MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 923 Back to Advance City

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Regardless of the fact that most of them have fallen asleep at this point in time, Ron found out the phone bug and said after dialing: "Send someone to pay close attention to the North Sea, and once Vince Mork Gage succeeds, report immediately.

Dongte didn't know where he was. He suddenly cared about the North Sea, but the first level of the government university crushed people, not to mention several levels ... So he stood in front of the phone bug in pajamas, and his mouth twitched.


Then Ron called out again.

"Little Dragon Lord, I haven't contacted in a long time."

"That's it. I heard that the Kingdom of Jerma declared war on the Beihai tyrants. They bought their weapons from you?"

"No, no, don't worry about this, I just don't have the time to manage your smuggling ... I just want to say, Jerma Wolf is ambitious, you have to be careful."

"Yes, that's it, keep going to sleep."

Having said that, Ron hung up the phone again.

Leaving the phone bug and the other flower landlord Xiaolong with constipation, he finally had to change his clothes and greeted his followers: "Hold Hai Huoliang and Lao Cai Dongliang, what's the matter!"

After making the call, Ron was in a good mood and sneered.

"The facts tell us to stay on the line and see you in the future ... You see, isn't this a negative example?"

Dare to bully the ancestors of Ai Yin's family, this is not to show him any face!

The red dog who turned in was obviously frightened, but he ignored it and then reported directly: "Master, Li Ruisk wants to see you."

"Well, it really is him."

Ron stepped forward to pick up the report from the Commissioner Hannibal and swiped: "Is he ... figured it out?"

"I don't know, but isn't that why we didn't kill him?"

The red dog showed a sinister look very violently.

"Now that his father has become like that, Li Ruisk wants to come and hate that one very much."

"It's possible ... arrange the warship immediately, and I'll go now."


After all, Ron patted his shoulder in Red Dog's unbelievable eyes.

Everyone is so familiar. Although you are my leader, I am also your elder.

However, Ron looked sorrowful and sighed, "Marshal, don't do this. There are enough conspirators in the navy, just be yourself."

Red Dog: "..."

He bit his teeth into a "creak", and the red dog's face flushed. I wondered if he was happy.

"Large, people, slow, go!"

"Don't send it!"

Ron arched his hands, Tian shameless.


Pushing City is still the familiar Pushing City, but it has long been "non-human, non-human".

Dorag's escape did not have much impact on the lower prisons, but it could damage the upper prisons at the portals, especially the Red Lotus Hell, which is equivalent to the "gate".

The special red needle grass has not grown so far, so that it has to send additional staff to care for the prisoners, leaving the name of Honglian Hell dead, and the sea of ​​hell is almost the same.

This is a change in "things".

And the change of "people" ...

Ron couldn't help laughing as he watched Hannibal standing in front of the team.

Judging by appearance is not good, but compared with the majestic Deputy Administrator Magellan behind him, Hannibal's swollen belly makes him extremely funny.

However, he had no opinion on this. As long as there was no trouble in the promotion city, the position of the director was absolutely secure, and Hannibal was satisfied with it.

As for majesty ...

What kind of things do you need to advance the city?

All it takes is fear and obedience!

"Master Canglong, welcome to Advance City."

When he saw Ron, Hannibal screamed exaggeratedly in the familiar pointed duck's throat, and smirked.

In response, Hannibal and Saty Jr. couldn't bear to look directly.

Anyway, it's the director of the city in the Grand Vortex Iron Triangle. Can you fight for it?

Look at him as shame.

"I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Ron nodded with a smile and said, "I haven't been here for a long time, but I miss the days of Acting Director."

"Especially those prisoners ... are they honest?"

"Honest, honest!"

Hannibal whispered quickly as it mattered to the higher level.

"That's good. As a large vortex iron triangle, the city has been promoted twice in these decades ... No, three times have been hit hard."

Ron glanced at Magellan: "You guys have to cheer!"

"Yes, yes, my lord is right."

Hanniba laughed with a smile on his face.

Ron, who is so shameless, is too stubborn to ignore him: "OK, send someone to show me the way and go back to work."

"Understood, who ... what are you doing, quickly lead the way to Lord Canglong!"

Magellan: "..."

I really want to give him a poison kill in his arms!

When Ron entered the city of advancement, Hannibal suddenly put a smile on his face and looked dignified.

"This is a warning!"

"The nature of the propulsion city is different from that of the Justice Island and the Navy Headquarters. They can have an accident but we can't ... The result is that the golden lion escaped successfully, then Dorrag escaped successfully, and our own people wanted to stay in disorder. Quite dissatisfied. "

"I don't want to kneel up and lick my face now, it's better than everyone being accounted for after the fall together."

Looking at the shocked and worshipped eyes of the others, Hannibal straightened his spine, folded his funny belly, and looked solemn and solemn.

"This is the realization of being the Director of the City!"

The crowd stood in awe.

However, after waiting a few seconds, he put his stomach on his face and laughed.

"How's it going? Director, did I look handsome?"

Little Saty and others: "..."

How could I expect such a person? !!

Ah, what a shame!


The familiar City of Advancement naturally has the familiar LV.6 Thunder Hell.

But careful Ron found that LV.6 was a bit too quiet, and most of the jails were empty.

"At first, you, the adults ... the prisoners who were dealt with were deliberately played by others during the last jailbreak, many of them were killed, plus the total number of prisoners who escaped afterwards, so ..."

Magellan was ashamed ~ ~ Anyway, the Navy had already issued a lore order. "

"Those prisoners who escaped have no chance of being kept in prison."

The current sea is not the sea in the past. Except for the slow progress in the new world, the rest of the world is rapidly starting construction of sea train lines.

After escaping, there was not much room for them to survive.

And over time, this living space will become smaller and smaller.

"Some of the prisoners have been stared at by the Navy, but I didn't let them do it immediately. Do you know why?"

"Uh ... because the war was imminent?"

Magellan asked tentatively.

"That's half right."

Ron grinned, revealing his white teeth: "The other half, I ordered them to record how these guys looked every day, and then when they were most desperate or hopeful, they were beheaded. "

"The prisoner escaped from nothing more than feeling that there would be a good life to escape, and it would be like a fish ... Then I would tell them how it feels to live in fear every day."

"Hell-like advancing city, but a refuge heaven!"

These words did not whisper on their backs, most of the awakened prisoners in Thunder Hell heard.

Magellan clearly felt that the already quiet LV.6 was even quieter after Ron finished speaking, and even the sound of breathing was inaudible.

Sure enough, this is the Canglong I am familiar with!

Sorrowful, Magellan stopped in front of a prison in a remote corner and bowed, "Then go out first."

Ron nodded and said nothing.

After he left, he dragged a stool to sit down.

"Have you figured it out? Li Ruisk."

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