MTL - Magnate Uncle: Starting from Supermarket Shopping with Ten Nephews-Chapter 545 Uncle Shenhao is nothing more than that!

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   "Hahaha, Kana Asai, why didn't your mysterious big brother Shenhao show up?"

   "Didn't you say that this Mr. Luo claims to be Uncle Shenhao? How can you not see that?"

  Tian Xiahuazi smiled playfully, "Could it be that it's not worth it to give you a dirty anchor?"

   "Speaking of it, it's true. No one would have thought that you would be so stupid to cuddle with another big brother you are now."

  Tian Xiahuazi kept mocking, the meaning in these words was very obvious, she just wanted to leave a bad impression on Luo Feng.

   Otherwise, if this Uncle Shenhao really helped the other party, he would really be a little worried. What should he do now if he can't beat this Uncle Shenhao?

   At this moment, she looked at the line of private messages again, Luo Feng didn't make any movement, Tian Xia Huazi couldn't help being a little annoyed.

  She is also one of the top ten anchors of the Sakura platform live broadcast, but she has the potential to win the first place. Now almost all platforms are trying to poach her.

   It is such a shame to contact Luo Feng this time, but the other party has no response?

   Or… did this guy have an affair with that woman?

   Otherwise, relying on her beauty, no matter what, she would have to crush Asai Kanna, so that she wouldn't fall into the current situation where Luo Feng didn't even reply.

  When this person appeared at the beginning, she felt a little strange, and praised such a newcomer for no reason.

  Tianxia Hanako thought of something, sneered and said, "I said Asai Kanna, the person who gave you hundreds of thousands of angry brushes just now couldn't be yours?"

   "This is a live broadcast on the Sakura platform, not some other small platform. You use such a brush to attract fans. Are you shameless?"

   "If you can become popular, it seems that this is how you became popular. You used such despicable means to attract so many people and deceive so many people. Now you say you are ashamed."

  Tian Xiahuazi's fans are also frantically brushing the barrage. They all have a mental attitude towards Luo Feng that hates the rich.

   "Kana Asai broke the live broadcast rules of the Sakura platform! Get out of the live broadcast of the Sakura platform! Luo Feng is prohibited from disrupting the rules!"

   "Kana Asai broke the live broadcast rules of the Sakura platform! Get out of the live broadcast of the Sakura platform! Luo Feng is prohibited from disrupting the rules!"


  Kana Asai's face turned blue and red, no matter what she explained, no one would listen or believe it. This is the power of fans.

  I think that when he was created by Huang Yao, he tried his best to explain, but no one believed what she said.

  So in the face of all kinds of verbal criticism, and this friend, a very large navy group, Asai Kana has no upper hand at all.

   Regardless of the number of gifts or the number of fans, especially the older brothers of Asai Kanna, seeing this, they also stopped buying gifts.

  Privately, they may think that Asai Kana is such a person who does not hesitate to sell her appearance in order to make money.

  Kana Asai's gift bar on the game gift bar is almost gone!

  Tian Xia Hanako kept thanking Asai Kana as if she was deliberately offending her.

   "Thank you Higashino for the colorful Unicorn, I love you!"


   "Tsk tsk, Kana Asai, your place is really miserable, you don't even have a gift shop."

   "I see, you should stop humiliating yourself, turn off the live broadcast and quit the Internet cafe! Don't be an anchor in the future!"

  Kana Asai was also a little flustered, after all, Luo Feng hadn't said a single word until now.

  But he never believed that Luo Feng would lie to him, and even if she really left this platform to live broadcast, she definitely didn't care.

  After all, if there was no wind, you would not have everything he has now. He just made such a live broadcast just to let those stray cats have a better home.

   It became popular purely because of the gift Luo Feng gave him to kill him at the beginning, and his shop also became popular later on. The reason for all these presidents is due to Luo Feng's ability.

  Although, she didn't really promise Tianxia Hanako, and she quit the live broadcast on the Sakura platform if she lost.

  But if he just quits like this, then he still feels a little sorry for the efforts Luo Feng gave her back then.

  Just thinking about this, she felt that she was not worthy, why she was in such a state now.

   But those self-media will never let go of the opportunity of bloggers’ attention to hype. When the time comes to take the video out of context, does she still have the face to stay in the cherry blossom live broadcast?

   This is the usual method of marketing accounts, and he is aware of the strength of his opponent.

  Please ask Shui Junju to smear Asai Kanna in one go, presumably spreading rumors about Luo Feng, this kind of news is easy to get out, and his reputation will only get worse at that time.

  Now because of his reputation, many friends have broken up with him, and some relatives feel that he is ashamed and even cut off relations with him.

  The person who can still give him gifts now, or knows the truth, pity her.

  Otherwise, they are the ones who want to see her make a fool of herself.

  So she didn't know who she should talk to. Today, she just thought of Luo Feng, and suddenly felt that the other party wanted to hear what he had to say, and wanted to have a chat with him.

  But when she actually called, Asai Kana was very worried, worried that Luo Feng's family would be affected by her.

  Worried that she would bring trouble to Luo Feng, she thought about it a lot, so this also gave her another kind of psychological burden.

   There is a time limit for the game. A few minutes have passed, and the total number of gifts from Tianxia Hanako is still soaring. On the other hand, there is no movement at all on Asai Kanna's side.

  All kinds of insulting voices came over continuously, it was really hard for people to watch.

  And this cherry blossom live broadcast is a little different from domestic ones. For example, the cherry blossom live broadcast can be sent out with some pictures.

  So many people are posting those pictures that were slandered by AI, which are very dirty. The housing management could have silenced them, but with too many people, they couldn’t successfully silence all of them.

  In addition, some of the housing management were instigated, and they really believed that Asai Kana was such a person, so they all canceled the housing management privileges one after another.

  Kana Asai felt helpless, she clenched the mouse tightly unwillingly, and was about to turn off the live broadcast room.

   This is the case every day, without exception, and she really has no mood to continue the live broadcast.

  I feel that from now on, she will no longer be an anchor. After all, she really has no way to compete with Xia Huazi.

  But she doesn't blame Luo Feng for this matter, after all, two fists are no match for four hands.

  Even if Luo Feng really went up, I'm afraid it would be difficult to beat Tian Xiahuazi's dozens of people.

   What's more, he did so much for himself back then, making Asai Kana popular in one fell swoop, and also allowed her cat cafe to open smoothly again. It has been popular for several months, and Asai Kana is already very grateful.

  The captain on the other side has already brought Luo Feng to the cruise ship.

  After Luo Feng got out of the car, he ran directly to the cruise ship, and he didn't look at his phone the whole time.

   After all, the platform just reminded him that the account may be delayed for a while, so now there is no way to get gifts and he can't turn the situation around.

  Going there now won’t help anything, and I still have to see Kana Asai, that painful performance.

   "By the way, the two of you should pay attention to prevent the people from Xianyun Company from coming to do something again, so you must watch the car to prevent them from loading some dangerous items."

   When this car arrives, Luo Feng and the others are going to carry his niece. If anything happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Yes, sir!"

  Both on the cruise ship, Bai Ningbing greeted Luo Feng for dinner, but Le Feng waved his hand.

   "Wait a minute, I have something to deal with at hand."

   As he spoke, he sat on the sofa and took out his mobile phone to turn on the Sakura live broadcast.

   "I'm sorry, something happened just now, and the platform here has been delayed for a while, and now I'm back."

   Luo Feng quickly typed this sentence in the comments.

  Bai Ningbing next to him was a little strange, but he didn't ask any more questions, but went to have dinner with his nieces first.

  The news of Luo Feng's appearance seemed to be a tranquilizer, which reassured many fans who were willing to believe in Kana Asai.

   "It's Uncle Shenhao, he's back!"

   "Mr. Luo is here? We are all looking forward to you!"

   "Mr. Luo, can you help Asai Kana today! That woman on the other side of the tulle!"

  At the same time, some fans are not optimistic about Luo Feng.

  After all, the current Luo Feng has left Sakura Fruit, and the most important thing is that the big brother that Asai Kanna revealed is not the former Luo Feng.

  Will Luo Feng choose to give this woman a lot of presents after knowing about it? It's okay if you feel it's not worth it.

   "So what if you come back? There are so many people who swipe Tian Xiahuazi, if he swipe by himself, can he swipe dozens of other people?"

   "That's right, besides, other people's fans also have an advantage, and it's a big deal for one person."

   "Hey, my poor Asai, don't really quit Sakura."

  Kana Asai, who was originally happy, also turned into a wry smile when she saw the fans' barrage.

  Actually, he is worried that Luo Feng is now willing to believe in him, which makes him very grateful, and he dare not expect anything extravagantly.

   "Mr. Luo, thank you, you don't need to swipe me anymore, I'm doomed."

   When talking about this, Asai Kanna paused again, and then said: "Save your money, it's meaningless, don't waste it on me."

  She bowed deeply to everyone in the live broadcast room, "Thank you fans who support Kana Asai, you are willing to believe in me, I am already very grateful to you."

  “As for this path, maybe I’m doomed to fail, but with your company in the past few months, it’s enriched my life a lot and allowed me to do a lot of things I want to do!*

   "I can only say thank you, without Mr. Luo, without you, I would not be where I am today! I am sorry for you."

   "In the future, we will meet again by fate!"

   After finishing speaking, Asai Kana moved the mouse, and was about to download the broadcast. This time, Luo Feng came back, which made her somewhat satisfied.

  She didn't dare to release anything more, after all, she felt that these few months were like a dream, like a dream.

   Sometimes even she herself can't believe that she suddenly became a big anchor.

  Tian Xia Huazi looked at this scene, with a triumphant smile on the corner of her mouth, "Fight with me? Who are you!"

   "It's a pity, this **** Luo Feng! The so-called Uncle Shenhao is not on my side. No, I must find an opportunity to poach him and let him give me gifts."

  She thought to herself, then thought of something, and planned to seduce Luo Feng with some **** pictures of herself.

  However, when Asai Kana turned off the live broadcast, she reminded one sentence: When the inspector enters the live broadcast room, the live broadcast cannot be closed.

   Immediately afterwards, such a system prompt appeared on everyone's barrage.

  Sakura live broadcast platform official personnel, the inspection team entered the live broadcast room, all viewers, please do not violate the rules, otherwise you will face the treatment of banning your account.


   After a while, there were more than a dozen members of the online inspection team in Kanna Asai's live broadcast room.

  This super tube is different from the super tube in the live broadcast room. It is the official staff of the Sakura live broadcast platform. Occasionally, there are usually inspections.

   After all, in this live broadcast room, many of the comment areas are the trolls bought by the other party to spread rumors and insult Asai Kana.

  But Kana Asai also tried to contact the official for feedback.

   As a result, occasionally a few people were banned without pain, and there was no way to stop so many people.

  She has gradually realized that Tian Xiahuazi and the official two parties may have colluded.

  However, this time, perhaps because of Luo Feng's appearance, no one has ever seen several official members of the inspection team appear in a live broadcast room at the same time.

   It can be said that it is unprecedented in the history of cherry blossom live broadcast, right?

  Kana Asai and Kasuma Hanako felt a little guilty.

  Generally, there are so many inspections, which are extremely serious violations. Tian Xiahuazi is the most afraid, after all, many of his actions violate the rules.

   But thinking that she gave money to the official secretly, presumably the official will let her go, right?

   Otherwise, why would there be so many trolls in the other party's live broadcast room.

  Kana Asai thought about it carefully for a long time, but couldn't think of any violations, but Tianxia Hanako seemed very confident, and felt that she was still targeting her.

  Actually, they didn't know that these inspections came from the live broadcast room following Luo Feng.

  The man who recharged 500 million was an earth-shattering man at the beginning, and directly made Asai Kanna the number one popular anchor on their platform.

  From the head of the finance department to the vice president, they all came to watch the live broadcast in person. After all, this time they directly recharged so much money, even more than the last time!

  However, Luo Feng didn't know about all this, and he didn't care.

   "I told you, don't worry, you can trust everything I say."

  Luo Feng's tone was somewhat blaming Kana Asai, after all, the other party did not choose to believe him. (end of this chapter)

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