MTL - Magnate Uncle: Starting from Supermarket Shopping with Ten Nephews-Chapter 518 Whose private jet is it?

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  Chapter 518 Whose private jet is it?

  Chapter 522 Whose private jet is it?

   "Honestly, I just can't figure out how they can get on the plane before us."

   "I believe the captain should definitely tell you what happened."

  Luo Feng said calmly: "I have already charged all the billion dollars into it."

   "This one billion dollars is indeed your diamond card member. There will be no problem with this privilege, but Mr. Jack Bang is not only our company's diamond card member, but also an external employee of our company."

   "And it's a dedicated scientist. He holds very important data in his hands. We need him to arrive at the designated place in time and send this over."

   "This value has already exceeded one billion U.S. dollars, so I'm sorry, sir, it's not that the captain deliberately made things difficult for you, but there is a reason for it."

   I have to say that this is the same as Luo Feng's original idea. The one billion dollars is useless. It can only show what kind of method Jack Bang used. He definitely used his relationship, and the value of this relationship exceeds this.

  But to him, no matter what kind of data it is, it doesn't matter.

  What he has to do now is that since they are all diamond card members, and he has paid much more money than the other party, he has the right to get on the plane before the other party.

   Besides, no matter what kind of data, it has nothing to do with him.

  How could he gamble his family's safety on this thing?

  On this isolated island, if something happens, it will be called unresponsive every day, and it will be called ineffective.

   Taking a deep breath, Luo Feng looked at him calmly with folded arms.

   "So you mean that it's useless for us to recharge the billion, right?"

   "In this case, please refund the money, I can leave without taking your plane."

  The helicopter the system gave him will arrive later, so he has nothing to panic about.

  As soon as this flower came out, Mr. Ma frowned.

   "Sir, don't be so excited, we can still discuss things."

  After all, Luo Feng recharged a billion dollars, as their company is a super big customer, if offended this time, it is not good.

   And maybe the boss will be upset at that time, after all, although they have made a lot of money through the data in the hands of Jack Bang.

  But it doesn't mean they want to lose.

   It was hard to get that few hundred million.

   After taking a deep breath, Mr. Ma thought for a while and said.

   "Since this is the case, let me just say it directly. In fact, we can make a deal. If you can temporarily let Mr. Jack board the plane first, then the company will help you take any plane for a year for free. How about it?"

   President Ma obviously didn't want to let Luo Feng off as a client, but Luo Feng didn't need it.

  He already has a plane now, so whether he is registered or not is irrelevant now and what he uses is just a saying.

   One of his dignified diamond card members who filled up one billion yuan ended up with this idea. He let most people know about this company.

   At that time, those who are interested will see that it is this airline, and they will not board the plane again. That's right, Luo Feng intends to let everyone know about this matter.

   He sneered and said: "I won't be coming to Ireland again, so there is no need."

  He knew that this plane was specially designed to fly to Ireland, and he only came here a few times a year. This time, he just brought his nieces and Bai Ningbing here to have fun, and take a look at Wang Sanqi's villa by the way.

   Then he sold this villa. After all, he won't stay in Ireland for too long. This time he came here mainly to deal with these matters.

   "I am very dissatisfied and disappointed with your current handling method. To be honest, I would rather give the billion to the dog than to your company."

  Who knew that President Ma felt a little headache when he saw Luo Feng say that.

   "But Mr. Luo, if you say so one by one, the entire airport is now only one plane. I'm afraid, there is no way to have so many people like you. The only way is to wait until tomorrow. If you insist on leaving, then we can only say that we will stop you."

  It is impossible for him to weigh his personal helicopter. Firstly, Luo Feng said that there are so many people in Luo Feng. In addition, he also has bodyguards, and his seats are all full. This makes it impossible for him to use such a method to make up for it.

   After saying these words, Jack Bang next to him couldn't help but sneered, and Zhigaoqiang looked down at Luofeng.

   "Now what else do you have to say? Boy, you are pretending, and you make a fuss again, aren't you awesome?"

   "Do you really think that you can do whatever you want after taking out one billion yuan? In the end, you still can't board the plane."

   After finishing speaking, he turned around and looked at Mr. Ma.

   "Mr. Ma, don't talk nonsense with this kind of person. We are getting late, let's go first. The boss should be anxious by then."

  After he finished speaking, he was about to board the plane, and Mr. Ma nodded when he saw this.

   Now this matter is the most important. As for Luo Feng, he can only contact him in private. After thinking about it, he turned his head and said to Luo Feng in a friendly voice.

   "How about this, sir, give me your phone number, and I will contact you personally when the time comes. We will settle this matter. If you are honest, even if you are not satisfied, then I can give you a refund. This matter can be negotiated. What do you think?"

  The main reason is that he saw that Luo Feng was a Chinese. In his impression, there seemed to be no more noble Chinese.

  But he knows and knows all the Chinese people who are displayed on the top of the pyramid.

  For example, what about Fujixun, or 88 Group, he has seen these chief CEOs.

   But I said that if they were really this type of people, they would not act like this. They would fly directly. People like Luo Feng spent a billion yuan, but they don’t have their own private jets.

   Every time he thinks of this place, he feels very strange, so he decides to check for himself whether the billion is real or not.

  Luo Feng smiled lightly.

   "The one billion is okay, I don't care, but your company's attitude, and your company's service, with all due respect, I can't compliment you."

  After hearing what Luo Feng said, Mr. Ma was even more appreciative.

   It is estimated that Luo Luofeng's one billion yuan should not be given out, otherwise, how could anyone be so understated and not care?

   Do you think you are a down payment, he whispered to the secretary beside him.

  You go and check for me whether the one billion dollars that this guy just paid has really arrived in the account, and ask the company's finances.

  At this moment, Luo Feng's cell phone rang.

   Followed by a fluent English is passed over.

   "Hello, Mr. Luofeng, the plane you ordered has a top-level luxury plane provided by Boeing. It is recommended that you and your family members be prepared in the area above you and board the plane soon."

  After speaking. Luo Feng raised his head and saw the roaring sound above his head.

   This voice also attracted the attention of others, and everyone was stunned for a moment, isn't it a little surprised?

   "Where did this plane come from?"

   "I don't know, it's also the first time I've seen it."

  Boss Ma and the bureau chief next to him were stunned. They didn't think that there was another plane here? ?

  The biggest difference of this plane is that it is not a helicopter, but a personal civil aviation bureau.

   "Could it be that the company sent a new helicopter? Otherwise, why is it like this?"

  President Ma immediately asked his secretary to contact him again. Under normal circumstances, this would lead to a plane.

  If there is an extra plane, he doesn't know the rules when withdrawing cash.

  If he really knew, then Luo Feng's matter could be resolved.

  Jack Bang also looked at Mr. Ma suspiciously, "What's going on, Mr. Ma?"

   "There is another plane, and you are here to meet me?"

   Luo Feng next to him couldn't bear it anymore, this guy is too narcissistic.

  Looking at the many people around him who were taking pictures, Luo Feng already had a wishful thinking in his heart. Today, no matter what, he must prove himself, not to be bullied, and let the facts speak louder than words.

   After all, his actions can attract the attention of many people. It can't be said that his dignified uncle Shenhao was admired by people in China, but he came to Ireland and became a humble person from abroad, right?

   This made Mr. Ma's expression change, and he shook his head hastily.

   What a joke, even though you are a senior scientist and a collaborator of Aer Lingus, it does not mean that you can have such a high standard, you are too narcissistic.

   Thinking about it carefully, if Irish Airways really valued it so much, Jack Bang would have already asked Mr. Ma to pick him up by helicopter, but in fact he didn't.

  If Luo Feng, a diamond card member who has recharged one billion yuan, was not listed this time, I am afraid that President Ma would not come here in person.

   "We are also investigating the specific situation of this matter. We still don't know if it is our company's plane."

  Luo Feng looked at them in such a hurry, it seemed that they were a little bit battered, so he couldn't help shaking his head.

   "Don't worry, this plane has nothing to do with you."

   "What do you mean?" Mr. Ma sneered, "Could it be related to you?"

   Unexpectedly, his sarcasm received a solemn and discriminatory nod from Luo Feng.

   "Congratulations, you are right, this plane belongs to me, and to tell you the truth, I am very disappointed in the way your company handles it."

   "This matter will not end here. I believe that I can also see what kind of face your company is like."

   After speaking, he turned around, looked at Bai Ningbing and the others and waved his hand, then he led those people and a group of little ones towards the landing position of the plane.

   Seeing this scene, Mr. Ma and the others were a little dumbfounded.

   Immediately, Mr. Ma gave a look, and his bodyguards ran up to Luo Feng in an instant, asking him to stop Luo Feng.

   "President Ma hasn't settled everything yet, please wait here."

   Seeing this scene, Luo Feng clenched his fists, really deceiving people too much.

  Some foreigners often think that Chinese people are easier to bully, so no matter where they are, Chinese people basically have no status.

  He looked at it with some doubts, "President Ma, what do you mean?"

  President Ma smiled faintly, "Didn't my subordinates tell you just now? I asked you to accept and cooperate with the investigation. It would be better for you not to leave until the matter is clarified."

   "Give us any explanations, and want to do something to us. I can tell you that many people around here are shooting videos, and they may have put them on the Internet."

   "How you handle it will directly affect your company's reputation."

  Luo Feng tapped his finger, and the few people around were indeed recording videos.

   However, Mr. Ma doesn't care, as long as he has money, he guarantees that none of these videos will be seen on the Internet.

   Then he looked at Luo Feng and said with a smile while folded his arms.

   "Sir, please don't worry. We are verifying the authenticity of this plane. If it is our company's plane, then I'm sorry. We will arrange for you to register at that time. You can't get on it now."

   "Wait until we confirm the identity of this plane, please wait a moment."

  Maybe it was mentioned by Luo Feng, and there were people around who were recording videos, so he still showed his professionalism as a general manager.

   After all, this plane is in the domain of their company, so they have to take care of it.

  Luo Feng's mobile phone had a headache, he shook his head, and didn't say anything more.

  After all, if there was a fight, Bai Ningbing, and those little ones, Luo Feng would not be able to guarantee their safety.

  At the beginning, there were only a relatively small number of bodyguards in Jack State, and Luo Feng plus the captain and crew could deal with it.

   Now there is another Mr. Ma, and he has many bodyguards around him.

  If you add someone from the other side, then Zong and Jack Bang's bodyguards are going to attack his family, and he has nothing to do.

   This made him stop first, and after a few minutes, the helicopter stayed for a few seconds.

  On top of the vest came down two stewardesses in excellent shape, and a captain in a suit and leather shoes. They came in the direction of Luo Feng.

  At the same time, looking at the bodyguards who surrounded Luo Feng, they frowned.

   "What are you doing? Why are you being so unreasonable to my guests?"

  Mr. Ma looked the other person up and down when he heard the words, and said calmly.

   "Which company do you belong to? Why do you stop the plane here? Don't you know that this is the airport of our Irish airline?"

   "Our plane is also reported, okay? If you don't believe it, you can check it yourself, and I can also give you the information and certificate."

   "Don't detain my guests now, I want to welcome them to their destination."

  (end of this chapter)

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