MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 83 Tanabata

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In order to be able to enter Shengkun City smoothly, the four even began to comprehend the script.

Because Lianyi said that she was not suitable to be an assistant, and it would be a disservice to really help, Qi Ran arranged for her to be Liu Fenyun's demon guard, and he played Liu Fenyun's disciple, and gave Liu Fenyun the only pass.

After finalizing the roles, Qi Ran began to choose clothes for everyone. Thanks to Liu Fenyun and the others, they bought a lot of girls' clothes in Qifeng City, saving the time to find clothes.

After obtaining the permission of Lianyi, Qi Ran chose four sets of clothes and handed the most majestic one to Liu Fenyun, deliberately emphasizing: "From now on, you are Ran Ji, a Xuanzi doctor."

Doctors in the human world are classified into yellow, mysterious, earth and heaven. Although Xuanzi is in the second rank, it is easy to get the rank and can be seen everywhere, but the earth and heaven doctors are very special. Rare.

Both Liu Fenyun and Qi Ran have obtained the rank of Xuanzi doctor, but Liu Fenyun's certifier of the rank is Yu Qingyue, and now Yu Qingyue is dead outside, and she has few apprentices, which is more embarrassing, Liu Fenyun could only use Qi Ran's rank token to change her appearance temporarily, but fortunately, it doesn't matter if she just sneaks into the city for a few days.

While Liu Fenyun was changing clothes, Qi Ran allocated two more sets of clothes to Lianyi and Mengzhen.

Lianyi has long been accustomed to swapping clothes with Liu Fenyun, and it doesn't matter which one she wears, General Meng is taller than Liu Fenyun, and she is also a war general. Wearing her women's clothes feels terrified, so she can only say to Qi Ran: "Or I will You can also play the role of a bodyguard, Fengyun's clothes are really too small, it would be bad if they were worn out."

Qi Ran was packing up the necessary items to enter the city, she heard the words and nodded, reminding her to remember to hide the imprint of Liuzhiguo, but Lianyi suddenly asked coldly, "What was your name Ayun just now?"

"Fengyun!" Meng Tiao called out smoothly, but he didn't respond.

"But Ayun is no longer called Liu Fenyun, and is called Ran Ji." Lianyi suppressed the surging jealousy in her heart, and reminded her calmly, "You must change your words before entering Shengkun City."

Meng Zang smiled and said, "It's not necessary, I'm not so dull yet..."

"No, the guards in Shengkun City are very good, and if something goes wrong, if we are unlucky, we will be hunted down again!" Lian Yi said firmly, "Except for Ayun... Doctor Ran, we had better also code-named."

She and Meng Dang were not familiar with each other, so she didn't tell each other the truth - she thought that only Yu Qingyue, Luo Binglun and Madam Chong could call Ayun "Fenyun", and no other demons could.

"Listening to what you said, we are more like fugitives!" Meng Qi didn't think about that, but agreed with her proposal with a sigh, "Then my name is Lu Gui, Gui Gui."

So Qi Ran changed his name to Wen Zhi, and Lianyi changed his name to Yun He. After disguising, the group set off towards Shengkun City.

At the speed they deliberately slowed down, they arrived at Sacred Kun City just in the morning of the next day, at the peak time for the guards to change the guard and enter the city.

Liu Fenyun rode Wang Yunyu and stopped not far from the guard, with a calm expression, ready to undergo a strict inspection.

When it was their turn, the guards first asked carefully, nothing more than their name, place of origin and occupation. Liu Fenyun answered them one by one, and the other three small attendants also answered so that no one could see the slightest flaw.

"Your Excellency is Doctor Xuanzi?" A general in charge of the guard took the token of the rank and looked at it, with a slight smile on his face, "Just in time, there are a few injured people who need medical treatment, can you come with me to take a look them?"

This was an unexpected situation, and even Qi Ran, who had been to Shengkun City, was taken aback.

Liu Fenyun was very calm, said hello, dismounted and took the medicine box handed over by Lianyi, handed the reins to Meng Dang, and followed the general into a quiet narrow alley.

The other three were about to follow, but were stopped by other guards.

Seeing Liu Fenyun walking further and further, Qi Ran hurriedly shouted, "I'm Doctor Ran's disciple! I have to fight Master!" Only then was he allowed to follow.

Hearing the footsteps, Liu Fenyun deliberately slowed down, waited for Qi Ran to follow, and made a gesture to her to let her go back.

Qi Ran knew very well that there were some unfavorable rules in Shengkun City that were unfavorable to Youyi, so he dared to let her go alone, so he just walked with her head down without seeing the gesture.

The general led them to the end of the deep alley, turned a few more turns, and opened a locked door.

The stench came to his face. Liu Fenyun had already expected this, but he covered his mouth and frowned. Qi Ran was too sensitive to the smell, and was almost choked by the strong smell, turning his head and running away.

"These people are our brothers. How many can the doctor treat? I will come before evening." After the general finished speaking, he sighed and explained, "As the lord sees, they are dying soon, and the city is willing to come. The doctors here are helpless, and the Tai Hospital doesn't care about the soldiers who were wounded during the war..."

Liu Fenyun understood what he meant and nodded: "I'll take a look first, but before the evening comes, my two guards and horses will be taken care of by you."

"Of course," the general replied, "but before that, don't think about running away, Master Physician."

Feeling the killing intent emanating from him, Liu Fenyun just bowed her hands calmly. After watching the general leave, she opened the medicine box and took out a mask to put on. She also handed a mask to Qi Ran. After instructing her to put it on, hold the He pulled up his sleeves and crouched down beside a wounded man to check his injuries.

"Hey, this place is still the same!" Qi Ran curled his lips and explained to Liu Fenyun's voice transmission, "The ruler of Shengkun City respects doctors very much, and even regards doctors as gods, but because of this, they let the doctors in the city. They are becoming more and more arrogant and regard their position as a cash cow for profit-seeking. Many doctors have lost their benevolence because of this, causing most ordinary people to have a bad impression of doctors. For example, these soldiers in the outer city, the doctors in the city did not dare to offend, I will try my best to toss the foreign doctors!"

Liu Fenyun frowned slightly, "Is there not a folk doctor like a witch doctor in Shengkun City?"

"Yes, but it's definitely not as serious as you." Qi Ran said truthfully, "Mostly, they only care about seeing a doctor and prescribing medicine, regardless of the follow-up."

After understanding the general situation, Liu Fenyun counted the wounded and frowned - there were more than 20 wounded in the small room.

She and Qi Ran walked around the house and found that the wounds of the wounded were all bitten by monsters. I don't know where they were brought back from. The wounds were not treated carefully at all, and now they are rotting and pus.

Liu Fenyun immediately started treatment with the help of the system. While ventilating the house, Qi Ran asked the injured person who was still conscious: "Where did you get attacked by the demon? Can you see the other person's body?"

"The city...the yellow leaf mound in the west of the city..." The injured person was like a gossamer, "It's...a lot of tails...the demon fox..."

Qi Ran was a little surprised, "But this is a big city in the human world, how could a demon fox come here?!"

"You are outsiders, you don't know about it." Another injured person sighed, "This is what happened last month. A demon fox with countless tails suddenly came to Huangyeqiu and occupied the moat of Huangyeqiu. The spirit beasts started fighting. We don't know why they fought so hard, but their battle attracted a lot of monsters, biting us soldiers patrolling in Huangyeqiu! There are also a few slow runners. Brother was dragged by the monster to eat..."

"Since it's a fight between an alien wild monster and a city-protecting spirit beast, does the imperial court know about it?" Qi Ran asked with a frown.

"The imperial court is busy on the expedition, and no one will play the demon attack at this time. To put it rudely, who let the two big demons only fight in Huangyeqiu, not in the city!" The wounded smiled bitterly, " We can only admit that we are unlucky, and we have to go on patrol for the sake of the family on time. If we are lucky, we only suffer minor injuries such as scratches, and we can still survive. If we are not lucky, we can only wait to die. "

After listening to Qi Ran, she felt that Si Yangshen in the sea of ​​consciousness was stomping her feet in anger, and her anger was about to affect her.

Medicines needed for disinfection and healing are in short supply in this era. Most of the human race was attacked and injured by monsters, waiting to die. Since Liu Fenyun encountered this matter, he would not stand idly by.

After confirming that no one else was monitoring the place, she told the wounded not to tell anyone, take out the long-prepared disinfectant and anesthetics in the medicine garden, and carefully treat the wounds, the sloughed flesh and the released pus. The blood was taken to the open space outside by Qi Ran, and set on fire to avoid infection.

The two were busy from morning to afternoon, but they were neither hungry nor thirsty, and they didn't even drink a sip of water. Liu Fenyun was busy and didn't care about such details, but Qi Ran knew that it was Si Yangshen who secretly used his divine power to help them.

"That's why I don't want to be the God of War." While resting, Qi Ran heard Si Yangshen Jin Fei complain, "Any fight between demons will always implicate innocent people."

"Then do you know how to resolve this matter?" Qi Ran asked casually, "How about taking that demon fox to the demon world?"

"It depends on whether you can beat it." Jin Fei poured cold water on her directly, "The multi-tailed demon fox in this era can only be the descendant of the ancient Tushan clan, that is, the nine-tailed fox. Although they are ordinary demons, they Since birth, he has possessed inner alchemy, and the foundation alone is far more than you, as well as the little white cat of the medical god."

Qi Ran was aroused by her words: "How do you know if you don't try to fight! If we can win it, can we take it to the demon world?"

"Hmph, it's not too late to win." Jin Fei snorted lightly, as if mocking her for being overly capable.

After being reminded by Si Yangshen, Qi Ran patiently waited until the evening to leave the place, found a teahouse on the way to the inn, and sat down with Liu Fenyun to discuss the matter.

"Descendants of the Tu Shan clan? Nine-tailed fox?" Liu Fenyun's teacup's movements paused. She really didn't expect such a big monster to appear in the human world.

After her and Lianyi's favorability increased, some materials related to the demon world have been unlocked, including the record of Tushan's nine-tailed fox.

It is said that the Tushan fox demon has lived in the demon world for generations, living in accordance with the rules of the clan, and will not go to the human world at will. But according to the descriptions of the injured, the demon fox that suddenly appeared in Huangyeqiu could only be the Tushan nine-tailed fox.

"Wait for Yiyi... Yun He and Lu Gui have had enough rest, let's go to Huangyeqiu first." Finding that Huangyeqiu was on the only way to the demon world, Liu Fenyun nodded, "If you can't beat the other party, then only Can you call Master and the others over here."

"You plan to fight it too?!" Qi Ran was inexplicably happy to find someone who had the same idea as him.

Hearing her happiness, Liu Fenyun explained with tears and laughter: "Otherwise? Could it be to bypass Huangyeqiu and go to the demon world? I don't think it's possible. And if we don't get the nine-tailed fox away, the demon attack will continue to happen. We There are things to do, and we can’t stay here forever to heal people.”

After roughly discussing their future plans, the two hurriedly settled their dinner and rushed to the post where the defending generals "placed the guards and horses".

After all, Shengkun City is a big city, even if the defending generals arranged for them a lower-class room, after the two entered, they found that it was not much different from the upper-class room in Qifeng City, but the space was slightly smaller, and there was only one room. couch.

Seeing them coming back, Meng Dang sighed and said, "Sorry, the boss said that the room was full, and even this place was specially set aside for us for the sake of the guard general."

Liu Fenyun had heard Qi Ran speak of the local people's malice towards Youyi, so he couldn't help frowning and said nothing.

"It doesn't matter, Master Liu and the kitten sleep on the couch, and we make do with the floor." Qi Ran was already mentally prepared.

When Lianyi was a child, she occupied the cat's den. After she passed through, she was picked up by the Seventh Princess, and she also occupied the cat's den. After she seized the house, she had an independent dormitory. When she was on the road, she rested separately from other people. .

As soon as the light went out, she lay beside Liu Fenyun's ear and pleaded softly, "Can you take me to the medicine garden? I want to sleep there."

There is naturally Lianyi's independent cat litter in the medicine garden, but Liu Fenyun was afraid that someone would suddenly come in to check the bed. Facing Lianyi's coquetry, she said indifferently, "No, it's too dangerous."

"But I can't sleep..." Lianyi hugged her tightly and said aggrievedly, "We chose to rest here, isn't it just to have a good rest?"

Although there are other small towns on the way, Sheng Kun City is undoubtedly the safest area.

Liu Fenyun pondered for a moment and said, "Then I will recite medical books for you? I remember you said that medical books are very boring, so you should be able to fall asleep listening to them."

She remembered that when she was in college, she couldn't sleep at night, so she would put on headphones and play the recording of the teacher's class, and the hypnotic effect was outstanding.

But Lianyi thought she was joking, and immediately grabbed her face and said angrily, "What kind of harm is this, do you want me to dream of reading medical books in my dreams?"

Liu Fenyun subconsciously remembered his dream of doing high-level math problems, smacking his lips, and admitting in a low voice, "It really doesn't seem like a good way..."

The two of you chatted casually with each other, but none of them were sleepy.

"Where have you been taken?" Hearing Meng Dang's small snoring, Lian Yi simply closed her mouth and communicated with Liu Fenyun telepathically, "Those guards didn't make it difficult for me and General Meng to take your generals away. After returning, we will be placed in this inn."

"That general led us to see the injured of the demon attack." Liu Fenyun said, "I only had time to give them a brief treatment of their injuries, and they should be healed in the past few days. You and General Meng have a good rest, the demon attack. The place where it happened happened to be the only way to go to the demon world, maybe we will have to fight the big demon at that time."

"What big monster?" Lian Yi was surprised, "Is your master powerful?"

"I don't know yet, I just heard from the injured person that the other party's body is a nine-tailed fox." Liu Fenyun said, "The nine-tailed fox fought with the beast of the city's protection in Huangyeqiu in the west of the city. The monsters are attracted and hurt innocent people, so there are so many injured people."

Listening to her general description of the demon attack, Lianyi frowned, "The city's guardian spirit beast is very powerful, I didn't expect to fight with the nine-tailed fox for so long, and I haven't been able to drive it away. ."

"I have to get in touch with Master as soon as possible." Liu Fenyun sighed softly, "I hope she and Luo Priest have resolved the matter of Zhuhuang Kingdom."

"It's not as easy as you think!" Lianyi shook her head, "Qi Ran and Ge Huaguo's assassins started civil strife and are still on the run. Your master is also Qi Ran's sister-in-law, and the saint and the concubine are married. The high priest has become a monster... They have too many things to deal with, you might as well let Lihua and the others rush over earlier!"

The chat box was opened, and they talked for a long time through telepathy, and in the end Lianyi didn't know when she fell asleep.

She dreamed of what happened before her ascension again. In the dream, Liu Fenyun finished her busy research, took off her white coat and walked out of the research room, preparing her dinner as usual.

She squatted obediently on the dining table, listening to Liu Fenyun chopping vegetables and meat in the kitchen, and when she stopped, she went to wash the pots and pans.

Not long after the ingredients were put in the pot, Lianyi quickly smelled a fishy smell wafting out, couldn't help meowing, jumped to the ground quickly, and jumped to Liu Fenyun's feet, meowing and rubbing against her.

"Oh, don't do this! Itching!" Liu Fenyun yelled, but instead of avoiding her, he endured the itch and continued to cook cat food.

After rubbing her enough, Lianyi jumped onto the stove and focused on the process of making cat food.

When Liu Fenyun was cooking cat rice, he did not forget to stew the dishes he wanted to eat. Lianyi smelled the scent of milk in the other pot and couldn't help but leaned in to smell it.

"This is cream of mushroom soup, you can't eat it." Liu Fenyun dispelled her curiosity and reminded her casually, "Don't touch the pot, hot claws!"

Lianyi remembered that this was the dish of Liu Fenyun's hometown, and it seemed to be called "Western food", which she had seen in Liu Fenyun's memory.

"It would be nice if you were a demon clan. The demon clan can transform into a human. After transforming into a human, you can eat whatever you want. You don't have to be like a normal cat. This one will cause diarrhea, and the other will be poisoned. You can also make your own cat. Rice, like I am now."

Liu Fenyun said, suddenly stopped the spatula, and used chopsticks to pick out the cat hair that fell into the pot, "Of course, the demon clan won't lose hair, and you don't need to eat hair-reducing cream."

After her reminder, Lianyi recalled that at first she was just an ordinary lion cat who could understand human language, not a monster.

She was suddenly a little confused, how did she become a demon clan? If she had cultivated to perfection, ten years would be too short. Could it be... is Liu Fenyun deliberately turning her into a monster so that she can live with him?

But the price to pay for turning ordinary beasts into monsters is too great, and Lianyi is not sure what kind of thoughts Liu Fenyun had in raising her at that time.

One person and one cat ate dinner quietly. After Lianyi finished eating, he raised his head and saw Liu Fenyun took out the thing called "mobile phone" and glanced at it, and heard her murmuring, "Today is Qixi Festival? Time flies too fast... "

Qixi is a traditional festival of the Chinese people, but not the Di people. When Lianyi heard the festival, she meowed curiously.

"Yiyi wants to celebrate the festival?" Liu Fenyun turned off the phone, rubbed the cat's head with a smile, hugged her to the window, motioned her to look into the distance, "Actually, it's very lively outside today, it depends on whether you dare to go out to eat dogs. grain."

Lotus: ?

She couldn't understand, she was a cat, why should she eat dog food?

But in the dream, she agreed without hesitation.

So Liu Fenyun carried her out the door, left the villa, and walked slowly along the river to the street.

The world outside is noisy and unfamiliar, and Lianyi is still afraid, she has been shrinking in Liu Fenyun's arms, only sticking her head out and looking around curiously.

When they walked to the lighted area, Lianyi found that there were many people by the river, two by two, holding hands. She could see at a glance that those who were in pairs were lovers, both of the same **** and opposite sex.

"Look, let's start eating dog food now." Liu Fenyun laughed, "I'm an old monk, you're a little female cat, we are all single dogs."

Lianyi subconsciously meows to refute her. She really wanted to tell this Liu Fenyun that the old cultivator would be with the little she-cat in the future, and he would be able to walk hand in hand by the river to watch the stars like those couples.

It's a pity that Liu Fenyun in the dream insisted on implementing the "single dog" temperament to the end. One person and one cat walked past the river bank where couples gathered and walked to the brightly lit street.

Liu Fenyun carried her to a cat cafe first, and discussed the research with the old friends who were waiting there. After the discussion, he took her to the cinema. After picking up the tickets, he cast her invisibility, hummed a little song and hugged her inside. the theater.

Lianyi didn't know what was going on here. Seeing the darkness around her, she shrank in fear into Liu Fenyun's arms.

"Don't be afraid, this is a movie theater, a place to relax your mind." Liu Fenyun put the ticket stub under her claws, "Just treat it like watching TV at home."

Probably because she was afraid that she couldn't understand the content of the movie, Liu Fenyun specially selected children's movies.

Lianyi could understand it, but the children around her were so noisy that it made her head hurt. Before the movie was halfway through, she twisted from side to side in Liu Fenyun's arms, and even patted Liu Fenyun with a meat pad. face, let her take her away quickly.

The cat owner was unhappy, Liu Fenyun left immediately, and wanted to take her home, but when he went outside, he saw a couple snuggling into the screening room, gritted his teeth, and bought another movie ticket without giving up.

This time, I watched a horror movie, and she and Lianyi reserved the field.

Lianyi didn't know what Liu Fenyun was thinking during this period. She was so afraid of ghosts at home that she would have nightmares if she didn't hold her to sleep at night, and she even dared to watch horror movies.

As soon as the terrifying plot came, the hall was filled with Liu Fenyun's screams, sometimes mixed with the sobbing of her being frightened and crying, which made Lianyi feel a little sympathetic to her.

"Wow, I don't want to celebrate the Qixi Festival, it's better to stay at home with absorbent clothes..."

This is the most repeated sentence by Liu Fenyun on the way home.

Although Lianyi has no memory of the Qixi Festival, she has seen the protagonists celebrate the Qixi Festival in many storybooks, but she really can't think of any storybook's protagonist who can celebrate the Qixi Festival like Liu Fenyun.

The author has something to say: today is two in one

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