MTL - Male God, Shine Bright!-Chapter 2597 Wangchuan Riverside (13)

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In front of the Hall of Kings, Chu Zheng came down from the sedan chair.

The layout is no different from the ground, except that the color is changed to a uniform black.

In front of the gate, there was no figure of the king.

Chu Zheng thought at least to go through a process or something, but no results!

She was led directly into the room.


Chuzheng originally wanted to see King Yan, so he found an opportunity to take people away...

Who could have thought that the king of kings would give her this out?

How does this explain to the little things?

Snow Fox jumped from the sleeve of Chu Zheng, "Sister Zheng, what should I do now?"

Chu Zheng: "You'll bring Peng Yu in."

The people she brought were left outside and could not be followed.

Snow Fox showed that he turned out of the window.

Chuzheng closed the window and looked around the room.

This room has also been furnished, and there is ‘joy’ celebration everywhere.

You said that the king pays attention to it, and he hasn't shown his head in place.

You don’t pay attention to it. The items sent and the arrangement are very careful.


Chu Zheng didn't wait too long, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a tall figure walked in from outside.

The coming man wore a men's wedding dress and came in from the door, walking slowly.

And he wore a mask of blue-faced fangs, only showing a pair of dark eyes.

Chu Zheng: "..."

What shape is this?

She hadn't seen the king here since she came here.

He couldn’t have seen him like that before?

The king closed the door, stood at the door, and did not speak, staring straight at her.

Chuzheng is stable, you do not move, I do not move, see who moves first!

Finally, the king said first: "You don't ask me, why should you marry you?"

Chu Zheng replied: "If you don't ask me, why should you agree?"


King Yan: "Why?"

"Because..." Zheng Zheng paused. "It's not easy to find you."


Snow Fox took Peng Yu away from the patrol ghosts and moved carefully.

Finally, it was difficult to reach the window where Chuzheng was located.

When they arrived, they heard a muffled sound.

Peng Yu subconsciously pushed open the window.

In the room, the man wearing the same wedding dress as Chu Zheng was wrapped in black silk satin, and Chu Zheng dragged the silk and stood in front of the man.

Peng Yu was relieved to see Chuzheng okay.

Chuzheng turned his head to look at him and motioned them to come in.

Snow Fox jumped in next to Peng Yu and squatted to the shoulder of Chu Zheng several times.

Peng Yu braced the window sill and jumped in, closing the window smoothly.

Peng Yu glanced at the man who was sturdy, "Is he the King?"

"...Should be." Chu Zheng was not sure.

Snow Fox knows, "Yeah."

King Yan was also seriously injured in the battle three hundred years ago.

It is said that his appearance was ruined, so since then, King Yan has been wearing a mask.

Everyone has been used to it for a long time, and I don't think anything is wrong.

Yan Yan glanced at Peng Yu, and Peng Yu also wore a mask. Although it was a bit strange, it did not attract much attention from Yan.

"This is my mansion. If you start with me, do you think you can leave here safely?"

Chu Zheng had a clear mind, "I'll just take you with me."


He still underestimated Meng Po's strength.

The merit gained by Meng Po Tang is enough to make her grow up to a terrible state.

"Meng Po, how are we going to make a deal?"

"What deal do we have to do." Chu Zheng pulled a chair and asked Peng Yu to sit down first.

The sight of King Yan fell on Peng Yu again, and felt that the figure was somewhat familiar.

Where have you seen...

King Yan temporarily suppressed the doubt: "You are the last person of the Meng Po family, but you have thought about who will take over after your mission is over."

Chu Zheng: "If there is a reason, the rules of heaven and earth will automatically derive new rules, and I don't need to worry about it."

King Yan choked, and said after a while: "But this is something of your Mengpo family, you don't want to continue it?"

Chu Zheng thought about it and said, "I have not accepted the mission to continue the Menpo family."


King Yan was a bit unable to talk about it.

Chuzheng walked towards the king of the Yan, and when he reached out, he would lift his mask.

King Yan avoided it later, "Meng Po, what do you want to do!"

"You all want to marry me, and I can't see what you look like yet?" Chu Zheng pressed the king, and his calm eyes seemed to be frozen in ice.

King Yan was pressed by Chu Zheng, and he was struggling.

The mask was slowly raised, and the next second was suddenly lifted.

A face exactly like Peng Yu was exposed to the air.

There are also some differences.

Peng Yu's face was much calmer and softer.

This face appeared to be aggressive, ruining many aesthetics.

It is like a contrast between good and evil.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Snow Fox: "..."

Peng Yu: "..."

"Your brother?" Chu Zheng couldn't help but ask Peng Yu.

Peng Yu: "..."

It looks like it is.

Hearing this, he seemed to think of something, and his pupils twitched slightly, staring at Peng Yu.

After a while, King Yan suddenly laughed, "No wonder I can't find you in the entire underworld, and only Meng Po can hide people, how come I didn't expect it."

At that time, I heard that the last place he appeared was the reincarnation inn.

But no one was found.

In addition, he felt that Meng Po had nothing to do with him, so he would not be right for him and himself.

No wonder...

No wonder...

Peng Yu took off his mask.

The two identical faces have great visual impact.

Peng Yu asked: "Who am I?"

Yan Wang narrowed his eyes, "Can't you remember?"

Peng Yu admitted: "Yes."


King Yan is probably measuring Peng Yu's speech, whether it is true or not.

"Why are you exactly like me, and who are you."

"Who am I?" Yan Yan chuckled, and suddenly changed his face in the next second, filling his whole face with anger, "I am you, you are me."

Peng Yu's heart jumped slightly, "What do you mean?"

King Yan rubbed his lips, showing a strange smile, "Do you really want to know?"

Peng Yu's hands on his knees tightened, "I want to know."


Three hundred years ago.

An evil spirit, who was suppressed in the forbidden ground of the underworld, broke the seal and set off a **** storm in the underworld.

The king led the crowd and won terribly.

This is the version known to everyone in the underworld.

What they did not know was what was the origin of the evil spirit at that time, and what happened during the battle between the king and the evil spirit.

There are eighteen layers of **** in the underworld, but there is also a forbidden land.

What is suppressed in the forbidden land is something that will never be seen again.

An evil spirit, He De He Neng, can be suppressed in the forbidden area.

Because he is not a evil spirit himself, he is the demon of the king.

When King Yan found that he had a demon, he stripped it out.

There is no way to eliminate the mind demons by brute force.

King Yan knew this, so he could only strip it.

The demolished demons were initially simply sealed, because he felt that such a seal was enough to deal with him.

He underestimated the demon.

Also underestimated the evil thoughts that grew in him.

Those things are the nourishment of the demon, the more he thinks about it, the stronger he is.

Read The Duke's Passion