MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 882 0 The Beast Pirate Group disbands!

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It turns out that pig teammates will always be harder to deal with than God's opponents.

I'm afraid Ron couldn't think of it, and what he put out from the black charcoal snake's mouth would be exactly connected with Caddo's speculation. The person who revealed the location of the base was actually not Orec, but a black charcoal snake.


What's the point?

Listening to the sound of fighting over there, Kai Duo put down the phone with a somber face and didn't hesitate to call for help.

Then ...

Rumble! !! !!

A powerful and overbearing tyrannical arrogance burst out suddenly. The surface of the sea instantly burst into a wave of 100 meters like a few tons of explosives.

Huge ships swayed left and right in the tsunami, and the sky and the earth changed.

Countless pirates fell to the ground and breathed hard, looking at the cabin with fear in their eyes.

"Kay ... Lord Kay?"

This overlord color is not just a vent, but a way to enclose them together and exterminate everything!

Click ... click ...

The sound of heavy footsteps hit everyone's heart like a cymbal drum, and the tall, demon-like body stepped out of the cabin step by step, looking at the pirate that had fallen to the ground, Kaiduo looked cold.

"Let's go, you are free."


The pirates suddenly widened their eyes and looked at him inexplicably.

There were noises on the deck, and the pirates were motionless, doubting everything they heard.

Caddo didn't seem to see this, and continued.

"Whatever you do, robbery, plunder, war with the navy, or return to the mountains, whatever you want!"

"From today, the Beast Pirates, disband !!!"


A stone stunned thousands of waves, and the tens of thousands of waves hit the wind. With the thunder dancing in the dense clouds, Caddo's voice spread throughout the fleet.

"This is Lao Tzu's war!"

"Everyone, get off !!!"


The violent overlord color instantly wiped the waters, and countless weak pirates were rushed by the violent breath, the liver and gallbladder were ruptured, the heart and veins were shattered by life, and their blood was spit on the spot.

A living example was in front of me. For a moment, the pirates who were fortunate but not in a coma hurriedly moved the ship away from Kado.

"Hurry ... run away, the captain is crazy!"

"Let's go! I didn't want to play with him anymore, but dare to go to war with the world's government. How about death?"

"Where should we go? Together with the country of peace, most of the new world is occupied by the navy!"

"I don't know. I'll leave here anyway."

People's hearts are scattered, and the team is not good enough.

No one wants to know that the once-influenced beast pirate group, the New World Four Emperors and the pirate backbone will end in this form.

When the news gradually spreads with the beast pirates, it is destined to make this world uproar!

"I shouldn't have done this from the beginning. Subordinates and allies are shit!"

"For One Piece's vanity, for One Piece's influence, look, what a stupid thing I've done."

On the only ship that could not escape, one-armed Kedo murmured to the dark sea.

"If you want it, grab it!"

"This is me ..."

Under the horrified gaze of the undead pirates on the deck, a horrible sense of oppression emerged from Caddo. It was darker than the black of the dawn, more violent than the volcanic magma, and the terrible oppressive atmosphere deeper than the abyss of the sea. Coupled with the one-armed arm, Kaido looks like an ancient demon and is independent from the world.


If Ron knew that Kado had disbanded the Pirates, he would have been confused, but if he understood what the trio had experienced during this time, he would also understand his approach.

Quite simply, the root of everything comes from "stress"!

Fighting against the government is far from being so easy to talk about. They had a dinner party in the country of peace before. Is there no purpose to relieve the pressure?

I want to know that it is impossible.

The start of the war itself has made the three men under great pressure. However, starting from Ron's escape, things followed one after another, making Kaido feel that he had not been a day off.

Coupled with the fact that even Orek is suspected of betrayal, or that he was deliberately targeted at him and the black charcoal snake from the beginning, Kaiduo's mood can be imagined.

Quinn's accidental death finally became the last straw to overwhelm the camel ...

Cato was suddenly sober, what happened to him?

Only two of the four emperors were thinking of One Piece.

One is BIG · MOM, and the other is him.

White Beard just wants to spend his life with his family, One Piece? Roger gave him nothing.

For the captain's will, the red-haired chose his successor, waiting for Luffy to grow up, and he was not interested in becoming one piece.

And he and BIG · MOM, one for the grandest war ambition in history, and one to build the utopia in the nun's dream, need to use One Piece's influence to become One Piece.

But that's just a means, not an end.

But when did you become constrained by these "means" and lost your way?

Caddo understood now.

Since he limited "war" to One Piece, and to himself, everything has changed.

He was not overwhelmed by pressure, but awoken from the complicated disturbances, and returned to the years when his reputation had risen, becoming more pure.

The dissolution of the Pirates is only the first step. These scattered Pirates will bring chaos in the way he wants. The next thing the Navy will face is "a" truly unprecedented monster, "Kado!


It happened so fast that the death of the black charcoal snake only stayed between the ears of the people of Hezhi Country and a deep sea in the New World. A warship docked on the edge of the dark coast.

"Hiding here, no wonder we can't find it."

Stepping down the deck, the red dog was surprised.

Small islands like this windless belt edge are not within the navigation range of the recording pointer at all. If you want to come over, sometimes even the permanent pointer cannot guide you. You can only get closer by relying on the chart and the recording pointer to constantly determine the position.

"Aren't we more concerned about how those people know this information than that?"

The ape murmured wryly with his hands in his pockets.

"Are there any government spies in such marginal corners?"

"Well, you have too many questions, Ape."

Qing Ling's footsteps fell, and the current CP0 chief in white was bald on the beach and hummed.

"As a navy, there should not be so many problems. It is the duty to follow orders to complete the task."

"It's not your turn to teach us, old guy!"

The red dog stared at him with a bad expression. Without the suppression of the Tianlong people, CP0 was a fart!

Last time the Tianlong people were killed, he hasn't found the other person to settle for Ron wearing small shoes!

As the commander in chief of the navy, it's not good to be short.


The bald took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and turned his head to not look at him.

"Oh, guys, just say a few words."

At this moment, a strange uncle's face came over, smiling bitterly.

"The enemy is Neptune, who cannot be beaten by even the Green General, and now stands inside, absolutely irrational. In the movie, we all die."

"I understand the truth."

Yellow ape: "... you still put on the mask, former chief. Just looking at your face, I often forget who you are."

Unmasked Mask Zero: "..."

So is Laozi's mask the body?

(╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

At this moment, a huge snake-shaped Neptune rushed out of the sea, and opened his mouth and bit it.


The red dog screamed, leaped, and filled his right hand with magma.

Dog eats red lotus!

Huh! !!

The rolling lava turned into an evil dog, and he mercilessly aimed at the head of the Neptune and fell straight.

Hiss ...

The head was penetrated directly by magma and spouted from the lower jaw. The other party trembled with pain, but still refused to give up.

"Not good, its target is a warship!"

The bald head with zero pupils shrank, turning in mid-air with the speed of a yellow ape to be amazed and turning smoothly, the right palm split.

Fist Blade Flow · Mountain Break and Sea Break!


A hundred-meter-long blue-blue light burst into the sky, swiping across the neck of the snake-shaped neptune, exterminating all vitality. Everyone was relieved to see this, Zigui 怼 ~ ~ The strength of this is still very trustworthy.

But at this moment, the Neptune, who was gradually off his neck, suddenly widened his eyes, exhausted his last strength, opened his mouth and spit a mouthful of corrosive poison.

Uh ...

A large amount of green smoke floated from the hull, apparently a wooden and metal ship, but still turned into coke at a horrible speed.


After landing, both the red dog and the bald face were very ugly.

The difficulty of this Neptune class reminded them of the green urns on the holy land bed.

"Welcome to my kingdom, everyone."

The icy magnetic female voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked back, a strange sea snake with a long face of ten meters wrapped around the body and looked at them calmly.

"Speaking of snakes is one of the special Neptune species, because the body shape has been previously defined as a sea beast, but it was later identified by Bega Punk as a type of Neptune."

The mask was pulled out and clasped on the face, the voice was dull and hoarse.

"Her body must be within a thousand meters, and the hearing range of a snake can only be so large."

"That's too big, okay? Add the sky and the ocean."

The yellow ape whispered subconsciously, and then he looked suspicious.

"So you are an encyclopedia!"

Mask Zero: "... believe it or not I'll kill you now?"

"To shut up!"

The red dog and the bald head turned back at the same time, staring fiercely at the two uninteresting guys.

"He's right."

At this moment, the capable snake continued to repeat the words of Neptune with that weird voice.

"I'll be waiting for you in the palace in the center of the island, the invaders ... provided that you can get through."

"The worst situation!"

The bald head looked dignified: "She found us approaching but didn't run away!"

Hearing, everyone looked tight.

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