MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 937 Eye of the sky! Signal for war!

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"Countless strategy" is an adjective for the person who proposes the plan. After all, there is no perfect plan in this world, in any world.

Ron believes that no one, including himself, can make a plan that is truly flawless.

However, the strategy is only a means to achieve the [process] of the goal.

Even if there are loopholes, what is the difference as long as the opponent cannot find or use them?

Just achieve the goal.

Others, but just follow the trend.

and so……

"It's almost there, Master Im."

Eye of the sky!

The words fell, sitting in Pangu City, Ron's eyes were blue, like a god.

At the same time, the endless dark clouds began to converge over the holy place, and the Dao Thunder snake swam and rolled, letting everyone in the holy place hold their breath.

"That is……?!"

Kong looked up and looked at the light appearing in the sky, unable to tremble.


Accompanying the crisp buzzing sounds, thunder and lightning gathered together as if there was life, forming a pattern of giant eyes with blue lines, floating above the Holy Land.

Eye of the sky!

It just floated there quietly, motionless, ruthless, or without emotion at all, quietly watching everything in the Holy Land.

No matter which dark corner of the holy place, or between the flowers wrapped in terror, under the eyes of God, everything can't escape its observation.

Holy land, between flowers.


Feeling the gas that suddenly locked on him, Im raised his head, his eyes twitching in war.

"So sure ... isn't Neptune threatening?"

Only the gods of slaughter and Im knew that the appearance of the eyes of the sky was Ron's declaration of war. What will happen next is the real decisive battle that determines the direction of this world!

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Im said slowly, standing up, another terror coercion erupted.

Click, click ... Boom!

The eyes of the sky floating in the sky were suddenly covered with cracks like mirrors, and then "banged" and exploded into sky lightning debris.

However, immediately afterwards, the entire sky lit up.


Ding Ding Ding Ding!

In a throbbing trembling sound, hundreds of eyes of the sky appeared in the dark clouds, illuminating the four sides. It seems that there are behemoths with hundreds of eyes outside the world, peeping at this planet from outer space.

At the same time, within the G11 branch.

Qing Yan raised her head suddenly, her mouth raised.

"Are you finally going to do it?"

"What's that? It's Master Canglong's ability?"

The bald head frowned silently, and the eyes of the sky, the size of the Neptune, did not hide their light, constantly blinking at the junction of the sea and the sky, even if they were far apart.

He had just wanted to get out of the room, and an ice cone suddenly flew past him, crashing into the ocean.

boom! !!

The explosion of the ice cone caused a large area of ​​the sea to become a white ice sheet.

If it falls on people, the consequences can be imagined.

"Qing Ye!"

Bald glared: "What do you want to do ?!"

Qing Yan shook his head silently, without answering, but looked at Taotu: "Go, I will look at him here with Lieutenant General Smolger."

Peach Rabbit nodded and walked towards the warship with the bandaged Tea Dolphin.

A bald head slumped and his face blushed, "Do you think I'm a traitor? Aya!"


Qing Yan nodded without hesitation and stopped at the gate.

"Although it may not be a complete betrayal, you have not been completely loyal to Ron, and you still have your own plan ..."

"Only that, we can't trust you."

Seeing the struggle in his eyes, Qingyu held a mass of ice, and there was an infiltrating killing in his tired body.

"Don't forget that we are a temporary alliance with the Revolutionary Army. Some things ... you can't hide anyone."

The bald head was startled, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "Is the ape told you?"

Qing Yi gave him a surprised look: "Does the General Huang Ape know? But it's a pity ... it's not."

Looking at the warship that gradually started to leave here, and Smoog, who surrounded the room with a single-arm laser gun provided by the G5 branch, crossed the room, Shao Qing shook his head.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you ... Ron said that the world is gray, and there is darkness when there is light, so he needs someone like you."

Qing Yan emphasized the word “talent” and understood that it did not represent identification. For a role like zero on the wall, Qing Yan thought he could not be so frank.

Bald and gritted his teeth, he noticed that the laser cannons in the hands of the soldiers were fully charged, and hummed.


He calmed down quickly and sat down in a chair.

"The old man will wait and see and see who is the ultimate winner!"

Obviously, it was all calculated by Ron.

Even if Shanzu did not wake up accidentally, they would be taken to G11 by them, no matter the time.

He had fallen into a trap since Ron sent him out.

Not surprisingly, the red dog that followed to deal with Neptune must also have some arrangement of Ron, and Neptune that has used the last card ... not to be afraid.

Even if the difference in strength between the two sides still exists, Bald Zero believes that Red Dog will not lose.

This is Canglong!

Bald frowning and sighing.

Killing all possible threats in the cradle, God wrote the drama without knowing it.

Without him and Neptune, the two are most likely to have accidental existence, Im is completely in danger of fighting alone.

In all fairness, Bald Zero is happy to obey Ron's orders if possible.


"Strength is the most important thing!"

Looking at the barley leaning against the door frame, he said solemnly and baldly, "The old man has gone through the period of three naval marshals, so I only trust the winner."

"Master Yim's power is far beyond your imagination!"


Qing Yan frowned and watched him: "... at least we dare to stand up and change all this."



The iron fence door of the dotted vine between the flowers was torn directly from the cement by a huge brute force and crashed into the wall and inlaid.

Im raised his head, calmly speaking, looking at the tall figure blocking the sunlight at the gate.

"Come to me in such an anxiety, it's not like your style, Canglong."

"Troubleshooting an adult?"

Hearing that, Ron smiled, then grinned.

"Where is this adult, my subordinates have heard that the adult is old, so I will send some supplements to the adult."

Sure enough, he guessed it!

Im narrowing his eyes slowly, his face wrinkled gradually to appease Shanzu was full of killing.

"Thank you for your concern ... By the way, what about your slaughter gods? Why don't you wait for them to come back?"

"Well, the Sabre team naturally has the advantages of the Sabre team, but it is not necessary to do so."

Ron looked at Yim without fear, suddenly turned to one side, and raised his hand ~ ~ Subordinates have prepared the boat, please! "

"This little devil ..."

The killing in the air was so strong that it was difficult to breathe, Im looked at the eyes seriously, and stood up after a while.

"Also, I haven't been out for many years, so I'll accompany you outside."


With Im's action, the blue eyes of the sky in the sky made a big blue light, causing the clouds to surge wildly and emit a thunderous thunder.

Out of the flowers, Im looked at the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces in front of him, and the soldiers in the Holy Land who looked at him with surprise eyes, his lips were raised.

"Honestly, Canglong ... Do you also think that the husband should re-establish a system to replace the existing world government?"

"It is really necessary, but it can be repaired, and it can be repaired for another three years."

Ron stood half a step behind Im and shrugged: "Of course, these things don't bother adults, and the matter of Neptune is a foregone conclusion. Our primary goal now is to get our rewards ... don't we? "

"Yes, but it's not that bothersome, by boat or something."

Im replied softly, and with a sudden wave of his hand, a white light wrapped him and Ron in.

Seeing this terrified, Kong suddenly rushed up and punched.

boom! !!

Pei Ran smashed the floor in front of the flowers to pieces, but did not leave either Ron or Im.

"Where have they been ?!"

Shouted anxiously.

A soldier shivered behind him and looked at the palm of his hand: "Sir, the life paper of Lord Canglong shows ... they are there!"


Kong suddenly turned back, looking at the direction the soldier was pointing at: "There is ... the East China Sea ?!"

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