MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 12 at a glance

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When Qu Shuang gathered people in the courtyard to give lectures, Mu Qinglan didn't let Mu Qinglan go out and identify them directly.

To this day, the disciples who are willing to stay by Huo Jue's side all have a chivalrous heart that respects Huo Yuanfei, the former head of Cedar Mountain, or has a brotherhood with Huo Jue who grew up together.

Because an outsider like Mu Qinglan would go to war after saying a word, confronting her in person would inevitably chill the hearts of these seniors.

Therefore, Mu Qinglan just looked at the disciples standing in the outer courtyard within the formation formed by Huo Jue, and then figured out who brought her in.

Mu Qinglan watched as Huo Jue pinched the talisman and manipulated the wheelchair to form a formation. This time the formation was called the Rune Mirror, which was not very advanced, but all monks knew it. It was within a certain range of spiritual power. look at the screen.

But not everything can be seen, there are many restrictions, for example, low-level monks cannot see high-level monks; for example, within the range, if there is any creature with more powerful spiritual power than the setter, it is very likely that the rune mirror will only be blurred .

Moreover, all monks will set up rune circles, and almost all monks will also know how to prevent being peeped.

This rune formation is actually not a good means of peeping, but Huo Jue's formation in his own yard will definitely not arouse doubts and rejections from his disciples.

After Huo Jue arranged the formation with spirit stones, he didn't need to inject any more spiritual power, he could directly see the disciples in the yard, and swept them one by one. The rune mirror was suspended in the air in front of Mu Qinglan and Huo Jue, and there were Zoom in effect.

Huo Jue said to Mu Qinglan: "Miss Mu, look carefully and recognize him. Just describe his appearance and accessories to me."

"Can you recognize all the disciples of Cedar Academy based on the description?" Mu Qinglan wondered, "Then you have touched me, can you recognize me by touching me?"

"Can you recognize me by dictation like this? In your heart, what do I look like? Do you like me? What kind of woman do you like? Is it beautiful or gentle? I can do it Yes." Mu Qinglan asked a series of questions, and Huo Jue didn't know how to answer the questions.

"...Miss Mu." Huo Jue interrupted Mu Qinglan in a cold voice, "Please carefully identify the disciples in the Rune Realm."

Mu Qinglan had no choice but to take a glance, and quickly recognized the disciple with Ye Luo's aura on him.

"That's him! What does it look like... He has red lips, white teeth, single eyelids, narrow and long eyes, and looks a bit gloomy, like someone owes him 80,000 yuan."

"What you are wearing is your Tianyuan Sword Sect's disciple uniform, and the accessory is a, um, a strangely shaped purse?"

Huo Jue frowned slightly, already knowing who it was. The person Mu Qinglan described is the youngest disciple in the inner courtyard. He entered the mountain at the age of seventeen and entered the mountain gate for seventeen years. Now he is only thirty-four years old. He has reached the peak of the realm of illusion. He is the disciple of Duan Qinxuan, the senior sister of Huo Jue. - Named Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was rescued by Duan Qinxuan in Beisong Kingdom when he was practicing in the mortal world.

At that time, the royal family of Beisong Kingdom was divided, and Luo Feng was born in the clan. All the adults in the family were beheaded by the emperor and became orphans. He happened to be captured by a ghost cultivator Duan Qinxuan was going down the mountain to train Luo Feng into a living corpse.

Duan Qinxuan rescued Luo Feng, but he had nowhere to send him, and found out if he had any roots, so he accepted him as a young disciple.

At that time, Luo Feng's face was already ruined, fearing that he would be haunted by demons in the future, Duan Qinxuan searched for good medicine to heal him, and after healed his face, his face remained at the age of seventeen forever.

Luo Feng has been very quiet these years, and he and Duan Qinxuan are even more affectionate as mentors and apprentices. After the death of the master Huo Yuanfei, most of the disciples fled with the elders. Duan Qinxuan also tried to send Luo Feng away. It's also a waste of time, why not go down the mountain to start a family and start a business.

At that time, Luo Feng was forced to die and refused to leave, saying that he would die in Beisong Mountain, but now...why did he betray the sect that he swore to die?

Huo Jue couldn't figure it out at all, and he didn't want to believe that Duan Qinxuan had accepted such a disciple for so many years. Now that she is not in the mountains, Huo Jue couldn't decide to deal with Luo Feng on his own.

Moreover, Huo Jue was not very willing to believe Luo Feng's betrayal, so he couldn't help but asked Mu Qinglan again: "Are you sure that the disciple who brought you in is him? Look again, is the Rune Realm clear? Can you see clearly? "

"It's him." Mu Qinglan said, "It's unmistakable, he has been in contact with the maid beside me, and he still smells of spices that the maid used to use, and I don't know what he took from her in private, you can search There might be unexpected gains in his room or on his body."

Huo Jue frowned, Mu Qinglan thought he was chilling because of his disciple's betrayal, and quickly said, "Huo Lang, don't worry, even if everyone in this world betrays you, I definitely won't."

Huo Jue's thoughts were interrupted by Mu Qinglan, and he was startled when he heard her words.

Seeing that he was touched, Mu Qinglan immediately struck while the iron was hot, "So don't shut me out, okay? I'll be an undercover agent for the Mu family for you?"

"I asked my mother to collect the news and movements of the Mu family and tell you. I can also tie up all the maids and maidservants sent by the Mu family around me who don't know what the **** they are doing, and send them to the cold prison for interrogation. Spit it out."

Mu Qinglan strongly recommended herself, "I can also cook, the food in your Tianyuan Sword Sect's canteen is so unpalatable, the porridge is like cooking water, and it's not nutritious, how can your body handle it if you eat that kind of food. "

Mu Qinglan talked a lot, but didn't see any emotion from Huo Jue's indifferent expression, and discussed: "Huo Lang, I'll cook something delicious and come to you tomorrow, okay?"

Huo Jue was silent. At this time, Qu Shuang's "teaching" was over, and he dismissed his disciples and came back.

As soon as he entered the door, he asked Mu Qinglan: "Do you recognize who it is? If you lie, the master is kind, and I will not forgive you."

Mu Qinglan wanted to roll her eyes, thinking that if you don't spare me, I can't kill you, you stupid and rude.

But Huo Jue is here, Mu Qinglan nodded obediently: "I recognize it, I have already told Huo Lang."

Huo Jue's face was always sullen, and he could see that he was in a bad mood, and his complexion was also very bad, probably because he was not feeling well.

Huo Jue nodded in Qu Shuang's direction, and said, "Let's talk about it later, let's send Miss Mu back to Sushuang Pavilion first."

Qu Shuang obeyed Huo Jue's orders, and sent Mu Qinglan out of the Cedar Courtyard in no hurry to ask further questions.

Ye Luo and the others were still waiting outside the gate of Cedar Courtyard, and they were slightly surprised when they saw Mu Qinglan come out.

Just now when the disciples gathered in the Xuesong Courtyard, Ye Luo thought that Mu Qinglan was caught on the spot for stealing the magic weapon and couldn't come back, so she even thought about evading it.

Qu Shuangmen followed Mu Qinglan and the others with a sullen face, all the way to Sushuang Pavilion, and then unceremoniously put a ban on the gate of Sushuang Pavilion, preventing them from entering and leaving at will, which is what Huo Jue meant.

Mu Qinglan glanced resentfully, her heart is as firm as iron...

After Qu Shuang left, Ye Luo hurriedly asked Mu Qinglan what was going on, it was extremely inconvenient for Ye Luo to prohibit people from entering and exiting Sushuang Pavilion!

Mu Qinglan didn't pretend to be weak this time, and said in a strange way: "It's not that you want me to force my way in. I was caught and escorted back. It's all right now, and we won't be allowed to go out from now on."

Ye Luo snorted when he heard the words, "You haven't even touched the magic weapon at all."

"Either you go and steal it yourself?" Mu Qinglan changed from her cowardice in the past, acting like an honest person jumping over a wall in a hurry when angered.

Ye Luo squinted his eyes from being choked, and calmly said: "Wait for two days, they won't imprison us for too long, the Mu family is coming soon, and the Tianyuan Sword Sect will not be able to detain you by then. This newlywed will not let you see your relatives."

Mu Qinglan suddenly seemed to be caught "seven inches", her expression was grim for a moment, and she forced a smile and asked Ye Luo: "Yes... is my mother coming?"

"That's right." Ye Luo threatened with a blank expression, "Miss is kind-hearted. I think you miss your mother. The young master is unable to move and cannot go back. Besides, the journey from Beisongshan to Mu's house is far away, so when you get married In the next three days, people will be sent from the Mu family to bring your mother to see you."

Are you bringing my mother to threaten me?

Mu Qinglan sneered in her heart, and said to herself that if you can bring my "mother" to Beisong Mountain, I count you as amazing.

She bowed her head in a submissive manner.

He said softly: "I will ask the young master. He has a kind heart. He found out that I trespassed today, but he didn't deal with me. He will definitely let me go out again. I will as soon as possible... Complete the eldest lady's explanation as soon as possible."

Mu Qinglan looked up at Ye Luo, and asked expectantly, "When the time comes, can I go back with my mother?"

Ye Luo nodded perfunctorily, and said in a strange tone: "It's not just that, when the time comes, you and your mother will both be great contributors to the Mu family."

Mu Qinglan pretended to be grateful, and she had already made up her mind that when she stopped pretending, she would tie Ye Luo into a bundle and throw her into a cold cell until her nose was snotted.

After Ye Luo had dealt with it, Mu Qinglan had no hope for her at all.

The eldest lady said that the rebirth pool is the treasure of today's Yuan Sword Sect, and it is impossible to get it easily, and the Mu family is not in a hurry to steal the rebirth pool.

The rebirth pool is used alone, and it only has the effect of the small spiritual vein, but when combined with the rebirth lotus, it is the real flesh and bones of the living dead.

Mu Wanran asked Ye Luo to contact the dissident elders in the sect, wait for the opportunity, wait until Huo Jue found the rebirth lotus, and then seized both the rebirth pond and the rebirth lotus in one fell swoop.

The Mu family didn't care about Mu Qinglan's life and death. She was just a cover-up for Mu Wanran. Even if she was killed by Huo Jue, Ye Luo had already contacted a backer in Beisongshan, so she could still do it. Miss Cheng explained the matter.

Moreover, she is the nanny of the eldest miss of the Mu family, and she wears the family crest of the Mu family, so people in Beisongshan don't like to touch her.

Even if Mu Qinglan missed today, Ye Luo could push 256 and blame her for trying to steal the magic weapon.

Of course, Ye Luo would not take her down the mountain as promised, she was just an abandoned child of the Mu family, and she was pushed out to die. This marriage, Mu Qinglan, was just a legitimate reason to send Ye Luo to Beisong Mountain smoothly.

Even if Mu Qinglan succeeds today, Ye Luo will "destroy relatives with righteousness" and hand her over to the Tianyuan Sword Sect - the excuse is that the side branch of the marriage is someone else pretending to be someone else, and they have malicious intentions, trying to steal the magic weapon to practice, and they have something to do with the Mu family. what relationship?

The Mu family's abacus was crackling, and thousands of calculations were made. It didn't count that Mu Qinglan was really not a side branch of the Mu family; it didn't count that the puppet Gu was useless at all. She couldn't handle Mu Qinglan at all.

Ye Luo took the people down to rest, Mu Qinglan stopped pretending, sat on the edge of the table, opened the window a little and looked out.

At present, this situation is actually the best. No one in Sushuang Pavilion can get out, so that Ye Luo will not be able to hook up everywhere and make trouble for Huo Jue.

Thinking of Huo Jue, his complexion is so bad today, could it be that the Lingfu is in turmoil again?

He must feel very sad that the disciples in the inner courtyard turned out to be traitors.

The inner, outer and third layers of restrictions set up by Qu Shuang in Sushuang Pavilion couldn't keep Mu Qinglan at all. As soon as it got dark, Mu Qinglan would go back to bed and "sleep".

Soon she appeared in the Cedar Courtyard again, sticking to the big tree in Huo Jue's yard.

Mu Qinglan quietly moved the tree roots and stuck them to the window.

In the room, Huo Jue and Qu Shuang were talking.

Qu Shuang: "I found the token of the Mu family on him, the young master, Luo Feng really betrayed, he didn't deny it, he only said that he would wait for the senior sister to come back before opening his mouth."

"Young sect master, punishment will make him unable to tell lies. Do you want me to ask?"

Huo Jue turned his back to the window where Mu Qinglan was sticking to, his back was straight, his shoulders were thin, he was silent for a while, and then said: "Use the spirit bird to send a message to Senior Sister, Luo Feng... shut it up first, and deal with it when Senior Sister returns." .”

"Master Shao..." Qu Shuang wanted to persuade her again, according to the rules of the sect, even if someone like Luo Feng was punished, the senior sister would not be able to say anything when she came back.

Betrayal of the teacher's school is a serious crime of ruining one's cultivation base and breaking one's tendons!

But Huo Jue didn't agree, and only said: "Qu Shuang, Senior Sister is the only disciple, we'd better wait for Senior Sister to come back and deal with it."

Qu Shuang had no choice but to obey, and quickly left the house.

Mu Qinglan stuck to the window patiently, waiting for Huo Jue to go to bed to rest, and at the same time repeat the same trick, like that day, feed Huo Jue some juice, control his restlessness in the spiritual palace, so as to prevent him from suffering.

But wait and wait, until the two little disciples brought bath soup in, then Huo Jue turned his back to the window and began to undress.

Mu Qinglan was puzzled at first, but when she saw that Huo Jue's outer robe was removed and only her underwear was left, she realized that Huo Jue was going to take a bath!

She acted excitedly, Huo Jue loves to clean, after the shattered spirit mansion can't use spiritual power to clean it, and can't open his mouth to ask disciples to perform spells for him frequently, so he has to take two baths every day.

Mu Qinglan came early today and caught up!

She almost couldn't control it and slipped in through the window, and rubbed Huo Jue's back by the way.

The manipulated vines danced wildly among demons outside. If a disciple saw this, he would probably be able to get into the mountain for a demon, and it would be a fright.

But Mu Qinglan was so excited outside, she didn't break through the window paper, and really got in.

First of all, she is not in human form, if Huo Jue was underestimated by a group of tree roots, he would definitely think that he was humiliated by monsters.

Huo Jue has a strong temper, and Mu Qinglan tried to approach him several times, but he was always in the posture of burning everything. He was afraid that he was willing to fight for the sect, and he had already had a death wish in his heart, and he couldn't stand the stimulation.

Second... Secondly, Mu Qinglan knows her own virtue, and she is afraid that she will do something crazy when facing the naked Huo Jue.

Mu Qinglan said silently, Huo Jue is not in good health now, Chu Yang was lost in the hot soup, and he might fall ill.

Moreover, Mu Qinglan only let Huo Jue find out the truth during the day, if she dared to do something and was recognized by Huo Jue, she would have nothing to lose.

Don't be impulsive!

Mu Qinglan wrapped herself up with tree vines to control herself from rushing in.

You have to take your time, Huo Jue has a cold and staunch temper, and he can't pursue too much, or he will give up.

It was so easy to hear the sound that Huo Jue had entered the water. If he entered the water, he wouldn't be able to see anything too sinful. Mu Qinglan couldn't hold back, and thought, should I... take a look?

Just one look, just one look!

One glance is innocent.