MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 16 stop

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Huo Jue's question made Mu Qinglan's heart skip a beat, but it didn't bother her at all!

"No, the aunt in the dining hall made it for you." Mu Qinglan said with a smile.

It's made by her aunt's body, so it doesn't make any difference.

She had already thought about it on the way back with the food box, and she felt that she was very witty, anyway, Huo Jue couldn't catch her little tail, and now he caught the aunt in the dining hall, and the aunt was still the same aunt.

Hearing this, Huo Jue closed his eyes and calmed down his scattered thoughts.

Even if Mu Qinglan likes to perform cleaning techniques on him as much as that tree vine who doesn't know why, he can't see everyone being overwhelmed.

Mu Qinglan is just an ordinary person in the early stages of the Delusion Breaking Realm. He has personally touched the bones, and she is also a puppet of the Mu family, her plans are unknown.

Huo Jue lowered his eyes and ate slowly, so Mu Qinglan pulled up a stool and sat not far away, leaning on the table with both hands, holding her face while watching Huo Jue eat.

Huo Jue eats seriously. What could make you happier than seeing someone you like eat deliciously the food you prepared?

Mu Qinglan has not been to Beisong Mountain for so many years. When she was wandering around the four countries looking for opportunities, what she likes most is to eat the specialties of each country, and then think about doing it herself.

Now this is all in use!

Huo Jue eats very nicely, except for the crisp sound of swallowing and chewing vegetables, there are almost no strange sounds, and he doesn't rub soup on his mouth. He is the most etiquette royal family in the folk, and he can't compare it. square.

Mu Qinglan looked at him obsessively. He swallowed food, and Mu Qinglan swallowed her saliva.

Huo Jue noticed Mu Qinglan's gaze, but asked her politely if she wanted to eat.

These foods were specially made for him, and Huo Jue didn't plan to share them with Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan didn't mind, after all, she wasn't hungry for food.

After Huo Jue finished eating, Mu Qinglan graciously took down the empty bowl and handed it to the disciples at the door.

Then she turned back and asked Huo Jue, "Do you want to sleep for a while?"

Huo Jue sometimes lacks energy, and he does take a nap, but because he probably drank a lot of that unknown juice a few days ago, not only can he see a little hazy shadow in his eyes, but his energy has improved a lot.

No sleep now.

Huo Jue shook his head, wanting to send Mu Qinglan back, but he didn't speak after thinking about it.

In order for Mu Qinglan to reveal her true intentions, and then grab someone who is currently in charge and forcefully send her down the mountain with the members of the Mu family, she has to let her guard down enough that she can even feel that she can easily do it.

What could be more convenient for the blind man to relax his vigilance and wait for the opportunity to act than being in the same room with a blind man?

Therefore, Huo Jue was patient and did not drive Mu Qinglan away.

Mu Qinglan had a premonition that she was going to be kicked out, after all, the two of them didn't get along very well this morning.

Huo Jue has not relaxed, and Mu Qinglan can feel it.

He didn't even look relaxed during the evening "snacks".

Mu Qinglan was ready to be kicked out and never to be seen again, but Huo Jue never said anything, Mu Qinglan just wandered around in Huo Jue's room until it was dark.

Mu Qinglan feasted her eyes hard all day, and felt like she had fallen into a honeypot.

To be able to keep looking at Huo Jue so openly, to Mu Qinglan, it was like New Year's Eve.

Not only that, but she also gained the reward of sneaking up behind Huo Jue several times, and "accidentally" touching her fingertips several times while washing and handing Huo Jue's pen.

He talked softly and sticky to Huo Jue all day long, and twice he had to stick it to Huo Jue's ear, but Huo Jue didn't even evade or show disgust.

Such a good thing is really not often dreamed of.

At night, seeing that it was almost time to rest, Mu Qinglan drifted away before Huo Jue kicked her out.

Could it be that Huo Jue... implicitly and restrainedly agreed to be with her?

Otherwise, what is going on today?

Mu Qinglan's mind was full of turmoil, and then, without accident, she decided to press ahead.

Before Huo Jue was about to take a bath at night, Mu Qinglan had no intention of doing anything, nor did she make any weird moves of rummaging around.

Huo Jue frowned, really impatient.

He tore the imitation Magical Artifact Rebirth Pond miniature seed from his collar.

He didn't believe it, if what Mu Qinglan really wanted was the Magic Artifact Rebirth Pond, she would still be indifferent!

Huo Jue just left the "magic weapon" hanging out, waiting for Mu Qinglan to pick it up.

In the end, Mu Qinglan did indeed come towards him, squatting in front of Huo Jue, hesitating and hesitantly asking, "Huo Lang, where do I stay at night?"

Huo Jue was so full of heart that he took down this "evil beast" on the spot, and he didn't understand what Mu Qinglan said at all.

He asked her, "Where do you want to live?"

When Mu Qinglan heard it, she was so happy that she almost jumped up.

Sure enough, he guessed right! This is to agree with her to stay overnight!

Love comes too fast, like a tornado!

Mu Qinglan manually pressed her mouth that was about to grin to the ear, trying to show herself not to be so eager.

Quickly said: "Anywhere is fine, anywhere!" As long as it is in this room!

Huo Jue waited for her to grab the magic weapon, but Mu Qinglan lightly picked on his knee again, and said, "Then I...will wait for you to take a bath?"

Huo Jue held his breath, and a sneer came in his heart - he wanted to take the spiritual weapon on his neck by taking the opportunity of waiting for him to take a bath.

He suppressed the turbulent emotions, and quietly poured a trace of spiritual power into the jade card he hid in the cuff.

Huo Jue and Qu Shuang had agreed in advance that as long as Mu Qinglan made a move, he would activate the jade token with spiritual power. The first activation was to prepare Qu Shuang, and the second activation was to arrest people!

Catch Mu Qinglan so that he can deal with the Mu family and his party by the way!

Mu Qinglan didn't know that Huo Jue had already called for someone to arrest her, and thought that his patience and meekness today were all proofs that he was in love with her!

So seeing that Huo Jue didn't agree or refuse, Mu Qinglan grabbed Huo Jue's hand excitedly.

Huo Jue trembled, and the jade tablet in his other hand was almost crushed. But his sacrifice was not too great, and he resisted not to pull his hand back.

Mu Qinglan couldn't maintain her happy human form anymore, she grabbed Huo Jue's hand and pressed it to her face, and said in a fiery voice, "Then I'll ask my disciples to prepare bath soup!"

After Mu Qinglan finished speaking, she got up, walked out in a turbulent snake shape on the ground, and went to the door, ordered her disciples to prepare bath soup, and said in a low voice: "Prepare a bigger bucket today, one that can hold two people, you know Bar?"

The little disciple at the door looked innocent. He didn't understand very well, so he stood there without moving.

Mu Qinglan anxiously elbowed him, and continued: "Hurry up, do as I say, you don't have to be anxious!"

The little disciple went, but he didn't go right away, but turned a corner to find Qu Shuang, and told Qu Shuang about the need for a bathtub for two people.

Qu Shuang had already received Huo Jue's jade card instructions, and knew that Mu Qinglan would soon be unable to hold back her hands.

Although he was very puzzled about the double bathtub, how could he think of a mandarin duck bath? Only let the younger disciples follow the instructions of the young master.

Qu Shuang thought, the Young Sect Leader never wastes money. Although the succession ceremony of the Sect Leader has not yet been officially held, he is indeed the only successor of the Tianyuan Sword Sect. What's the matter with a two-person bathtub?

Not long after that, the double bathtub came.

The room was filled with hot air, Mu Qinglan actively tested the water temperature, and estimated that this bathtub must be able to hold two people, and they can "move" in it.

Nervously leaning towards Huo Jue, he cleared his throat and said, "Huo Lang, I think we can start."

Mu Qinglan pushed Huo Jue towards the edge of the tub, and said something to comfort him, "Although I don't have much experience, I have seen a lot and watched many secret dramas. Don't worry, your mobility is limited. Just leave it to me!"

Huo Jue didn't know what the **** she was talking about, all he knew was that she was about to make a move, so he endured it for now.

Then she endured until Mu Qinglan finally made a move—she untied Huo Jue's girdle.

With that tone, Huo Jue almost loosened along with the girdle, barely lifted it up, and leaned against the back of the wheelchair, preventing Mu Qinglan from pulling out his girdle.

What are you doing without your hands!

Huo Jue frowned.

Seeing him like this, Mu Qinglan didn't pull her belt hard, but said, "Don't be nervous, cough... Well, I know you may not be used to it, so why don't I come first?"


Huo Jue realized that things were going differently than he expected, but he couldn't immediately understand what Mu Qinglan was up to.

The tub was still steaming, fumigated the air in the room so that it was moist and sweet.

But it couldn't compare to Mu Qinglan's sweet heart.

She is going to take a mandarin duck bath with her Huo Lang!

After the double cultivation, they are real husband and wife!

Thanks to the Mu family for going up the mountain at this time, Mu Qinglan thought to herself, otherwise Huo Lang must have been awkward for a while.

Mu Qinglan didn't know what shyness was all her life, she might be a little reserved when she unbuttoned Huo Jue's belt, holding back her excitement like unwrapping a present.

But I have no patience for **** myself.

She felt that she had to show a little sincerity first, so she raised her hand and waved her body, and there was nothing left, big or small, inside and out.

Relying on Huo Jue's invisibility, the clothes in her hands turned into flowing spiritual power, flew directly to the screen and fell gently.

Even the hair accessories on top of her head were pulled off by Mu Qinglan a few times, and they were placed on the table not far away. The long hair like a waterfall fell down, covering the girl's beautiful and graceful figure.

There was no shame on Mu Qinglan's face, and there was only the joy of going to bliss with the one she loved.

She returned to Huo Jue's side in "light clothes", grabbed Huo Jue's belt, pulled it out forcefully, and threw it on the ground.

Huo Jue was pulled forward, and subconsciously raised his hand to cling to something to sit upright, but he was caught off guard and pressed against a piece of warm, greasy soft skin.

Although Huo Jue could see a general figure with his eyes, he couldn't see any details at all. He kept this posture for two breaths, and then he suddenly realized what he was pressing, and suddenly all the hairs on his body stood up like a landslide and tsunami. up.


Mu Qinglan's hand finally did what Huo Jue wished, and pressed on his shoulder, very close to the magic weapon above his neck, but he was holding the jade token, but he didn't dare to ask Qu Shuang to come in!

He tried his best to see what was going on, but unfortunately, what his eyes could see was really limited.

Huo Jue didn't care about any magic weapon or magic weapon, so he withdrew his hand and leaned back on the wheelchair, but Mu Qinglan didn't let him, pulled his robe and tore it off, and said, "Hurry up, Huo Lang, I know you're shy, you can close it." Eyes, let's go in quickly, the bath water will be cold in a while."

"Take off your clothes, I'll hug you, I'm very strong." Mu Qinglan said softly.

"What...?" According to Mu Qinglan's words, Huo Jue finally understood what she meant. Finally, according to the five senses, I sketched in my mind what kind of ridiculous picture it is now.

At this time, Mu Qinglan had already nimbly hooked down the belt of his jacket, and the moment the skin on Huo Jue's chest touched the air, his whole body trembled.

Then he stretched out his hand and pressed it indiscriminately, and even the jade tablet clasped in his palm fell to the ground.

Crashed: "You... put on your clothes!"

Mu Qinglan: "Ah? But how do you wash your clothes..."

"Who wants to wash with you, are you crazy!" Huo Jue almost never uttered such hysterical words.

He has always been steady, even when he was severely injured by the demon **** Wan Qixiu and the Lingfu was broken, he never called out once in such a collapsed manner.

"Didn't you agree with Huo Lang?" Mu Qinglan looked puzzled, still holding on to the hem of his jacket, "You agreed that I would wait for you to take a bath."

Huo Jue was about to go crazy one step ahead. He recalled the conversation between the two of them just now, and his attitude of connivance and temptation to seduce her, and he didn't know how to explain it for a while.

His lips were trembling, his eyes under the white gauze were full of panic, but his face and neck looked like freshly cooked freshwater shrimps, and they were filled with shocking flush.

His skin was originally pale, but this redness was no exception, and with the steam still lingering in the large double tub in the room, he looked like a bun in a steamer.

"I didn't agree." Huo Jue said word by word.

"But..." Mu Qinglan was a little anxious when she saw him repent. She took off her clothes and Huo Jue told her this?

At this time, the disciples headed by Qu Shuang were waiting outside the door. Hearing a strange noise, Qu Shuang heard Huo Jue's voice, thinking that he was not in good health and could not handle Mu Qinglan, fearing that he would be hurt by Mu Qinglan again. arrive.

In a hurry, he shouted outside the door: "Young master."

Huo Jue's first reaction was to tell them to come in quickly and throw the woman out of the room!

But soon he remembered the slippery thing he accidentally touched when he leaned over before, presumably she had... already taken off her clothes.

Huo Jue felt that the air was full of magma and fire, which made people unable to calm down. He almost roared to the outside: "Don't come in, step back!"

Then Huo Jue turned his head to the other side of Mu Qinglan with twitching veins on his forehead. Even if he couldn't see anything, he felt that he would be blind again.

He barely suppressed his voice and said, "Put on your clothes and go out."

Mu Qinglan didn't know why Huo Jue suddenly repented, and why men could be so fickle?

Seeing that he was always holding on to his loose neckline, and his breathing fluctuated rapidly, he was afraid that he would tamper with the Lingfu.

She also persuaded him: "Don't get excited, if you don't get together, you won't be together, you have the final say, I'll listen to you."

Mu Qinglan raised her hand and tugged on the screen, pulled down the clothes and wrapped them around her body. All the clothes quickly returned to their original positions without tidying up.

After a while, Mu Qinglan said, "Okay, don't get excited, your complexion is not very good."

"I'll help you…"

"Stop!" Huo Jue heard Mu Qinglan walking towards him, and couldn't help remembering the slippery softness he accidentally touched before, and felt that his hands were not his own.

He said sharply, "Stay away from me three feet away!"

Mu Qinglan stood still helplessly, glanced at the large bathtub for two, and was still puzzled.

Why did the promised mandarin duck bath disappear?

An eerie silence permeated between the two of them.

"Huo Lang..." Seeing that his breathing had calmed down a little, Mu Qinglan tried to call him.

She felt that there seemed to be some misunderstanding between them. Was she too impatient? Scared him? Or will it be wrong?

Huo Jue was thinking about whether to cut off his own arm, but he trembled when she called him.

Hearing Mu Qinglan's voice, his brain seemed to be filled with magma. He turned his head too violently, and the loose white veil slipped off his face. Huo Jue's gray eyes seemed to be clearer, but The eye circles were red, as if she had cried, or as if she had been bullied severely.

Red-faced and red-faced, she yelled at Mu Qinglan, "Don't call me!"

"Come on, throw her out for me!"

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