MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 54 sleepless

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Pulling her all the way to the deserted alley, Lianyi stopped, puffed up her cheeks and ate the cherry tomatoes that she had just stuffed, staring at Liu Fenyun as she ate.

"It seems that God really loves the world." After eating, she looked coldly, "Suspicious person? If the other person is a villain that you and I can't deal with, what's the point of you and the past? Do you want to die?"

Liu Fenyun looked embarrassed. It was the first time she saw a famous person. She felt that the other party was very dangerous, or even a kind of threat to their existence, so she subconsciously wanted to strike first.

She thought about it and whispered, "It's true that you and I can't deal with two bad guys, and they're not locals."

"Are you so sure?" Lian Yi looked at her suspiciously.

Liu Fenyun nodded, looking at the system map, the two famous people had already entered the restaurant at night, and they were now close to the inner city, and hurriedly said: "Didn't the high priest follow the Ministry of Rites to the stage? eh? Let's go talk to her about it."

"Do you think it's your master? Go over and say something, and Luo Binglun will listen?" Lianyi bluntly rejected her idea, "Since there are bad people in the outer city, let's go back to the palace to avoid it."

After all, I was afraid that she would sneak out later, and added: "Tomorrow is the festival, don't meddle in it."

What Liu Fenyun thought was that the two entered the city taking advantage of the most lively festival, would they have come to assassinate someone?

Uneasy all the way back to the Hall of the Holy Maiden, Liu Fenyun decided to do the math.

She has almost learned the principles of divination, and the deduction can be handed over to the system.

Lianyi was holding a plate of watermelon, sitting on the couch, watching Liu Fenyun burning incense and making hexagrams while eating, then sitting cross-legged on the futon, eyes closed for a long time without moving.

Lianyi didn't bother her. Although she doesn't like Liu Fenyun's nosy, but looking at Liu Fenyun's serious appearance, I am afraid that the other party is not small, maybe it is not a foreigner, but a foreign demon.

After Liu Fenyun settled down, she let the system deduce it, and the result made her heart sink: fierce hexagram, **** disaster, tomorrow.

"Who will this disaster happen to?" she asked the system.

"Host, there are only you and Lianyi in this dormitory." The system could not reveal the secret, but could only hint at her.

Liu Fenyun's face was even more ugly. The disaster of blood light was a disaster of murder. It seemed that the assassination targets of the two famous figures were either her or Lianyi.

Seeing her open her eyes, Lianyi jumped off the couch, handed her a slice of melon, and asked with a smile, "How is it, what's the divination?"

Her smile was still the same as always, sweet and bright, with a hint of mockery.

Liu Fenyun took the melon and ate it.

How can this be avoided? If those two were killers sent from outside, if she hurried to Yebugui Restaurant at this time, she might not be able to find anyone.

Tomorrow's night will be the Summer Moon Festival, so they don't have to go out during the day. Wouldn't it be safer to be in the high priest's car when they went to the stage? But if the other party is unscrupulous, the high priest will definitely be implicated...

Other than that, she didn't know anything about the enemy's means of assassination.

A sudden pain in the cheeks startled Liu Fenyun.

"Why are you in a daze?" Lianyi loosened her face, squatted in front of her, and asked with concern, "Is it a bad hexagram?"

After two seconds of silence, Liu Fenyun sighed: "I hope I'm not sure."

However, this is the result of systematic deduction, which is much more accurate than her own deduction.

Lian Yi didn't answer and waited quietly for her to speak.

As life and safety were at stake, Liu Fenyun still told the hexagram truthfully.

Lianyi showed disbelief as if she had heard a ghost story.

But she believed that Liu Fenyun did not miscalculate, and her skeptical eyes quickly turned to melancholy.

The two ate watermelon with their heads sullen for a while, Liu Fenyun squeezed out a clean handkerchief, wiped Lianyi's mouth, and asked, "What do you think of Yiyi?"

Lianyi stared at the bright red watermelon juice on the plate, before whispering for a long time, "I can't escape."

Liu Fenyun immediately retorted: "How can you not escape!"

Lian Yi did not speak. She understands that this is the result of God's deduction, and it is destined to doom, so she cannot escape.

If they didn't have to participate in the festival, they would be convicted of contempt for Vulcan if they didn't participate. Liu Fenyun really wanted to hide the cat and talk about it tomorrow.

The calamity of murder should not be taken lightly. That afternoon, the two went to find Yu Qingyue, who was resting in Suoyue Pavilion.

Although Yu Qingyue didn't know why they were so determined, but when she heard that there were assassins coming towards them in the city, she immediately pulled them to a quiet room, her snow-white wings spread, and many feathers were shaken off.

She pointed at Liu Fenyun first, and the fluffed feathers clinged to Liu Fenyun's body with a huff, almost burying her whole body, but this state only lasted for a moment, and the feathers disappeared, leaving behind the sneezing Liu Fenyun.

"This is a 'feather shield', which can block the full blow of the big demon or cultivator at the core stage." After Yu Qingyue finished speaking, she pointed to Lianyi, and "put on" the feather shield for Lianyi, "If it is only It's not a problem to hide for a day."

She thought about it carefully, "I have paid attention to the files handled by Bing Lun recently. Not all the family of the fourth princess was imprisoned. When the house was raided, there were still people outside the city. I don't know if the disaster was related to these people."

Liu Fenyun was at a loss, "But it has nothing to do with me or Your Highness when the fourth princess was exposed!"

Yu Qingyue looked at her with a half-smile but not a smile, and reminded: "Master, remember that the person you want to marry is the fourth princess."

Liu Fenyun: "..."

Okay, I get it, it's been almost half a year, why does this person still remember this.

"She's not a good stubble, in short, be on guard." Before Liu Fenyun could speak again, Lianyi directly ended the topic.

She patted her body, the feather shield she was wearing was not as hot as she thought, and it added a lot of security to her, giving her an inexplicable illusion of an eagle protecting a chick.

It is destined to be difficult to sleep tonight.

Liu Fenyun was still thinking about the **** disaster that she had calculated. Even if she was holding the fragrant and soft cat in her arms, she couldn't sleep at all, for fear that the assassin would climb into the bedroom at night and slap them all.

In order to prevent such a tragedy from happening, she even fortified the barrier around the dormitory twice.

Lianyi is thinking about who will die tomorrow. Neither she nor her Ayun are ordinary people, but Ayun once said that if she died in this world, she would have to go to a new world, and everything would have to start from scratch .

Since she is a cat raised by Ayun, she must protect Ayun from disasters.

However, she didn't want to die.

The woman in white personally said that they "did not end", and she didn't know whose fate she was talking about. If she died, what would happen to Ayun's calamity?

Liu Fenyun's embrace was very warm, Lianyi thought about it, her eyelids started to fight, and finally she fell asleep.

She had no dreams all night and slept peacefully until dawn, but Liu Fenyun stayed up all night, seeing that the sky was bright and the cat in her arms woke up, so she closed her eyes with peace of mind.

Hearing her even breathing, Lianyi carefully crawled out of her arms and looked at her dark circles, feeling extremely distressed.

Ayun must have been afraid to sleep all night. She had already discussed with Ayun to keep a vigil before going to bed.

The ceremony only started at dusk, and Lianyi gently massaged the sleeping Liu Fenyun's acupoints and guarded her.

Even the brunch was ordered by Xian Lihua to cook and then deliver it in person.

As Lianyi's most loyal subordinate, Xian Lihua naturally knew about the **** disaster, even if she didn't believe it in her heart, but if Lianyi believed it, she had to follow it.

"We will hide near the stage. If someone really comes to assassinate them, it can be dragged on for a while." Xian Lihua assured Lianyi with a sullen face.

It happened that the wind and water talismans in the dormitory were exhausted, and the air-conditioning circulation created by Liu Fenyun disappeared, and the temperature of the entire dormitory quickly rose.

Xian Lihua immediately condensed a lot of ice cubes and put them in the container in the hall to cool off the heat for the two of them. Before leaving, she also glanced at the scraps of talisman paper that fell on the ground, lamenting that Mr. Liu really had an idea.

Not long after she left, Liu Fenyun was awakened by the heat and asked in a daze, "Why is it so hot? Did someone set fire outside?"

"No, it's just that your air-conditioning cycle is gone." Lianyi wiped her sweat, trying to pull out a smile, "Are you crazy? Who dares to put the fire in the Hall of the Holy Virgin!"

Now that Liu Fenyun was awake, she simply pulled him up, brought the food box, placed it on the small table by the bed, and prepared to have lunch with her.

But Liu Fenyun was not in a hurry to eat, so he went to get the air-conditioning cycle out again. When she picked up the bowl and chopsticks, the food was basically cold.

The two ate vegetables and rice in silence, and both felt that this might be their last lunch.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was time for the opening of the festival.

Lian Yi randomly checked the blessing words twice, and felt that they were qualified, so Liu Fenyun changed into his own clothes.

Liu Fenyun hasn't worn women's clothes for a long time, and he loosened the bandages on his body and changed into women's underwear, which was not suitable for a while. What Lianyi is going to wear today is another dress, which is so complicated that she doesn't even know how to tie her belt, so she has to reach out and let Lianyi help to tie them one by one.

When she was finished changing, the lotus clothes changed her face. Liu Fenyun was originally a woman, except for a change in height, there was no difficulty in adjusting other parts.

Lianyi is very skilled in wearing men's clothes. The traditional clothes worn by the witch doctor when they dance alone are bright red, decorated with slender gold chains, which are very eye-catching. After changing into men's clothes, she turned around in front of the mirror a few times, quite satisfied, she combed herself a high ponytail, and rubbed her hand on her face, turning into the appearance of Liu Fenyun.

The two looked at each other, Lianyi smiled and said, "Ayun in women's clothes is really good-looking. If you can travel back in the future, I really want to buy a lot of beautiful dresses for you to wear."

Liu Fenyun smiled shyly, and wanted to praise her, but Lianyi grabbed her tightly and softly covered her lips.

She couldn't help wrapping her arms around Lianyi, and the two hugged each other tightly, so close that she could even feel each other's heartbeats.

"A-Yun is waiting for me to come back from the stage, don't run around, and don't mind too much business." After the kiss, Lianyi pressed against her ear, half warning and half threatening, "If I don't see you during the performance, or you Something happened out of my sight..."

She took a deep breath, but softened her tone in the second half of the sentence: "I will definitely go with you."

The author has something to say: the second update~

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