan fell silent after hearing the words.

   However, Vidley is not in a hurry.

   "Boss Ueno, you can have a lot of time to think about what to do. I'll leave my words here first, and Luo Feng will be here soon."

   "If we finish the deal with him later and you still haven't received a call, then don't blame me for letting him go."

   "After all, I really have no obligation to kill him myself. You should understand what I mean."

  Originally, he and Luo Feng had no grudges or enmities, and he didn't care about the popularity of Internet celebrities every day.

   All he wants is money.

   As long as money is available, what kind of woman does not have? What kind of resources are not available.

   This is real money, even if it is invested, it will cost a lot of money, so after he inquired about Luo Feng's identity, he resolutely asked for 50 million US dollars.

  Actually, when Han Shaoqi found the other party before, he didn't have any confidence at all. Vidley would really help him. After all, when his sister approached the other party, it was just bullying.

  He is also very clear that in the eyes of everyone in Vidley, there are countless mistresses like his sister, and maybe they don't take them to heart at all.

  But what he didn't expect was that Vidley actually agreed after hearing about it, which surprised him.

   At the same time, he also felt that the other party didn't take them seriously from the beginning to the end, but to kill people with a knife.

  That's right, I just took this opportunity to blackmail Luo Feng and get what I want from the other party.

  He knew that Luo Feng would definitely be able to get the money, if the other party couldn't.

  He didn't need to offer the price of 50 million, Ueno Kumazo knew it from the silence on the phone.

  If he didn’t come up with 50 million US dollars, it would be difficult to buy the lives of these people from Vidley’s hands.

   After taking a deep breath, he nodded.

   "Since you have said that, let's do it according to the method you said. I can give you the 50 million dollars, but there is a premise. I must personally send Luo Feng back to the west. I have to torture him so that I can spend the money worthwhile."

  His hatred for Luo Feng is unquestionable, that's why he thought of doing this, to torture the other party severely, and make the other party pay the due price.

   And he thought about it for a while, if he could take back 20% of Luo Feng's shares, then the 50 million dollars would be nothing.

   After all, the 20% stake is a long-term benefit. As long as his company still exists, the money will generate continuous profits.

  So it can be regarded as an advance of 50 million US dollars in advance. It is a matter of gnashing one's teeth. As the number one investment chaebol, the money can still be returned in time.

   "Smart move."

  Vidri showed a bit of coldness, this time he made a direct profit of 100 million US dollars, which is really not too cool.

  Then hung up the phone, and Luo Feng had completely entered the Lotte Villa area.

  Lin Naiko called him at this time and told him that Wei Deli had seen him now, and Luo Feng's every move was under his surveillance.

  So at this time, Luo Feng must show a kind of attracting technique, absolutely not let the other party know that he has a basis.

   And why there is something to rely on? He also nodded when he heard these words.

   "I see, don't worry, there is a road in the mountains, and I will open up a new road. From this moment on, I will let the mice in the open and dark know that I am Luo Feng, and I am not so easy to mess with."

  Luo Feng's eyes revealed a kind of resoluteness and determination. If he succeeded in killing these people today, then these guys would not dare to offend him anymore.

  After all, they are not fools, Luo Feng is so courageous, if they dare to act recklessly, or make any small gestures, the result will be a dead end.

  Wideli has been watching Luo Feng's car, and found that Luo Feng did not call him after getting off the taxi, nor did he come directly, but just stood where he was, not knowing what he was doing.

  Videli frowned a little, and some didn't quite understand the other party, why he hasn't called yet.

   "What is this guy waiting for?"

  He hopes to hurry up and deal with this matter quickly, and then he can make the next step after taking the money and killing someone.

   Otherwise, he is always procrastinating here, he has other things to do.

   Slowly with the passage of time, Luo Feng is already the leader of Gen Chen, and the other killers have made phone calls.

   Now all the people's positions are ready, and the entire Lotte Villa is surrounded by them.

   Not only that, but even the people around Vidley and the positions of his subordinates are all under the monitoring of Lin Naiko.

   "It's time for me now, can I call him?" Luo Feng had to ask after answering Lin Naiko's call.

   "Don't worry, you don't need to worry about him."

   Lin Naiko said with a smile.

   This is her goal. If Luo Feng is now in a hurry, then the initiative will be on the opponent.

   But on the other hand, if he is not in a hurry, then the initiative will be on the opponent.

   So that's why he keeps holding back the other side.

   "There is no need to be so anxious. Soldiers come to cover up the water. As far as the current situation is concerned, if the other party is anxious, it means that they are really scared."

   "People who don't know will really think you are a psychology expert."

  Luo Feng couldn't help but said after listening to Lin Naiko's analysis.

   Indeed, it is not an exaggeration. The other party seemed to have figured out all of Navidelli's thoughts.

  The rest is to obediently let the other party get into the trap.

   "I don't know if you're praising me or belittling me when you say that." Lin Naiko couldn't help frowning.

  She always felt that Luo Feng was a little yin and yang.

   "Of course I'm praising you, if it weren't for your help, I might not even get up this round this time.

   "So thank you anyway, I will personally treat you to dinner after I am done, but before that, I still have to ask you a lot."

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