MTL - Magnate Uncle: Starting from Supermarket Shopping with Ten Nephews-Chapter 516 Is it worth a billion?

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  Chapter 516 Is one billion worth it?

  Chapter 520 Can one billion afford it?

  The two security guards were stared at by the captain, and they were a little scared and did not dare to act rashly.

   After all, he is a professional veteran specially invited by Lin Naizi, and the eyes alone are already very intimidating.

   Seeing this scene, Jack Bang was about to let his own people do it, but at this moment, a long-lost "di—" sound suddenly sounded.

   This made everyone present fix their eyes on the past.

   "What's the sound?" The captain, who was about to go up the stairs, also turned his head and asked.

  As soon as this sentence came out, the female flight attendant frowned beautifully, "It seems to be transmitted from this machine."

  Her gaze was on the POS machine in her hand.

  At this time, the POS machine made a "click" sound, followed by a piece of white paper slowly printed upwards.

   Seeing this scene, Luo Feng smiled lightly.

   "The POS machine should have responded, so it started printing my receipt, remember to give it to me later."

  When he received the text message just now, he already knew that the POS machine was slow to respond to the data, but in fact he successfully swiped the money away.

  As for why there is no response, it is probably because the amount is too large.

   After all, it takes a lot of time whether it is the bank card to withdraw the account, or including the verification.

   The larger the amount, the longer it will take.

   This is already very common.

  However, everyone thought that Luo Feng couldn't afford so much money, which led them to not think of this.

  The female flight attendant probably didn't think of this, so she thought it was a problem with Luo Feng's card, but it wasn't.

  Hearing what Luo Feng said, Jack Bang sneered.

   "Don't tell me that you swiped the account through the air?"

   "Besides, the appearance of this list can only show that the staff member just successfully swiped with his own bank card. It has half a dime relationship with you. You really know how to save face."

  In his opinion, this matter is absolutely as if Luo Feng said it on purpose.

   It was because everyone was looking at him just now, and he couldn't save face, so he said so.

   Besides, Bai Ningbing is by his side, and he always wants to save face in front of his women.

   But in fact, for Luo Feng, the real clown in his eyes is Jack Bang.

  Everyone's eyes were cast on it, until after the paper was printed, a flight attendant privately put it in the palm of his hand, carefully staring at the content written on it.

  When she saw the dense numbers written on this small ticket, her eyes stared straight. I couldn't believe it, and I couldn't help but exclaimed.

   "This... this... how is this possible?!"

   "What's wrong with you? What's written on it?"

  The captain saw this flight attendant, and it was a bit strange to look like this.

  According to his cognition, this female colleague of his has always been very strict in character, and has never been a person who yells, but now she is a little out of control, which is a bit surprising.

   "Captain...he really succeeded in swiping one billion."

  The waitress said tremblingly, her gaze was on Luo Feng, full of shock.

  Everyone never thought that Luo Feng could really come up with one billion.

   Not only can one billion be taken out, but it can even be understated like this, as if the billion is not taken seriously.

  Thinking of what Luo Feng said just now, the female flight attendant couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

   This time it was them themselves. They missed such a hidden **** with their eyes crooked.

  When Jack Bang said this, his eyes were full of disbelief.

  He kept repeating a sentence.

   "How is it possible? Absolutely impossible! How could he have a billion! Bring it here and let me see!"

   As he said that, he didn't care so much, and directly took the extra ticket from the captain's hand.

  The captain didn't even have time to see clearly, what was written on it was taken away by him.

   After getting the receipt, Jack Bang first glanced at Luo Feng, looking at the other person's still calm expression, he felt a little bit in his heart for some reason.

  But he still lowered his head to look at the contents of the small ticket.

   There are one billion numbers written on it, as well as the time of payment, and there is a barcode behind it.

  This shows that this is not a forgery, and in fact it cannot be a forgery.

  Everyone can see that the ticket was printed from the exit of the POS machine.

   This can only be printed if the real consumption of one billion is possible.

   After watching for several seconds, Jack Bang finally accepted this fact.

   Luo Feng really took out one billion.

   At this time, Luo Feng walked up to Jack Bang, stretched out his hand and snatched the receipt, then, he looked Jack Bang up and down, and said calmly.

   "From now on, your diamond card level is not as high as mine. I think what I said before should still count. You can't get on the plane today."

   As he spoke, he glanced at the captain next to him, and said indifferently to the female flight attendant.

   "I should be right, after all, he also used this method just now, jumping in line and taking the plane in front of us."

   "I think since your company doesn't pay attention to first-come, first-served arrival, and treats it with a hierarchical system, then if I charge the billion, should I be able to land on the plane one step ahead of him?"

   "If he spends more money than me, shouldn't it be time to join them again and let him jump in first?"

  Luo Feng withdrew it, pointed at Jack Bang's finger, and said every word with a high-spirited and condescending spirit.

   "If there are people who are richer than us and directly recharge more money, then your company has always allowed others to jump in line, so what is the point of buying tickets?"

   "If every rich person does this, will your company continue? What about other tourists? Is this your sense of social responsibility? Do you want to show some face?"

  These words were like five thunderbolts, and they seemed to be deafening, constantly exploding in the minds of the captain and the female flight attendant.

  People around were also shocked by what Luo Feng said.

   Immediately, they puffed up their palms in unison.

"well said!"

   "That's right, their company is blind to money!"

   "What kind of rules and regulations are you talking about? It's really shameless. Hurry up and discard it!"

  Many of them, in fact, just came to Ireland for tourism, and some of them were even poor students.

   Everyone is not a rich person, so naturally they are also unhappy about this unfair treatment.

  Because maybe one day it will fall on them, if they connive now, it is tantamount to conniving others to harm themselves.

   Therefore, Luo Feng's actions aroused the exclamation of the audience.

  The captain was also angry, and then said.

   "Sir, your words are a bit serious, but this is our company's rules and regulations. You are also a diamond card member now, and you also enjoy our priority boarding service, so please come up."

  After all, there are quite a few tourists on the Internet who are shooting videos. If this video gets out, it will have an impact on their company.

   It is conceivable that the captain is also an old man in the company, and he knows a little bit of it very clearly. Public opinion will cause the company's stock price to fall.

  If the fuse of this incident falls on him, the consequences will be unimaginable.

  The female flight attendant also walked up to Jack Bang, looked at the dazed other party, and said very apologetically.

   "Sorry, sir, you can only wait until the next flight. If you want to continue to be on the throne before this gentleman, then you need to pay another billion more than this gentleman."

   In the latter sentence, I don’t know why he felt a little bit happy when he said it himself.

  Seeing this, Luo Feng glanced at Jack Bang lightly.

   "Don't you have a high status and a lot of money?"

   "You should be able to easily take out the one billion dollars. Come on, as long as you can take out one billion dollars, I can give you this position."

  Jack gritted his teeth. He is not a fool. If it costs one billion, wouldn't he do nothing?

   And that's a billion dollars! Not ten dollars! Even ordinary rich people dare not say that they can take it out all at once.

  Suddenly, everyone was a little curious about Luo Feng's identity?

  At this moment, Jack Bang only felt his brain buzzing as if it had exploded, as if dozens of flies were constantly spinning around his ears.

   Luo Feng showed a mysterious smile between his brows, which aroused everyone's curiosity.

  Luo Feng didn't know when the luxury plane rewarded by the system would arrive, so he could only wait here. Since waiting is boring, why not fight fish to Jack State.

  Looking at Jack Bang, speechless, Luo Feng folded his arms and said disdainfully.

   "Why is the arrogance just now gone, and now I'm scared?"

  Luo Feng glanced at the other party coldly, thought of something and said again.

   "And this woman next to me, didn't you know that you can make up your mind?"

   "If it weren't for the fact that I just came to this place and didn't want to kill people, you would have already knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

  As soon as he said this, the bodyguards around Jack Bang were upset at first.

   They looked at Jack Bang's teacher Chen Nuo and said.

   "Mr. Jack Bang, can you bear this? Do we need to get rid of this guy directly so that he can feel it again?"

   And those captains were not vegetarians either, they stood in front of Jack Bang and dealt with Luo Feng and the others.

  The captain no longer wants to let this matter ferment, and no matter who the two parties are, they are all special members of their company.

  Although it is true that Luo Feng charged more money and his status is more noble, the problem is that they and they can't offend another diamond card member because of this.

  So, the captain gave the female flight attendant a wink, and the flight attendant hurriedly persuaded her.

   "Sir, the plane is about to take off now, come on quickly."

  Luo Feng shrugged and looked at Jack Bang.

   "Have you seen this guy? He looks at me like a tiger, I don't dare to get on the plane easily."

   "In case I leave on the front foot, won't he take revenge on the remaining people?"

  The female flight attendant was speechless for a while.

  After all, it is true that Luo Feng humiliated Jack Bang severely this time, and there are only eight seats left in the whole plane. If Luo Feng and the others really leave, then these remaining people will probably suffer.

   Luo Feng rolled his eyes, as if he had thought of a way, and continued.

   "But I think we can do it. Another way, for example, you let the two security guards take them all away, lock them up, and release them after all my people leave."

  Of course he was retaliating against Jack Bang for not being able to make him feel better this time. He endured all the way, and now he finally had a chance to fight back.

  Furthermore, Luo Feng also noticed that the Jack gang did not give up on Bai Jinbin. Given time, Bai Ningbing might be in danger.

  So Luo Feng must act first. As for the woman next to Jack Bang, she hardly has the courage to speak up now.

  Because he didn't expect that Luo Feng would actually be able to come up with one billion.

   Jack Bang sneered, "Do you think they are the only ones who dare to do this?"

  The female flight attendants really didn’t dare to do this, they couldn’t afford to offend either of these two parties, and many people on the plane were complaining, and they wanted to rush to the time before Ireland.

  They saw Jack Bang's arrogance, and they didn't dare to act rashly to cause trouble. If they angered the other party and received a beating in vain, then the gain would outweigh the loss.

   But now that they saw Luo Feng, they felt that this young man was quite polite and reasonable, so they began to urge him.

  Luo Feng also said when he saw this situation.

   "It seems that you are a coward, since you have no courage, then please back down."

  Luo Feng waved his hands and walked in front of Bai Ningbing.

  He was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, so he just cursed at the end to have a good time.

  This guy has been insulting them just now, Luo Feng is repaying him in his own way.

  Bai Ningbing said directly.

   "I'll stay and you take the teacher and the others to go first, I won't do that if it's impossible."

  He knew that Luo Feng was trying to vent his anger on him, but this time the plane only had eight seats left.

  In addition, Ireland does not plan to send one more plane every day, and they are destined to have some people stay.

   Luo Feng shook his head, then said something quietly.

   "Don't worry, we will walk together later."

   "Don't worry? Tell me how to go together? There are only eight seats, so we can't go together."

  Bai Ningbing frowned when she heard this sentence, feeling very strange.

   "It's not convenient for me to tell you so much at the moment, you will find out later."

  Luo Feng can't tell Bai Ningbing everything yet, after all, he doesn't know where the plane will land.

  (end of this chapter)