MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 75 peer

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Luo Binglun sat with her back to Zhongyou's arms, feeling her aura exploring her body, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"It's really a lot of trouble." After exploring, Chongyouhuai opened his eyes and said to Luo Binglun, "Your body has been transformed into a demon, except for the disguise technique, you can't completely control your body until you have complete control over it. Change back to the appearance of a human race."

Meng Zang had heard about the situation of Luo Binglun, and he couldn't help but ask: "But Qingyuan is an ancient divine bird, it should be the incarnation of blessing and auspiciousness, how can it take over the human race?"

"Although Qingyuan is an ancient **** bird, you must know that even a **** can become a fallen god." Chongyou said, "What's more, she is not a god, but a mortal demon with a higher realm. clan."

"Then can you seal her consciousness?" Luo Binglun asked, "After she wakes up, she will devour the souls of me and Qingyue..."

"With all due respect, the interference of others will only cause more trouble for the problems of the soul and consciousness, and it can only be solved by you." Chongyouhuai said, "This is the Qingyuan Nei Dan that was cut by your mother, indicating that This Qingyuan died with hatred, and it is not incomprehensible that she will choose to take revenge on you once she gets the chance to see the sun again."

Luo Binglun was not reconciled and asked, "Since this is the case, can you please give me some guidance?"

"Stop killing with killing." Chongyou said, "Her anger is very strong, and her influence is useless. She will threaten you because your strength is too weak, and you often run away, so it is easy to handle."

Ice Wheel:…

The high priest, who was judged as "too weak" for the first time, fell silent.

Yu Qingyue knew why the high priest got this evaluation. It is not that she does not have the power to suppress Qingyuan, but she is worried that Qingyuan will be suppressed for a long time and will hurt the people around her when she is weak.

And Qingyuan took advantage of her psychology to destroy her patience little by little.

Therefore, Yu Qingyue would bring Luo Binglun to see her old friend. Although she is a doctor, she is not good at treating psychological problems.

When the two bid farewell to Madam Chong and left, Meng Nian also followed.

"I promised to **** Liu Fenyun out of the city." Meng Nang said as he walked, "If a soldier says a word, it will be difficult for a horse to chase after him."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and was silent for a while, and then asked, "I was thinking, should I tell Liu Fenyun the identity of Madam Chong?"

"No need." Yu Qingyue said, "If senior wanted her to know, he would have already told her."

As early as when Liu Fenyun bowed to her door, Chongyouhuai reminded her: "This child will leave me sooner or later and return to where she should go. Since I want to slay my love and prove the truth, I have to share her love as soon as possible. Cut off together."

Yu Qingyue originally thought she was ruthless and irresponsible, but now she gradually noticed the change in Liu Fenyun's breath, and only then did she realize that what she said at that time was the truth.

Meng Dian snorted, no more questions, just pulled the cloak tighter.

When the group returned to the Wutong Pavilion, it was still early before the departure time. Luo Binglun and Yu Qingyue went to the palace to meet the monarch. Daoming went to the Wutong Pavilion and left Meng Zang in the Wutong Pavilion.

Liu Fenyun had already packed his luggage and was reading in the courtyard, basking in the sun with the cat.

Qiuyue's sunshine is not as dazzling as Xiayue's, but Lianyi still doesn't like being exposed to direct sunlight. When lying on Liu Fenyun's lap, she deliberately hides in the shadows cast by the branches and leaves.

As soon as Meng Dang entered the yard, he saw a man and a cat sitting leisurely under a tree basking in the sun.

She took a closer look and found that there was no cat hair on Liu Fenyun's black dress, and she couldn't help but envied: "The cat demon is so good, ordinary cats are old and shed their hair, making people all over the body."

The big white cat closed his eyes and listened, and smugly flicked his tail at her.

"Why did you come so early?" Liu Fenyun put down the book and looked at her in surprise.

"There is nothing to do." Meng Nian moved to a nearby stone bench, sat down opposite her, looked at the book on the stone table, and asked curiously, "What book is this?"

Liu Fenyun was afraid that she would find something indescribable when she flipped through the book, so she hurriedly said, "Medical book."

After he finished speaking, he continued: "Why did you leave my mother and concubine alone at the inn?"

Meng Zang has been practicing martial arts since childhood, and his mind is not so delicate. After she learned that Chongyouhuai didn't need anyone to take care of her, she listened to the other party's words and came back with Yu Qingyue.

In the face of Liu Fenyun's questioning gaze, Meng Zang was speechless for a while, before he hesitated for a long time: "I believe in the security here, and... I'll take you out of the city later, don't you want to leave Madam Chong?"

Liu Fenyun actually felt that this was reasonable, mainly because Madam Chong gave her an inexplicable confidence at that time. She believed that even if Madam Chong was single, she would be fine.

But her body shook her head: "No, you go back to protect my mother-in-law first, and I'll come to you when I'm about to leave."


She's just an escort, not a tool.

General Meng has a bad temper, and he was told not to reveal the identity of Chongyouhuai before. At this time, he couldn't help feeling a little aggrieved. If he insisted on staying, he had to face Liu Fenyun's reproachful eyes, and he didn't want to leave.

Her eyes returned to sharpness, and she asked coldly, "She is your mother-in-law. Since you want to protect her so much, why do you keep her here and wait for the envoy?"

Since yesterday, Meng Yan felt that Liu Fenyun was very strange. Mingming showed such strong emotions in front of her mother, but she did not insist on this reluctance - at least she did not see what Liu Fenyun had done to retain her actions.

She didn't know that the soul in this body had been changed.

Liu Fenyun looked at Meng Zang blankly. She had never had a mother and didn't know what to do when that happened.

Since the Madam Chong insisted not to follow them, she didn't force her at that time, but she was asked by Meng Nang unexpectedly.

Knowing the truth, Lianyi immediately jumped onto the stone table, and said leisurely, "Don't expose people's scars. Ayun was uncomfortable all night last night, crying and fainting several times, but if there is a comprehensive way, she will definitely not want to. Leave your mother behind. Otherwise, you can simply **** Madam Chong to the demon world with us."

Liu Fenyun: …

How come this cat doesn't even draft a lie?

Meng Dang was actually just talking angrily. Hearing Lianyi's mention of it, he felt that he really didn't intend to expose the scar, but he felt embarrassed, thought about it, and simply responded: "It's okay, anyway... I was a doctor when I joined the army. Just let me walk around in a place full of spiritual energy, and I will send Madam Chong to the gate of the demon world, which will save Liu Fenyun from worrying about her mother."

Meng Zang thought to himself, Madam Chong only said that she did not want to interfere in the matter, but did not say that she could not see her daughter off.

Unexpectedly, she would agree, and now it was Liu Fenyun and Lianyi's turn who couldn't figure it out.

However, it is always a good thing to have a strong teammate. After a short period of consternation, the two replaced the wine with tea and welcomed Meng Zang to join.

After drinking the tea made by his teammates, Meng Yan immediately set off and returned to the inn.

"That little general is quite interesting." After Meng Zang left, Lianyi commented, "Although he looks dazed and loses his temper, he is very loyal."

She jumped into Liu Fenyun's arms and lay down in a comfortable position, "I'll take a nap and call me when I leave."

Yu Qingyue and Luo Binglun came back before departure, but Meng Dang came back alone, showing an embarrassed but polite smile to Liu Fenyun: "Sorry, Madam Chong... she doesn't want to walk with me."

Chongyouhuai is even more unfeeling than Liu Fenyun. If she says she is broken, she will simply cut it off, no matter whether it is family or love.

She chose to stay and wait for Liu Zhiguo's envoys, also to take this opportunity to express her position to the old emperor, and then she would return to Qingmu Xianshan and continue to live a life of cultivation far away from the mundane world.

"But Mrs. Chong asked me to bring this, saying that it was a peace charm for my daughter-in-law, so it should be used as a welcome gift." Meng Dang handed Lianyi a jujube-colored token.

Liu Fenyun was surprised when he saw it. What kind of peace talisman is this, it is clearly the Five Thunder Order!

Lianyi didn't recognize Wu Lei Ling, but she was very fond of Chongyouhuai. She heard that the other party gave her a special gift, so she happily accepted it and put it in her personal bag.

Liu Fenyun had doubts in his heart. In the era before she crossed over, the Five Lightning Order was a magic weapon only possessed by Xuanmen cultivators, and it was not accessible to ordinary people.

And now this period is an environment where spiritual power is lacking, and magic tools like the Five Thunder Orders will not be scattered among the people.

She vaguely felt that the motherhood of the original owner might not be simple, but since Mrs. Chong didn't want to have any interaction with her, she put away her curiosity.

Even if he didn't have to **** Chongyouhuai, Meng Yan still became Liu Fenyun's teammates. After leaving the Wutong Pavilion, the four masters and apprentices walked in front. She carried the cage containing the black panther cubs and followed behind without saying a word.

Qi Ran's body was full of slaughter and blood, and others couldn't stand it, but Meng Zang felt kind. And Qi Ran smelled the smell of the same kind, opened his eyes, and looked at her with interest.

Feeling the eyes of the black panther cub, Meng Zhan asked curiously, "What did you do to be locked up by Doctor Yu?"

"Burning, killing and looting have left people torn apart and separated their flesh and blood." Qi Ran said in a sullen voice, then glanced at Yu Qingyue, "I also dismantled a pair of mandarin ducks."

"Then you really do all kinds of evil." Meng Tiao sighed with emotion, "But it's very strange that you don't have a disgusting aura about you."

General Meng even felt that she was lying. She had seen too many wicked people and demons. The leopard demon in front of her was the first "evil demon" that made her feel sympathetic and felt that the other party could still improve after saving it.

Qi Ran sneered and closed his eyes again. After she was removed from the demonic energy, she had no energy and was sleeping most of the time.

After leaving Qifeng City, Yu Qingyue changed back to her original body, and the huge Costco stopped in front of everyone, quietly waiting for them to climb onto her back.

It was the first time that Lianyi had come into close contact with Yu Qingyue's demon body. After Costin took off, she stroked the feathers underneath, feeling warm and soft, and felt a little slippery. She couldn't help but look at Liu Fenyun, Just as he was about to praise Haidongqing with her, he saw that Luo Binglun was already lying on the bird's back.

Lianyi immediately became vigilant. She knew that Luo Binglun would occasionally be seized by Qingyuan recently, so she hurriedly focused her attention on her, and held her breath to observe.

However, after observing for a while, she found that Luo Binglun seemed to just bury her face in the feathers and take a deep breath.

Just like Liu Fenyun sucking cats, the high priest is enjoying the joy of sucking Haidongqing.

The author has something to say: Cat: So you are such a high priest

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