MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 120 end

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Looking at Maomao's posture, Liu Fenyun smiled and hugged her into his arms, teasing: "Tonight's Yiyi doesn't seem to want to be a pillow princess."

However, Lianyi shook her head, leaned on top of her and blushed: "Actually, I think..."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm drunk and it's not serious?" Liu Fenyun reminded her, "Let's rest first, and make it up for you another day."

"No, after tonight it won't be considered a wedding night." Lianyi couldn't get off her body, "This way, there is no sense of ceremony."

Liu Fenyun remembered that the cat had a strong sense of ritual, and after thinking about it, he relaxed and said, "Then you come, I just don't want to move."

But Lianyi grabbed her face angrily, "You can't move, you have to cooperate with me! If I wanted to take advantage of people's danger, I should have done it just now!"

Seeing her angry expression, Liu Fenyun suddenly smiled.

She approached Mao Mao and took a deep breath. It turned out to be a strong smell of alcohol. It turned out that the alcohol smell did not come from her, but from Mao Mao, and suddenly realized: "So you are more drunk than I am. "

"I'm not drunk, I'm very awake." Lianyi muttered, "I'm not like you, I pour a few cups, and someone will carry it back!"

Liu Fenyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "How much 'cat wine' did you and Si Zhan Shen fight?"

"Monkey wine" refers to the good wine brewed by the monkeys inadvertently. Both the God of War and her envoys are cats. Liu Fenyun often jokingly refers to their masterpieces as "cat wine".

Lianyi stretched out a slap, Liu Fenyun subconsciously thought she was going to pat herself, closed her eyes and waited for a few seconds, then opened her eyes again, the slap still stopped in the air, and asked tentatively, "Five cups?"

"Five altars."

"..." Liu Fenyun couldn't help but turned over, pushed the lotus robe back to the side, stroked the cat's belly and rubbed it twice, it was bulging.

"Little drunk cat." She sighed, and was about to hangover for the cat, when the smell of alcohol hit her face, and she pried open her mouth unceremoniously.

Lian Yi fights with wine, Liu Fenyun even feels that the drunk cat has become a big moving wine jar, heavy and clingy. No wonder the cat said that she still wants to be a pillow princess. She is afraid that she will be tossed. Come.

After finally getting rid of the sticky drunk cat, Liu Fenyun hurriedly stroked her abdomen again, but before she could use the spell, Lian Yi grabbed her wrist.

"Why are you touching my stomach?" Lianyi glared at her, "The kitten is still developing and hasn't been born yet, what are you anxious about?"

Liu Fenyun: ? ? !

She thought she was being green, so she was so frightened that she went into her spiritual sense to check, and found that Lianyi was not pregnant with a cat, so she was relieved.

But Lianyi thought that she had broken the cat, and felt that Liu Fenyun's hand did not move away, but even more annoyed: "Don't touch it! If you can't touch it, where can I go to conceive a new one!"

Before Liu Fenyun could explain, his arm was bitten.

When she was protecting the cub, the cat was merciless, she only felt a pain in her arm, and when she looked down, blood was already flowing out, and she suddenly had a headache: "Don't talk nonsense, you are not pregnant yet, I have already checked ."

They all made an appointment to go to the future city to ask for cat cubs, and it was not to let anyone get pregnant, but to use the container to cultivate the cubs. How could Drunk Cat miss this!

The biting cat froze and looked up at her blankly.

"No cats?" Lianyi tilted her head, touched her chubby belly, and frowned, "Isn't it here? Don't lie to me, I will protect it when I am pregnant!"

Liu Fenyun: …

Should she induce vomiting on the drunk cat first?

Liu Fenyun felt that this matter could not be explained clearly, so he simply followed the drunk cat's words: "I know I know, it's here."

Lianyi glared at her, "Take it easy!"

"Okay, okay!" Liu Fenyun simply moved his hand away, but as soon as he moved it, he was grabbed by the cat and pressed back, and suddenly looked at the biting cat blankly.

"We haven't given it a name yet." Lianyi's eyes were much softer, "Let's name it earlier, or call it normally so that he can get acquainted first."

Liu Fenyun was so embarrassed that his scalp was numb. On the promised wedding night, the drunk wife touched the belly of the wine and discussed with her the name of the cub who has no embryos? !

Maomao wouldn't let her hangover, so it was not good for her to force it, so she could only bite the bullet and take over: "What does Yiyi want it to be called?"

Lianyi said without hesitation, "Liu Nianyi."

Liu Fenyun: …

This is really the name of the crystallization of love.

Fortunately, the drunk cat didn't say much nonsense, so he fell asleep by himself. Liu Fenyun was holding the lotus robe that softened into a cat cake, and he could finally relieve her hangover.

Lianyi rarely cuts off when she is drunk, but this time she did. The next day, when Liu Fenyun deliberately mentioned the cat cub, she didn't have any strange reaction at all, but just smiled with anticipation and asked, "Then when are we going to the future?"

Liu Fenyun didn't mention much, took out the mortal world guide plate presented by Si Mengshen, and said, "I'm going to learn to travel."

While Lianyi was packing her luggage, she went to Qi Yao alone and asked how to travel through time and space to be safe.

Qi Yan listened to her explanation, but asked in surprise: "Wanting to travel through time and space safely is nothing more than precise positioning. Meng Wudu has made a guide plate for you, is there any problem?"

"You are the **** of the time, and before you ascended, you were a magical beast who was born to travel through time and space. Of course, you don't have any problem." Liu Fenyun supported his forehead, "But I am not! I can come to this world with the help of the 'law of heaven' Forced to change the world."

Qi Yao held the Ordinary Realm Guidance Plate, and after thinking for a while, he suggested: "Otherwise, I will use it to take you through a few times, do you find your feelings? Hey, this kind of innate spell is as easy as eating and drinking, you How can I teach you..."

Liu Fenyun smiled bitterly: "Then try it first, I believe I will learn fast."

Qi Qiu found a quiet room and set up many isolation barriers to prevent the leakage of his breath. After the barrier was arranged, she stomped her feet lightly, and a teleportation formation spread out on the soles of her feet.

Liu Fenyun: ? ? ? How did I do this without seeing anything?

She hurriedly stopped Qi Ya's movements, pointed to the magic circle under her feet and asked, "How to do this? I didn't see you reciting a spell or making a seal!"

She only knew that God could break through the world on his own, but she had never tried it. When she ascended in the early years, it was also the guide of the God Realm who pulled her up from the mortal realm.

Qi Yan was stunned for a while, put away the array, frowned and said: "Isn't it a teleportation array that will come out by stomping your feet?"

Liu Fenyun: ...the mood is complicated.

She knew why Qi Cui was named the God of Time.

It has to be said that Qi Gui is unmatched in her practical ability to travel through time and space, but she is not good at teaching.

Seeing Liu Fenyun's dazed expression in his eyes, Qi Yi wondered, "I don't know how to break spells carefully... Why don't you ask Si Mingshen? She hasn't returned to the realm of the gods."

When she spoke, she teleported the God of Life directly from the guest room to her side.

Si Mingshen Duanxuan didn't even wake up, wearing a nightcap, half-open pajamas, and bare feet, standing on the cold ground, showing the same blank expression as Liu Fenyun.

After sobering up, Duan Xuan took the mortal world guide plate, observed it, and said casually, "This is not easy."

Then he wrote a long series of incantations with aura in midair, and the spells added up to the height of one person.

Liu Fenyun said suspiciously, "Aren't you kidding me? Can you recite so much while stomping your feet?"

Duanxuan made a habit of pushing his glasses, and found that the glasses were not delivered together, so he held his forehead instead: "Why do you want to compare with the ancestor of the demon beast who was born in ancient times?"

She complained, and finally gave Liu Fenyun a detailed explanation of the time-travelling spell, simplifying the spell.

Liu Fenyun tried to travel alone several times, and then pulled Duanxuan, who was about to go back to sleep, to practice, and recorded the spells and details in the system before he felt relieved.

"When are you going to leave?" Before leaving, Duan Xuan asked suddenly.

Liu Fenyun said: "First go to Zhuhuang Country, visit a few acquaintances, and bring them a wedding candy by the way..."

"I advise you to go to the future with Yiyi directly, and don't go to the country of Zhuhuang." Duan Xuan suddenly lowered his face, "Some time ago, the country of Zhuhuang was at war with Shengkun City. Unnecessary casualties, we have decided to get married, about a few days."

"History outside the mission of God's interference is taboo. Now there is no Liu Fenyun and Lianyi in the history of the human world. Lord Shenzun can bestow blessings on Yiyi, and can also use it to monitor you. If you really interfere, the consequences will be I don't need to say more."

After listening, Liu Fenyun was silent for a moment and asked, "Since you guessed that we would definitely interfere, the marriage partner sent by Zhuhuang Kingdom should be the seventh princess, Sha Lanyi, right?"

"Knowing too much is only bad for you." Duan Xuan warned in a cold tone, "Her fate has already been determined, and the possession of the divine envoy has changed her fate once against the sky, and she can't have it again. What's more, This is her own choice, and if other people are in that position, they will choose the same."

"I understand, don't worry." Liu Fenyun sighed softly and couldn't help joking to ease the atmosphere, "You, every time you return to work, you are so inhumane, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"I've released it to the sea many times." Duanxuan straightened his nightcap expressionlessly and laughed at himself, "You may not know, not long ago I was warned by Lord Shenzun because of the serious release of water, and I'll be going soon. After all the calamities. When the time comes, you can sit with other gods and watch my jokes."

Qi curled his brows slightly, and was about to round the field, but Duan Xuan called out the teleportation formation, turned his back to the two, and sighed in a low voice: "This day, Fei has been punished for changing his fate for a mortal. you guys..."

As the **** of life, she should be ruthless. If she sympathizes with those mortals out of selfishness, who will sympathize with her colleagues who were punished and her?

There is always a price to be paid for compassion.

The unhappy parting with Si Mingshen was just a small episode, Liu Fenyun and Qi Tiao knew that she was not bad at heart, but just sitting in that position, they could only be cold-hearted and be a wicked person.

"Then I have no choice but to not go to Zhuhuang Kingdom. After all, Yiyi has received the favor of the Seventh Princess, so she must not be seen as a victim of the imperial court." Liu Fenyun smiled bitterly, "I will ask you to hand over the candy to Yu Qingyue and Luo Binglun. "

Qi Yao nodded, seeing her depressed face, she couldn't help but persuade: "Don't be too pessimistic, Duan Xuan didn't say that Sha Lanyi will definitely..."

Liu Fenyun waved his hand to indicate that he knew, things that are destined to be unchangeable, so don't hold out too much hope, instead, you will get good results.

Also going to the future are the two cat demon subordinates who follow Lianyi. Liu Fenyun said goodbye to Qi Kui and the city lord Kongmeng, and when he returned to the bedroom, Lianyi had already called the cats together.

The cats bowed to Liu Fenyun and asked cautiously, "Sir God, do you want to go back to Zhuhuang Kingdom?"

Liu Fenyun originally wanted to go back, but after listening to the words of the Si Mingshen, she had no choice but to say, "I won't go back for the time being. If we go back now, we will disturb the people there."

"Has something happened in Zhuhuang Country?" Lian Yi frowned.

"Well, but God can't interfere, this is something that can only be left to mortals." After Liu Fenyun finished speaking, seeing her lost, he reached out and stroked her head, "You must trust the high priest and Yu Qingyue."

"...That's right, with them here, what will happen to Zhuhuang Kingdom." Thinking of Luo Binglun and Yu Qingyue, Lianyi was relieved and smiled at Liu Fenyun, "Then let's go, we will have a chance to come back later."

Lianyi had recovered from the hangover last night, and she was just waiting for her to bring herself home.

Liu Fenyun put the two cats into the medicine garden space. After finishing the barrier, he took out the mortal world guide plate and skillfully arranged the crossing circle. Lianyi stood beside her, nervous and excited.

After chanting the lengthy incantation, Liu Fenyun pointed a little on the guide plate and injected his breath. White light rose under their feet and quickly wrapped them in.

"I'm about to travel through time and space, start the countdown..."

The mechanical female voice of the system rang in Liu Fenyun's ears. When the countdown was over, the white light became stronger, and a pulling force came from the soles of his feet.

Liu Fenyun hugged the lotus robe tightly, closed her eyes, and covered her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, the surrounding area was no longer the bedroom of Kongmengcheng, but the bedroom where she had lived for more than 20 years.

Five days later, Zhuhuang Kingdom's relatives sent off the team arrived outside Shengkun City.

That night, Sha Lanyi, wearing a wedding dress, sat on the couch in the bedroom, wearing a red hijab, calmly and quietly waiting for her husband to come in.

Although it was a marriage, she had never seen her husband since she entered the city.

But Sha Lanyi had already prepared for the worst before coming here. She had died once and was not afraid of death. No matter what her fate will be after tonight, the war between Shengkun City and Zhuhuang Kingdom will cease.

She came on her own initiative. Before she came, she had found a successor to the position of the saint, and said goodbye to her teacher, Luo Binglun. The teacher persuaded her for a few days, and seeing that she insisted on leaving, she could only sigh and send her out of the city.

Sha Lanyi looked down at her hands, with a faint smile on her face, she had no regrets in her heart.

Not long after, the door of the bedroom was pushed open, followed by the sound of brisk footsteps.

"Are you hungry? I brought you something to eat. Hurry up and don't starve."

Before Sha Lanyi could react, the red hijab was uncovered by the visitor.

It was a woman who was also wearing a wedding dress, but not wearing a phoenix crown, carrying a food box, and smiling cheerfully at her.

"I really hate those old and stubborn people who are still thinking about Shi Mawei in a peaceful marriage!" The woman opened the food box and took out all the dishes, and said, "It's hard to starve. They want to starve you.

"Who are you?" Sha Lanyi was stunned, not knowing who this person was.

"I'm you..." The woman blinked, holding her chin and thinking for a moment, "I wonder if you can accept the title of 'wife monarch'? But I heard that the teachings of the fire **** of Zhuhuang Kingdom do not allow homosexual love. If you can't accept it, Just call me by my name, and my name is Feng Jiyue, which is Feng Jiyue of Guangfeng Jiyue."

For followers of the Vulcan doctrine, marrying a woman is indeed a very humiliating thing. But Sha Lanyi knew from a young age that she, like her mother-in-law, actually loves women, and now she is married to the third princess of Shengkun City as his wife, but she feels that God has pity.

Shengkun City respects women, and now it seems that it is not fake.

Sha Lanyi nodded slightly, stood up to salute her, and said softly, "I have seen my wife before."

(End of text)

The author has something to say: The main text is over~ After that, I will enter the extra volume.

Old readers may know that I have the habit of writing a lot of episodes. The content of each episode will be marked in the content summary, so that you can choose your favorite episodes to read.

So there is still some time before the official end w

I've been too busy recently, I'm afraid I can't guarantee the daily update, so I have to drop the extras from time to time as compensation _(:з"∠)_

If you want to see what you want to see, you can leave a message. If you accept it, when you write it, you will indicate the source of the stalk in the words of the chapter.

Finally, the publicity and advance receipt will be opened after the official conclusion of this article:

"I Pretend to Lose My Memory After Dressing Up as an Abused Heroine"

Duplicity is not arrogant meow x gentle belly black demon exterminator

Mutual attack and favor 1v1, transcendence + rebirth

As a gold medal demon slayer, he became a cat demon after he died

Lin Yanyu: My mood is complicated

What made her even more indescribable was that she became an infatuated and abusive heroine who was held in the palm of the hand by the male protagonist in the early stage, and was killed by the male protagonist himself in the later stage.

Lin Yanyu: I choose to pretend to be amnesia_(:з"∠)_

In order to avoid triggering the abuse of the main plot, Lin Yanyu tried his best to avoid all plots related to the male protagonist.

Even when the male protagonist confessed, Lin Yanyu looked up at his sister and said seriously, "Actually, I like your sister."

After dismissing the male lead, Lin Yanyu found that the male lead's sister looked at her in the wrong way

She hurriedly explained: "Actually I..."

"Don't like my brother, like me, right?"

Without waiting for Lin Yanyu to answer again, a kiss was placed on his lips.

"Since you like me, why don't you marry me and go back to the demon world."

#After learning that the male protagonist's sister is a reborn little pity, I decided to stay with her#

#After rebirth, I green my brother#

Read The Duke's Passion