MTL - Magnate Uncle: Starting from Supermarket Shopping with Ten Nephews-Chapter 548 Charity

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  Thinking of this, Tian Xiahuazi felt a strong sense of humiliation.

  As if someone slapped her face invisibly, how could she bear it?

   Immediately, she gritted her teeth and said: "Luo Feng! Asai Kanna! You two are a gangster!"

   "The two of you deliberately tricked me and wanted to discredit me, right? Even if I were a ghost, I wouldn't let you go."

  So she has figured it out now, twice, from just now to now, Luo Feng has deliberately only swiped gifts, one percent more than her gift progress bar.

  Just to make her feel that she still has a chance to win again, so she can pull more people to swipe, and try to defeat Kana Asai.

   Dongye’s confrontation just now is the best example.

  If it weren't for this reason, Dongye wouldn't have decided to give up because he felt that he had lost tens of millions for no reason and hadn't brushed Luo Feng.

  Seeing now, no one on her side wanted to swipe the progress bar of the gift, and it didn't go up at all, so she really started to swipe the special swipe!

  Is she envious? envious! Why is Asai Kanna's life so good that she can tie Luo Feng, the big brother.

   At the same time, she was even more angry! She had never suffered such humiliation.

  Looking at Kana Asai who seemed to be acting, pretending not to know anything, and in a daze, Tian Xia Hanako's mentality completely collapsed.

  The most annoying thing is that the other party still pretends to be like a white lotus, as if she is an innocent girl who doesn't know anything.

   "I don't know what you are talking about? Did you make a mistake, you are the one who wants to compete with me."

  Kana Asai said directly.

  What she said is indeed true. Originally, Asai Kana did a good job of doing her own live broadcast.

  If it weren't for Tian Xia Hanako who wanted to steal her traffic and fans and intentionally spread rumors to cause trouble, Asai Kana would not have fallen to this point.

  Luo Feng also nodded, "That's right! You took the initiative to find us. Now that you can't beat us, you're starting to spread rumors, right?"

   "Why are you the one who launched the attack, and you the one who pretended to be weak? You did the same thing in the previous video, right? Let me tell you, you are already breaking the law."

   "I have already hired a lawyer for the anchor, just wait!"

  Luo Feng would say that not to mention how relieved he was, it was really unintentional that he helped Qiandian Chanel before, after all, the other party had done a good deed.

   Moreover, there are too few people who are able to take care of small animals in this year.

  But he didn't expect that just because of such a good deed, it helped Kana Asai gain a lot of prestige, and at the same time put him in crisis.

   Now that a flower is about to fall, Luo Feng of course wants to help him.

  And he believes that after this time, Asai Kana will definitely be able to become the number one anchor of Sakura Country.

   At that time, he can have more influence to save those small animals.

  Luo Feng's words caught the attention of the fans present, they frantically called Luo Feng, and the name of Uncle Shenhao's live broadcast immediately became the first place in the search platform of Sakura Country.

   It was a little strange for Luo Feng's sisters to receive these messages.

   "Hasn't Xiaofeng already gone to Ireland? Why is there still a hot search in Sakura Country? Could it be that he went back again?"

   "I don't know, it's quite strange to say, where is he now?"

   "But don't say it, I still have a feeling for what Xiaofeng said. We also need to love small animals."

  At this time, the eldest brother-in-law said something.

   "Feng'er is in Ireland now, he might be watching the live broadcast there."

   "By the way, aren't you going to Ireland tomorrow? Remember to bring us some gifts." The second sister said hastily.

  The eldest sister said with a smile: "Don't worry, he will bring it to you."


   On the other side, the confrontation between Nakata Kasuma Hanako and Asai Kana in the live broadcast room is still not over.

   "Stop pretending, you've already been exposed by me." Tian Xia Huazi still said resolutely.

  How could Luo Feng have nothing to do with Asai Kanna, who would pay tens of millions to someone who is not related to him? Isn't that sick in the head?

  So Tian Xiahuako finally couldn't collapse anymore, and insulted in anger: "Kana Asai! You...pretending to be pretending? How dare you play me..."

  As a result, she was directly reminded by the official private message, and then she was banned from speaking, which was directly upgraded from 7 days later to a one-year ban.

   After all, as an official anchor, but insulting people, this will naturally be punished.

  However, although most of this series of bombings were wiped out, many fans still heard it.

  After all, everyone can guess, so they all started attacking Xia Huazi one after another.

  Since Tian Xiahuazi failed in this competition, his fans have gradually disappeared.

this is the truth.

   And Luo Feng looked at himself, already invincible, so he didn't plan to hide it any more, frantically swiping gifts, after all, the money he charged this time was for the live broadcast of other cherry blossom platforms used by Asai Kana to defeat Tian Xia Hanako, and he didn't know any of them.

  Someone has secretly calculated it. So far, Luo Feng has consumed 200 million yuan. Hearing this news, people are shocked.

   As for the live broadcast room, it was completely crazy.

  Luo Feng kept lighting up the lightning supercar, perhaps because the special effects were too gorgeous, and everyone’s live broadcast room was more or less frame-dropping and the mobile phone froze.

   And every time you swipe on the screen, it will be displayed in the foreground.

   Those anchors who were broadcasting normally were a little cursing.

  Made? Why come again? When did the Lightning Supercar become a free gift?

  Wait, wc? Why is it Uncle Shenhao again?

   There are even some small anchors who originally had a small audience, but the live broadcast rooms attracted by this wave are empty.

  The main reason is that the official deliberately pushed the traffic to the peak position. After all, it has a steady stream of income by doing so.

   "Grass! Stop broadcasting! I'm going to watch it too!"

  Accompanied by Luo Feng's operation, Asai Kanna's viewing number soared like a rocket.

   Two million from the beginning! It soared directly to more than 30 million.

   You must know that the capital of the entire Sakura Kingdom is only this population. It can be seen that most of the people have already integrated into this live broadcast room, and even the shallow Channa is a little bit overwhelmed.

  Not only did it reach the top of the cherry blossom live broadcast home page early in the recommendation, but it also advertised on the cover and promoted it in an all-round way.

  The number of fans also broke through from 300,000 to 5.5 million!

  In just one night, the number of fans of Asai Kana changed from hundreds of thousands at the beginning to 5.5 million in an instant, and the number is still increasing.

  The anchor was envious of the fan carnival, Luo Feng was still there, and those who were eye-catching with gifts also entered the live broadcast room one after another.

  The Cherry Blossom live broadcast platform is also making money. After all, this also drives new users to register, and the people in the background are all beautiful.

   At this time, the lightning supercar has reached thousands of hits.

  People who watched it became bored, after all, there is no such function as blocking special effects in the Sakura live broadcast platform.

   "I swear, I never want to watch the Lightning again."

   "I threw up, I'm tired of seeing this special effect!"

   "It's so boring... Why did I come to see the special effects of the gift? It's really boring..."

  Even the official's own management inspectors can't stand it anymore.

   "It's the first time I feel that this special effect is so overwhelmed, I really don't want to watch it again."

   "I have to give feedback quickly. If this continues, users will complain more and more."

  Vice President Dang even said: "Tomorrow, let the development department redesign a special combo effect for lightning supercars!"


  From the shock at the beginning to the numbness now, Asai Kana gradually accepted the fact.

   Now her live broadcast room has been watched by tens of millions of people. All of this is brought by Luo Feng, but it is only temporary.

   The rest is up to her, whether she can keep this audience and turn them into fans.

   Let them watch her live broadcast in the future, and at the same time be worthy of Luo Feng's good intentions.

   At this moment, Luo Feng received an official notification. He opened the window and found that the official vice president came to him directly.

   "Hello, Mr. Luo, we will give you a phone interview. Do you have time?"

   "I have time, just... what are you going to interview?"

  Luo Feng felt very strange, the phone rang just after he finished speaking, and the other party introduced him after he answered the phone.

   "I'm Chiki Matsushita, the deputy general manager of the Sakura live broadcast platform. I'm here on a special trip this time. I want to ask Mr. Luo what opinion he has on our live broadcast platform?"

  After all, Luo Feng recharged such a large amount this time, they must keep this customer.

  So no salesperson was sent, this time it was the general manager who came to inquire directly.

   "I don't have any opinion, but it's too tiring to keep ordering like this. Can you come up with a gift that can be swiped directly according to the number, for example, it can be some auspicious numbers, and then you can customize the number..."

   On the live broadcast platform, the Cherry Blossom Country is far behind the Huaxia Country.

  Next, Luo Feng added a lot of functions.

   Some of the functions he mentioned are basically available on the Huaxia National Live Broadcasting Platform, and the vice president recorded them one by one, and continued.

   "Thank you Mr. Luo for giving us this little time. One month later is the fifth anniversary of our fireworks live broadcast platform. I wonder if Mr. Luo has time? We would like to invite you as a special guest."

  Originally, the Cherry Blossom Live Broadcasting Platform did not intend to invite Luo Feng for this fifth anniversary ceremony.

  But this time they didn't expect Luo Feng to show up so much and wanted to curry favor with Luo Feng, so they had to invite the other party over. Luo Feng originally wanted to refuse.

   "But the deputy general manager said one more thing. This time, anchor Kana Asai will also be the number one invited anchor. If you can come, she will be happy."

  Luo Feng thought about it for a while and seemed to have no problem, so he nodded.

   "Okay, when the time comes, you send me the address, and I'll go and play."

  After hanging up the phone, Bai Ningbing said with a smile.

   "It sounds like we're going back to Sakura Country again?"

  Luo Feng nodded, "Yes, after I go this time, I think I can send all the antiques back to China, killing two birds with one stone."

  Bai Ningbing said calmly.

   "I thought you went because you were worried about that woman's sadness."

  Luo Feng touched his nose, and he heard something wrong from the words again.

  Holding the other party in his arms, he immediately started to move.

   "If you talk nonsense again, I will deal with you now!"

  Bai Ningbing's face was covered with blush, she glanced at the direction of her nieces, and said softly, "The children are still there..."

   "I can't control so much anymore!" Luo Feng hugged Bai Ningbing and walked directly towards the room.

   And his mobile phone was left on the sofa, hanging in the live broadcast room.

  At this moment, in Kanai Asai's live broadcast room.

  The current audience has reached more than 12 million, she said after a deep thought.

   "Good evening everyone, the person I want to thank the most this time is Mr. Luo!"

  “If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I hope everyone can remember him. In order to help me complete the plan to save stray cats, he has grown from a small leaflet to where I am today.”

  “I know that his money is not for me, but for these poor stray cats and dogs.”

   "In the next period of time, I will donate this income publicly, so that Mr. Luo's love can be passed on to every corner of Sakura Country. I also hope that everyone can supervise me at any time."

  That's right, she plans to use the money earned from Luo Feng's real gift to build more cat cafes for stray cats.

  And she plans to name it with Luo Feng's name. After all, the money belongs to Luo Feng, so she naturally wants to pay back.

   Luo Feng couldn't hear these words anymore.

  He had nothing to say all night, and the next morning, Luo Feng stretched his waist, but he found that Bai Ningbing beside him was gone. As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw Bai Ningbing wearing a bathrobe, walking over with her breakfast on her long white legs.

   "Have some breakfast, your phone has been ringing in the morning, I turned off the mute for you, then you can sleep a little longer."

  Luo Feng said thanks, while drinking milk, he turned on and charged his mobile phone.

  However, he found that many people called him, and the most frequent one was Luo Feng's eldest brother-in-law.

   "Oops! I forgot about my brother-in-law's flight this morning."

  Last night, playing too crazy, Luo Feng patted his forehead, and quickly dialed it.

  As soon as the phone was connected, the eldest brother-in-law's bitter laughter came.

   "Xiaofeng, you have been answering this call for long enough."

  Luo Feng blushed for a while, "I'm really sorry, my brother-in-law had something to do last night..."

   "I know that everyone already knows about your love and charity, and your eldest sister is also proud of you."

   "Love? What kind of love?" Luo Feng was slightly taken aback when he heard this sentence, a little dazed.

  He just bought some gifts for Asai Kanna yesterday, what does it have to do with charity?

  【Ask for a monthly pass, thank you all, thank you very much】(End of this chapter)