MTL - Male God’s Freestyle Flirting-Chapter 330 To dream

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Tang Xia really didn't think about it.

Although there is not much time left, it is Han Yu's birthday after all, which is rare once a year. Besides, this is also the first time she gave him a gift, so she must pay more attention to it.

Therefore, Tang Xia couldn't make up his mind.

Han Yu replied with a smile -

"Then I'll wait for your surprise."

Tang Xia immediately regretted whether she had talked too much...

In case the "surprise" effect is not achieved by then...

The girl is going to be driven crazy by herself!

Some gifts are too cheap, and those that are not cheap cannot afford them because they do not have financial resources. Some gifts are not practical, but practical ones are too life-like to give them away. Some gifts are very old-fashioned, but creative ones are more suitable for female friends.

Tang Xia was lying in front of the computer desk in the middle of the night, searching for all kinds of birthday gift strategies for boys.

In the end, she was so sleepy that she couldn't bear it, and she dozed off with the pillow in her arms.

In her sleep, the girl was running around various physical stores, and then the camera turned, she pointed to a light purple floor-length lace dress displayed in the window of the store, and said generously—

"Boss, wrap this skirt up for me! Give it away!"

The boss in the dream was extremely dog-legged, and he praised Tang Xia with a smile, "The little girl really has eyes, you will look so noble when you wear it!"

Tang Xia shook her head, "I didn't wear it, I gave it to Han Yu."

"It makes sense. Han Yu is tall and can match this skirt."

Tang Xia just wanted to agree, but when she turned her head, the boss was no longer there, and the scene switched back to the classroom of Class Six.

Teacher Luo was holding the light purple long skirt, gesturing to Han Yu who was standing indifferently on the podium, and reminded dissatisfiedly while gesturing: "Han Yu, you have to put on a charming pose, otherwise the teacher will not There is a way to help you put the skirt on."

Dreams are always weird, and even people's words have no logic.

Tang Xia sat down and watched the play in a leisurely manner.

Then she was surprised to find that Han Yu really began to sculpt obediently!

"Very good! Keep your chest up, your belly in, and your **** out!"

Teacher Luo strictly supervised, and Han Yu strictly followed through.

Tang Xia's impression of the boy's appearance and personality was shattered in an instant.

Just as she was dazed, the skirt was already on Han Yu's body.

Teacher Luo asked, "Is it pretty?"

Tang Xia narrowed her eyes and looked forward.

But for some reason, the outline of Han Yu's figure in sight gradually became blurred, and even his facial features disappeared. What Tang Xia could barely make out was an unknown lump of light purple in front of him.

Although the boy's expression could not be seen, the voice was still clear.

Tang Xia heard Han Yu coldly say—

"This is your surprise?"

She couldn't help shivering.

"Where I want to go, what I want, none of you understand?"

Han Yu's tone was devoid of any emotion, as if he was angry.

Tang Xia didn't know that she was dreaming at first, so she panicked and defended: "I thought you would like it, look, purple represents elegance and nobility, so it suits you!"

After she finished speaking, she anxiously looked at Han Yu's face. It was obviously a collection of mist, but Tang Xia still made up the gloomy face of the young man.

Then, the dream woke up.

Tang Xia lay on her back on the bed with big dazed eyes open, forgetting when she turned off the lights last night and fell asleep.

Sure enough, I think about it every day and dream at night.

The girl wiped the fine sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, and let out a long breath.

I'm afraid...

If he really bought a skirt for Han Yu like in his dream, and let him wear it in front of the whole class, Tang Xia deeply suspected that he would be beaten to death by Han Yu!

She sat up helplessly, remaining silent like an old monk in meditation.

It's just a pity that this dream, if I can see Han Yu wearing a long skirt, it will be perfect.

Tang Xia sighed, and tried her best to recall every bit of the dream while her mind was clear.

It would be great if you can recall Han Yu's appearance.

The girl still couldn't finish it, she put on her slippers and swayed to the bathroom.

A sleepy girl's face was reflected on the embedded mirror. She fiddled with her hair twice, and was about to brush her teeth when she suddenly paused.

In an instant, two words flashed through my mind—

"Where I want to go."

"Something I want."

Tang Xia slowly raised her head, stared at herself in the mirror, and murmured.

This is what Han Yu in the dream told her.

The girl stood silently for a few minutes.

After a while, her eyes lit up.

Is God pitying Tang Xia for the past two days thinking about presents and thinking that her gray hair is about to pop out, or is it because Han Yu is afraid that he will receive something strange in his dream and reminds her?

Tang Xia laughed heartily in the bathroom alone, and the laughter alarmed Tang Zhihai who was reading newspapers in the living room.

"It's so early in the morning, Xiao Xia, what are you so silly about?"

Tang Xia quickly covered her mouth.

After washing up, she hurriedly ate a few mouthfuls of breakfast, and slipped back to the bedroom under the pretext of rushing homework.

After closing the door, Tang Xia took out a pen and paper, while thinking about what Han Yu had mentioned to him about his favorite things, while taking notes at the same time, with a serious attitude.

After touching for about half an hour, Tang Xia paused at the tip of the pen and squeezed it tightly!

The next moment, the girl jumped up from her seat excitedly!

She knows where to start!


Tang Xia was so happy that she danced in the room by herself.

At the end of the solo carnival, she calmed down temporarily with a smile, bit the pen and wrote down a few key words on the paper.

One of the most important is—

ID card.

If she was thinking in the right direction, then she also needed to know Han Yu's ID number.

Tang Xia began to think about how to obtain that string of numbers.

There are not many places where they can use their ID cards, and Tang Xia can only think of "Internet cafes" which are the most closely related to them and the least likely to be discovered.

Maybe she needs to go to an Internet cafe with Han Yu.

Tang Xia made a simple plan, and then flipped through the time on the desk calendar, thinking that if she doesn't act today, she will stay at school for the next five days, and it's not convenient to go out. In case it's too late...

no! Absolutely not!

The girl gritted her teeth, and immediately sent a message to Han Yu, straight to the point!

The boy on the other side of the screen returned quickly, expressing deep doubts about Tang Xia's question "whether to go to the Internet cafe in the afternoon".

"Why are you going to the Internet cafe all of a sudden?" Han Yu asked.

Fortunately, it wasn't face to face, Tang Xia's "white lie" came -

"There is a power outage at home, there is no internet, and I can't do electronic homework."

At this time, Tang Xia really thanked the English teacher who was always disgusted and troublesome!

Because English teachers have the habit of leaving online oral homework on weekends!

"Then come to my house?" Han Yu issued an invitation.

Tang Xia refused without even thinking about it—

"No, just go to the Internet cafe."

The boy compromised, "Okay, what time will I see you?"

"One point," Tang Xia typed fast, her heart beating equally fast, "Don't forget to bring your ID card!" ##### At 00:22 in the morning, I finally finished writing the fourth update! I was moved to cry by myself! Although it's been a while, although the auditing lady may have gone to sleep, although you may not see it until tomorrow morning, but! but! I don't slap my face! Proudly stick out my little belly! [Friendly recommend "Nongmen Widow: The Champion's Uncle Comes Up to the Kang" Author: Li Sanye, this is a love story of a royal sister who tried her best to train Xiao Xianrou, but was forced to fight back by the dark-bellied Xiao Xianrou]