MTL - Mai Kitsune Waifu-Chapter 1240 Defeat Qin Huang

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Chapter 1240 defeats Qin Huang

Liu Yimei's gossip lights up the fourth rune, shock!

Liu Yi’s hands rose up again, and in the blink of an eye, it was the beginning of the Seventh Heaven!

Now in this Qin Palace, there are two masters of Seven Heavens!

The gas field of both people is very strong, and the surrounding cultivators are oppressed and can't speak, they can only sweat coldly, and just like taking a bath, they are all soaked.

Gu Yu is still good, and it is protected by emperors, and the pressure is much lighter.


Qin Huang saw the current Liu Yi, could not help but laugh, "I looked at you!"

"That is too thank you Qin Huang!"

Liu Yi’s mouth is slightly raised. “Now, the battle between the two of us can officially begin!”

Said, he turned into a shadow, and went to Qin Shihuang. The figure of two people suddenly disappeared from the hall, and then only saw a blast of gas, the surrounding walls, the floor was constantly crushed!

"This, what is the situation?"

A cultivator was so scared that he could pee quickly and couldn’t help but ask.

"They are too strong! Too strong!"

Another cultivator couldn't help but swear. "We can't see their position at all. They are moving fast and amazing!"

The masters of the two seven heavens are the same as the gods. They attack and move at a fast speed. It is not that these people's cultivators can catch them with their eyes.


At this time, a muffled sound, the figure of the two finally appeared.

In the hands of Liu Yi, he was carrying a golden gun and colliding with Qin Huang’s Qin Huangjian.

The strength of the two people has violently conflicted and they have not given each other.

The floor underneath their feet cracked and the surrounding walls shattered, then the smoke disappeared.

"Let's run away..."

"The power storm is simply too strong!"

The immortals of the human world can no longer resist, and flew away from the Qin Palace.

The war here is not the level they can face! Only the rain in the valley of the emperor can look at the excitement.

"see it?"

Qin Huang still has the strength to speak. "In this world, no one is your opponent! You are the power of the big universe, and you should be the descendants of the great witch. We are the same kind of people, why not use it for you?"

"What you yearn for is rule."

Liu Yi also forced a little strength to let him have the strength to speak. "But I am pursuing freedom! The two of us are not the same in essence!"

"What is different, you can see your ambition!"

Qin Huang said, the sword was shot, and Liu Yi’s sub-day gold gun was knocked open. At the same time, he stepped forward and punched him on the belly of Liu Yi.


Qi Jin broke out from the back of Liu Yi, and Liu Yi spit out a blood.

But he relied on his powerful Protoss not to die, and he resisted this punch. But Qin Huang’s fist constantly fell on his lower abdomen, a punch is faster than a punch, and a punch is more than a punch!

"You! Also think! Conquer! The world!"

Qin Huang said with a fist, "You! And Hey! All! The same!"

Said, a punch broke Liu Yi's lower abdomen and wore it from behind his back.

Liu Yi had been beaten all the time. At this time, he suddenly looked up and then grabbed Qin Huang’s arm with one hand and the other hand with his fist and gathered behind him.

"I said it... I am different from you!"

Said, Liu Yi's eyes broke out two golden lightning arcs, and then his fist directly broke the air, instantly broke the distance between the two, and fell on the chest of Qinhuang.

"The power of the Galaxy? Gun!"

This move is the strongest move in Liu Yi's ancient martial arts. Using the strength of the distance, the fist hit the chest of Qinhuang.

All the forces of Liu Yi are here, and with the power of the Galaxy, it is almost a punch of the Eight Heavens, suddenly bursting a big hole in the chest of Qin Huang!


Blood and internal organs flew out and sprinkled the floor.

Gu Yu surprised his mouth, Cheng Cheng, succeeded?

"Exactly... let's be amazed."

Qin Huang stepped back two steps and took advantage of his own wounds. "You are a small sorcerer, and the potential is extraordinary. Just this punch, there is enough power in the middle of the eighth heaven."

The other party ate his own full punch, but also able to accurately analyze the level of his own strength, which made Liu Yixin shocked.

Could it be that this Qinhuang still has a left hand?

"It should also let you see my strength."

Qin Huang said, suddenly pulled out a familiar necklace from his arms.

Colorful necklace!

Liu Yi was shocked. Isn't this the Qin Ling Palace's exchange of the past five spirits to the treasure?

No wonder I found it in the Qin Palace. Was it in the hands of this old guy?

"My strength has been sealed on this."

Qin Huang said, the palm of the hand is a force, directly crushed the colorful necklace!

The five brilliance moments flew toward his body and merged into his body in the blink of an eye.

Qin Huang’s body suddenly burst into a strong temper!

This enthusiasm is getting stronger and stronger, and gradually let Liu Yi can't open his eyes.

At the beginning of the Seventh Heaven, the middle of the Seventh Heaven, the Seventh Heaven and Earth Peak...

Still not stopped, still continue to climb!

Eight heavens! Already entered the Eight Heavens!

This way, I am afraid that I am really finished!

"The power of the Galaxy? Kill the world!"

Liu Yi suddenly snarled, the dark clouds in the sky changed, and the galaxy became a galaxy!

Liu Xing's Galaxy has only started halfway. After all, the last time he changed the distance between the stars and the river is not long. His body is not enough to support so many changes in the Milky Way.

I used to use the Xinghe in the Shura community. In order to **Chen Cai, they knew that they should not do this, and they used it frequently... It was too hurt!

Liu Yi’s body is constantly ruptured and reorganized, and the Protoss is not dying to the extreme!

At this moment, all the power of Liu Yi was poured on his own hands.

Although it is still a great skill, but this time the way is different. The usual destruction is a wide-ranging attack, and what is the scope? Let me put it this way, if Liu Yi uses the power of Seven Heavens, his destruction can directly oppress the whole earth! Now, he has changed the way power works, and only works on Qin Huang alone.

The two forces were one yin and one yang, gathered around the Qin Emperor. As Liu Yi and his two palms slowly closed, Qin Huang’s face changed.

"This is... what... moves..."

In the Qinhuangkou, a blood spurted out, and he increased his strength while fighting against Liu’s big move.

Because Liu Yizheng is the power of the best galaxy, this trick is equivalent to the power of Jiuzhongtian. Even if Qin Huang can regain the strength of Jiuzhongtian, he can't stand the trick of Liu Yi.

His body was constantly squeezed, and the internal organs followed suit.

And Liu Yi is a thousand injured and self-destructive. He attacked Qin Huang so much, and he was about to collapse.

If it is not for the Protoss not to support himself, he may have died a long time ago.

"Give it open!"

Qin Huang suddenly moved to real anger, and he knew that if he continued this way, he would really be killed if he did not do it!

The qi strength of his body suddenly became extremely strong, and Qin Huang launched a terrible big move to save his life!

He sacrificed the power of a whole day and caused a strong explosion around his body.


Liu Yi’s body was directly blown out, and even Lian Yu was not spared. He was struck by power ripples and collapsed behind the wall in the blink of an eye.

A huge black cloud rises into the sky and forms a man's face.

"After ten days! I will come back again! At that time, you will all die!"

When the voice fell, the dark clouds rolled into a ball and then quickly swept away.


Liu Yi was forced to kneel on the ground, and he had no strength to climb up.

The previous move made him exhaust all the power.

"It seems... to be miserable..."

Said, Liu Yi directly fainted.

At this time, on a hill in the distance, the **** of heaven forced Ai, who wanted to fly out.

"No, you can't save him."


Ai's face is full of tears. "I am so worried about our grandfather..."

"He won't be in trouble, our master has never missed it."

God of Heaven said, "You put a hundred hearts, he just suffered some injuries, there will be no problems."

"But he is not a miss!"

Ai Wei argues, "Ma Yi is still dead!"

"We didn't come and stop..."

The **** of power is very depressed. "Just arrived here, Ma Yizhen was killed. This woman is not self-confident, how can it be so easy to die."

"I want to save our grandfather!"

Ai Wei wanted to open up the **** of power, but the **** of power extended his right hand and released a huge pressure on Ai.

This is the attraction from the earth. It is magnified by the gods of heaven. I don’t know how many times, some are similar to the power of the Titan.

Ai's body was immediately pressed in place and could not fly.

She did not say anything, but chose to move forward step by step, and her feet continued to fall into the ground.

"Stupid woman."

God of Heaven sighs, "Your uncle has been taken away by Gu Yu, he will not have anything."


Ai squatted down, facing the direction of Gu Yufei, "The chick is pleased... you must be okay..."

In the vagueness of Liu Yi, Qin’s body became enormous. He waved the Qin Emperor sword and a sword smashed the earth into two halves!


He woke up and found himself lying on a mahogany bed.

"You finally woke up!"

Gu Yu saw Liu Yi sit up, some surprises, and then wiped the cold sweat with a handkerchief.

"How long have I slept!"

Liu Yi hurriedly asked.

"Not long after, only two hours."

Gu Yu said, "The date from ten days is still very long."

"That's good... I can't hesitate here anymore, I have to go to a place."

"Where are you going?"

Gu Yu is a bit strange. "Qinhuang will come back soon. Who are you looking for?"

"I am looking for my master."

There is no other way for Liu Yi, and even if Qinhuang explodes, there is still the strength of Eight Heavens. Even Luo Xiaoxiao is not his opponent.

I have to find Master Han Yuxin to see what his old people have to do.

"Would you like me to go with you?"

Gu Yu asked.

"No, I go... I must find a way to defeat Qin Huang! Otherwise, the world will be finished."