MTL - Magnate Uncle: Starting from Supermarket Shopping with Ten Nephews-Chapter 537 Vicious Luo Feng

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  Chapter 537 Vicious Luo Feng

  Chapter 541 Vicious Luo Feng

  Who can know whether Luo Feng is sure that he can catch him?

  Currently in the opponent's hands, he feels like a fish on a sword, and if he runs away, he will die.

   "Do you think you will survive if you don't speak?"

   Luo Feng picked up a small dagger from the corpse next to him, gently wiped his clothes with the blade, and stared at the manager.

   "Tell me if Katari sent you here? If you tell the truth, maybe I can spare your life."

   "But if you keep silent, don't blame me for being rude to you, because a person who doesn't speak is of no use to me."

  He put the dagger on the manager's neck, and the cold blade instantly made the manager shudder.

  Although he knew that Luo Feng was good at skills before, he never thought that the other party's killing intent was so strong.

  However, the manager with an ugly face remained silent.

  The main reason is that he knows very well that if Katari is really confessed, the other party will definitely not spare him at that time. What the consequences will be, one can imagine that he will lose his job, lose his life, and his family may even be implicated, so he dare not say such a thing.

  As the other party's subordinate, he is very clear about the means of his manager.

  The crew next to him saw this scene, and even roared angrily.

   "Mr. Luo, stop talking nonsense with this kind of person, just do it!"

   "If you drag it on, I'm afraid that the other party's people may come to reinforce it again."

   I have to say that the crew member was telling the truth, because not far away, the security personnel of the Chinese restaurant who had been tracking Luo Feng and their car before were in the car.

   "Why has it been so long, and there is still no movement?"

  A security guard sitting in the driver's seat looked at the captain in the passenger seat and asked, "Captain, do you want us to take a look?"

   "Let's not use it now. It's not yet the stipulated time. Didn't the manager say it before? In half an hour, if he still hasn't come back, or sends us a message, we will go there."

  The captain glanced at the time, there was still half an hour left.

   On the other side, Le Feng was also a little disappointed when he saw the manager still refused to speak.

  The reason why he wants to know from the manager whether it is Katari is also because he wants to use this matter to increase the bargaining chip of public opinion.

   At that time, he will be more confident and help his elder brother-in-law get back the rights that these shares should have enjoyed from the other party.

   "Then listen to you, you do it, act decisively, be clean, don't let it make screams, I don't like to hear it."

  Luo Feng nodded expressionlessly, and handed the dagger to the crew.

  As soon as these words came out, the manager's courage was already so frightened that he was about to jump out.

  The crew member yelled "Okay", and threw the manager's head in front of the manager without any hesitation.

  Seeing this scene, the manager just dodged subconsciously, took a step back, and let the crewman's dagger fall into the air.

   "What the **** do you still dare to hide? See how I kill you!"

  The crew members were a little upset immediately, and they still said in front of Luo Feng, "Stinky boy, you're the one looking for death! Let me see how you hide this time?"

   As he spoke, he directly grabbed the manager's clothes, and then pulled them aside.

  The manager was forced, and he could only be led by the nose, pulling a few steps back.

  Looking at this posture, the manager will definitely not be able to escape the knife.

  The manager seemed to know it too, so his pupils suddenly dilated, and he had no choice but to sob.

   "I said I said... don't hurt me, I said..."

   In the face of life and death, he was finally a little timid. After all, no matter who was facing this situation, he would not dare to gamble again.

  If you lose the bet, then your life will be gone.

  Although offending Katari might kill him, he felt that at least he would not be more self-inflicted than dying at the hands of Luo Feng.

   And during this period of time, he had the time to just ignore it and transfer his family away from this place.

  By that time, even if the emperor is allowed to be far away, there will be no chance of catching him again.

   And he doesn't have to worry about anything anymore, but if he continues to keep the secret for the other party, he will be dead now, and he has no way to arrange for his family to leave.

   "Quickly tell me if it's Katari!"

   "It is absolutely impossible for you to do this alone."

  The reason why Luo Feng said that was because he felt very strange why the other party just appeared in this place.

   You must know that although many people already know that his cruise ship is here, the problem is that all these arrangements are too fast.

   Just this afternoon, he had a conflict with Katari just now.

   And now the other party came over just after the evening, so he felt that the other party should have done it, and it was very likely that it was to retaliate against him for what he did this afternoon.

  Although anyone with a discerning eye can see it, if there is no substantive evidence, it is impossible for him to put this matter on Katari. After all, all the people he just solved were wearing black night clothes.

   "It's like this, he asked me to come here..." He tried his best to tell the story of the incident, but he also pushed all the responsibilities on Katari, and left himself completely.

  In this situation, he can only say so. If he wants to say that he is the mastermind, he is afraid that his death will be even worse.

  Although it was true that he was angry at the beginning and wanted to do it himself.

   But Katari also found him later, so he didn't count as framing the other party, but he also wanted to kill the other party's father.

  Hearing these words, Luo Feng showed a faint smile.

   But this smile made the manager's body tremble uncontrollably.

   "What do you want to do?"

  He seemed a little flustered, looking at the other party.

   "You promised me just now, as long as you tell what happened and who is behind the scenes, you will never touch me again."

   "Relax, I won't kill you now, of course I hope you will be obedient, otherwise if I get upset, I can't guarantee that I will kill you."

  As soon as Luo Feng said this, his voice sounded soft.

  But the manager shrank his eyes, and finally he chose to obey.

   And he is not a fool, since Luofeng must have a reason for saying that.

   "Mr. Luo, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

   "Follow me on the yacht, and you will know when the time comes."

  After Luo Feng finished speaking, the crew almost carried the foreigner onto the cruise ship.

  The manager did not dare to resist. He could still vividly remember so many people lying on the ground beside him.

  After boarding the yacht, Luo Feng told the crew: "Remember to dispose of those corpses."

   "Yes, Mr. Luo." After finishing speaking, the captain and the crew left.

  There are quite a lot of corpses below, and it would be quite troublesome to deal with these two crew members alone.

   Originally, these people were able to deal with Luo Feng, but now they are killed by Luo Feng's people, and they dare not say anything.

  And there are people like this in every country. Even if they are killed, no one will track them down.

  As long as you don’t kill people for no reason on the street and be seen by many people, no one will care about you.

  Bai Ningbing heard what Luo Feng said just now, but fortunately, these little ones were all settled back to the room by him to sleep.

  He walked up to Luo Feng with some worry, looked him up and down and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

   "I'm fine." Luo Feng shook his head.

  Bai Ningbing looked at the manager again, raising her eyebrows slightly.

  She recognized him, the manager at the Chinese restaurant today.

   Just curious, why is the other party here? What was the reason for those corpses just now?

   "Take a pen and paper and write everything clearly, then sign and press your fingerprints."

  Luo Feng put the pen in front of the manager, and said expressionlessly.

  The manager finally understood why Luo Feng asked him to come on the yacht?

  He looked at the other party and shook his head, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

   "It is absolutely impossible for me to do this. If I really do this, Qatar will not spare me."

   "You have no choice now. If you don't do it, it will be a dead end. Then you kill me, because I will also die if I write it. If you have no way to deal with Katari, if I offend the other party, then there is only a dead end."

  The manager is still thinking about himself, but if Luo Feng can kill the other party, he doesn't have to worry about anything anymore.

   "Don't worry, I let you write it to let you know that he can't come back alive, and it's useless even if you don't write it."

   Luo Feng's words made the manager a little strange.

  Before he opened his mouth to ask, he saw Luo Feng wave the recording pen he was carrying and said.

   "Some of the things you said just now have all been recorded. Do you think you want to hide at this time, do you still have a chance to hide?"

  The manager's face became gloomy when he heard this. He didn't expect Luo Feng to carry a recording pen with him.

  He originally wanted to say that the other party was mean, but he opened his mouth but held back.

   In desperation, he could only write. After all, what Luo Feng said was correct, and now he can't tell the difference.

  He started to write the whole thing on paper, and he had no other choice, and soon the above detailed content was written.

   Luo Feng has been watching and observing the whole process, and nodded in satisfaction after watching.

   "That's right, congratulations, you have successfully obtained a chance for yourself."

  The manager smiled bitterly, took a deep breath and said to Luo Feng.

   "Mr. Luo, please let me go."

  He didn't dare to stay here anymore, otherwise if Luofeng really didn't like it and killed him, he would be in a bad position.

   And he told the other party about this matter, Katari will know sooner or later, so he has to hurry up and go home first, and deal with his family members so that he can rest assured.

   "You can't leave now, you have to wait here, and I can let you go after I finish everything here."

   Luo Feng said and pinched the manager's shoulder.

  The manager couldn't help shivering. He wanted to lag behind the doctor, but he was afraid of offending Luo Feng, so he could only endure it and said helplessly.

   "What else do you want to do? I have told you everything I can say and know."

   "Although there is physical evidence, you are also needed as a personal witness. Without you, how could they believe that the things I handed over are the truth?"

  Luo Feng's plan is to bring this data with him when he meets with the general manager of Xingyun Company tomorrow.

  Although he made a fuss yesterday, most people in Ireland have already known about the Chinese restaurant.

   But few people know that Katari once thought of sending someone to assassinate him.

  So no matter the handwriting written by this manager, these are all evidence.

  If the boss of Xingyun Company feels that the handwriting he provided is fraudulent.

  At that time, he will invite this manager out. In any case, he will definitely not let this Xingyun company take advantage of it.

  He had to go all out to buy back his brother-in-law's hiring company.

  He didn't plan to stay in Ireland for long, and this trip will end soon.

  The manager heard what Luo Feng said, and sat down on the chair. He felt that he was finished, and his whole life was hopeless.

  But he has nothing to do, if it is head-to-head, it will still be a dead end.

   Nothing to say all night.

  Luo Feng settled the manager in the side room, and then locked the door, and the two crew members personally watched over him.

  The manager's mobile phone was also confiscated. Even if he wanted to call and report the news, it was absolutely impossible.

  Kattari didn't sleep well that night. He kept calling the manager and waiting for news from the manager.

  After all, he knew that the manager would send someone to attack Luo Feng tonight. After a whole night, the other party still didn't make any moves, which made him not only a little worried.

   At the same time, he was also thinking, could this guy be scared away?

  Thinking of this, he contacted the Chinese restaurant again, and the person who answered the phone was the captain of the security company invited by the previous manager.

  The captain was a little dazed when he heard Katari's words, "What's the situation? Didn't the manager come back?"

  “We have been guarding next to the cruise ship all night, and we didn’t see the manager come out. We thought the manager had already gone back. We also tried to call him a lot, but no one answered them all.”

   "What is the situation at the scene on your side? Did he run away or died?"

  Katari couldn't help but yelled.

  "We have been guarding here and haven't seen him come out, but we haven't seen anyone coming back either, maybe he died, maybe he escaped."

  (end of this chapter)

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