MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 943 Break up!

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Ron was able to resist the dreaming ability of the fruit of the dream because he kept awake at all times, letting the thunderous fruit that was developed into an inhuman realm domineeringly expel all the fruit particle waves trying to erode the body.

Only awakening can counter awakening!

Unless the opponent has a higher level of awakening than him, or the awakening of a person who has the ability to restrain the rubber fruit like Luffy, the power is invincible.

Childlike fruit?

Slow fruit?

it's the same.

No matter what weird ability, as long as it doesn't meet the conditions, no kind of power can interfere with him.

However, while he completely elementized his body, this state could not be maintained naturally.

The first time I found out that it was the bait for avatars, Im was more decisive than capturing it.

Thus, the command of the fruit of dreams activates power.

Hum! !!

The world suddenly changed color, but in Ron's vision, he knew nothing about the external changes.

In his perception, everything seemed so real. The tearing sensation from Lei Ji, the thin air at high altitude, and the screams echoing from his ears seemed as if everything was [real].

But soon ...

"This is especially reflected in these shadows ... eh? !!!"


If at first sight, Ron's pupils suddenly tightened, and he pulled back like an electric shock and pulled away.

Looking at the shadow of the dream fruit that stopped before him, he clenched the thunder halberd.


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!"

"You ... careless, Canglong!"

Im Yi looked at him with unmasked maliciousness on his face: "The drowning are all water-savvy, and you are accustomed to taking the lead in battle. This 'accustomed' is you ... the biggest Weakness! "

The clay figurine also had a three-point fire.

Although it was Ron's most commonly used offensive plan, using words to control the opponent's thoughts and judgments, to create opportunities for himself, but Ron was so contemptuous and pointed out weaknesses, Im said that it is impossible to not be angry.

"The same thing I give it back to you, now ..."

Im raised his hand cruelly, the shadow of the dream fruit turned into a black line, came quickly behind him, did not enter.

The two fruit abilities add up, and an imposing manner bursts out from Im.


Under the mighty spirit of the god, Ron only needed to stir the current in his body to form a flame to maintain himself, but now ...

Power comes from himself, bending Ron's straight spine.

"The body ... is out of control ..."

Ron narrowed his eyes and tried to stand up, but he couldn't help it now.

"A mere mortal ..."

Feeling the strong resistance to the will, Im snorted and let Ron kneel directly in the void.

However, the wrinkles on his face grew deeper.

"kill him!"

Ordering the Shadows to do it again, Im has no control over the fruit of the dream and kills Ron. He didn't want to let him die so happily, he had to torture it, the only guy in 800 years who made himself so embarrassed.


The trembling fruit of the quake strikes first, and a shocking shock blasts Ron's back.

Click ...

The completely undefended body could not compete with the vibration and erosion that was not inferior to that of the white beard. Ron vomited a bruise and his ribs were broken.

But soon, with the help of self-healing capabilities, these wounds almost disappeared.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, you still have this ability ..."

Im stunned and smiled lightly.

Immediately, the tone was cold: "But it's more beautiful, isn't it?"

Because it was not so easy to kill, he could vent his anger to the fullest.


Bang! !!

The remaining five black shadows rushed up, and the flames, frost, vibration, and black thorns mercilessly left a terrible wound on Ron's immobile body.

Ron instantly turned into a sloppy mud, flesh and blood hit by various attacks, large chunks of flesh were shredded by the attack and scattered in the air.

However, under the blessing of self-healing ability, those infiltrating wounds healed at a speed that impressed Im. He had just broken his arm bones in the last second. However, the broken arm was still being shaken by blood. The bones quickly grew and returned to the body.

Im capable of seeing this ability is hot.

"If I had that ability ..."

Whoever he is, you can challenge it!

However, Im flashed the idea, he was not so greedy and adventurous, he wanted to hold everything he saw.

Not to mention how terrible and erosive Ron's self-healing cells are. Those stupid Tianlong people have verified this with an experimental accident. The end of transplanting self-healing cells is difficult to predict.

With his current body alone, he cannot bear more power.

The seed that gave birth to the demon fruit was created by a mysterious energy that was stripped from his body, that is, the "divine power" in the eyes of mortals, allowing him to quickly grasp the world, but also weakening his body.

Ron's peculiarity can even plunder the thunderous fruit created by his divine power. If not only, he can also plunder his divine body. His end will be no different from that of the new world.

"Can't afford to lose!"

Im sighed secretly, then looked around fiercely.

"But it doesn't matter. Once I have devoured the planet completely, this body has no meaning."

At that time, he will be indistinguishable from the planet. He is the will of the planet, and the planet is him.

"I do n’t know if I have Baoshan, but on the planet that can give birth to this unique material, Hailou Stone, I just want to be an indigenous deity and be admired by mortals.

A flash of disdain flashed on Im's face.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded.

"Master Im ... you seem to have forgotten one more thing."

Ron's face was burnt black by the flames, and the eyes on a coke's face were turning slowly, looking at Im.


Calm raised his hand to stop the shadows from attacking, and Im's mouth was raised with a contemptuous smile.

"Oh? Tell me?"

"Ahem ... oh!"

Spitting the blood from the throat, the scarlet muscles intertwined and healed again. The body is still out of control, but there is nothing wrong with just talking.

"I've been thinking why you need this rule so urgently."

As soon as Ron spoke, Im couldn't help but tighten his face.

"Just like I said before, I can even threaten you with this excuse ..."

"But I can't figure it out. What do you want this **** of?"

"If you rule the world just to rule the world, with your current strength, you can do it easily?"

"But why leave those non-affiliates alone?"

Ron uses "you" in his sentence, but Im doesn't hear any respect, and some only wantonly and scornfully.

"So, I made an assumption!"

"What assumption?"

Im twitched his face twice and couldn't help asking.

As soon as he said it, he knew it was broken, which gave Ron enough certainty.

Sure enough, Ron smiled coldly.

"I assume that you don't want dominance ... but domination!"

"What you want is not the dominance of the world government, but the authority that no one dares to challenge with the dominance!"

"Use the fear, admiration and cruelty of the world to protect and guarantee that something will never happen."

Speaking of which, Im turned back suddenly.

On the top of the distant red clay continent, from the direction of the Holy Land, an ark-shaped airship that looks only the size of a sesame flew into space and headed for the moon on the other side of the planet.

"... by the way, erase that hundred years of shameful history for you and Tenryu, and strengthen your rule."

"Everything is just for ..."

"Prevent Shanzu from waking up ~ ~ Destroy the world !!"

"As long as the Holy Land is still the center of the world, then regardless of the external rain and wind, the Holy Land still stands in the sky, and no one dares to challenge, it can be guaranteed that it will not be awakened."

Under Im's murderous gaze, Ron grinned and smiled without fear: "Do you know ... how did Neptune wake up Shanzu before?"

Im suddenly widened his eyes: "Did you find out already ?!"

"I found it, but I didn't."

Ron replied ambiguously, then shook his head: "I just found some little guys hiding under the laterite continent after the crustacean kings were destroyed."

"Unexpectedly they would do this ..."

"It's funny, isn't it? It's something like that."

"Jack !!!!"

Crunch! !!

Im snarling frantically, and no longer ruthless, he controlled Ron's head to rotate 720 ° in place and pull up hard.


Accompanied by a broken sound of broken bones, in the sky of blood flying, a great man rose into the sky.

But until now, Ron still had a relaxed smile on his face.

The head opened his mouth, and Im spoke his lips.

"You ... are doing it ..."

Roar! !! !!

A terrifying beast roared through the world, and Im turned back suddenly. From the location of Shampoo, a huge land rose.

Just this land, a tenth of the surface area of ​​the planet is so exaggerated!

But it is not simply "land".

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Huge crab feet rolled up 10,000 tons of seawater, rushed out of the water, and stood on the surface of the planet.

The most terrible creature in history, Shanzu, is completely out of trouble! !!

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