MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 50 awkward

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Liu Fenyun couldn't remember when Lianyi started to like to use her own body.

She only knew that Lianyi was increasingly rejecting the identity of the "Seventh Princess", but she didn't know if it was because her memory was slowly waking up.

The cat was obediently lying on the couch, and after a while, it lay on her lap again, her chin resting on the back of her hand, and when she squinted her eyes and enjoyed it, the snow-white cat's tail swayed twice and rubbed against Liu Fenyun's hand.

When Liu Fenyun rubbed the cat's tail, he suddenly heard Lianyi say, "The festival will arrive in half a month. After the festival, there will be a ten-day holiday. Both the witch doctor and the saint can go out. I will accompany you to go outside."

"Going outside?" Liu Fenyun was taken aback, then startled, "Where?"

It can't be Hanli Temple, right? !

"You don't want to upgrade?" Lian Yi asked, "The other two witch doctors will probably let you go to find medicine. After Xia Yue's vacation, you don't have much time to run outside."

After a moment of silence, Liu Fenyun whispered, "Am I so busy..."

However, for a doctor, it is normal to take a year-round vacation. Thinking that such a long vacation is only once a year, she quickly agreed: "Then I will go and make an appointment with the two witch doctors first?"

"I'll accompany you." Lianyi stretched and reminded, "Don't forget the advice of the old man Sanga - those two witch doctors will kill the demon when they see it. If I want to go to collect medicine with you, I can't do it without their permission."

Liu Fenyun also remembered this advice and subconsciously wanted to stop it, but then he thought that the cat should have made up his mind, and it was useless to stop him, so he had to say: "Since you know that they will kill the demon, you still want to go with me, but there is a good way. already?"

Her hand happened to touch the root of Lianyi's tail, and Lianyi whispered comfortably, and said lazily: "It's not a good idea, it just happens to be a deal. Qi Ran, I'm going to take it too, we're not here, little one. Tangerine and pear blossom are afraid that they can't look down on her."

She seemed to just say something casually, but Liu Fenyun's heart froze.

Could it be that the cat is still holding on to Qi Ran and abducted her without saying a word?

Liu Fenyun hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter, Master can watch over Qi Ran..."

"Your master is now a city-protecting spirit beast and a demon clan. It is impossible to stay by Luo Binglun's side all the time." Lian Yi's tone was cold, but the words made people unable to refute, "Although we have no relationship with Luo Binglun. Harmony, but I will always protect her for your master's sake."

She paused, and asked with a half-smile, "Why, Ayun seems to be reluctant to go with Qi Ran?"

Liu Fenyun did not reject it, but was worried that Mao Mao and Qi Ran would fight on the road, so he joked: "Will Qi Ran become a 'light bulb' in this way? Follow us and eat dog food."

"Is the dog food we send delicious?" The cat on his lap raised his head, blinked his blue eyes, and asked in confusion with his head tilted.

This appearance of lotus clothes is very lethal, Liu Fenyun couldn't stand her head tilted to kill, and said repeatedly: "It's delicious, why is it not delicious!"

"Then let her come with us and eat more on the way." Lian Yi grinned and showed her small fangs, and said with a full smile, "If you meet another monster along the way, it's not impossible to give her a kiss."

Liu Fenyun: "..."

What's with the feeling that the vinegar jar is overturned with a crackle?

After thinking about it, Liu Fenyun decided to take time to see Master in two days and ask Qi Ran's preferences. In this way, he would have a good mind when discussing.

Yu Qingyue was patrolling the edge of the outer city for the past few days. Liu Fenyun opened the system map and ran after her coordinates for a long time under the hot sun, before reaching Yu Qingyue out of breath.

When she found the place, Yu Qingyue flew up to the wall and delivered water to the craftsmen who repaired the city wall.

The captain of the craftsman showed fear and disgust for the demon clan in his eyes, but he was extremely afraid of Yu Qingyue.

A craftsman drank the water, frowned, and cursed in the Di language: "Damn it, it's salt water! Is this monster here to cause chaos?"

Although the other craftsman didn't scold him, he didn't have a good air: "She ate Dr. Yu, because she wanted to show her goodwill to us."

"Who the **** seldom eats shemales to show their favor!"

Hearing these words in his ears, Liu Fenyun felt very uncomfortable, and felt somewhat worthless for the master.

Master was originally a doctor of the heavenly character of Xuanhu Ji Shi, and he was respected by people wherever he went, but now, in order to stay by Luo Binglun's side, in order to mend the broken feelings between them, he wiped himself out as a human race.

How humble.

Liu Fenyun always felt that Master should have another choice, but she finally chose the worst path. Now that "the news of Yu Qingyue's death" has returned to Zhiguo, she can no longer turn back.

Smelling her scent, Yu Qingyue coldly told everyone to drink water well and jumped down from the city wall.

"Come to me?" In front of others, Yu Qingyue was cold to everyone.

Liu Fenyun nodded.

The master and apprentice went directly to Yebugui Restaurant and asked for a remote superior room.

Before going upstairs, Liu Fenyun deliberately bought snacks of various flavors. As soon as he entered the door, he immediately placed them on the table and asked Yu Qingyue with a bright smile, "Master, what kind of tea would you like to drink?"

"No, this bowl of cheese is enough to quench your thirst." Yu Qingyue was not polite to her, washed her hands, sat down, scooped a spoonful of cheese, took a few bites, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Liu Fenyun hurriedly explained the plan to take Qi Ran out of the city.

After listening, Yu Qingyue snorted and frowned: "Nonsense, Qi Ran's realm is far higher than you, and the witch doctor in charge of the assessment hates demons, even if he wins the opportunity to let Qi Ran go with him, in case There is a dispute on the way and you are in danger, the witch doctor who followed you will never interfere."

"I understand what you said." Liu Fenyun said helplessly, "but my cat seems to be on a collision course with Qi Ran, and she insists on going with her. Moreover, Qi Ran stays in the city, so I'm not sure she will really take action against the high priest. ."

Yu Qingyue said lightly: "Isn't this the holiday yet? Half a month is enough for you to resolve the misunderstanding."

The two looked at each other in silence for a moment, and Liu Fenyun raised his forehead and said, "To be honest, I don't know how to solve this misunderstanding at all."

What's more, the so-called "trying and misunderstanding" was just to deal with the master and the high priest. I didn't expect Mao Mao to be taken seriously.

"Coax well, or do whatever you want." Yu Qingyue gave her an idea.

Liu Fenyun was about to cry: "I may not let her give up even if I throw my arms around!"

Master, don't you know how stubborn the sick cat is!

"She's so angry because of a misunderstanding, it shows that she cares about you very much." Yu Qingyue smiled, and slowly ate a clear rose cake, "Don't worry, come a little bit, those two witch doctors You may not agree to let her go with you."

"That's right..." Liu Fenyun still couldn't help sighing, half joking and half serious, "Master, or should I still pin my hopes on those two witch doctors?"

"I don't have a bony apprentice like you." Yu Qingyue's voice suddenly became cold.

Seeing that she was about to make a serious distinction between master and apprentice, Liu Fenyun quickly pulled the topic away: "Master, you have a lot of knowledge, what are the suitable dangerous places around this Zhuhuang Kingdom, suitable for examining divination and exorcism, and there are still heavens Material treasure?"

Before settling in Liuzhiguo, Yu Qingyue had traveled almost all over the human world, but she was aware of these dangerous places, and immediately took a pen and paper to draw a simple map for her, and marked the location and environment of each dangerous place. , After writing and painting, hand it to Liu Fenyun, and explain it to her in a leisurely manner.

Once the topic of medicine is discussed, the conversation between the master and the apprentice can be opened. Yu Qingyue ate all the five kinds of snacks Liu Fenyun bought. In order to find out more information, she ordered another bowl of iced sweet soup.

The information was still locked in the system's database, but it was not long before the departure, Liu Fenyun did not dare to gamble with his favorability.

After the sweet soup was delivered, Yu Qingyue stopped explaining, slowly drank a small bowl, and suddenly said, "I heard that you are learning dance with the Seventh Princess?"

Thinking of that very special dance practice room, Liu Fenyun shuddered and hummed.

Fortunately, Yu Qingyue's attention was all on the sweet soup, and she didn't ask anything else, just instructed: "The midsummer is here, pay more attention to your clothes."

Most of the men in Zhuhuang Kingdom spend the summer months bare-shouldered, so the men's summer clothes are also designed to reflect the muscles to the greatest extent. Of course Liu Fenyun can't wear those, and hurriedly said: "I still wear those summer clothes that you customized, seven Your Highness has also found someone to cut new clothes for me, and they will be delivered in two days."

Yu Qingyue nodded and asked again, "Besides her now, does anyone else know that you are a woman?"

Liu Fenyun thought about it carefully, "His Royal Highness's cat demon subordinates also know it, but they all promised to keep this secret with a blood contract. There are also people who have doubted me, such as... Qi Ran."

She took out the white jade pendant that Yu Qingyue brought to cover her breath, "Qi Ran is really powerful, thanks to your jade, or she would have known!"

Staring at Bai Yupei, Yu Qingyue added another spell, and then instructed: "The witch doctor's strength is no less than that of the big demon, you must be careful when you see them."

At the same moment, the Zuisheng Pavilion in the Hall of the Holy Virgin was in a mess.

Qi Ran opened the thrown wooden table with one palm, caught the flying teapot, placed it on the table, narrowed her red eyes, and looked at Lianyi helplessly.

"I said Kitty, what do you want to ask? Why don't you go to your husband directly, but come to trouble me when your husband is out?" She put her hands in front of her and asked with a sigh, "Or do you think it's better to beat me up?"

Lianyi's face was gloomy, and her blue eyes were full of fierce light.

She had been chasing after Qi Ran before, without saying a word, and suddenly said, "Those words... are they true?"

"I don't know how much Your Highness has heard." Qi Ran spread his hands, "Also, even if I tell the truth, His Highness doesn't believe it, why should I bother?"

"You said that Ayun is the **** of the upper realm, is there any evidence?" Lianyi stared at her.

"Just because she can talk to the flower spirits in the Hanli Palace is proof." Qi Ran slowly paced the courtyard, looking around the mess, and said, "Hey, I don't see how much you dislike the human race. What a good baby, smash it as you say it, without blinking an eye."

"Why did you take Ayun to the demon world?" Lianyi ignored these words and continued to ask.

Qi Ran said without hesitation: "Because there are gods in the demon world, if she is really a god, she will always remember something when she goes there."

"Is there no dispute between God and God? Is there no conflict? Can we call ourselves brothers when we meet each other?" Lian Yi sneered, "You clearly want her to die, thanks to her trusting you so much!"

Qi Ran felt that she couldn't talk to her, and she was not good at words, so she said, "If you don't believe it, forget it. Anyway, your husband probably won't go to the demon world for a while, just wait for her to regain her memory."

The word "memory" was stuck in Lianyi's heart like a needle, and the loneliness in the nightmare came up all at once.

Lianyi frowned, picked up the celadon vase at hand, and swung it out.

"Don't smash it, don't smash it! Ancestor!" Qi Ran shouted and took the vase, "This is still where I live. If you smash it well, I will lose money in the end!"

Lianyi pretended not to hear, and resumed the state of chasing after her.

She couldn't think of any clue, if Liu Fenyun was a god, what was she? God's pet? Or a faithful servant? If they regain their memories in the future, can they continue to live like this?

She is very afraid, not only afraid of thinking about the past, but also afraid that the past is not easy.

"Okay, aren't you just worried about your relationship in the past? Can I teach you a bad move?" Qi Ran was scared of being hit by her, and hid on the other side of the yard and shouted, "You can work hard during this time, don't do it. If you tell the witch doctor, it will be a test. If you die repeatedly and can still be favored by your husband, then you must be his spiritual pet or Taoist companion!"

Lian Yi took the crock pot for a while.

It seems to make some sense.

When she returned to the Holy Virgin Hall, the rehearsal was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Lianyi, like in previous years, went over to inspect from time to time, and when he saw believers with irregular movements, he would individually point out and give pointers. However, when she gave pointers today, she was always distracted.

Seeing her absent-mindedness, the believer who led the dance thought for a while, and when she was resting, he cautiously asked, "Your Highness, do you have to arrange for the witch doctor to dance alone this year?"

Otherwise, why the Holy Maiden would be distracted frequently, she must be trying to teach the witch doctor who knows nothing about sacrificial dance.

"No arrangement." Lianyi subconsciously refused, and after speaking, remembering Qi Ran's "bad move", he changed his words, "Arrange it, the position of witch doctor was always vacant in the past, and now it should be seen by believers who have never seen her husband. Look at her."

The believer hesitated, "This...but we haven't seen the witch doctor dancing, I don't know..."

"This hall teaches her personally, so you can't see it." Lian Yi stopped her words.

Her eyes were fierce and terrifyingly cold. The believers seemed to understand something, hurriedly apologized to her, and returned to the team to lead the dance.

So Liu Fenyun just returned to the temple when he heard the bad news that he was going to dance alone at the festival.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a tradition of witch doctors dancing alone in the Xia Yue Festival, Liu Fenyun would even think that the cat was crazy.

"I can't remember the movements, I can't keep up with the rhythm and I jump stiffly, what should I do?" Liu Fenyun hurriedly asked while holding Lianyi in his arms.

This is the annual fire **** festival in Candlelight Country! It is equivalent to the Spring Festival Gala of later generations!

She's a dance idiot to dance alone, isn't it really shameful!

The cat in his arms raised his face, saw her anxiety in his eyes, and suddenly asked with a smile, "Aren't you nervous?"

Liu Fenyun nodded like pounding garlic.

"It doesn't matter, I will teach Ayun hand by hand." Lian Yi still kept a smile, "If you can't remember the movements, practice a few more times. If you can't keep up with the rhythm ten times or twenty times, practice a hundred times. In terms of physical strength , no one here can compare to Ayun.”

Liu Fenyun: "..."

She really wanted to kneel down to the cat on the spot.

She is as sluggish as she is, and she also knows that Mao Mao is deliberately looking for something to do for her, deliberately taking anger with her.

Fortunately, recently, she didn't have to go to practice medicine every day. She gritted her teeth and took the initiative to ask Lianyi to teach herself how to dance.

The dance studio is still the same, with mirrors all around. As the weather was getting hotter, Liu Fenyun first got the air-conditioning cycle with the water and wind charms, and then put on the special dance clothes, ready to be in the dance studio all day.

Isn't it just a pre-exam raid, she is most familiar with it!

You're done!

But she practiced for two days, and suddenly felt that Lianyi's temper was getting weird.

It was only half a month before the festival, but when she taught herself how to dance, she didn't appear to be serious.

The air-conditioning in the dance practice room was as comfortable as that in the dormitory, and the environmental conditions were very good, but Liu Fenyun was always awkward.

When she was learning to dance, the posture of her limbs was slightly wrong, and Lianyi would come to correct it immediately, but every time she corrected it, she had to gently stroke her skin with her fingertips, like an ant crawling over, which made her itchy and unbearable. If you cannot move, you will be punished if you do, and if you are punished, you will have to delay a lot of time.

The demon clan is unbridled, and unless they face it head on, don't try to take advantage of it.

After five days, Liu Fenyun was tossed to the point of exhaustion, but only half of the sacrifice dance was worn down, and it was still far from the level of solo dance.

She felt that she had to practice for at least ten years.

This time, even the system can't help her. Whether it's Liu Fenyun himself or the original owner of this body, his talent in dancing is really bad.

The system even persuaded her to find a way to get rid of the solo dance. The audience of the festival was not only ordinary people and nobles, but also the emperor and the queen mother. If something went wrong at the festival, it would be fatal.

"I suspect that what I see now is not the real favorability level, nor the real blackening value." During the break, Liu Fenyun said to the system feebly, "Maomao with such a high favorability level and zero blackening value would be willing to die. Fix me?"

The system doesn't know what went wrong, but the value has not changed. Hearing that, he can only propose: "Host, why don't you try to beg for mercy?"

Hearing Lianyi calling him over again, Liu Fenyun twitched the corners of his lips, "If begging for mercy was useful, I would have tried it already."

The system might not be able to understand it, but she already felt that way.

Mao Mao was actually waiting for her to express her position, but she still hadn't figured out what Mao Mao's demands were.

Whether it is material needs or spiritual and physical desires, she has done her best these days. At that time, the emotions that the cat showed were satisfaction, not impatience or disgust.

What exactly does Lianyi want?

Days passed by in confusion and waiting. Seeing that there were only five days left before the festival, Liu Fenyun took a moment to sneak out to find the other two witch doctors.

No matter how patient she was, she was still being targeted in such an inexplicable way, and she was still somewhat emotional and quite tired.

If possible, Liu Fenyun even wanted to leave these few days, go outside to calm down, and come back to face Lianyi.

Feeling clueless is really bad.

The two witch doctors are called Zhuolan Baihua and Danzhu Yangbu respectively. They have been childhood sweethearts since they were young. After getting married, they also built a small residence in the outer city for discussions and chats. When they arrived at the Summer Moon Festival, they would live there for a while with their old friends.

After putting away the address that Xian Lihua gave him half a year ago, Liu Fenyun was about to go out when a gust of incense wind suddenly blew behind him.

"Where is Ayun going?" Lianyi's voice sounded.

Liu Fenyun was silent for two seconds, "I'm bored with dancing, go to the outer city and walk around."

"Just walk around, why did you change into new clothes?" Lian Yi's cold eyes approached, "Are you going to find a witch doctor?"

Liu Fenyun opened his mouth, but before he could speak, his hand was taken by Lianyi and clenched tightly.

"I already said that I want to go with you." She looked at Liu Fenyun, and she was not annoyed when she saw the other side's eyes, she just leaned in and asked, "If I didn't catch you at this time, are you still thinking about being alone? Out of town?"

Xiao Si was completely seen through by her, and Liu Fenyun simply admitted: "Yes."

She even wanted to ask when she could let her go.

Staring at her eyes and observing for a moment, to make sure that what she said was not a lie, Lian Yi dragged her to the bedroom and asked, "Do I hate you for you?"

The two walked through the corridor hand in hand, Liu Fenyun recalled for a long time, and then said: "I don't hate it, I just... I don't know how to face His Highness."

She intentionally changed the title back to "His Royal Highness".

The unfamiliar title made Lianyi pause, she did not look back at Liu Fenyun, and felt guilt and regret in her heart.

Ayun has always been very kind to her, and she has always been thinking about this kindness. When she thinks of it, she will respond and leave the best things to Ayun.

But these days, because of a nightmare and some distracting thoughts, she fell into unease, and she didn't dare to mention it to Ayun, so she wrapped herself up, revealing only the spikes, and hurt Ayun mercilessly, in order to deliberately. Let Ayun notice.

How can she be so bad.

Lianyi stayed where she was and did not leave. Liu Fenyun didn't know what she was going to do, and called out "Your Highness" in confusion. After a while, Lianyi's shoulders twitched and her head dropped.

This action was really familiar, Liu Fenyun was startled, but before his mind could react, his body had already taken Lianyi into his arms.

The place where Lian Yi's face was buried soon became hot, and the sobbing sound came from her arms.

Liu Fenyun was troubled again. Hearing her cry, his heart softened immediately. He patted her on the back lightly and coaxed, "Your Highness... Yiyi don't cry."

As a result, Lianyi cried even more fiercely, and wrapped her arms tightly around her, for fear that if she let go, Ayun would turn around and leave.

Liu Fenyun coaxed for a while, saw her calm down slowly, wiped her tears for her again, and led her to the bedroom.

On the way, Liu Fenyun also calmed down, carefully recalling what happened recently, how to think and how to violate the peace.

It's as if... Cat Mao was coerced by someone to bully her.

Back in the dormitory, Liu Fenyun closed the door tightly, opened the isolation barrier, let Lianyi sit at the desk, and moved a chair to sit beside her, and asked warmly, "If it is convenient, can Yiyi tell me what happened recently. What happened? You didn't tell me for a long time, is it because you were given words by a bad guy?"

The author has something to say: Qi·gangren·ran: Your Highness is voluntary, I have done nothing but make suggestions, I swear to Vulcan!

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