MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 95 overnight

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A quarter of an hour later, looking at the red wide-sleeved cage gauze in Lianyi's hand, Liu Fenyun suddenly recalled the day she took her to buy clothes in Qifeng City.

It was the first time she went to the street to buy women's clothes after she crossed the street. Lianyi chose a lot of clothes for her, in any color. Among them, there was this wide-sleeved cage gauze, which was a very festive red, very like a wedding. Clothes.

But she was not used to wearing brightly colored clothes, so she gave them back to the store after trying them on. Who knew that Lianyi eventually bought it, and even bought a set of the same one.

"At that time, you said that you were not used to wearing brightly colored clothes, so they were kept in the closet after they were bought." Lian Yi held two sets of red clothes of the same style, raised her lips, and smiled slyly, "This It is our wedding dress, I have long wanted to marry you again."

Liu Fenyun took one of the sets, thought for a while, and said, "It seems that my intuition at the time was correct, so I said how could you buy a color that I'm not used to wearing."

With a wave of her hand, she arranged a barrier to isolate her, carefully hung the so-called wedding dress on the hanger, and began to take off her robe.

Originally, Lianyi was still obediently standing by, being her human-shaped hanger, responsible for taking over the clothes she took off. However, in less than a quarter of an hour, the two of them were on the couch.

Catching the cat demon who couldn't help but do bad things, Liu Fenyun fastened the torn belt, leaned his face beside Lian Yi's ear, and said with a low laugh: "I guess, what Yiyi wants most is not a big one. Marriage is a candle night."

"You are talking nonsense..."

Before Lian Yi's voice could finish, the rest of the words were blocked in her throat by Wen Ruan, her cat ears folded, and she simply gave up her resistance.

Through the clothes, he rubbed the bad cat from the ears to the feet. Seeing that the cat couldn't bear the caress, he hid under the quilt while he was not paying attention. Liu Fenyun stroked the tail of the cat that was left outside. Holding the quilt in his arms, he stood up, lowered his eyes and asked with a smile, "We haven't tried the wedding dress yet."

"Don't try it!" Lianyi glared at her, "How can you make fun of the cat before you go through the marriage process!"

"It's Yiyi's 'cute' first." Liu Fenyun put her down and reminded her sternly, when he said this, he remembered that he hadn't asked Maomao what kind of wedding he wanted, so he asked, "Yiyi wants to make the wedding a lively one. Noisy or quiet?"

She thought that Maomao should like to be quiet, after all, their international wedding last year was exhausting, and the sick cat should not want others to see her bride.

Unexpectedly, Lianyi said: "Naturally, the more lively the better, it is best to let Zhuhuang Kingdom know that we are married."

Liu Fenyun was stunned, "This is too provocative..."

"What if it's just provocation?" Lianyi snorted softly, "The country of Zhuhuang prohibits same-sex marriage, so why not let your concubine marry me? Not to mention, even the high priest who is under one person and more than ten thousand people. Both are good for mirroring. In my opinion, sooner or later this doctrine will be abolished."

Without waiting for Liu Fenyun to say anything, Lianyi suddenly unfolded the thin quilt wrapped around her body, quickly put her eyes and hands on her head, carried her and walked towards the couch.

Another uproar. Lianyi even forced a lot of demonic energy on Liu Fenyun, making her also give birth to cat ears and tails to rub for herself, and deliberately rubbed it like a tickling, not letting Liu Fenyun snort a strange sound.

Liu Fenyun believed that in the whole wedding process, Mao Mao really wanted Hua Candle Night the most.

Demons are more active than people most of the time in this kind of thing. Liu Fenyun is now recovering her memory, and she also knows that when she and Lianyi were still in the upper realm, they had quietly gone through many times, and every time it was Mao Mao who asked her to relieve her physical needs.

There is a warm spring in the dormitory where they stay, and the spring water can be changed at any time, so there is no need to bother the waiter to bring water. So, the movement in the spring water didn't stop until the middle of the night, and finally Liu Fenyun dried the cat, hugged it on the couch, and wrapped it in the quilt.

And no one tried on the two wedding dresses. They hung quietly on the hangers, watching the frolic.

"Don't you feel bad after making trouble for so long?" Liu Fenyun patted the cat in his arms.

Because they were simulating last year's Candlelight Night, Mao Mao was only responsible for rubbing her fake demon body and making her scream from time to time. She was doing the whole night.

"I like it very much." Lianyi curled up slightly, so that she could wrap herself more tightly, "A Yunruo thinks it's awkward, you can treat me as a brothel demon."

"What nonsense." Liu Fenyun frowned suddenly and said solemnly, "Is this also a good joke?"

Lian Yi didn't answer, she smiled softly, and the laughter was stuffed in her arms.

Liu Fenyun twisted her through the nightgown, stopped laughing when she heard her meow, and then begged for mercy to himself, before rubbing the cat's ears, imitating Lianyi's tender and tender tone: "You are my cat, only I can touch you."

She felt cat ears stand up in her palm.

"Lianyi's blackening value has dropped to 90 points." The system suddenly made a sound, startling Liu Fenyun.

"Speaking a word can also reduce the blackening value?!" Liu Fenyun felt incredulous, hugged the cat who was sleeping with his eyes closed, thought carefully, and couldn't help asking the system, "I remember that the cat's interest is very special, if you want to Lowering the blackening value, I can't... let me do what a sick girl would do to her, right?"

what is this? Do owners and cats always go crazy?

"There is no relevant information, but the probability of reducing the blackening value is as high as 80%. If the host can accept this method, it is recommended to actively try it." The system encouraged her.

Liu Fenyun's brows furrowed even tighter, "What's the rationale for this? Make her feel like I take her to heart in a sickly way?"

"Yes, this method can make her see you as the same kind." The system replied, "After all, it is difficult for normal people to understand Sick Jiao, and Sick Jiao will feel a sense of distance from normal people because of this..."

"No, I refuse to try." Liu Fenyun resolutely said, "Maomao will become sick, and the source is my leaving without saying goodbye. This is my responsibility, and I must be responsible for curing her."

Even though fighting poison with poison is one of the treatment methods, she wants to use normal treatment methods to make Lianyi return to her previous appearance.

After all, sickness is actually a mental illness. Since she is a medical god, she will always think of a suitable treatment method.

The wedding of Liu Fenyun and Lianyi did not take place immediately because the first anniversary of their marriage had not yet arrived. At noon the next day, Lianyi was eating a bowl of sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus rice cake in the bedroom, and looked at Liu Fenyun, who was reading medical books, from time to time.

As soon as Liu Fenyun woke up, he was reading a book. He only took a break during the period, and he still went out to get food for her.

Lianyi didn't bother her, just eating rice cakes quietly. She knew that when Liu Fenyun read books like this, he was either reviewing or checking important things.

After checking the last medical book, Liu Fenyun understood.

The books were borrowed from Qi Yao, but these books were given to Qi Yao when she was a god, and some of them mentioned the medicine for treating Jiao Jiao. However, this medicine only grows in the ancient cultivation world in the lower realm, and it cannot be obtained in places other than those with abundant spiritual power.

Quickly writing the words "no worries" on the rolled out paper, Liu Fenyun asked the system, "Is there such a medicine in this world?"

If not, she can only use Qi Yi's ability to find it in other worlds.

"The most eastern part of the human world, Qingmu Immortal Mountain." The system called up the big map and marked a direction.

After staring at the map for a while, Liu Fenyun smiled and said, "It seems that the fate and cause and effect between me and that Madam Chong have not been completely cut off."

However, they had to stay in the demon world for a while, so Liu Fenyun marked Qingmu Xianshan's seat and decided to wait until he fully recovered his memory before taking Lianyi to look for medicine.

Lianyi came over with a bowl, glanced at the characters on the paper, and asked curiously, "What is Ayun writing again?"

Liu Fenyun thought about it for a while, picked up the pen, and drew a few strokes on the "heart" under the word "sorrow", drawing it into a cat's paw, and said leisurely, "Miao Qiu."

This piece of paper was quickly taken by her and hung in the bedroom as a reminder.

Today's demon world is the same as the human world. Everywhere is in a state of constant disputes. Liu Fenyun doesn't know if something will happen here, so he hangs the name of the elixir he is looking for in the bedroom and reads it every day. forgotten.

At the evening banquet, Liu Fenyun finally saw Qi Yao's Taoist companion.

"Her name is Fuyao, Yaotai's Yao, her race is Fu, a kind of spiritual bird from another world." Qi Yao put her arms around the feather demon beside her and introduced Liu Fenyun enthusiastically, "Actually, she is still very young. , is only a few hundred years old. Don't look at her majesty now, when she first met me, she was still a little guy who doesn't know the world~"

The majestic Yu clan monarch glanced at her indifferently, but in the next second, in front of everyone, he took Qi Yao into his arms, bowed his face for a kiss, then raised his eyes to look around, and explained calmly: "Madam has always liked to expose the shortcomings of orphans. Since you are acquaintances, don't take it to heart."

Then his eyes stayed on Luo Binglun, "You are Ah Qing's Taoist companion? The high priest of Zhuhuang Kingdom? There is still one star officer in the lonely king city. Give you."

"Thank you for your love!" Luo Binglun hurriedly toasted her, "It's just that I have to stay in the human world for a while, in the short term..."

"It doesn't matter, Madam Lone can divination and watch the stars. This position is not as important as you think." Fuyao cut off her words and explained, "If Ah Qing intends to marry you, Lone can't send her out for execution. Mission. But the child doesn't want to be idle, so Gu naturally wants to appoint an official for her, and so do you."

The monarch was only concerned with recruiting talents for the time being, and Lianyi took the opportunity to pick up a lot of dishes. Before the bowl of sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus wine was finished, he focused on the hairy crabs on the plate.

She stayed in the sick body of the Seventh Princess for four years, and she also avoided food for four years. Many things she wanted to eat could only be seen in front of her. Now that she had retrieved her body, she naturally wanted to make up for the delicious food that was left behind.

Liu Fenyun was not very interested in eating, so he stopped after eating a few chopsticks, followed Lianyi's eyes and picked a hairy crab, slowly peeled off the crab shell, opened the crab claws and crab legs, and put the crab yellow and crab meat separately. In a small plate, scoop the sauce over with a spoon, and place it in front of Lianyi.

The author has something to say: start to resume the single update today, end it slowly and save some drafts for the new article.

3D is busy, and my energy is limited. In order to maintain the daily update, I can only do this. I am very, very sorry _(:з"∠)_

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