MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 105 Valley Lord

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Liu Fenyun was stunned, and subconsciously said: "Don't make a fool of yourself..."

Lianyi tilted her head, "You gave me so many things and took care of me for so long, of course I have to give you something."

Liu Fenyun was accustomed to Mao Mao's temper when he said whatever came to his mind, so he responded with a smile, and led Mao Mao to a nearby minefield.

To be honest, she really wanted to leave this ghost place after taking the medicine. The ancient ruins without owners are full of dangers, and it would be good to be able to guarantee a complete retreat, otherwise the people of Qingmu Xianshan would not have classified it as a forbidden area.

As soon as the two stepped into the minefield, Liu Fenyun heard the alarm sound of the system and knew that the thunder formation under his feet had been activated. He looked up and saw thunderclouds gathering in the sky, and immediately opened the no-complaint fan, ready to collect the falling thunder into the fan.

Some instruments can absorb natural energy, and Tianlei is one of the energies of nature. However, for safety's sake, Liu Fenyun still arranged several layers of aura cover to protect himself and Lianyi.

They did not continue to move forward, and first planned to test the power of Tianlei, and then see if they could use it for their own use.

Seeing that Leiyun was still gathering, Lianyi shook the Wulei Token in his hand and asked, "Do you need to use it? We came too quickly, and we didn't even ask Madam Chong how to use it."

The Five Thunder Order was a gift from Chongyouhuai to Lianyi, and it stands to reason that she should know how to use the Five Thunder Order.

"If you want to overcome the psychological shadow of Tianlei, you can play with it." Liu Fenyun said, she will not forget that when the cat fell into the Thunder Pond by mistake, the soul was damaged by the thunder, and she was usually afraid of thunder.

"What's the way to play?" Lian Yi became interested.

Liu Fenyun hadn't opened his mouth yet, only to hear the roar of thunder blasting in the sky. She immediately recited the incantation, and the moment she raised the non-complaining fan, she saw bright lightning suddenly fell from the dark clouds and landed on the aura cover, emitting dazzling sparks.

Lianyi faced Tianlei in the end, and she couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, worried that Liu Fenyun would become a humanoid lightning rod and be injured by Tianlei. Luckily, the response of Wu Complaint Fan quickly made her relieved. When Tianlei and the Reiki hood were on the bar, the peach blossoms on the fan instantly changed from painting to three-dimensional, blooming pink petals, and through the Reiki hood, a little bit of Lei's Reiki was drawn. storage.

"Tianlei absorption progress is 30%...56%...69%..." The system broadcasts in a timely manner.

"It seems feasible." Liu Fenyun glanced at the fan without resentment, lowered his eyes and said to Lianyi, "Tianlei is composed of thunder aura, and the five thunder orders in this world are not only a medium to communicate between monks and the natural world, but also a medium to receive thunder aura. You take it and recite a spell with me, and you can store the falling thunder like this."

Seeing Lianyi nodding, she slowed down and recited a spell.

Lianyi remembered very quickly, gathered the demonic energy in her hand, held the Wulei Ling carefully and approached the aura hood, also recited the mantra, and flocked to the Wulei Ling, the Lei Lingqi that flocked to the no-complaint fan, and floated obediently to the Wulei Ling. Yi sank into the token under a nervous gaze.

Noticing the soft white light flowing from the surface of the token, Lianyi was surprised and delighted, and hurriedly asked: "Then what?"

"Then it's yours, you can play with it, and you can call it out when you want to use it." Liu Fenyun collected the last ray of thunder, removed the aura cover, and prepared to move on.

As long as there is a way to deal with the thunder, the minefield in this forbidden area can become a safe area.

The two of them calmly triggered the next thunder formation, and used the same method to lead the thunder spirit energy into the No Complaint Fan and the Five Thunder Orders. For the sake of safety, Liu Fenyun still arranged the aura cover, but the number was not as much as before.

Perhaps the ruins have spirits, and they don't want to see them receiving thunder spirit energy. When the two triggered the fifth thunder array, they did not see thunder clouds gathering, and the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, from the flat ground to a forest with ancient trees.

Lianyi took back the five thunder orders, looked around, and asked in surprise: "We have walked out of the minefield? But the thunder formation didn't trigger much..."

Liu Fenyun carefully looked at the new map refreshed by the system, and said: "It is true that we have walked out of the minefield, but the reason is unknown for the time being, but the surrounding area is currently safe, and there are no animal life forms."

However, Lianyi stared at an ancient tree and said, "Many spiritual plants are aggressive. If these trees become spirits, they may attack us."

Liu Fenyun very calmly spread out the fan without complaint, "Then cut down the tree first."

She is not afraid of ancient wood becoming refined. Since Pinchou Valley is an ancient site, the animals and plants in it are more or less spiritual, and they can communicate with each other, and if they can communicate, many conflicts will be avoided.

Lianyi didn't expect her decision to be so simple and rude. When she was stunned, Liu Fenyun had already rushed to an ancient tree nearby, and fanned past the trunk.

However, the fan did not hurt Gumu, but picked up a bunch of dark things. Lianyi didn't respond slowly, she quickly grabbed the thing, and wrapped it several layers thickly with demonic energy.

"What is this?!" Lian Yi looked at the "Black Mist" struggling in the demonic energy in surprise.

"Surveillance Gu." Liu Fenyun had already listened to the system's popular science before he took action, "Maybe the owner of the ruins stayed here."

She took the surveillance Gu from Lianyi and put it away, looked around for a while, and directly contacted Si Yangshen, who was resting in the medicine garden: "Jin Fei, do you know what kind of ancient ruins the Pinchou Valley in Qingmu Xianshan is?"

Since Si Yangshen can be the guardian of ancient ruins, he must have rich experience in controlling similar places.

Now Fei has recovered a lot, and at least he can speak without gasping for breath. With the help of Liu Fenyun's spiritual sense, she observed for a moment, and said: "This should be the trial ground set up by the demons in ancient times to store treasures and elixir for the powerful clansmen to use. The magic circles all over this place are deadly. , the monsters and spirit plants in the ruins are all guards, once they are made aware that someone is coming to seize the treasure, they will definitely entangle them to the end, remember to be more careful when you act!"

Liu Fenyun was stunned, "So, is there really a treasure hidden here?"

Jin Fei said angrily: "Don't worry about treasures, go out quickly! The guards in this kind of place are not vegetarian, you can't beat them!"

Liu Fenyun just mentioned it casually. Her primary purpose is naturally to collect herbs, and she has no interest in treasures. She hurriedly thanked Jin Fei and said to Lianyi, "Go first and see no worries."

When the minefield changed, the system could only re-plan the medicine collection route for them. Liu Fenyun looked at the numbers marked on the map, and found that the current location was far away from the place where he grew up. "

If this is the case, they will have to find the caretaker of the ruins who left the surveillance Gu, otherwise, I am afraid that they will never be able to reach the area where no sorrow grows.

Lianyi thought for a while, walked to the tree that was almost cut by Liu Fenyun just now, and patted the trunk lightly, "Do you want to ask them?"

Liu Fenyun hadn't answered yet, but the tree shook its branches uncomfortably.

Lian Yi was startled, and immediately observed the tree for a while, poking at the trunk from time to time, and said with a smile, "Let's ask, this tree is already mature."

Liu Fenyun did hear a slight "Oops" sound when she poked the tree, but she is a **** who can listen to the voices of all spirits, and Lianyi should not be able to hear it, so she hurriedly asked: "Hello? Medicine to save people into the secret realm, can you show us the way?"

"Why does God personally collect medicine to save people..." The tree spirit whispered, obviously not believing her words.

Liu Fenyun said with a smile: "All gods perform their duties, I am the **** of doctors, naturally I have to take care of collecting medicines to save people."

The tree spirit shook the branches and was silent for a few seconds before saying, "Then can you heal the Lord of the Valley?"

"Master Gu?" Liu Fenyun said lightly, "Is this the guardian of this secret realm?"

"Yes, can you heal?" asked the Dryad again.

"Sorry, if the other party is a patient, I must communicate with the other party face-to-face in order to be able to prescribe the right medicine." Liu Fenyun explained patiently, "You only say that the person is the owner of the valley, but you don't say that the person is sick or sleeps for some reason. If you believe me, you might as well take me to see the 'Master Gu'."

The tree spirit was hesitant. This time it was silent for a longer time. After thinking about it, he said, "It's not impossible, it's just..."


"I'm almost at the age of transformation, can you take my breath away and help me?" The tree spirit began to negotiate terms with her, "One strand is enough, one strand."

Liu Fenyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She is not good at making deals with people, and was about to discuss with Lianyi when a stern female voice suddenly sounded in her ears: "Mu Li! Don't neglect the distinguished guests from the upper realm!"

The dryad screamed in fright, shaking the branches and saying, "Master Gu, please calm down! Mu Li will bring them to see you!"

The voice of the master of the valley sounded from almost all directions, and Lianyi also heard it, looked at Liu Fenyun in surprise, and asked, "Is the guard here wanting to see us?"

"It should be." Liu Fenyun nodded, watching the dryad frantically pull out the green branches, circled around them, and circled the shape of the teleportation array at the entrance and exit, and began to think about what illness Mr. Gu had.

From the sound alone, she didn't hear anything unusual, but practitioners can use the aura to transmit sound, which is very different from the original sound.

Lian Yi looked suspiciously at the greenery around her, put away the Five Thunder Order, and held Liu Fenyun.

"What did you and the tree spirit say?" She asked Liu Fenyun telepathically, and after listening to Liu Fenyun recount the content of the conversation just now, she frowned, "Does the owner of the valley not want us to pick 'No Sorrow'? Otherwise Why did you interject at this time, asking you to treat her?"

Lianyi really couldn't figure out what the guard was planning, but her intuition made her hug Liu Fenyun's arm tightly, for fear that the "Master Gu" would use means to **** her lover.

The identity of God is both convenient and troublesome, and the lover is God, which in a way annoys the cat even more.

Lianyi always felt that she was a cat guarding the treasure, and Liu Fenyun was the treasure. Everyone coveted her breath, and when they saw her, they couldn't wait to get close to her, as if they could soar to immortality.

Thinking of this, she suddenly became disgusted with the valley owner who had not yet met, and silently put her into a hostile circle.

His ears were suddenly rubbed by a warm hand, and Lianyi shuddered, subconsciously looking at Liu Fenyun, but seeing an unusually bright smile on the other's face.

"Whether she wants it or not, it doesn't matter." After looking at each other for two seconds, Liu Fenyun said, "I'm here just to give you no worries, and no one wants to interfere."

The author has something to say: Liu Fenyun: I closed the vinegar jar and sat on it

Read The Duke's Passion