MTL - Magnate Uncle: Starting from Supermarket Shopping with Ten Nephews-Chapter 540 I am richer than you!

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  The boss of Xingyun Company was not panicked at all, he just said it directly.

   "You can put these two things on your car, why would you want to commit a crime?"

   "Without substantive evidence, I would never believe it."

  Hearing these words, Luo Feng couldn't help feeling that it was basically not much different from what he had guessed.

   And he is also very fortunate that at that time, he had already found all the chains of evidence.

   There are even witnesses, so he doesn't have to worry, this is what the boss of the Xingyun company is saying now.

   Just as he was about to present evidence, suddenly Aaron next to him said something.

   "Is there any misunderstanding? And Mr. Luo, there is no enmity between you and the boss of Xingyun Company. Why did you pour this dirty water on him?"

  He actually has some bad feelings towards Luo Feng now.

   After all, he has been cooperating with the boss of Xingyun Company for several years, and he also relies on the other party to make his company bigger and bigger.

  Now Luo Feng comes up and talks about the boss of Xingyun Company.

   And just after arriving in Ireland, there was a big commotion in the Chinese restaurant owned by the boss of Xingyun Company.

  He knew all these things clearly, and he naturally had some bad feelings about Luo Feng in his heart.

   It was just because Luo Feng bought an airplane from his company, so he endured it.

   But now Luo Feng is still chattering, as if he wants to pin this **** on Xingyun Company.

  He couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to help the other party speak.

   "I have detailed evidence here, please stay calm, both of you."

  Luo Feng smiled lightly, and handed the paper written by the manager of the Chinese restaurant to these two people.

  The above not only summarizes the content in detail, but even has his signature and fingerprint, which has written the whole process in detail.

  And the sophisticated deployment plan they made was completely aimed at the back of this matter.

   "I guess there should be Katari, the general manager of Xingyun's catering company."

   "If you two have read yesterday's news, you should know that Katari had some conflicts with me in the cosmetics store on the beach."

   "And I bought all the stores in the end, and he knelt down to apologize. These are all what he promised me at the beginning, so I asked him to kneel down and apologize. There is no problem, right?"

   "However, this guy is the hatred for me in his heart. He deliberately contacted the security company of your Xingyun company, and then sent them to attack me. All these are vivid."

   "And I have personal and physical evidence. If you don't believe me, I can call the manager over and let him explain it to you face to face."

  Hearing what Luo Feng said, the boss of Xingyun Company and Aaron looked at each other.

  They could all see that Luo Feng had come prepared this time, and must seek an explanation.

   It just seems to him that no matter what they do now, they will face a big problem.

   It is the hatred between Luo Feng and the new company, which is inevitable for both parties.

  The CEO of Xingyun Company directly took out his mobile phone and called Katari.

  He just shouted at that time.

   "Did you send someone to attack Luo Feng?"

  How could Katari really admit it, otherwise he would never be the boss of a catering company, so he said hastily.

   "I don't know about this matter."

   "I don't know, where were you at that time? Is there any witness?"

  The boss of Xingyun Company actually believed what the other party said immediately.

  So he asked about Katari's location carefully.

  Kalari said everything one by one, and I have to say that this Katari is very shrewd.

  He knew that he couldn't appear on the scene for this matter, otherwise it would inevitably be brought on his head.

  So he directly asked the manager to take the people from the security company to attack Luo Feng, and he stayed at home obediently waiting for the news. That's because the boss also nodded and looked at Luo Feng.

   "Mr. Luo, you have heard it all. He stayed in his home for my experience. If you want to frame him, you'd better wait for him to go out, and when there is no witness, you can say so."

  Aaron already felt that Luo Feng was letting him in on purpose, so his impression of this guy was getting worse and worse.

   "You are really hopeless."

  Luo Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

  Suddenly all the thoughts in his mind actually thought that he would do this.

  Then why didn't he make any excuses when he hit it for the first time, but after you asked it, he said calmly.

   Judging from his tone, you can tell that he has definitely thought of it beforehand, and you will ask him that.

   "So he's already prepared, and all I need is something that makes him unable to prepare."

  After speaking, he will show a video, the person in this video is the manager he arrested at that time.

  He not only asked the other party to write it down, but also asked the other party to record a video.

   Throughout the video, although he knew that no one was watching him from behind.

   But after all, it is still not possible to show that you are threatened by someone after all. You can show this video to the other party, and then he has something to say.

  The first flight of Luofeng Tudou caught the boss of Xinyuan Company a little by surprise.

   After taking a deep breath, he looked at Luo Feng and said.

   "What exactly do you want to do? Just say it."

   "It's very simple, how can a person like him continue to be the boss of your Chinese restaurant."

   "And what you did in the Chinese restaurant at that time has completely angered our Chinese circle. In the past few days, as the boss of the consulting company, you may not know it, but presumably he should know it too?"

   "Your Chinese restaurant has not had much customer traffic in recent days, even during the evening rush hour. This is your most popular time period, but there are no people now. Don't you know the influence I bring?"

   This made the boss of Xingyun Company a little silent.

  After all, what Luo Feng said is the truth, the most important thing is that so far, he doesn't know why the consulting company called him here.

   "Then you called me here just to talk about these things?"

   The CEO of Xingyun Company said, he paused at this point, and then said again this time.

   "I can pay some money, let's take a step back, what do you think, and Aaron next to him is also from the alliance.

  Aaron smoothed things over.

   "That's right, Mr. Luo, since this matter has already been demonstrated in an overview, let's take a step back now."

   "After all, they really didn't expect that Luo Feng not only took out a letter, but didn't even have a video of the manager at that time."

   This manager, the boss of Xingyun Company, has always seen it.

  He knew that it was the manager of the Chinese restaurant and Katari's subordinate.

   "I don't want money, money is worthless to me, and I'm richer than you."

   "What I want is an apology from your Xingyun company, and at the same time give me 10% of your company's shares."

   Before Aaron could speak, the CEO of Xingyun Company sitting next to him couldn't bear it anymore.

  He stood up directly, looked at Luo Feng and said.

   "You are too arrogant. You can just apologize publicly, but you still want 10% of our company's shares. Do you know how much our 10% of our company's shares are?"

  Luo Feng shrugged.

   "I don't know, but I know so what. You have to give this to me anyway. Otherwise, if the two of you are exposed, what kind of treatment your Xingyun company will receive, you know best in your heart."

  Actually, Luo Feng couldn't think that the other party would refuse, because even if he refused, he still had backhands.

  For example, after he released these materials, it caused the price of the entire company's stock market to drop.

  He can take the opportunity to buy at a low price, and then sell it at a high price or treat it as his own shares, so Luo Feng has a dilemma between advance and retreat.

  The boss of Xingyun Company that Luo Feng could think of, how could he not think of it.

   "Is that so... I can sell the original stock to you, as long as you can bid, Mr. Luo, there is no problem."

  The boss of Xingyun Company also knows that if he really fights Luo Feng desperately and offends the other party, then Luo Feng will directly play a song.

   Then its stock market will inevitably move until now it finally has an upward trend. He is afraid that this upward trend will be cut off.

  Once the market value drops, the loss is not just this little money, but billions and billions will drop.

   "Okay, sell your original stock to me, how much can you sell?"

  Although it was different from Luo Feng at the beginning, since he heard that the other party wanted to sell the original stock to him, he was naturally full of joy.

   This eldest brother-in-law has a lot of shares in Xingyun Company, but because he signed the contract and was tricked, not only can his shares not enjoy dividends, but he also has no rights to the shareholders' meeting.

  So it is equivalent to a decoration, and you have to continuously inject capital into their company according to the contract.

   Otherwise your shares will be acquired.

   "I can sell you three percent of the shares."

   After hesitating for a while, the boss of Xingyun Company said to Luo Feng.

  It is impossible for him to give Luo Feng too many shares, otherwise, Luo Feng will also have a place in the shareholder meeting in the future, which will be even more difficult.

  It is absolutely impossible for him to hand over his hard work and prosecution to such a person who suppresses his company with the help of some things in his company.

   "What I need is more than 20% of the original shares, so I am willing."

   "Then you just think about it, of course I won't give you so much time to think."

  The boss of the company said firmly.

   Seeing this, Luo Feng sighed.

   "Since this is the case, there is nothing to say, and then he gave the captain and crew next to him a wink.

  The two of them were going to put the materials on the Internet. All Aaron knew was that he made a sound when he saw this scene.

"Wait a moment."

   Then he said with appreciation all the time.

   "Mr. Luo, you are so tall, I'm afraid it's not interesting, how about this, I will be a middleman, what you want is to ask for shares in the company, well, I think about it and I can give you 10% of the shares, what do you think?"

   While talking about him, he fell in love with the boss of Xingyun Company next to him.

  After all, he can only agree directly after the other party's approval.

  The CEO of Xingyun Company nodded with a hint of hesitation on his face.

  In fact, this is also the best way. If Luo Feng is in a stalemate, the other party will be begging for nothing if he doesn't give it.

  Then the other party will definitely disturb again. The evidence he has now is more or less enough to make the old man of Xingyun Company feel very uncomfortable.

   "No problem, deal."

  Hearing about the 10% stake, Luo Feng nodded without thinking.

   This can be regarded as one of his little routines, and it is very likely that the boss of the new company and them have not seen it.

  The reason why he wanted 20% of the shares before was also intentional. Only when he was taller could he give these people a leeway and let them go down a step.

   "No problem, just 10% of the shares. I will immediately introduce a book. I hope that in the process, you can delete some videos, texts, and everything that should be deleted."

   "Of course there is no problem."

  Luo Feng nodded. He held his mobile phone directly. As long as you transfer the account, I will delete everything in front of you.

   Soon the secretary of Xingyun Company came up with a contract.

  After Luo Feng shot a glance, he found that there was no big problem, so he agreed.

  After the two signed the contract, Luo Feng destroyed all the texts, photos, and letters in front of the boss of Xingyun Company, and even cleaned up those people in the recycle bin.

   "See, it has been disposed of completely according to the city's requirements."

  After Luo Feng finished, he returned the phone to the boss of Xingyun Company to check it himself.

   "I trust you, Mr. Luo."

  Although the boss of Xingyun Company said so, he still looked at Luo Feng with hatred in his eyes.

  Aaron next to him hurriedly smoothed things over.

   "Don't be angry, both of you. Since everyone has already cooperated, please work together in the future. Now it's lunch time. I'll let someone cook the signature dishes immediately."

   After Aaron finished speaking, he gave Mr. Ma a wink, and the shipment went down soon.

   Not long after, more than a dozen female waitresses were dressed very gorgeously and walked into the private room with plates of dishes.

   "Come and taste it, these are some dishes unique to our country, and it is difficult for you to eat outside."

   "Thank you sir, this time I want to ask something." (End of this chapter)

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