MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 37 antidote

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Sha Rulang quickly came with men's clothes.

Liu Fenyun took her to the dressing room, unfolded the screen, and stepped back outside to let Lianyi in.

Men and women don't have sex, she is now dressed as a man, she should avoid it or avoid it.

Sha Rulang didn't accept the kindness of others very much. When Lianyi arranged men's clothes for her, she kept staring at the ground without speaking, and her cheeks were flushed.

"Is your friend okay?" Lian Yi asked softly.

Only then did Sha Rulang look at her, but she said worriedly: "Aran hasn't come to see me these days, and I don't know what happened to her..."

"Did she come here in previous years?" Lian Yi asked again.

"Well, Aran has always been with me in previous years." Sha Rulang nodded, "She always comes at night, chooses a small room in the hall where I am staying, and stays in a small room that no one goes to, and when the spring hunt is over, she will leave. already."

Speaking of Ah Ran, she couldn't help but recall: "The first time I saw her, I was shocked by her! Ah Ran's demon body is so scary, but her temperament is very gentle and kind-hearted. I am tired of hunting. , come back to see her, she let me sleep on her stomach..."

Lian Yi smiled and continued to chat with her for a while, and by the way performed the disguise for her.

"This spell will also be used before entering the hunting ground tomorrow." After the spell, Lianyi handed Sha Rulang a bead containing a demonic energy, "My demonic energy is sealed in this bead, I will teach you a formula, Just read it once in a while.”

Sha Rulang thanked her, put away the beads, and stood in front of the mirror curiously looking at her new appearance.

"Isn't Rulang afraid of demons?" Lianyi suddenly asked.

Sha Rulang paused, shook his head and said, "Actually, I am very afraid of demons and hate demons. But I can tell the difference between good and bad. You are good demons, so I also like you, strange demons, I Still hate it."

She deliberately showed an expression of disgust, especially for Lianyi, "Look at Huangjie, I really hate demon clan."

Lianyi was amused by her frankness, rubbed her brown hair, and didn't ask any more questions.

When Lianyi brought Sha Rulang to Liu Fenyun, Liu Fenyun almost didn't recognize it.

"Your Highness is quite suitable to wear men's clothes." Liu Fenyun said sincerely.

Sha Rulang bowed his head a little embarrassedly.

"Today we have to go to the hunting ground to practice." Liu Fenyun said, "Maybe it will be practiced until the evening. Does His Highness want to stay at the Morning Star Palace?"

Staying overnight is convenient for rest, and on the other hand, it is convenient for outsiders to be suspicious when they travel together tomorrow.

Sha Rulang also understood this truth and nodded obediently.

So when I went to the racetrack today, everyone saw Liu Fenyun and the two with a fresh face full of energy.

Wang Yunyi already recognized Liu Fenyun. When Liu Fenyun untie the rope, he wanted to rub his big head on Liu Fenyun's hand, but was stared at by Lianyi, so he had to give up the idea.

"After the spring hunt, take it back to the Hall of the Holy Maiden to keep it." Lian Yi suddenly said, "You can't live without your own horse."

Liu Fenyun couldn't tell whether she was asking for a proposition, or whether she really wanted to have more BMWs, and Wang Yunxiao stared at him, not daring to say a word.

Lianyi thought she was too surprised and didn't react, so she discussed with the beastmaster who kept the horses, and even came to buy a horse contract.

After signing, Liu Fenyun still felt that he was dreaming. But after thinking about it, Lianyi is her wife, and she is also a saint in a country. She has a good horse, which is equivalent to a saint who has a good horse.

Lianyi doesn't care what she thinks. Since she regards Liu Fenyun as her property, she naturally wants to give her all the good things.

Sha Rulang also had to pick a horse to use in the competition tomorrow.

The little princess disguised as a man proudly walked to the stable, glanced at it, and picked the most temperamental colt.

The beastmaster who kept the horse hurriedly stopped her, "Young master can't do it! Even the trainer can't control this horse..."

"Give it to me, I'll tame." Sha Rulang glared at him and said. Her eyes were fierce, and the Beast Master glanced at Lianyi and had to agree.

Linju came out of the stable, and his cold eyes met with Sha Rulang.

Liu Fenyun was also worried that the little princess would be injured. He wanted to communicate with Linju first, but was stopped by Lianyi, "No need, let her tame herself."

Sha Rulang is also a strange person. Liu Fenyun didn't know what method she used. After a while, she saw her flying up and sitting on the back of a horse.

Liu Fenyun couldn't help but sigh, the Fifteenth Highness's relationship with animals was unexpectedly good.

When Sha Rulang had tamed the horse, they took their bows and arrows and rode the horses together to the hunting ground in the mountains.

Tomorrow is the Spring Hunting Competition, and some people are busy circling the competition venue.

When the three of them just arrived at the hunting ground, they happened to see the eldest prince riding a horse and taking everyone from the Ministry of Rites to encircle the arena.

Liu Fenyun ran at the front, and when he saw the eldest prince's purple four-clawed python robe, he was startled, he quickly restrained his horse, and then stopped the steed of Sha Rulang, signaling her to dismount and salute.

Sha Rulang was familiar with the eldest prince, so he didn't need Liu Fenyun to remind him after dismounting, and saluted, "Your Highness, Prince, rest in peace."

Lianyi also followed in the salute.

The eldest prince, Shafuli, has always been taciturn. He nodded slightly to the two younger sisters, and his eyes stayed on Liu Fenyun.

Liu Fenyun hurriedly saluted: "I'm rude, disturbing His Royal Highness..."

Shafuli made a silent gesture, and a pair of fox eyes looked at her with interest.

Daoist Chinese men are handsome, but this is the first time Sha Fuli has seen such a man and a woman.

If it wasn't for Liu Fenyun's hoarse and rough voice, he would have thought that she was a Chinese girl disguised as a man.

Lianyi naturally noticed Shafuli's gaze, but she saw that the eldest prince was just curious, so she looked at Liu Fenyun a few more times, without any other meaning. After all, their big wedding was held in a low-key manner that day, and the eldest prince had a noble status, and there was no need to come to the banquet.

But this kind of gaze still made her uncomfortable, and she immediately pulled Liu Fenyun and said to Shafuli: "Brother, we have to practice our skills, so we will leave."

Shafuli's fox eyes twitched, and she smiled reservedly: "Be careful on the road."

Far away from the First Prince, Liu Fenyun still has lingering fears.

What's going on with this eldest prince? Broken sleeves? Staring at a man for a long time? !

She patted her face and almost asked Lianyi if she was revealing.

In fact, Liu Fenyun didn't need to train archery anymore, but she wanted to see the level of Sa Rulang, so the three stayed together in the hunting ground until the sun went down.

Before going down the mountain, Sha Rulang suddenly turned to look in one direction.

"What's wrong with Rulang?" Lianyi frowned, she already felt the existence of the leopard demon Aran.

"Should it be Ah Ran who came to pick me up?" Sha Rulang wasn't quite sure, and Ah Ran had not come to see her for the past two days.

Liu Fenyun's heart sank. With the help of the system map, she saw a brighter light spot next to the light spot representing Ah Ran.

—Her master, Yu Qingyue.

What's the matter, the day before the Spring Hunting Competition, the two actually fought on the mountain?

Master's demon identity cannot be known by any outsiders, Liu Fenyun decisively gave Sha Rulang's Linju a whip, Linju was frightened, and rushed down the mountain screaming.

Sha Rulang's screams disappeared, and Liu Fenyun hurriedly followed.

Lianyi naturally saw her small movements, leaned into her arms and smiled: "I didn't expect A Yun to use such a method."

Liu Fenyun coughed awkwardly. She was in a hurry just now, but she really didn't think of a better way.

While the two were chasing Linju down the mountain, Yu Qingyue and Qi Ran fought together again.

"You really are Senior Sister Qing! Every time you talk to me, you have to fight!" After a fierce battle, Qi Ran surrendered, wiped the blood from the corners of his lips, and smiled at the falling Yuzu with bright eyes.

"An antidote." Yu Qingyue said coldly.

"I don't have the antidote, and I gave it to my savior." Qi Ran spread his hands, "I'm afraid that senior sister will poison the human race here. After all, you hated the human race more than me before."

"..." Yu Qingyue's eyes were even colder, "That's the antidote for immortal death, who did you give it to?"

"I can't say that." Qi Ran shook his head, "But what do you want to do with the antidote, Senior Sister? If you've poisoned someone and you regret it, just give her a demonic qi."

Yu Qingyue didn't answer, her wings fluttered, and she was about to leave, but Qi Ran took the initiative to grab her sleeve.

"Senior Sister, Senior Sister Qing, I beg you, can you stop fighting with me like this next time? I will go back with you and ask Master for guilt, but my identity is very complicated now, and I will be suspected of being injured..."

Before Qi Ran could finish speaking, a small porcelain bottle was suddenly thrown in front of him. She hurriedly caught it, and when she saw the pattern on the porcelain bottle, it was a healing elixir that her master carried with her!

"Save it." Yu Qingyue threw off her hand, performed the hide-and-seek technique, and disappeared on the spot.

That night, Sha Rulang stayed at the Morning Star Palace and rested early.

Lianyi rarely pestered Liu Fenyun, but asked to go to the medicine garden with her to pick catnip.

She doesn't like eating catnip very much, and picking catnip is even more rare. Liu Fenyun just took her on a whim, took a small wooden pot, and followed her to pick it.

Lianyi wears a mask and veil to prevent the smell from getting out of control when picking. Liu Fenyun followed closely behind her, and when passing through Lingtian, she would pick up other medicinal herbs.

The catnip quickly picked up a small half pot, and the two returned to the research institute in the medicine garden. Lianyi took off the mask and explained: "Since Ah Ran is a leopard demon, catnip works well for cats, and it also has some effect on her. If we meet during the competition..."

She showed her small fangs to Liu Fenyun, and Liu Fenyun already understood what she meant without finishing her words.

"That's a good idea." Liu Fenyun nodded, took the tub, and started the dryer.

In the world before her travels, catnip was processed into a variety of commodities to amuse cats. Dried catnip is just one such commodity, along with catnip balls, catnip toys, and even catnip spray.

Time is running out, there is only one night left. When drying the catnip, Liu Fenyun thought about it carefully and decided to make powder of the catnip picked today and before, which is also convenient to carry.

When the dryer started to work, Lianyi ran outside the research institute to find Qing Guilian.

Compared with catnip, she prefers to smell the light fragrance of green ghost lotus.

The green ghost lotus stands in the lotus pond, moving without wind. As soon as Lianyi approached, he found that it had bloomed with two petals, and the fragrance of the lotus was stronger than before.

Smelling the fragrance of the lotus, Lianyi couldn't help kneeling under the green ghost lotus.

There is a pure aura in the green ghost lotus, which makes her feel more cordial and willing to surrender.

Immersed in the fragrance of the lotus, Lianyi couldn't help but bowed down reverently, and bowed to the end, as if listening to the oracle.

When Liu Fenyun came over, she was startled by her appearance, thinking she was sucking the lotus fragrance, and hurriedly helped her up.

"What's wrong, Your Highness?" Liu Fenyun shook the cat demon in his arms and asked anxiously.

Lianyi hasn't regained her sanity yet, and said dizzily: "I seem to have seen the real Lord God... Why does she look exactly like you?"

Liu Fenyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hugged her away from Green Ghost Lotus.

She carried Lianyi to the stream, and brought water to wash her face. Lianyi was blowing the cool breeze by the stream, and then she slowly woke up.

"What happened to me just now?" She stroked her wet hair and asked Liu Fenyun dumbfounded.

Liu Fenyun shook his head and said that he didn't know either. The words Lianyi said when she was confused were also taken as an illusion she saw after she sucked her head.

"What the **** is going on with that cyan lotus?" Lianyi looked at the green ghost lotus with some fear, "It has bloomed, but only two petals have opened. The fragrance of the flowers is much stronger than before, and it can make me fall into illusions. without knowing it.”

She was afraid and curious, looked at Qing Guilian from a distance, rolled her eyes, and seemed to be thinking of something wrong.

"I only know that it is called the Green Ghost Lotus, and it has grown here since the beginning of this medicinal garden." Liu Fenyun explained half-truths, "If its floral fragrance can be hallucinogenic, why am I not at all? Not affected?"

"Maybe it only works on the demon clan." Lianyi said, "You haven't been affected by it before, unlike me, when you smell the fragrance of lotus, you can't help but want to roll - the smell it emits makes me Very comfortable and really wanted to relax.”

She pondered for a moment and asked Liu Fenyun: "Can the petals of this lotus be taken off?"

Liu Fenyun remembered the star of Qing Guilian and shook his head.

Lianyi was a little disappointed, but she quickly turned her attention back to Liu Fenyun.

"Tomorrow is going to be a competition, what is Ayun's goal?" she asked.

Liu Fenyun was well prepared and said without hesitation, "Fight for the top spot and win back the jade bow for you to see."

"What jade bow?" Lianyi was startled, "Is there an additional reward for this competition?"

After the dust-cleaning feast that night, they were stuffed by the Ministry of Rites with a booklet that recorded the content of the competition and rewards. The booklet did not mention any jade bows.

"When I went to the Baishan Hall to have a meal, I heard a few servants say it unintentionally." Liu Fenyun said truthfully, "Maybe it is an additional reward. No matter what, my goal will not change."

Lianyi smacked her lips and said, "Don't talk too much. In this competition, all male officials and princes who are not logisticians will participate, including... the eldest prince."

Liu Fenyun also thought of the fox-eyed prince.

"Does His Highness want me to let His Highness the Prince?" Liu Fenyun asked half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"That's not necessary." Lian Yi shook his head, "It's just that His Royal Highness is best at hunting, so I won't say more, so as not to dampen your enthusiasm."

The two sat by the stream and blew the cool breeze for a while, and whispered for a while, until the system reminded Liu Fenyun that the dryer had finished, and she went back to the research institute to take out the dried catnip and prepare to grind it.

Although Lianyi was curious about the operation of the grinder, she was afraid of smelling catnip, so she stayed outside and returned to the lotus pond where the green ghost lotus was planted. She greedily smelled the fragrance of the lotus and entered the illusion actively.

This time she was still conscious, and the clearer the vision, the more she could feel the lotus mark on her back heating up.

The illusion in front of him gradually transformed into a person, wearing a dark green wide-sleeved robe, with a string of white porcelain medicine bottles painted with blue lotus flowers hanging around his waist, reaching out to her.

Lianyi raised her head subconsciously, but she couldn't see the other's face, and couldn't make any more movements to this person.

She tried again, but couldn't even touch a corner of this person's clothes.

This time, it was Liu Fenyun who pulled her out of the illusion, just like before, wiping her face with cold water to bring her back to her senses.

"His Royal Highness doesn't look very comfortable, have you seen a bad vision?" Liu Fenyun wiped her face and asked worriedly.

Lianyi's face was pale, but she shook her head firmly.

"It's just that I've been immersed for a long time, it's not in the way." She smiled, but she was thinking about the identity of that person and what it had to do with herself.

Lianyi lost a piece of memory. She only remembered that her name was "Lianyi", and she couldn't even remember how she came to Zhuhuang Kingdom. The lotus imprint, obviously she has had a master.

What's more, no matter what kind of illusion spell, if it can confuse people, it must refer to its memory, and the illusion created by this green ghost lotus must also refer to her memory, and when she was trapped by the illusion, the lotus imprint. There is indeed a reaction.

Maybe that was her forgotten memory.

Lianyi hugged Liu Fenyun tightly, the more she thought about it, the more scared she became.

She finally met the person she liked, and she also had a soul with this person, and entrusted each other for a lifetime. Naturally, she wanted to give her all of herself, and she didn't want to have any unnecessary old fetters.

Liu Fenyun only felt that she was restraining herself so that she could not breathe well, coughed dryly, put on her hand and smiled bitterly: "Your Highness, you are hurting me."

He also said that it was okay, what kind of fright was this?

The catnip powder had been ground and packed, and Liu Fenyun simply left the medicine garden with the lotus robe and sat on the couch in the dormitory, letting her appear as a demon.

Lianyi was stunned: "What are you doing with the demon body?"

"You are frightened and need to be appeased." Liu Fenyun explained seriously, "I want to appease you."

Lian Yi said happily: "The human body can also be appeased, but it's not like you can't arrange the isolation barrier, what are you afraid of?"

Liu Fenyun shook his head, "The effect is different."

But she couldn't explain the reason, and Lianyi also came up with an idea, so she had to set up an isolation barrier.

When the barrier was about to close, Liu Fenyun suddenly heard the sound of a sharp weapon breaking through the air, and cut a hole in the barrier she had just arranged.

Yu Qingyue put away the feather blade and landed in front of the two of them. With a wave of her sleeves, the cracks in the barrier that she had opened were immediately filled with demonic energy and closed.

"Master, Master?!" Liu Fenyun was frightened, and hugged the cat demon in his arms.

"Don't be afraid." Yu Qingyue raised the corner of her lips, and pulled out a smile that might be kind, "I just came to ask one thing for my teacher."

Liu Fenyun settled down, wrapped the lotus robe in the quilt, turned over to bed, and said solemnly, "Master, please speak."

"An antidote for the death of the immortal." After Yu Qingyue finished speaking, she paused deliberately.

"You know better than me the antidote for Immortal Death. The main medicine is in the demon world." Liu Fenyun replied quickly.

"You Yao gave you the finished product." Yu Qingyue continued unhurriedly.

Liu Fenyun jumped in his heart. The antidote for the death of Xiandi was indeed a gift from Black Panther A Ran to her, but how did Master know about this?

Could it be... is the leopard demon informer?

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Liu Fenyun had to bow and apologize, and said in a low voice, "Yes, this is indeed the case. The disciple hid the antidote and didn't tell the master, it was the disciple's fault."

"Have you met Qi Ran?" Yu Qingyue did not punish, but just asked.

Liu Fenyun didn't know if A Ran was Qi Ran, so he could only say: "The other party calls himself 'A Ran', and his body is a black panther."

"That's her." Yu Qingyue said indifferently, "Why do you act like a tiger and protect the weak?"

This happened to be what Liu Fenyun said personally.

"She went into the palace of the fourth princess and served as a secret guard for the fourth princess, but isn't she acting for the tiger..." Lian Yi revealed a head and whispered, "But she has been protecting the fifteenth princess Cha Rulang for so many years, Doctor Yu may not know , the mother concubine of the fifteenth princess was framed and killed by the fourth princess and her concubine. So we shouldn't jump to conclusions, we have to find out why she stayed with the fourth princess and why she did things for the fourth princess. "

Yu Qingyue nodded slightly, and said to Liu Fenyun: "Qi Ran is the teacher's junior sister, and the teacher left the teacher's door and came to the human world, and it is also for her, leave this matter to the teacher, you don't have to intervene. already."

She paused and stretched out her hand, "An antidote."

Liu Fenyun obediently handed over the antidote, and when Yu Qingyue left, she realized that she was in a cold sweat.

"Your master actually recognizes Qi Ran?!" As soon as she returned to the couch, she was dragged over by Lian Yi and asked, "No wonder Lihua and the others couldn't find out where Qi Ran came from, she is also a child of that empty city in the demon world. ?"

Liu Fenyun knew very little about the demon world and Kongmengcheng, so he could only smile helplessly.

After confirming that Yu Qingyue had left, Liu Fenyun breathed a sigh of relief, took Lianyi into his arms, and comforted him every inch.

Yu Qingyue specially picked Luo Binglun to go out when she was sound asleep, not wanting that Luo Binglun was pretending to be asleep tonight.

When she quietly appeared in the bedroom, she turned her head and met a pair of deep black eyes.

"Where have you been?" Luo Binglun asked in a low voice.

"Go look for the antidote." Seeing her staring at her all the time, Yu Qingyue didn't hide it. She took out a small bottle from the medicine bag and walked to the couch. "Take the antidote, and you won't have to suffer any more."

Smelling the faint smell of blood on her body, Luo Binglun's heart tightened, and she quickly took her hand and asked, "Are you injured?! Where is the injury?"

"How could I be injured, you are thinking of me too useless." Yu Qingyue said lightly, pushing the cork and taking a pill, "Take it quickly."

Luo Binglun had to ask again, opened her mouth, but Yu Qingyue put the pills in her mouth and fed her with her arms around her.

Luan Binglun's eyes widened, subconsciously trying to push her away, but her strength was not as good as her, so she had to swallow the antidote first.

However, it didn't end there, Yu Qingyue recklessly occupied the touched area. Her eyelashes fluttered on Luo Bing Lun's skin, and her warm embrace almost embedded Lu Bing Lun into her body.

The night was quiet and long.

Yu Qingyue didn't give the person in her arms a chance to refuse. She made an agreement with Luo Binglun that if the poisoning was resolved, she would leave Zhuhuang Kingdom and stay soon.

There is not much time to consider whether Luo Binglun is willing to start over with her.

During the close contact with her, Luo Binglun did think of parting, but she had a new entanglement in her heart, and she didn't plan to let Yu Qingyue leave until she found out the truth.

She desperately wanted to know whether the person she had been in love with for so many years was a human or a monster.

In these years of suffering for love, she has integrated everything about Yu Qingyue into her life and can no longer let go.

The author has something to say: Master will take the initiative, don't worry.

Whoever shattered the hope first, now it is the turn to mend it.

Thank you for the guest officers who cast thunder: 7 for Jiuhuangshu Buhuang; 3 for Susui; 2 for Yinhu, His Royal Highness Qi, Dongfengyao, Xiao Xing; 1 for Qian Hanmen, 4, and Mu An;

Thank you to the guests who irrigated the nutrient solution: Moyuzi 43 bottles; Xiao Hui 17 bottles; random 15 bottles; 414 bottles; Shao Cai Tai Sai Gao, Long Island Iced Tea is not intoxicating, 3 bottles of Chi Xue; 2 bottles of H Kick; 1 bottle of Luo Twelve.

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