MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 32 kiss

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As the saying goes, catching thieves and catching stolen goods, catching **** and taking double, and taking double in bed.

There is no room for sophistry in this matter.

Apart from cursing in her heart and complaining that Duan Qinxuan was running around without sleeping in the middle of the night, Mu Qinglan couldn't think of any explanation to explain this scene.

Her disciple was lying on Huo Jue's bed, and she escaped from Huo Jue's window in the middle of the night and was caught, which looked like an affair.

Mu Qinglan knelt on the ground and bowed her head and acted very well-behaved. She couldn't be well-behaved. Duan Qinxuan was her master. As far as the current situation is concerned, Mu Qinglan may be fighting purely with force, and it will be difficult for her to defeat her.

And even for Huo Jue, it is impossible for Mu Qinglan to be disrespectful to Duan Qinxuan. Now that he was arrested, for now, he can only admit his mistake obediently and wait for his punishment honestly.

Huo Jue quickly tidied up his clothes, while Duan Qinxuan's eyes flicked back and forth between Mu Qinglan and Huo Jue, his complexion was green, red, black and black, and the changes never stopped.

Although Duan Qinxuan has a straightforward temperament, he is not an impulsive person. Even if this kind of scene shocked her, it would not affect her thinking.

Huo Jue's subconscious nervousness and protection were not fake. And with Huo Jue's temperament, if he doesn't want to, no one can do anything to him except kill him. He even let Mu Qinglan go to bed, these two people... maybe they are in love?

Junior brother...has an affair with Mu Qinglan?

"Get up." Duan Qinxuan said to Mu Qinglan, "Get up, put on your clothes, stand outside the Xuesong courtyard, and wake up properly."

Huo Jue is the young master, Duan Qinxuan's younger brother, and Mu Qinglan's younger martial uncle. Regardless of whether they are in love with each other or not, this... is immoral.

This is ridiculous!

Mu Qinglan thought of a set of explanations, and was about to say that she was obsessed with Huo Jue, so as not to embarrass Huo Jue.

Caught in bed by his senior sister, Huo Jue has such a strong temper, what should he do if he can't think about it and wants to die, or just break up with her?

But before she could speak, Huo Jue said: "Senior Sister, it's cold at night, let her go back to Bingchen Courtyard to rest first."

Huo Jue's voice was gentle, Mu Qinglan turned to look at his expression, and carefully discerned his expression, but she was surprised that he didn't find him holding back the embarrassment.

And what Huo Jue said next surprised Mu Qinglan even more.

"Senior sister, don't blame Qinglan, I kept her overnight."

Mu Qinglan: "..." What did Huo Jue call her? Seiran? Why doesn't he call it that in private!

Duan Qinxuan: "..." She drew her breath and coughed twice, her expression was as if she had swallowed a snake alive.

After tidying up his clothes, Huo Jue reached for the wheelchair, sat on it, and then said to Duan Qinxuan: "Senior sister came to me late at night, she must have something important to discuss, sit down."

"Qinglan," Huo Jue said in a gentle voice, "you go back tonight, there is morning class tomorrow."

Mu Qinglan looked at him stupidly, while Huo Jue's expression was not tense, but calm.

The moment he accepted Mu Qinglan, he thought of today, Huo Jue has always been like this, he acts openly and aboveboard, and is a man of the moon and breeze. Even if Mu Qinglan is a monster, he didn't intend to hide it.

Mu Qinglan found the answer from Huo Jue's indifferent expression, her heart was filled with honey, and it was about to flow out of her eyes.

She said to Huo Jue: "Then I'll go back first, you talk to Master, and I'll have breakfast with you tomorrow morning?"

"Okay." Huo Jue responded.

Mu Qinglan looked at Duan Qinxuan, Duan Qinxuan nodded with an incomprehensible expression, Mu Qinglan got up, and swaggered away from the main entrance.

The disciple who guarded the gate at night saw Mu Qinglan come out of Huo Jue's room at this time, and his eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.

Mu Qinglan didn't rest when she returned to Bingchen Courtyard, she just cleaned up and went to prepare breakfast for Huo Jue.

While Huo Jue and Duan Qinxuan faced each other silently for a while in the room, it was Duan Qinxuan who couldn't hold back and said: "Junior brother, why are you so confused, you..."

"If you liked her, why didn't you marry her directly, why did you let her worship me as a teacher!"

"Now that you are her uncle, you are with her again... You want the disciples to know, how do you think of you? How do you think of her?"

"And she, you, what's going on with her!"

Holding a glass of water in his hand, Huo Jue took a sip slowly, feeling calmer than he thought.

After Duan Qinxuan finished speaking, Huo Jue said, "I wanted her to worship under the elder Yushan, but I didn't expect my senior sister to like her aptitude and wanted to accept her as an apprentice."

Duan Qinxuan was stunned for a moment, and then said in astonishment: "Didn't you want to accept her as a disciple yourself? Then why didn't you say earlier that if she worshiped under Elder Guan Zishi, she would be equal to us, and you can do whatever you want with her."

"You you you... you are confused, junior brother!"

"The situation in the sect is so tense now, if you continue to report that you are not clear with my apprentice, those people will have more reason to arrange you and let you hand over the right to act as the head of the sect."

Huo Jue actually laughed when he heard this, and said, "Could it be that if I don't hang out with the juniors, the other elders in the sect will support me as the head?"

"Senior Sister, what's the big deal if I'm of the same generation or not. Even if I really accepted her as an apprentice that day, if I'm in love with her, I think it's okay to do so."

"You..." Duan Qinxuan was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

She really had the feeling that the emperor was bewitched by the demon concubine, and the mountains and rivers were about to be broken.

Huo Jue has always acted well and calmly, but this is the first time he has said such outrageous words.

"Senior Sister, I have thought about a lot of things these days, and I have thought about many things clearly." Huo Jue said, "Whether it is the life of a human, a demon, a demon, or a monk, you really don't need to care too much about other people's opinions to live."

"Otherwise, when you are about to die, what kind of happy memories will you use to remember the past? To comfort your life?"

Huo Jue was going down the process of decline, thinking about the past carefully, he thought that there was nothing he did according to his own will, and there was nothing that made him smile when he recalled it before he died.

Only Mu Qinglan, who was killed halfway, added a touch of color to his long and boring life for ordinary people.

How could he not be attracted by this bright color, how could he not be addicted to it.

He would be attracted to Mu Qinglan, it was something that was preordained long ago.

"Junior Brother... Are you, are you..." What did you think of?

Duan Qinxuan looked at Huo Jue, and looked at him with horror. Although his tone was calm, his words were full of arrogance.

Thinking of when he was a teenager, he also acted recklessly, and the youth was fresh and lively.

Yes... That incident made Huo Jue an overly calm and cold person. Duan Qinxuan has always thought that Huo Jue's behavior is very good, but today she saw a glimpse of Huo Jue's former appearance, and she also felt that without that incident, Huo Jue would be a young man who is as unrestrained and graceful as a god.

If Huo Jue had always looked like that, how could he be in this situation today.

"What do you remember?" Huo Jue asked, tilting his head slightly.

With a flash in Duan Qinxuan's eyes, he subconsciously shook his head.

But soon, she realized that Huo Jue couldn't see, so she said, "It's nothing."

"You and Mu Qinglan can't go on in this ambiguity," Duan Qinxuan said, "After I take care of the Mu family's affairs, I will expel her from the sect and let Elder Yushan accept her."

"Junior brother, do you like her?"

Duan Qinxuan still couldn't believe it, because Huo Jue obviously didn't like someone like Mu Qinglan.

Huo Jue gave an affirmative answer without even the slightest hesitation: "I like it."

Huo Jue said frankly: "It's only when I'm with her that I feel that maybe there's still something to be alive."

This is really too much. Duan Qinxuan was terrified when he heard this, but at the same time felt sore.

After Huo Jue's Lingfu was shattered, he always pretended that nothing happened, but Duan Qinxuan knew that he had long wanted to die, but he didn't know how to persuade him.

Now that he said this, he admitted frankly that he didn't want to live at all before. If it wasn't for the burden of the sect, he might have killed himself long ago.

And now that Mu Qinglan has become the taste of his life, what else can Duan Qinxuan say? what else can i do Isn't that forcing her junior brother to die?

Of course Huo Jue said this on purpose, but these confessions to Duan Qinxuan were indeed the truth that he would not even say to Mu Qinglan.

Speaking of which, he and Mu Qinglan had known each other for less than two months, but Huo Jue felt that their love came naturally, and everything was not in a hurry, as it should be.

"Are you really not afraid of gossip in the doorway, and it will be destroyed?" Duan Qinxuan's temper was more stubborn than Huo Jue's.

Huo Jue shook his head: "Senior Sister, now that the world is upside down due to the Pluto Sea, almost all ethnic groups are starting over again. Not only the Tianyuan Sword Sect has been hit hard, but the other three sects are also in turmoil."

"I don't know how many mortal sects were destroyed when the spirit cave and the devil's cave appeared. Now that everyone is too busy to take care of themselves, who would hold on to such a little love affair?"

Besides, the real problem between him and Mu Qinglan is not the difference in status, but the difference in species.

Huo Jue would never tell about Mu Qinglan being a demon, not even Duan Qinxuan. If he is really lucky enough to be able to reshape his body, he will pass on the head of the sect to Duan Qinxuan.

Humans and monsters have different paths, but there is always a place for them in the world. If it really doesn't work, it's a big deal that he will go to Tianwaitian like Immortal Master Yanling, and maybe he can find a peaceful place.

Duan Qinxuan was not persuaded by Huo Jue, and her brows were furrowed together, but she couldn't control Huo Jue, she couldn't do things like beating mandarin ducks with sticks.

Moreover, the people Huo Jue identified, the things he identified were difficult to die, even Huo Yuanfei was helpless when the head of Huo Yuanfei was alive, so what could she do?

"Senior sister, don't talk about me anymore, what is the reason why you came here with a leak?"

Duan Qinxuan froze when asked, she might not have been able to say anything about Huo Jue, but now because of Huo Jue's own "rebellion", it seems that it is not so hard to say.

Duan Qinxuan scratched his ears and cheeks for a while, but raised his hand to set up a barrier to prevent anyone from snooping.

Then he explained the deal between Luo Feng and the Mu family in detail.

Huo Jue was speechless for a long time after listening to it. He never thought that it would be alright for him to be apostate, but his senior sister's apprentice also...

Duan Qinxuan waited for quite a while, but Huo Jue didn't speak. Duan Qinxuan couldn't take it anymore, hit his arm with the scabbard and asked, "Junior brother, what do you think about this matter!"

Huo Jue pursed his lower lip, and said, "What do you think, Senior Sister?"

"If I knew what to do, I wouldn't come to you in the middle of the night to ask questions!"

"You say you... and me, what kind of fate is this, what's going on at the stall!"

"Ah Feng has the will to die, and the guilt is unspeakable. If I ask him, he must have been bewitched by some strange things fed by the Mu family. If he doesn't make up his mind as soon as possible, then the child may not survive."

Huo Jue didn't comment on Luo Feng's rebellious feelings, but he didn't feel overwhelmed. After all, Beisong Mountain is already chaotic enough, and it can't be helped if it is more chaotic.

"If the Mu family gave him merman meat, it means that the Mu family indeed kept merman in captivity."

Mu Qinglan had also mentioned this matter once before. Mu Qinglan told Huo Jue that the young lady of the Mu family, Mu Wanran, didn't like him and liked a mermaid, so she refused to marry him.

But Huo Jue didn't believe it at that time, but now he does.

"Old Sovereign Mu's wife died at the hands of evil spirits, and he hates evil spirits the most in his life," Huo Jue said, "It must be that the eldest lady of the Mu family, Mu Wanran, is determined to do what she wants by harboring sharks."

"After all, it is an orthodox sect. If we are in contact with evil spirits, then we don't have to worry about them coming up the mountain in the name of justice." Duan Qinxuan said, "Don't worry, junior brother, I will send someone to Mu's house to investigate. Now I don't believe that the old Sect Master Mu is in charge of the family, the Mu family is the largest sect in the mortal world of Beisong Kingdom, and the generations and the royal family complement each other, how dare to pamper the younger generation and harbor evil spirits."

"En." Huo Jue responded.

Bringing the topic back again, he said, "Senior sister, in fact, Ah Feng's matter is not difficult to deal with."

"Up to now, there are not many disciples left in the sect, so there is no need to worry about the sect's rules," Huo Jue said slowly, "It depends on what the senior sister thinks about this matter."

"If you feel that expelling the evil disciple from the sect will make you feel better, then you don't have to worry about his life."

"If you feel that he is dead and you can't bear it in your heart, then abolish his cultivation and imprison him in the gate."

The more Huo Jue said, the paler Duan Qinxuan's expression became.

Huo Jue seemed to be able to see her expression, sighed and said: "But senior sister, that child was brought up by you, and the friendship is even stronger than that of you and my senior sister and brother. You are really willing to abandon him, so you don't have to rush into it in the middle of the night. Enter the Cedar Court."

Duan Qinxuan's lips moved, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Huo Jue said: "You and I are blind now. You are in charge of everything in the door. What do you find out and how do you deal with it? How dare the disciples comment?"

Huo Jue is clearly letting Duan Qinxuan favoritism.

Duan Qinxuan was terrified, he didn't understand why his junior, who had always followed the rules and never went out of the way, was so desperate.

Huo Jue seemed to know what she was thinking, and said to himself, "Senior sister, when a person dies, there is nothing left."

"I walked on the edge of life and death, and then I realized what is the way of the common people, what is the right result of cultivation, but it is just a passing cloud."

When Duan Qinxuan went out from Huo Jue's Cedar Courtyard, he couldn't find a way to deal with Luo Feng, and he couldn't figure out anything.

But her frowned eyebrows relaxed a little, she had to hurry to look at Luo Feng, not to let him seek death.

At least not let him die. The younger brother said that when a person dies, there is nothing left.

Huo Jue didn't rest anymore, he simply took a shower at this time, and then faced the window, feeling the sky brighten up.

His eyes were better than yesterday, and his sensitivity to light was stronger. When the morning sun hit the window sash directly, Huo Jue even had to cover his eyes with white gauze, otherwise his eyes would be sore and painful.

He just covered his eyes when Mu Qinglan arrived with a box full of delicious food.

Although Mu Qinglan was swaggering and arrogant when entering the Cedar Courtyard, but when she entered the room and saw Huo Jue, Mu Qinglan felt a little uneasy.

She was the one who had to stay last night, and she was also caught by Duan Qinxuan because she couldn't escape.

She was afraid that Huo Jue would blame her and want to break up with her or something, so she was careful when setting out the food.

However, Mu Qinglan seemed humble. If Huo Jue really regretted it, or drove her away, it was impossible for Mu Qinglan to leave alone, weeping silently.

She will steal Huo Jue away, and then use the name of "a man who abandons his heart from beginning to end" to justifiably lock Huo Jue on Xiangjun Mountain.

She was not a woman who would be thrown away casually.

She even secretly hoped that Huo Jue would be the best at betraying his heart, so that she wouldn't have to hide the matter of living with trepidation.

Now that the life support formation is activated, the lives of the two are linked together, and Huo Jue's even seeking death has become an extravagant hope.

Mu Qinglan whispered, "Huo Lang, it's time to eat."

Huo Jue turned the wheelchair and turned around, following Mu Qinglan's direction. Mu Qinglan pushed him to the table, lowered her body to his head and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"En." Huo Jue actually responded to this nonsense.

Mu Qinglan was overjoyed and said, "I made your favorite lady-in-law cake!"

"What?" Huo Jue sat at the table and wiped his hands carefully with the towel that Mu Qinglan twisted for him.

"It's the kind of salty and sweet pancakes you like to eat, hahahaha, that thing is called lady-in-law pancakes in the mortal world, and it's made by women for husbands at home."

Mu Qinglan stretched her arms around his neck and said, "You have eaten so many of my concubine cakes, you are determined to be my husband."

Huo Jue was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

This kind of thing is called conspiracy when wishful thinking, and it is a beautiful thing that is icing on the cake if it is said after the two are happy.

Mu Qinglan saw Huo Jue's short smile, and the snow lotus bloomed like an iceberg melting. Presumably, he was in a good mood, so she took the opportunity to say, "Last night... Huo Lang, it's all my fault. You won't be angry with me, will you? I know that my master will come to you at that time."

As Mu Qinglan said, she handed a mother-in-law cake to Huo Jue.

Huo Jue took it, took a bite, chewed and swallowed it, and then said: "Senior Sister was in a hurry last night, and she was found out that the Mu family colluded with evil spirits, so she came here late at night."

Huo Jue even explained, "She doesn't usually come into my house casually."

When Mu Qinglan heard Huo Jue say this, her brows raised high, and she asked again: "Then... you won't break up with me just because things have been exposed?"

Huo Jue was confused for a moment, and said, "Why? I have already explained to my senior sister that I am the one who keeps you overnight, and I... I like you. Don't worry, my senior sister will not make things difficult for you."

Although Mu Qinglan was fully prepared, no matter how Huo Jue reacted, there was a way to deal with it.

But she didn't expect that Huo Jue was so calm that he would still defend her!

In fact, when she married Beisongshan, she was ready to have an affair with Huo Jue, but was not recognized by him.

She thought that it doesn't matter if Huo Jue is an irresponsible scum in the storybook, anyway, she has the ability to make Huo Jue unable to find anyone else except her.

But no matter what, being defended and admitted by someone she likes, even on the premise that the other party knows that she is a "monster", how can Mu Qinglan not be ecstatic?

"Then you didn't blame me for not hiding it for you, and you're still willing to be with me, right?" Mu Qinglan grabbed Huo Jue's hand and said excitedly, "I didn't get caught by my master on purpose last night, I ran late gone."

"I know you didn't mean it," Huo Jue said with a bit of cake residue on the corner of his mouth, "You are moving slowly because the demon core is in my body."

"Ah? Ah." Mu Qinglan responded, saying no in her heart, because the life-giving array was about to drain my vitality.

"From now on, you don't have to come here secretly in the middle of the night, you can come whenever you want." Huo Jue pulled out his hand, patted Mu Qinglan, and said softly, "I never thought of hiding our relationship between you and me."

"Is it...exciting?" Mu Qinglan has only seen people who are still attached to each other after a lifetime in her scripts.

She felt that Huo Jue would definitely not be the kind of person who waited for the wild waves, but unexpectedly, he turned out to be a slow one!

Burning kills people, this is it.

"Then I can legitimately be with you?" Mu Qinglan couldn't believe it.

"It will take some time to make up the wedding." Huo Jue said, "You know the situation in the door now, the big formation has not yet restarted, and I also need someone to prepare."

"The most important thing is that if I can't reshape my body, everything is empty talk. Besides, the wedding can only temporarily follow the mortal etiquette, because you and I can't swear an oath."

One person and one monster will not be blessed by heaven, and will expose Mu Qinglan's identity.

Huo Jue said, "When the chaos in the door is settled, if I can find the lotus of rebirth, I will make people prepare for the wedding."

Mu Qinglan's eyes were as bright as broken stars, and she nodded with a "hmm."

He wants to marry her dignifiedly!

"Huo Lang." Mu Qinglan got up and hugged him, rubbing her face against his, wiped off the white gauze covering his eyes, and said mushyly, "Why are you so good? I really I like you so much."

Huo Jue was pushed back, his face was distorted, he showed a helpless smile, his ears felt a little hot, he raised his hand and patted Mu Qinglan's back, and said softly, "It's done."

Mu Qinglan backed away a little, held Huo Jue's face again and said "Hey", and said, "Your eyes have brightened a lot, can you see it?"

Huo Jue wanted to say that he could see a little light, but Mu Qinglan's next sentence was: "I am very good-looking, and my whole body is very beautiful. If you can see me, I will show you at night."

Huo Jue held back the words that he could be sensitive to light.

His ears were hot, and he couldn't imagine the scene Mu Qinglan let him watch, so he said vaguely, "I was blinded by the devil's energy, it's not going to get better."

"It will be fine." Mu Qinglan said seriously.

"Eat and eat."

The two had breakfast together.

When Mu Qinglan was about to finish eating, she said, "Hey, you're going to marry me, and you secretly take a bath without me all day without drying your hair."

When she was cleaning the table, she gave Huo Jue a cleansing technique and dried his hair.

Huo Jue remained silent, while Mu Qinglan circled around him again.

Hug for a while, touch for a while.

Huo Jue couldn't resist, and asked, "Don't you need to go to the snowy field to practice swords today?"

"Hey, Master didn't go back to Cedar Courtyard last night, so he probably didn't have time to talk to me. I don't have morning class today!"

"If the sect is normal, the morning classes are not only arranged by your master, but also taught by the elders in the sect. The teachings are all different."

Huo Jue sighed and said, "Elder Guan Zishi returned to the mountain today. When he returns to the mountain, he can teach you some other techniques."

"No need, just teach me?"

Mu Qinglan said: "Sect Master, you will teach me some special skills yourself?"

When Huo Jue thought about it, it was not impossible.

"That's right, you can continue to draw talismans with me. I will find out the book of talismans and seals for you, and you can just follow the drawing."

When the two of them arrived at the desk, Huo Jue found two or three talisman books from his memory, and said, "You are very talented. I taught you last time. You learned so quickly. Those who are beginners, just look at them." You can almost learn it."

Although these Huo Jue were beginners, even Qu Shuang, his disciples, might not be able to draw and apply all these talismans.

Mu Qinglan studied it very seriously at the beginning, adjusted the talisman water, and held the talisman paper to look good.

But as she drew, her eyes began to stick to Huo Jue.

He asked Huo Jue solemnly: "This talisman to attract thunder is so complicated, can Huo Lang take me to draw it twice?"

Huo Jue was also drawing a talisman, and it was said that the one under his hand would be useless.

He remembered that the two of them drew talismans before, and Mu Qinglan knew how to draw talismans, and she repeated the things he was asked to bring.

If he wanted to refuse, he knew that Mu Qinglan's mind was impure.

How decent is this broad daylight.

But he said: "The Lightning Charm is widely used, and it is also strong against evil spirits and monsters. But if you use it, you should not use the original version, so as not to hurt yourself."

Huo Jue picked up the pen, thought for a while, and slowly drew on the talisman paper an improved version that was similar to the lightning-inducing talisman, but would not be attacked indiscriminately if Mu Qinglan attracted it.

In fact, it is to add a layer of protection spell to the bearer on the Lightning Charm.

"Follow this painting." Huo Jue said.

"No." Mu Qinglan pushed forward.

Huo Jue: "..."

He was silent for a moment, and Mu Qinglan didn't say anything, just looked at him and poked him with her elbow from time to time.

Huo Jue coughed twice, and said softly, "Then stand up a bit."

Mu Qinglan stood up, and then...sat directly on Huo Jue's lap.

He took his two hands, put one around his waist, and put the other on his arm, and said: "Teach me this way, the teacher taught people to write in the script, that's how it is taught."

Huo Jue was suffocating, his face turned red in the blink of an eye.

He was stuck in his throat, and before he could spit it out, he felt Mu Qinglan squeeze into his arms again, and the two of them pressed their hearts to their backs, unable to write any words at all.

Huo Jue really wanted to know what nonsense books Mu Qinglan was reading.

"Huo Lang..." Mu Qinglan called out to Huo Jue in a thousand-turn tune.

Huo Jue's hand holding the pen trembled, and the tip of the pen dripped with cinnabar talisman water, blooming red flowers.

Sitting on Huo Jue's body, Mu Qinglan turned her head, moved her lips close to him, and touched the tip of his nose with the tip of her nose.

The two breathed entangledly, and Huo Jue's blood burst into flames like lit willow catkins.

Mu Qinglan looked at Huo Jue's flailing eyelashes, and her throat felt dry, drawing a ghostly talisman, she just wanted to go to Wushan with Huo Jue.

"Huo Lang." Mu Qinglan called softly, "Huo Lang."

Huo Jue's throat rolled, and he restrained himself from clenching the jade pen tightly, his knuckles turned blue and white.

Mu Qinglan pressed against Huo Jue's lips as she spoke, and touched his lips twice, as if she hadn't.

Huo Jue opened his mouth, but was too dumb to say anything.

His eyelashes were like a pair of butterfly wings, landing on the spider web, struggling a little, and finally exhausted.

Although he was weak due to the broken spiritual palace, he was a man after all.

A woman with a love in his arms cannot be a man who is empty of everything.

Huo Jue closed his eyes and told himself in his heart that this was too indecent. They have not yet become a Taoist couple, he is disabled and sick, he may not have the opportunity to reshape, he can't do anything recklessly and ruin Mu Qinglan's innocence.

But the heart is like twin silk nets, they are all entangled into thousands of knots in Mu Qinglan's affectionate Huo Lang.

Huo Jue threw away the pen he was clutching, grabbed Mu Qinglan's arm, and pulled her up from his lap—with force, Mu Qinglan was pulled into a half circle on the spot, and then pulled back by Huo Jue. Sitting face to face on his lap.

Huo Jue raised his head slightly, staring at her, as if he could see her clearly, twisted her arm behind him with one hand and pressed her, forcing her to lean towards Huo Jue, and gently touched her with the other hand face—then the palm slid into the back of her neck, pressing her down hard.

When their lips touched, Mu Qinglan's eyes widened in shock, but after a brief moment of tenderness, Huo Jue pried open Mu Qinglan's teeth almost roughly.

He is like a mad demon, a Buddha who is tempted, like falling into a sea of ​​smoke, and he will never recover.

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