MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 92 resurrection

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When Qi Yi came back, the lotus robe had already been scrubbed and washed by Sha Lanyi, and she was wrapping herself in a bath towel and baking on the stove.

Seeing Qi Yao, Lianyi's eyes lit up, and she immediately jumped out of Shalanyi's arms. A pounce jumped into Qi Yao's arms, rubbed her hard, and called out in a soft voice, "Master Si Shishen!"

Qi Yao responded with a smile, stroked her body, used surgery to dry the water, and rubbed the fluffy cat hair twice before saying, "It looks like your memory has recovered."

Sha Lanyi hurriedly stood up, saluted Qi Yi, and then quickly walked out of the consultation room.

"Master Si Shishen, I miss you so much..." Lian Yi buried her face in her clothes and cried, "The master was killed, please save her!"

Qi Yao hugged her and sat on the warm stone bed in the consultation room, stroked her soft belly, looked at the shrunken cat and cat ball, and sighed: "You, how can you still cultivate after a trip to the lower realm? The habit of eating people?"

"It was those humans who hurt me and my owner first..." Lian Yi said aggrieved, "I won't eat it again, I just ask you to save the owner!"

In the end, it was important to save people. Qi Yan put her down and drew a magic circle on the warm stone bed. After a while, a body appeared in front of Lianyi's eyes. It was nine points similar to Liu Fenyun's previous body, wearing the clothes of the future city. His eyes were closed, but his expression was very peaceful.

"Who is this?" Lian Yi leaned over and sniffed, her nose full of familiar smells, surprised and delighted, "Is it the master's body?"

She remembered that when Liu Fenyun was in the lower realm, he brought both his body and soul with him.

Qi Yao nodded, drew another magic circle, motioned Lianyi to lie down in the center of the circle, and told him, "Keep this position on your stomach and don't move. It might hurt a bit when you separate your soul, so I couldn't help but tell me, I will give it to me. Get some anesthesia."

"I don't need anesthesia." Lianyi knew very well that he would not be able to see Liu Fenyun wake up in time with the anesthetic, and shook his head to refuse, "Let's start quickly."

In Lianyi's sea of ​​consciousness, Liu Fenyun, who was alone, finally had time to talk to the system.

"Can you see the panel now?" She looked at the big screen floating in front of her, holding her chin and said, "After my accidental death, Cat's favorability and blackening value have reached their full value. So you are really meowing. Is it the love system, or the ill-child cultivation system?"

Thinking of the terrifying appearance of the cat when he got sick, Liu Fenyun couldn't help but utter a foul language.

"Sorry, host, I'm just a 'special system for the God of Doctors'." The system retorted, "As for the specific functions I have, they are all set by you, and you will know when you restore your memory."

The system is very aggrieved, it is just a developed **** program. What function the Siyishen chooses for it, it must have what function, it can only follow the choice of the host.

Speaking of which, it was actually his own sins in the past, Liu Fenyun sighed, closed the page and said, "So it turns out, I'm the one who blamed you."

"Thank you for your understanding." The system resumed an indifferent mechanical female voice in a second, "By the way, I would like to remind you that it has detected that the divine breath of Si Shi is entering the sea of ​​consciousness. If you want to go out, don't resist the breath and let them wrap you around. ."

Liu Fenyun was overjoyed, and just asked "where", only to see a blue veil slowly falling from the sky over the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

She hurried over, stood under the veil, waited quietly for it to fall on her head, and then slowly wrapped herself up.

The light yarn wrapped her into a zongzi, and Liu Fenyun felt her body float up, rising into the pitch-black sky, and countless light **** moved away from her.

It was dark in front of him, followed by a sense of weightlessness. When Liu Fenyun regained his sense of touch, he only felt a dull pain in his heart. But a warm feeling soon came from his dantian, quickly soothing the pain in his heart.

"Okay, open your eyes and hug your cat." Si Shishen's voice sounded in her ears, "But your body died suddenly once, it's best to rest in bed during this time, and don't do any strenuous exercise."

Realizing that he might have retrieved the body before the time-travel, Liu Fenyun was quite surprised. Just as he opened his eyes to check, his vision was blocked by the snow-white cat hair.

"...Yiyi." Liu Fenyun hurriedly called.

As Si Shishen said, her body is very weak now, and even her voice is empty.

Lianyi let out a meow and lay down beside her face, revealing her soft belly, motioning her to rub.

Liu Fenyun tried to raise his hand, but found that he had no strength, so he just put his hand on the cat's stomach and looked at the pair of blue eyes like gems.

Looking at each other for a moment, the cat narrowed his eyes and fell asleep after a while.

"She has to watch you wake up. It hurts when you separate your souls. She didn't even ask me to give me an anesthetic." Si Shishen said in unison, "Let her sleep for a while, and you too. "

"Thank you... Qi Yi." Liu Fenyun thanked softly, "Traveling through time and space... hard work."

"Hey, why are you being polite to me?" Qi Yan said with a smile, "But the people who were taken away by you two also woke up. You have to find a way to solve this."

Liu Fenyun was at a loss when he heard it, and he didn't realize it until he met Sha Lanyi and Chongyun who came to visit after a long day's rest.

Chongyun has no memory of the time when she was taken over, but she knew that she was poisoned five years ago. If she hadn't been possessed by God, she should have gone to see the King of Hell at that time. As soon as she saw Liu Fenyun, she thanked her. of life-saving grace.

Liu Fenyun smiled bitterly: "Don't rush to thank me, Liu Zhiguo sent you to Zhuhuang Kingdom to marry, and the object is the seventh princess. But the fire **** doctrine of Zhuhuang Kingdom forbids same-sex marriage, so I'm afraid you can't. Go back, or you will be burned at the stake."

"Hey, what's the matter. Doctors should have traveled all over the world. If they don't go back, they won't go back!" Chongyun didn't mind, after thinking about it, he apologized to Sha Lanyi, "But I don't know if I like it or not. If you like women, you won't delay Your Highness."

Sha Lanyi smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter, even if you don't become husband and wife, you can continue to practice medicine in our clan if you have the seal of a witch doctor."

"How dare I!" Chongyun waved his hand, "In the end, the old emperor is not kind, I stay in the medical center to study medicine, and I don't get involved in anything, he has so many sons, he has to take me away What about marriage... what about my master and my mother-in-law? Are they doing well?"

Liu Fenyun stroked the sleeping big white cat in his arms, and slowly told Yu Qingyue and Madam Chong about the matter.

Chongyun wasn't surprised when she heard that Master was a demon. She actually had no intention of seeing Yu Qingyue's demon body when she was a child. She knew at the time that Master was a demon, but her mouth was tightly closed, and no one said anything, not even Yu Qingyue. Don't know about it either.

But after hearing that her mother gave a lotus robe a piece of five thunders, she stood up in shock and murmured: "I knew that mother-in-law is not an ordinary person! But why does she always leave me..."

She was silent for a long time with a sullen face, got up and went out to find Meng Zang, leaving only Sha Lanyi sitting beside the couch.

"It seems that there is no need to worry about the heavy doctor." Liu Fenyun smiled and said, "Where's Your Highness? Do you want to go back to Zhuhuang Kingdom, or stay in the demon world?"

"Since I am the saintess of Zhuhuang Kingdom, I have to perform my duties until I die." Sha Lanyi lowered her eyes and said, "What's more, the two senior witch doctor envoys also died because of looking for me. In any case, I They all have to go back and give an account to their family, and also to the royal father."

She paused, "Lord God, my master and the others... will they really come to the demon world? I remember that master hates demon clan the most..."

"Priest Luo is also a demon now, but this was not what she wanted, it was an accident." Liu Fenyun said, "But Doctor Yu's hometown is in the demon world. If they are happy with each other, Priest Luo will definitely come with her. here."

Sha Lanyi nodded lightly, "I hope so."

Liu Fenyun said more, and felt a pain in his heart again, so he had to apologize to Shalanyi, and continued to rest with the cat in his arms.

She can probably understand how "love makes people lose their minds". In order to reset the world with death, she used to stay with Mao Mao as soon as possible, and she could even think of a death method such as sudden death during final exam preparation.

Now she is self-inflicted. Although she has regained her body, it will take at least a month or two to recover. Whether there will be complications depends on the degree of memory recovery.

She is the **** of medicine, and it is not difficult to cure herself when her memory is completely restored.

The cat in his arms suddenly purred, and his body shrank, as if he was suffering. Liu Fenyun hurriedly stroked her back, drawing the rich spiritual energy around her, and slowly entered the meridians in her body.

Although the separation of the soul will not damage the cat's soul, the pain caused by separation is unavoidable.

Liu Fenyun is now using the body of a god, and he doesn't need to eat or drink. He has one person and one cat lying on the warm stone bed for five days.

During the period, Meng Nian came in once and told her that Chongyun had left the demon world and went to the Qingmu Immortal Mountain to join Madam Chong. Before Chongyun left, Qi Wei also specially tested her Linggen, and found that she was a first-class water Linggen, a good seedling that any cultivation sect would not let go of, so she was allowed to go.

"The city lord sent two feather demons to take her with them. The feather demons are flying fast, and they should be able to reach Qingmu Xianshan in two days." Meng Dang sighed, "Actually, I also want to be as free and easy as they are, but it's a pity that I Without spiritual roots, you can only fight for a lifetime."

Liu Fenyun thought about it for a while, but couldn't help but say: "If you want to practice, you can also be a disciple of the outer sect. With all due respect, Liu Zhiguo has been away from the country for a long time, but you are still young..."

She didn't finish her words, just looked at Meng Nian.

Meng Zang said with a smile: "Someone has to choose this path. In the end, it is still the soil and water of the Liuzhi Kingdom that supports me. If it is about to die, I have no choice but to fight for it to the last moment. I can't learn from you. Go be the concubine."

The two smiled at each other.

"Hey, Qi Ran is going to go through a calamity today, and I have to send her off." Enough of laughing, Meng Dang got up and sighed, "After all, he is also a friend."

Qi Ran has made a big mistake, has too much blood debt, and is destined to atone for his sins.

Meng Tiao sent her all the way to the depths of Kongmeng City, and when she saw a pitch-black magic circle, she couldn't help but ask Qi Yao: "I want to know, what kind of punishment will Qi Ran be given?"

"She will go to another world." Qi Yan said, "When her merits and demerits are equal, she will be able to come back."

Meng Nian smacked his lips, looked at Qi Ran who had already entered the battle, and said regretfully, "That's it, then I hope to see you again in my lifetime."

The life of a demon is always much longer than that of a human. Even if Qi Ran can come back one day in the future, perhaps she is no longer in this world.

"Meng Zang..." Qi Ran saw her eyes were red and wanted to say something to comfort her, but in the end he was hesitant to say anything.

"Just go, don't think too much, there may be the paradise you want." Meng Zhan hooked the corner of his lips, "It's a completely unfamiliar world, no one knows you, you are like a blank piece of paper , so that you can dye yourself the color you like."

The two looked at each other silently for a while, and asked Qi Ran, "Chongyun has left, are you going back too?"

"Yeah, after all, I'm the general Meng of Liuzhiguo." Meng Yan said with a smile, seeing that Qi Qiu had begun to urge the formation, he waved at Qi Ran, "Goodbye, live a good life in the new world, Don't think too much. You can even find a partner like your senior sister and Liu Fenyun, and have a good life with her."

The magic circle exuded dazzling brilliance, Qi Ran looked at her fixedly, and finally gave her a military salute, and sincerely blessed: "In the name of Si Yangshen, I wish you a safe journey and a prosperous martial arts."

The author has something to say: the second update is coming

Thanks to the guest officer who threw the rocket: clear r.1;

Thanks to the guest officials who cast the thunder: the state official lights 4 lights; the small punishment 3; the little turtle luma 2; ;

Thanks to the guests who irrigated the nutrient solution: Moziyue 161 bottles; Luoxi 122 bottles; Qing r. 111 bottles; Hairy Dongfengyao, Winter Warm Sun っ゛ 75 bottles; Xiao Xing, Sun Twilight Common Life 55 bottles; 52 bottles; 11,111, 48 bottles; 30 bottles of cool; 20 bottles of little turtle luma, Lin, Yu Nie, zzz1233, A card, Yichen; 18 bottles of orange kitten; 13 bottles of Moyu purple; Lutz, 12 bottles of red snow; 10 bottles of red snow; 10 bottles of kkkkcx, shiqi, tomato, pretty boy passing by, little lion, Small P5 bottles; Cai Shao Cai Taisai Gao 3 bottles; Yimu, Zhang Daxiao 2 bottles; Luo Jie's small mop, chess trace, Miao Xiansen 1 bottle.

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