MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 6 From the sky, Tekken Karp

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I fell into the sea, a string of bubbles slipped out of my mouth, and Ron was like a salty fish ... Within a day, he felt three kinds of experiences that he had never experienced before.

For one thing, the pain hit by the shock wave.

Second, there is the power of Thunder in the body.

Nothing else ...

As a capable person, soaked in seawater, the kind of panic and weakness!

The cheekbones groaned and her fingers couldn't move.

"It's so uncomfortable! I want to die! I'm out of breath ..."

He slowly sank and an empty shark swam over. After seeing the target, he flicked his tail in excitement and opened his mouth wide.

As a carnivorous fish standing at the top of the food chain in the White Sea, the empty shark is very clear that these four-limbed creatures have fallen into the sea.

There is no room for resistance, it is simply delicious!

Goo ...

The turbulent water current caught Ron's attention. He opened his eyes and found that the empty shark that was getting closer and closer was iron-blue.

"Hold the grass, what do you want, dead shark ?!"

I worked hard to condense the thunder and lightning in my body and wanted to repel the empty shark. However, with so many people unable to resist the restraint relationship, how can he, as a man with the new ability, go against the sky? Not to mention a lightning strike, he couldn't even feel the power inside him.

He could only watch the two-meter-long empty shark rushing up, biting his mouth full of fangs.

Let's sizzle! !! !!

The dazzling thunder light flickered, and a large group of fishes died on the spot.

In the dark water, an empty shark twitched in place and its tail flicked wildly. It regretted it ... This kind of sourness of electrifying the whole body really made the "shark" want to stop!

"Pyrobroin keratinocytes" in seawater can indeed restrain those who are able to use them, but they are unable to use the ability, but the content is very small, and it cannot change the form of the capable person.

Only the higher concentration of "Pyrobroin keratinocytes" and the "crystals of the sea" can make the ability lose all its ability ... including elementalization!

So, the rubber that sinks into the ocean floor can still be stretched, and the lightning that sinks into the ocean floor is also a lightning bolt.

Unprepared, the confident shark bit his mouth on Ron's stomach, and was immediately convulsed by the spilled thunder and lightning, unable to move.

所以 "So why do you bite me? If you don't die, you won't die!"

By the light brought by the thunder, Ron looked at the shark twitching and jerking on his stomach weakly, wanting to laugh, but without the strength.


Suddenly, the sun fell!

Puppet power returned to her body, her vision brightened. Ron looked up and said in surprise.

"I rushed out? !!!"

But then his face turned dark and silent.


The good news is that because the White Sea is not Qinghai, there is no one to say under the sea, so he fell into the sea and got out from under the bottom of this ocean. Don't worry about drowning.

But the bad news is ... there is still the ocean below! !! !!

I glanced at the sight of the blue sea. The sea and sky meet, the sky and the sea are the same, and several seagulls are soaring on the beautiful planet arc, the picture is beautiful.

Falling quickly, her broken hair stood upside down. Ron sat cross-legged in the air and touched his chin.

"Say ... Nature ignores any physical injury, and there is no possibility of falling. But below is the sea, and it will drown if you don't die!"

"and so……"

转动 He turned his gaze and looked at the empty shark who rolled his eyes and twitched from time to time, and his mouth twitched suddenly.

One who can't fall will drown. A drowning one will fall to death.

This wave is going to be cold, brother!

Uh ...

Great fairway, first half.

A huge Tibetan blue ship with a large mast, turrets and sky-high masts split the sea straight ahead.

Standing on the deck of a giant ship like a mountain, busy soldiers in white navy uniforms are tiny like ants running on a banana leaf. On the large mast on the front of the giant ship, a white and wide sail is hung high, and the pattern of the center seagull scales symbolizes the maintenance of world peace and order.

This is a warship from the Marine Headquarters Marilyn Fodor ... and it is the largest model that only qualified officers and above are qualified to equip—monster of war!

An ordinary pirate group, which can be easily destroyed only by impact and artillery!

Historically escorted the "world aristocrat" Tianlong people. The navy will definitely dispatch such warships, which shows the confidence in it!

It is just that the head of such an extraordinary and powerful battleship has been replaced by some unreliable existence. In its place was a cute dog head sculpture wearing a collar and a bone in his mouth. Losing majesty is ridiculous.

However, no one who is roaming on the great route, or even the residents of the four seas who only care a little bit about naval intelligence, dare not have any contempt for it.

Because this dog-headed warship was "hands-on" to capture "One Piece" Gore D. Roger, defeating "New World King" Locks, and the sea legend known as "Navy Hero", Monch D. Card Pu's mount!

At this moment, in front of the wide deck, there was a red beach chair that was very inconsistent with the solemn atmosphere of the battleship. An old man was lying on it, kicking off his leather shoes, raising his legs, and sleeping with his head up. His muscles were knotted, his back was sloppy, his hair was gray, and his face was not angry.

If you ignore the dazzling red beach chairs, the beach umbrellas that stand out from the sun, and the snot bubble blowing from his nostrils, maybe everyone will say something.

"What an old Tekken Karp!"

Unfortunately, there is no ...

Tick ​​...

I hit a drop of water on my feet, and Carp opened his eyes dimly and looked at the sky, smashing his mouth ~ ~ It's going to rain again ... this great route weather ... "

As one of the top lieutenant generals in the headquarters, Capu rarely goes on duty on weekdays, and if he is unhappy, he must ask the comrade-in-arms and marshal of the Warring States for leave, and return to the East China Sea to see his grandson. Karp was very dissatisfied with the last negative strike that finally annoyed the Warring States and forced him to work.

But desperately, he messed up this time.


Imagine the face of the Warring States turned blue and drooling, Karp muttered: "Walk slowly, you can drag on for a day."

He turned over and greeted the lieutenant standing behind him.

"Train, the storm is here, let the soldiers take action!"

"I understand!"

Aunt Lieutenant Trian immediately nodded and turned to find the navigator.

Although Karp did not know how to sail, he had been in the sea for decades and traveled from south to north. He knew the weather on the great route, and ordinary sailors were not comparable to him.

But after a short while, Trian came back with his back in his head.

"Lieutenant General Karp, the navigator said it would not rain?"

If only one or two people deny that Trian will definitely not return to report, but more than a group of more than ten sailors are sure that it will not rain, then Carp's conclusion will be open to question.

Hearing this, Karp opened his eyes aggressively and looked up again.

He said as he looked up.

"No, there was rain hitting my feet just now, the wind was not normal, it would be ... uh ..."

"What is it?"

Trian asked curiously.

In this regard, Karp slowly lowered his head, stared into his eyes, and said seriously: "Yes ... a weird shark and a man!"

Trian: "..."

Read The Duke's Passion