MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 33 have fun

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At noon, the convoy arrived at the palace near the hunting ground.

Lianyi slept fully, and when Liu Fenyun woke her up for lunch, she was much more awake than when she first set off.

The cat lying in her arms stretched out, turned into a human, wrapped around Liu Fenyun's neck, and murmured sleepily: "Hold me."

Liu Fenyun filled up the force value and tried it out. It seemed that it was not difficult to hold her, so he carried her out of the car and followed the female officials to find the bedroom where they were staying.

Most of the princesses lived in close quarters, but Lianyi was happy and quiet, and she was a monster. Even if she didn't ask, she would be arranged by the Ministry of Rites to go to a secluded place.

Therefore, when they came to the gate of the deserted Hanli Palace, Liu Fenyun and both of them didn't think there was anything wrong, and they entered it happily.

The dormitory was already tidy up by the maids. Lianyi sat on the edge of the bed, looked around, and was not satisfied. He said to Liu Fenyun, "Husband, let's go and choose what to eat. I'll arrange this place a little bit."

After all, she spread out the neatly folded quilt on the couch and began to fiddle with their "little nest".

Following the living female official to the Baishan Hall in the palace, Liu Fenyun was about to leave after picking out the food, when he suddenly felt a gaze staring at him, and turned his head coldly, but did not find the owner of the gaze.

"Did anyone look at me just now?" Liu Fenyun asked the system in surprise.

"There is one." The system called up the map, circled a green dot representing the human race, and drew a line between the circle and Liu Fenyun, "Here, the identity is unknown, and it has been determined that it is someone the host has not seen."

Liu Fenyun looked in the direction given by the system, and there was a black-clothed girl sitting among the attendants who came and went. The girl had the signature slightly curly brown hair of the royal bloodline, which was casually draped over her shoulders, looking messy as if she had not taken care of it.

The girl devoured the mutton on the plate, the lamb leg that she had just torn off was immediately stuffed into her mouth, her cheeks were bulging, and she looked fierce.

Seemingly aware of Liu Fenyun's gaze, the girl glared at her with vigilance between her sword eyebrows and star eyes.

Liu Fenyun looked at it carefully, and did not recognize who it was, so he withdrew his gaze and left the Baishan Hall.

When she stepped into the Hanli Palace carrying the food box, Lianyi was still instructing the attendants to move the furniture. When she saw her coming back, she hurriedly grabbed the food box and put it on the table, pulling her out of the back door.

"Where is Your Highness taking me!?" Liu Fenyun was at a loss.

"There is a pond here, full of lotus flowers!" Lian Yi said with a smile.

Liu Fenyun thought that it was not normal to have lotus flowers in the Hanli Temple. As he was about to say it, he suddenly remembered that it was Chunyue now, and only then did he realize that something was wrong.

"This is really strange!" She quickly followed Lianyi's footsteps.

At the edge of the lotus pond that Lianyi mentioned, there were already several maids around, talking in a low voice.

"It's so weird! It's still a pond of lotus leaves this morning, how come flowers bloom in a blink of an eye?!"

"I, I saw with my own eyes the flower buds grew, and they bloomed all over the pond, like a dream."

"Is it sorcery? Isn't there a demon clan living in today?"


Hearing a series of footsteps approaching from afar, the maids were startled and dispersed in a panic.

Lianyi had sharp ears, and had already heard their conversation in her ears, and just stopped, she said to Liu Fenyun aggrieved: "Those human races were scared to death, they thought I made the lotus bloom, how can I be so big? ability!"

Looking at the swaying pink lotus flower in the pond, Liu Fenyun was startled and asked subconsciously, "Isn't it His Highness's spell?"

"Of course not!" Lian Yi frowned, "Although our demon clan can do magic, the magic of reversing the seasons and making plants grow like this can only be done by a big demon that is close to the ascension."

Speaking of this, she snorted softly: "So, there is a big demon senior living in the palace of this human race? Is the senior using flowers to welcome us?"

Liu Fenyun didn't think so, he pulled Lianyi and walked back.

"Then it's already very dangerous here, let's live in another place!" Liu Fenyun said solemnly, "As the saying goes, one mountain does not allow two tigers, if the Hanli Temple is really occupied by the big demon, we just came here, a pond of lotus flowers will bloom, but it seems to be in Warn us not to approach!"

Lian Yi was startled, she stopped talking, and followed her away in silence.

The two of them didn't know that the Hanli Palace did not have "great demon seniors" to live in, but the lotus pond here was an ancient relic, which absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, and had opened up spiritual wisdom.

"It's over, this seems to be a **** who came down to earth without memory, misunderstood what we meant!" A lotus sighed.

"It doesn't matter, we have already done the warmest welcome, and the ceremony has arrived." The other lotus swung its body and slowly gathered its petals, "Hey, I really envy that white cat for being so close to Lord God."

There is a princess living in the Hanli Temple every year, and nothing has happened. The lotus in the lotus pond only blooms in the summer months.

After listening to Lianyi's description, Your Majesty also felt that it was inappropriate to let them live, so they allowed them to choose the rest of the dormitory by themselves.

Lianyi still remembered Liu Fenyun's words, took the token given by the king, and walked directly to the bedroom where Luo Binglun stayed.

"Your master is already a very powerful monster." She whispered to Liu Fenyun, "It's always safe to live near her."

Liu Fenyun nodded.

So the two moved to the Morning Star Hall next to Guizhi Hall.

When the attendant was carrying the luggage into the hall, he was catching up with Yu Qingyue and came out to explore the way.

The carrying sound was too loud, Yu Qingyue frowned, stopped the team, and scolded unceremoniously. "The high priest's illness requires recuperation. Who allowed your master to move here?"

The momentum of her accountability was so frightening that the attendants looked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to make a sound.

Finally, the female living official who hurried over said respectfully, "Master Hui, it is His Highness the Seventh who moved here. Since the Seventh Concubine is your apprentice, Your Majesty will allow it."

Yu Qingyue:…

"Then let's continue, be quiet when carrying." She lightly put down these words, and walked through the team into the Morning Star Hall.

As soon as the residence moved, Lianyi was still in shock, but she calmed down, ate lunch obediently, and did not fiddle with furniture.

Liu Fenyun had just served her a bowl of soup, and when his eyes swept across the door, he saw a touch of moon white, and his spoon shook in shock.

"What's wrong?" Lian Yi took the soup, followed her gaze and looked towards the door.

Yu Qingyue walked in, glanced at a table of bland food, sat down and asked, "Why did you move here?"

"Hanli Palace is too quiet, it's better for you to be more comfortable here, Master." Liu Fenyun smiled and lied, and loudly ordered the maid to serve tea.

Yu Qingyue also smiled and said: "It's just right to move here, this spring hunt, and other demon clans have also come, you can wear this thing."

She took off a piece of white jade pendant tied with a dark green silk thread from her belt, stretched the rope, and handed it to Liu Fenyun, "Wearing this jade close to your body can hide your true aura."

Liu Fenyun hurriedly took it and listened to the system: "It is detected that the isolation barrier on the body surface has been deployed."

"Master, are there really other monsters here?" Lianyi asked in surprise after drinking a sip of soup.

Yu Qingyue wanted to correct her name, but when she saw that she was smiling at herself, she was very obedient, so she followed her words and said, "Yes, and it's a tricky one. Remember to act with everyone during the day, and don't do it at night. going out."

When she said this, there was murder in her words, Liu Fenyun and Lianyi looked at each other, and tacitly didn't ask any more questions.

The maid brought herbal tea and snacks, and Yu Qingyue also went to visit the residence of the fourth princess, drank half a cup of tea, and left with half a tray of snacks.

"His Royal Highness, you scared me to death just now!" After Yu Qingyue left, Liu Fenyun sighed, "Master doesn't like outsiders calling her like that..."

"Am I an outsider?" Lian Yi asked confidently.

"Yes... ah no! No!" Liu Fenyun bit his tongue anxiously, hissing in pain and gasping for breath, "So that's the case, no wonder Master didn't say anything."

"You are too afraid of her." Lian Yi smiled, "In my opinion, your master is better at talking than Luo Binglun."

Liu Fenyun picked up the chopsticks with a wry smile, "Master is a very strict person, His Highness has never seen her angry."

The two had lunch, and when the attendants packed their luggage, Lianyi called Xian Lihua and the others over.

Sitting by the window, Liu Fenyun saw seven spots of light representing the demon clan quickly light up on the system map. Not long after, seven cats came to the Morning Star Hall one after another, surrounded by the seat of the lotus robe, and wailed. .

After rubbing the cats' heads one by one, Lianyi reminded: "There are more than one monsters in the palace, be careful yourself."

"Okay meow!" The cats said in unison.

"Lihua, go to the hunting grounds that we often visit. If the field is empty, let me know." Lianyi said to Xianlihua again, "A Yunshang can't ride and shoot, to get a good place in the spring hunting, you must I have to teach her."

"Witch doctor really want to join the hunt?" Liu Fenyun was stunned. On the way she came, she learned hunting in the system. In fact, it was just to accompany Lianyi and the others to have a good time. She didn't expect to participate in the spring hunting.

"You're more than a witch doctor." Lian Yi said in a sullen voice, "Don't forget, you are the concubine of the Seventh Princess and the sixth prince of Liuzhi Kingdom. If you don't get a good ranking in Spring Hunting, you will be laughed at in the future. Or bully, don't cry in my arms!"

"I—!" Liu Fenyun almost blurted out, "How can I cry in your arms?" Noticing the anticipation in the eyes of the cats, she smacked her lips and nodded her head, "Okay, I have good physical strength, and I can learn it well. Soon, please teach me, Your Highness."

In fact, Liu Fenyun has always been afraid of driving vehicles. Before crossing, she was the only one in the dormitory who didn't have a driver's license, because she didn't dare to drive on the road, and she didn't even dare to ride a shared battery car.

She was also quite frightened when Lian Yi, who had turned into a big white cat, was carrying her around.

Xian Lihua went to the hunting ground, and the rest of the cats followed, leaving Liu Fenyun and Lianyi to sit and look at each other.

Without saying a word, Lianyi went to the suitcase, took out two riding clothes, and threw the men's style to Liu Fenyun, "Put them on."

Liu Fenyun was still pondering how to wear the riding suit, and the lotus clothes in the riding suit had **** her hair, tied it into a ponytail, and put on her little boots. Liu Fenyun secretly glanced at her, only to feel very sassy.

"You don't know how to wear it and don't call me?"

She was staring blankly, when a pair of blue eyes suddenly came close to her, the riding outfit in her hand was taken away by Lianyi, and it was put on her body a few times.

"I'll help you."

Both sets of riding suits are dark gray and white, but the styles are a pair. When Liu Fenyun looked down at Lianyi's belt, she couldn't remember when she made the custom-made riding uniform.

Tightening the belt, Lianyi raised her head to look at her, her eyes met, she suddenly lowered her head again and approached Liu Fenyun.

Liu Fenyun only felt an itch on her chin, her fluffy cat ears rubbed against her hair, and the fragrance penetrated into her nose, making her unable to hold the lotus robe in her arms.

The sickly cat treats her so well, even small details, this matter alone is enough to make her happy.

"Okay, okay, don't act like a spoiled child." Liu Fenyun rubbed her head, feeling warm in her heart.

Maybe Liu Fenyun was lucky, and the racetrack next to the hunting ground happened to be empty, but before she was mentally prepared, she was taken to a tall horse.

"This horse is called Wang Yunqian." Lian Yi introduced her to her, and then said to the horse, "This person is my husband, the first time riding a horse, so don't scare her."

Liu Fenyun looked up at the horse, and the horse looked at Liu Fenyun, flicked its tail twice, and approached her.

The horse was very docile, but Liu Fenyun was still so scared that his hands were shaking.

"Master Liu, don't be afraid~" Xian Lihua and the cats sat at the edge of the venue, cheering her on with a smile.

Liu Fenyun didn't even know how he sat on the horse's back, holding the reins in his hand, motionless, like a stone sculpture.

The racecourse is also managed by animal handlers, and the horses raised are all spiritual. Wang Yunqian didn't need to be led by a horse trainer, she carried Liu Fenyun around the field slowly and let her get used to the feeling of riding first.

Wang Yunqian circled the racetrack twice, Liu Fenyun was a little bit down, holding the reins and was about to pull, when a hoof sound came from behind.

Lian Yi rode his horse to catch up with her.

"You have to tell Ma'er like this." Lian Yi said, teaching her how to control the direction.

Although the horse is not a monster, for Lianyi, it is a beast, and it is also a monster with undeveloped intelligence. When driving a horse, her movements are very light, as long as the horse knows what she means.

Liu Fenyun remembers it very quickly, even if she can't remember it all at once, there is system assistance. In less than an hour, she was able to gallop across the field on a horse.

Riding in the end is still exciting, that is, upside down. Facing the cool wind, Liu Fenyun couldn't help but let out a cheerful howl, and then heard Lianyi's whistle coming from the side.

It was also at this time that the system's prompt sounded in Liu Fenyun's mind: "Unlock the skill [Riding], and the host has been filled with points. The current mount is [Wang Yun Qian], and its breath and various attributes have been recorded in the file. ."

"I didn't expect your functions to be quite complete." Liu Fenyun was surprised.

After riding the horse, Liu Fenyun rested for a while, took the bow handed by Xian Lihua, and prepared to start learning archery.

Lianyi has little strength, and the task of teaching Liu Fenyun to shoot arrows falls on Xian Lihua.

With Lianyi staring at her, Xian Lihua was so panicked that she didn't even dare to teach her Liu Fenyun's hand at first, but after Liu Fenyun's comfort, she began to talk about the essentials while trembling.

"First, first practice the head on the still life, then mount the horse to shoot the still life, and finally the official hunting..."

Liu Fenyun's bow is naturally also used by men, and it is very heavy. Even if she is full of force, it is very difficult to draw the bow. After a practice session, she felt that her arms were not hers anymore.

If the hunting competition is officially started, she may need to use the blessing of sorcery.

Liu Fenyun's movements were not very standard, so Xian Lihua asked her to hand over the bow to herself and set an example for her.

Watching the petite cat demon effortlessly draw a bow and shoot arrows, hitting the bullseye, Liu Fenyun applauded while letting the system monitor the flow of demonic energy in Xian Lihua's body.

The result reported by the system surprised her: Xian Lihua didn't use her demonic energy to strengthen her limbs at all, it was all her own strength!

Liu Fenyun was stunned to hear it, and couldn't help but look at Xian Lihua a few more times, but didn't see anything in her body that was different from others.

Seeing Xian Lihua tremblingly, she returned the bow to her, drooping her cat ears and reminding: "Liu, Liu, please respect yourself! Don't look at me like this, Lianyi will be angry..."

Liu Fenyun: "..."

During her concentrated practice with Xian Lihua, Lianyi took the other cat demon subordinates to the hunting ground.

When Liu Fenyun was resting, Lianyi had already lit a fire, and asked the beastmaster to come to the grill to roast the freshly slaughtered wild boar.

In previous years, they came to hunt in private, and the prey was paid according to the pound. The animal master who managed the hunting ground was also happy to do this business, and also provided them with secret sauces with different tastes.

Liu Fenyun sat down beside Lianyi with his arms down, picked up a bunch of meat, and took the spice jar, his hands were shaking when he sprinkled it.

"Just leave it alone, just rest." Lian Yi suddenly said.

Liu Fenyun obediently put down the meat skewers.

The meat skewers in Lian Yi's hands were not cooked yet, and the fat orange cat beside her saw this and handed the grilled meat skewers to Liu Fenyun.

The skewer was intercepted by a bamboo skewer in the middle of the way. Looking at the cold blue eyes of the lotus robe, the fat orange cat regained his senses. He hurriedly retracted his hand, bit down on a piece of meat that was still hot, and huffed and huffed. Eat while blowing air.

Liu Fenyun was drinking water and didn't notice the little movements between the two cats.

The grilled meat was bubbling with oil, and the lotus clothes were sprinkled with a handful of white pepper, and they were roasted for a while before handing it to Liu Fenyun, smiling: "Ayun eat it."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Liu Fenyun took it, took a knife and cut off a piece of meat, let it dry a little, and sent it to Lianyi, "Your Highness, won't you try it?"

Seeing Lianyi open his mouth to take it, Liu Fenyun cut off the second piece of meat and began to enjoy it by himself.

The seasoning provided by the hunting ground is really fragrant. Liu Fenyun was full and full. When he walked to the archery field again, he only felt that the riding clothes on his body smelled like barbecue.

In the blink of an eye, there was still a dust-cleaning banquet to attend in the evening. After everyone cleaned up the venue and paid taels of silver, they returned to the Morning Star Hall.

Liu Fenyun sat on the back of the big white cat and looked at the hands covered with gauze. The wounds he accidentally made during the practice were still painful, and he had to take the time to deal with them before going to the banquet.

The guards at the entrance of the Morning Star Palace saw a white cat the size of a tiger rushing toward them, carrying their concubine on his back, and seven kittens behind him, so he was so frightened that he quickly moved away.

"It's been a long time since I saw His Highness so happy." One of the guards was in shock.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the concubine to be so capable that he would be allowed to sit on His Highness's back!" Another guard was somewhat envious.

As soon as he returned to the bedroom, Liu Fenyun immediately took out the medicine box, asked the maid to bring water, and sprinkled a small amount of salt into the clear water basin. When the salt dissolved, he quickly removed the gauze.

Seeing the **** scar on her hand, Lianyi was startled.

"How did you get hurt like this?" she said distressedly, "I remember giving you handguards, why don't you wear them?"

Liu Fenyun pulled out a smile, "It's okay, it's called 'body forging'."

This is what the system told her, let her not use protective tools first, touch the bow with only the flesh, and try several times, it doesn't matter if you are injured, it will help unlock the [Archery] skill.

Liu Fenyun actually felt that it was pitting herself, but if she wanted to quickly become a horse and shooter, she could only listen to the system for the time being, and a dead horse would be a living horse doctor.

Lianyi glared at her, seeing her calmly washing her wounds, applying medicine, and wrapping it in clean gauze, she felt as uncomfortable as being scratched by a cat's claws, but she couldn't help herself, so she couldn't help regretting it.

"Don't go to practice, just show up when hunting, we have magic, it won't take much effort to kill some wild animals!" She hugged Liu Fenyun and said, "I lied to you, even if you win the first title in spring hunting. , there are still people who say bad things about you, who made you…”

Liu Fenyun turned his face, and at the moment when his eyes met, Lianyi looked away.

"Who made you... marry the demon clan." She murmured, her face warmed, and the smell of the ointment penetrated into her nose.

"Let them talk." Liu Fenyun pinched her face gently, "I still have cat sucking, do they have it?"

Lianyi was stunned for a while, and said uncertainly, "No?"

"If I didn't use spells and got the first name on my own, would Your Highness be happy?" Liu Fenyun asked again.

Seeing Lianyi nodding, she smiled and said, "Then I will get a first name to make His Highness happy."

She suddenly stood up, leaned over and hugged Lianyi, and turned around in the room.

"What are you doing!?" Lianyi exclaimed, patting her shoulders and letting her down.

Liu Fenyun replied with a smile, let her stand on the ground, reached out to touch her hair, but was afraid that the smell of the ointment on his hand would dye it, so he wrapped her in his arms with his arms, leaned down and kissed her between the eyebrows. .

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I can do it."

Her initiative made Lian Yi feel inexplicably awkward, and she hurriedly broke free from her arms.

The door slammed shut in front of him, Liu Fenyun wiped his lips with the back of his hand, very confused.

She imitated the wife's favorite line in the book, but she actually overturned?

Liu Fenyun was very depressed. After finishing the medicine box, he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the system panel.

After she bandaged the wound, the skill [Archery] was really unlocked. Liu Fenyun quickly evened out the force value and stopped when the skill proficiency reached 80%.

"Is that all right?" she asked the system.

"Yes, as long as the host picks up a bow and arrow, whether shooting still life or animals, eight of the ten arrows must be able to hit." The system replied, "But the host's physical fitness is not suitable for archery, and without the blessing of demonic energy, it will not be possible in the short term. Raised to 100% hit the target."

"It's okay, it's enough." Liu Fenyun closed the skill panel and turned to take care of the medicine garden.

At dusk, it rained heavily. After the two changed into their attire for the banquet, Lianyi instructed the cats to take shelter from the rain in the Morning Star Palace, and Liu Fenyun got on the carriage and drove all the way to the hall where the dust-washing banquet was held.

On the way, Lianyi kept staring at Liu Fenyun's hand.

It is normal for men to be injured when hunting or exercising, but to those here, her Ayun is no different from a delicate and delicate woman. If at the dust cleaning banquet, the tongue-in-cheek princesses and princes were allowed to see Ayun's hand, maybe Ayun would be ridiculed again.

Thinking of this, Lianyi suddenly grabbed Liu Fenyun's hand, put it in the palm of his hand, and chanted a spell.

Liu Fenyun lowered his head and saw that his hands were covered by soft green flowers. She could feel the wounds on the surface of the skin begin to heal, but the damaged tissue below the skin still showed no signs of healing.

"I know some spells to heal wounds." Lianyi explained to Shang Liu Fenyun's surprised eyes, "However, it's just to heal wounds."

Casting healing spells consumes a lot of stamina and energy. When Lianyi let go of her hand, she felt tired.

Liu Fenyun hurriedly embraced her and thanked her.

"You can remove the gauze." Lianyi gently touched her hand.

"I will dismantle it." Liu Fenyun nodded, "Your Highness, take a break?"

Lianyi shook her head, yawned, opened the curtains and glanced at her, and said, "It's almost time to reach the Jiayao Palace. It's impossible to say if you don't eat something, so I'll leave the table later."

Seeing her little tongue wrapping around her lips, Liu Fenyun couldn't help laughing and crying.

What a greedy cat!

The author has something to say: I saw in the comment area that Master is chasing his wife Crematorium 2333 and they actually like each other~

Let’s just push a court text that I personally think is the crematorium of the real wife chaser:

"The following crime" by Jiuhuangshu

The little emperor was oppressed by his aunt, the eldest princess, Yuan Qiao for five years.

After a banquet, she took Yuan Qiao hostage while she was drunk and banned her in her bedroom.

The eldest princess never dreamed that the emperor would commit the following crimes.

What I hate most is not strangling her in the first place.

Those days in the palace became her greatest shame.

Once being drugged, Yuan Qiao couldn't recognize the person in the account, so he took the initiative to embrace him, and he regretted the matter.

The little emperor took this opportunity to speak madly, so angry that Yuan Qiao almost wanted to abolish the emperor.

Little Emperor: I'm right, you kiss me first!

The emperor chases his wife, and the following is a crime.

Read The Duke's Passion