MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 110 lead the way

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The Tianchi of Samsara is composed of substantial spiritual energy. The lotus platform was just immersed in the Tianchi of Samsara, and before it sank much, Liu Fenyun saw the wandering spirits around him hula over, and instantly surrounded the lotus platform.

"Take me out..."

"I don't want to stay any longer..."

"I want to go out…"


The noisy sound came directly into Liu Fenyun's ears, and she frowned when she heard it. She was afraid that the sound would interfere with Lianyi, so she hurriedly covered the cat's ears.

Lianyi was startled by the warmth that suddenly touched her ears, she shook her head and asked, "What are you doing all of a sudden! Don't you forget to **** cats at this time?"

"You didn't hear the voice of the wandering soul?" Liu Fenyun was taken aback.

"There's no sound! You're the only one talking to me, okay!" Lianyi took the opportunity to break free from her hand, concentrate on driving the lotus platform, and after breaking through the encirclement of wandering spirits, she asked, "What did they say?"

"They hope to go out, leave the Tianchi of Samsara, and get relief." Liu Fenyun was blown away by the sounds of various wandering souls, and now he is still a little uncomfortable, "These wandering souls are from the demon race and the human race, the strange thing is that there is no such thing. Demon clan."

"Why don't you have the soul of the demon clan?" Lian Yi was puzzled, "Is the soul of the demon clan not worthy of entering the Tianchi of Samsara?"

"I don't know, but the soul of the demon clan has not been detected here." Liu Fenyun shook his head. "But the effect of the Tianchi Reincarnation on the soul, in addition to storage, also has a seal. Maybe this is the place to seal the soul of sinners?"

The lotus platform was slowly sinking, and Lianyi could feel that it was becoming more and more difficult to continue sinking. She also threw away most of the wandering spirits on the lotus platform, leaving only a few. He took the initiative to let go of his hand and floated upwards in a murmur.

"Then we can't take the sinner out." After Lianyi finished speaking, she pointed her finger a little, and the wandering spirits who were still clinging to the lotus platform screamed in unwillingness, being swept back up by the spiritual current.

After clearing the field, Lianyi frowned, pointed to the bottom and said, "There is another one here, I can't get rid of it."

She even used the thunder method, and the thunder light slashed the lotus platform to make a sour noise, but the wandering spirit still remained firmly at the bottom of the lotus platform, as if it grew together with the lotus platform, and the soul body was not destroyed by the lightning strike. damaged.

Liu Fenyun also noticed this special wandering spirit. She asked Lianyi to stop the lightning strike. After observing for a while, she found that the wandering spirit seemed to be controlling the direction of the lotus platform, avoiding many undercurrents of spiritual energy. Trying to communicate with it: "Why don't you go?"

She didn't report much hope, but the wandering soul replied: "I want to lead the way for you."

"Lead the way?"

"There is a demon who is suppressed here, but my strength is nearly exhausted, and I can no longer restrain her actions. If you want to go out through the entrance, you will definitely be hunted down and killed." You Hun said, "Reincarnation Tianchi There is a teleportation circle at the bottom, and you can leave through the circle."

Liu Fenyun subconsciously asked, "Could it be that you are the founder of the Qingmu Xianshan Mountain? Are the suppressed demons called Mu Qingzhong?"

"Exactly." You Hun admitted, "My demon guard has gone to stop Mu Qingzhong, and the two of you just leave with peace of mind."

The more Liu Fenyun listened, the more surprised he became. Seeing that there was nothing unusual around him, he chatted with You Hun for a while.

The wandering soul, called Zhongshuo, claimed to have sacrificed his body and all his spiritual energy thousands of years ago, turned it into a seal, and helped his fellow disciples at that time to suppress his old friend Mu Qingzhong and his cronies in the Valley of Sorrow.

"Just an old friend?" Liu Fenyun couldn't help asking, "But Mu Qingzhong said you were her Taoist companion."

Zhongshuo was silent for a few seconds, "There is still a record in the sect about her enchantment. If you want to get to the bottom of it, you can go to the fifth floor of Jingxuefeng's library to check. Before she entered the devil, she did pursue me. But I only regard her as a friend from the beginning to the end, and I have already emphasized it to her repeatedly... So, when she was suppressed, what she said about 'killing his wife to prove the Tao', it turned out to be like this."

"You don't know at all?" Liu Fenyun didn't know who to sympathize with.

Chongshuo said firmly: "I cultivate the ruthless way, and it is absolutely impossible to be contaminated with such karma."

Liu Fenyun understood, but she didn't like to listen to gossip, so she didn't continue to ask for details, just asked her: "You said that your strength is close to exhaustion? Do you need me to notify the people from Qingmu Xianshan to come to suppress it?"

"Yes, but the role of my existence is only to restrain her. This entire valley of sorrow and the entire Qingmu Xianshan are the main body to suppress her." Zhongshuo said, "You don't need to worry, and you don't have to tell me after you go out. For future generations, cause and effect have their own set. Since I decided to die as a martyr thousands of years ago, I naturally want to carry it out to the end.”

Liu Fenyun frowned, and after checking the state of Zhongshuo's soul body through the system, he said, "But in this way, when your power is completely exhausted, your soul will not be able to remain, just like the demons, when you die, you will disappear, and there will be no chance of reincarnation. ."

Chongshuo said with a smile: "Chao Wendao, it's okay to die in the evening. When I was alive, I got enough, not to mention the fact that cultivation is against the sky, and it is common for souls to fly away. There is no need to expect reincarnation.”

When she was talking with Liu Fenyun, she was still guiding the lotus platform to avoid the undercurrent and sinking. Liu Fenyun got the answer and saw the teleportation array in front of her, but said, "You can see clearly."

Chongshuo didn't answer anymore, the lotus platform was sinking a few minutes faster. After a while, Liu Fenyun only felt a pulling force coming from below, but when he saw a white light lit up at the bottom of the dark Tianchi, after the lotus platform approached, it quickly disappeared. engulfed in white light.

After the white light dissipated, Liu Fenyun subconsciously glanced at the system map and found that they were outside the forbidden area. The stars were shining brightly, and it was already night.

"How long has it been in the outside world?" Liu Fenyun asked the system, she felt that the speed of time in the forbidden area and the outside world seemed to be different.

"Three days, four hours, fifty-seven minutes and thirteen seconds." The system replied, "Start to check the physical condition of the host and Lianyi, and you can wait during the period."

"Why didn't you say a word just now?" Putting away the lotus platform, Lianyi suddenly pulled over Liu Fenyun and asked, "Don't be scared?"

Liu Fenyun closed the system, shook his head with a smile, "I chatted with the wandering soul posted at the bottom of the lotus platform, guess who she is?"

"It won't be the ancestor who founded the sect, right?" Lianyi finished guessing, seeing Liu Fenyun nod, she was so shocked that she folded the ear of the plane.

Lianyi hurriedly looked at the ring on her hand, stroked the green ghost lotus on the ring, and checked back and forth for a while, but she didn't notice any strange aura fluctuations, but she was still worried, she stretched out her hand in front of Liu Fenyun, "Look, she still Are you there?"

Chongshuo left the lotus platform as early as when they left the forbidden area. Liu Fenyun stroked Qing Guilian, rubbed Lianyi's hair, and said, "She left after showing us the way."

"Why didn't you tell me it was her!" Lian Yi said angrily, "I have to strike her with lightning a few more times, how can she kill his wife to prove the Tao!"

She was also thinking about Zhongshuo's "wife killing to prove the Tao".

Liu Fenyun hurriedly waved his hand, "She and Mu Qingzhong may not be a Taoist partner. Mu Qingzhong was suppressed in the Valley of Sorrows because of his enchantment back then..."

"What's going on here? Mu Qingzhong really lied?" Lian Yi was confused, "By the way, you haven't said what you guys talked about."

"Go back to Jingxuefeng first, and I will tell you slowly on the way." Liu Fenyun took out a spirit stone and found the teleportation formation near the entrance of the forbidden area with her, "Actually, it's all outdated. As for whether it's true or not, I'm afraid I have to ask Qingqing. People from Muxian Mountain."

She put the spirit stone into the groove, activated the teleportation array, and on the way back to Jingxuefeng, told Lian Yi about the grievance between Zhongshuo and Mu Qingzhong.

"It is said that when entering the devil, some of the negative memories of the devil will be emphasized, and the memories that are not good for him will gradually fade away." After listening, Lianyi said, "But there are so many plants in the valley of sorrow, maybe Maybe it was Mu Qingzhong who picked some to eat back then, I remember you said that if you take it directly, you will lose your memory without worrying about it."

"It will be true." Liu Fenyun sighed, "If you want to find out the ins and outs, we have to go to Jingxuefeng's library."

"I don't want it, it's too troublesome." Lianyi decisively refused, "I don't know the founder of the sect, nor do I want to know any demons, and their affairs have been over for thousands of years, we should deal with General Meng's affairs earlier. Better."

Now that no sorrow and its associated grass have been found, it is time to repair the spiritual roots for Meng Nang.

When the two returned to Jingxuefeng, the surroundings were silent and pitch-dark, only the light of the elder's residence where Chongyun stayed was still lit.

Chongyun was flipping through the ancient books of Xianmen when he heard someone knock on the door, reached out and tickled it in the air, and the door opened.

Looking at Liu Fenyun's eyes for a second, Chongyun was startled, got up immediately, and called out two chairs, "Are you back? Come, sit!"

"I knew you could come back safely, but your speed was too fast, right?!" After they were seated, Chongyun babbled and got up to make tea.

Liu Fenyun hurriedly stopped her and said, "Find us a place first."

"Yes, yes, it's already arranged! It's very clean." Chongyun put away the tea set and enthusiastically led the way for them, "Would you like to have a late-night snack? Or a medicinal porridge to nourish qi and blood?"

Inexplicably, Lianyi felt that she was very attentive, and asked suspiciously, "Did you do something to hurt us?"

Chongyun was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands again and again, "How can you! There's just one's really hard to tell."

"Is it a matter of Mengmao?" Liu Fenyun also asked.

When they were talking, they had already walked to the room next to the elder's residence.

Chongyun pushed open the door and entered, lit the aura lamp, and after closing the door, he quickly put down several noise barriers, and then said: "After you left, mother took Aang to see other elders, and she also asked the head to take a divination for her. ."

"The sect master figured out that her spiritual roots will be repaired in a few days. Now that you guys are back safely, you shouldn't have to worry about this matter. However, the murderous aura on Aqiu's body is too heavy, and he's only halfway through, so it's very easy to go crazy when cultivating. Chongyun sighed and said, "You are the God of Medicine, so I would like to ask you, is there any way to prevent practitioners from becoming demons?"

Read The Duke's Passion