MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-~ Pulled by a girlfriend to watch a movie, updated today, it is estimated that it will be early in the morning

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If it is not released at 12 o'clock, everyone does not have to wait anymore, all understand, I will not be able to get up and start the computer again, I will make up tomorrow.

In other words, I always thought that SH Fortress was a love movie, just like CQ Forest. As a result, I found that it was a science fiction movie after booking a ticket online. Whatever, I can only say that Wang Jiawei directed Niubi! The work is so excellent that I have direct inertia thinking.

OK, do n’t talk nonsense, put on my beach pants flip-flops and go out. I do n’t accompany my girlfriend in summer. Who will give you a warm quilt in winter?

Meet the brothers and sisters.

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