MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 4 obedient

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Huo Jue was born in the snow-capped Cedar Mountain that connects the sky and the earth, and his whole body is as clean as the thousands of miles of snowfield in Beisong Mountain.

I have never experienced such a thing in my life, and I was a little dumbfounded for a while, and my whole body froze, and I didn't even know to hide for a while.

Then "Qu Shuang" couldn't control himself for a while, and a phantom came out of the raised hand.

Then when the phantom slowly condensed, it grew above Qu Shuang's hand, with ten slender fingers reaching out to Huo Jue.

This was like a haunted scene, but Fan Huo Jue was not blind, so he must have been shocked.

It's a pity that Huo Jue couldn't see anything, the hand that condensed out of nowhere above Qu Shuang's arm, which replaced Qu Shuang, pressed against his lips again.

The fragrance of plants and trees became stronger, and the fingertips, which were as white as jade, trembled after they were placed on Huo Jue's lips.

But soon he made an inch, and pressed his fingers into Huo Jue's lips, was blocked by Huo Jue's teeth, and was scalded by the heat in his mouth, and then with a "swish", he withdrew his hand.

"Qu Shuang" put down the bowl, and the expression on the fingers holding him was also very blurred. The wetness and temperature of Huo Jue's mouth seemed to remain on the fingertips, and this temperature gradually turned into numbness, spreading from the fingertips all the way To the apex.

As the saying goes, ten fingers connect to the heart...

"Qu Shuang" was very irritated, and the two of them were relatively speechless for a while.

After a long while, Huo Jue frowned, sorted out his confused thoughts, and was about to open his mouth to leave "Qu Shuang" to hide in the rebirth pool, "Qu Shuang" got up and ran away by himself.

"Qu Shuang"'s ears were burning, his soul was burning, and his blood was rushing wildly in his body.

After running outside the door, his knees suddenly softened, his eyes flashed, and he smashed towards the ground in an instant.

At the same time, Mu Qinglan, who had been meditating by the window of Sushuang Pavilion, suddenly opened her eyes.

She blushed, and directly raised her hand to bite her numb fingertips. In a few breaths, her face was like a peach blossom, beautiful and affectionate, her eyes were flowing, and she silently looked at the Cedar Courtyard where Huo Jue was.

The Xuesong Courtyard was a bit chaotic at the moment, the two disciples guarding the gate hurriedly helped Qu Shuang who fell to the ground inexplicably, each of them was very frightened.

Cultivators are different from mortals. At Qu Shuang's peak level of delusion-shattering realm, the only possibility of falling and dying is serious injury.

But if he came out of the young master's room properly, how could he fall unconscious?

Qu Shuang woke up quickly, feeling very confused, Huo Jue hurriedly called Qu Shuang to come in when he heard the voice.

After asking, it turns out that Qu Shuang doesn't remember anything, and Qu Shuang's memory actually stays before falling asleep last night.

"I don't remember getting up this morning..." Qu Shuang said in surprise, "Sect Master, the juniors said that I was in your room before, what did I do and what did I say?"

Qu Shuang was a monk, even if he wasn't particularly outstanding, he was at least a direct disciple of the dead head master Huo Yuanfei.

He knew his situation, and he was afraid that he was controlled by others. Combined with the current situation in the door, the person who controlled him must want to seek the magic weapon rebirth pool that Huo Jue carried with him!

You must know that even if there is no rebirth lotus, the rebirth pool cannot bring people back to life and reshape the muscles and bones, but it is a holy product for healing that is better than the best elixir.

For monks, the rebirth pool is equivalent to a small spiritual vein. If Huo Jue's Lingfu had not been broken and irretrievable, the rebirth pool would have warmed him up long ago.

Qu Shuang asked frightenedly: "Sect Leader, when I lost control, did you have any idea to use the rebirth pool?! The rebirth pool is now..."

"It's still on me." Before Huo Jue had time to hide the rebirth pool, he heard that Qu Shuang had passed out.

Huo Jue didn't know why the person who occupied Qu Shuang left suddenly, but he knew that the Qu Shuang in front of him was normal.

Qu Shuang also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the respawn pool was still there.

But at the same time, Qu Shuang poured spiritual power into the meridians to check his physical condition, but quickly said to Huo Jue with a strange expression: "My body's meridians are smooth, and there is no abnormality in the Lingfu..."

Huo Jue frowned slightly when he heard about it.

He couldn't figure it out again.

If it was the cocoon soul cultivator who had conspired to seize the magic weapon, it would be impossible for Qu Shuang's body to be safe and sound. There is a huge gap between Cocoon Soul and the peak of Shattering Delusion Realm. This is like a tank that can hold water, but cannot withstand the sudden arrival of a boulder.

The monks who have been descended by the spirit will have their meridians torn apart, and their spiritual palace will be shattered in severe cases.

But Qu Shuang's body was safe and sound, this is wrong.

Qu Shuang obviously also knew that his state didn't look like being descended by spirits, the two senior brothers racked their brains, but couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Young master, what should we do?" Qu Shuang had no idea, and asked Huo Jue instinctively.

Huo Jue's eyes were covered with white gauze, and he was sitting in a wheelchair like Yushan, his heart was anxious and confused, but his face was still calm.

He raised his hand and said to Qu Shuang, "Come here."

Qu Shuang hurriedly approached, standing in front of Huo Jue like a silly pillar, not understanding what Huo Jue meant.

Huo Jue moved his outstretched hand, pressed down his slender and fair palm, and said, "Squat down."

Only then did Qu Shuang squat down and let Huo Jue put his hands on top of his head.

"Grab my other hand and send me spiritual power." Huo Jue ordered.

Qu Shuang complied.

Huo Jue couldn't use his spiritual power by himself, but the spiritual power that Qu Shuang sent into his meridians was still useful.

It's like a bamboo basket leaking water, but as long as the speed is fast and the volume is large, there will always be some left when the water comes out, and these are enough.

A bright light flashed in the room, and Huo Jue hovered above Qu Shuang's head with his palm, and quickly drew a well-known magic circle on top of Qu Shuang's head.

Because of Huo Jue's forcible use of spiritual power, the blood on his face was instantly wiped clean. With a pale face, he gritted his teeth and pressed the formation into Qu Shuang Lingtai.

"It's the solid soul array!" Qu Shuang only felt that his soul was turned into a spiritual flow array, like a needle thread, tightly sewn into his body.

After Huo Jue withdrew his hand, his breathing was scattered, and his trembling palms were powerless to hang down.

"Young master!" Qu Shuang hurriedly supported Huo Jue's uncontrollable body, which fell forward, and poured spiritual power into his meridians.

But it's useless, people with broken spirit mansions use their spiritual power, which will only speed up the speed of spiritual power collapse.

The spiritual power submerging into Huo Jue's body was like a mud cow entering the sea, Qu Shuang could only hold back his hands, supporting Huo Jue, and shouted anxiously: "Less master, less master..."

"I'm fine..." Huo Jue's voice was weak, his lips turned blue.

Supporting Qu Shuang's hands, he propped up his body, leaned against the back of the chair and said, "After you have fixed your soul, don't go to sleep these days, and remember to add another restriction when you enter meditation at night to prevent being controlled again."

Qu Shuang nodded. It should be that he was too tired from running around these days and couldn't hold on to sleep last night, otherwise he wouldn't have been taken advantage of by others.

"Young master, you should enter the rebirth pool to recuperate." Qu Shuang suggested.

Huo Jue shook his head.

It's useless, his spiritual palace is broken, it's all futile.

Besides, opening the rebirth pool in Cedar Court now, isn't it attracting people to **** it? Although the sect never took the disciples to escape, the Fourth Elder and the Seventh Elder who had been eyeing the Rebirth Pond all the time, couldn't guarantee that they wouldn't take the opportunity to make trouble.

It is impossible for Huo Jue to take such a risk in order to nourish his body.

Huo Jue leaned on the chair with his elbows, braced himself and said, "It's all right, is there any news about Elder Yushan?"

Elder Yushan is the elder Guan Zishi sent by Huo Jue. He is the third elder in the sect.

"Elder Yushan did not send a letter back, and now the head of the Hengjue Sect has become the Immortal Master Yanling."

Qu Shuang said: "Immortal Master Yan Ling appears and disappears, and it is said that he will go to Tianwaitian with... that demon cultivator, but there is no trace of him."

Huo Jue nodded slowly, unable to hold on anymore.

But he refused to show it in front of Qu Shuang, Qu Shuang didn't have a mind, he only knew how to follow orders, and it was extremely easy to get distracted and be seen by others.

Nowadays, even the guards stationed by the royal family in the sect have impure purposes. Huo Jue, as a useless person in the sect, relies on his previous power to deter everyone.

He is like being in a pack of wolves. Once he shows weakness, the pack of wolves will inevitably attack him.

Therefore, Huo Jue gritted his teeth, the thin veins on his forehead were raised, he raised his hand to cover his head, and said to Qu Shuang: "Go, pay close attention to the two elders in the door, and you can relax a little when the senior sister comes back. , these days, thank you for your hard work..."

"What did the senior brother say, but the senior sister sent a letter, and she will be back soon."

"Hmm." Huo Jue suppressed his trembling.

Qu Shuang, a heartless person, thought that Huo Jue was fine if he showed that he was fine, and he didn't know how to investigate his "landslide" spiritual mansion, which was silently tormenting him because of the use of spiritual energy just now.

Qu Shuang was used to obeying and relying on Huo Jue and his senior sisters and brothers since he was a child, so he didn't have that string in his mind.

So Qu Shuang went out to meditate.

When Qu Shuang went out, Huo Jue's arms flickered, he couldn't hold on anymore, and collapsed on the chair in a state of embarrassment, cold sweat was about to soak his back.

With trembling hands, he held down the knife-like Lingfu, panting carefully, not daring to take a large breath.

After a long time, he let out a miserable laugh dripping with sweat, moved the wheelchair with difficulty, and returned to the side of the bed.

Huo Jue almost crawled back onto the bed, covered in sweat, he didn't have the strength to change clothes, wash up, let alone apply cleaning techniques to himself.

He didn't even have the strength to pull the quilt, so he could only hunched over, reluctantly shrunk himself on the bed, and lay on his side to endure this wave of turmoil in the Lingfu, the pain like being stabbed by a knife.

Before he passed out, he managed to gather some strength, and put the rebirth pool, the magic weapon that he had been wearing close to his body, in the hidden cabinet next to the bed.

There is a miniature ring space inside, except for the rune code, it is difficult to find, and it is even more difficult to break.

After hiding the respawn pool, Huo Jue finally couldn't hold on anymore and passed out.

He had a very chaotic dream. In the dream, he was only a teenager, and he went down the mountain with his senior sister and juniors to practice. What they were dealing with was a nightmare beast, not fierce enough, but hard to catch.

And it must enter a person's dream, and only when it is eating the dream can it be caught.

Since ancient times, the dirtiest thing is the human heart.

Especially for those who have never practiced, the thoughts and desires in their minds can turn into raging waves, devouring and smashing the dreamer.

They were injured in the dreams of several people. One night, they entered a dream, but it was peaceful and warm.

In the dream, there was only a young girl, holding the injured little beast in her hand and feeding it.

The little beast was the Nightmare Beast that incarnated in the girl's dream. It was hunted down by them for a long time, and all four legs were injured.

In this dream, it doesn't need to weave ridiculous dreams of **** and wealth, and can heal its wounds in the soft palm of the girl. It doesn't even eat the dream of the girl, and the monks are all stunned for a while.

How can a mortal have such a pure heart, which even many monks who have attained the Tao cannot do.

Huo Jue walked over and asked the girl for the Nightmare Beast.

The girl's long black hair hung down beside her, and she slowly turned her head when she heard this—

"Brother, drink it, drink the medicine, and you will feel better."

Huo Jue seemed to be pulled from a ridiculous dream and fell into another dream, becoming a nightmare beast lying in the girl's palm.

His limp limbs were dragged gracefully, and those hands avoided all his inhuman pain.

He was in a daze, and he hadn't fully woken up yet, only hearing a gentle voice coaxing in his ear.

"Brother, be obedient and open your mouth."

Huo Jue was so thirsty that his throat was on fire.

He opened his mouth instinctively, pouring the slightly bitter soup into his mouth.

This soup is not like medicine at all, it has a fragrance like grass, trees and flowers, as soon as you drink it, the soft spiritual power instantly calms the restless and torn meridians, and the turbulence in the spiritual mansion is also smoothed out by the gentle warmth.

Huo Jue suddenly woke up.

He opened his eyes, but couldn't see anything.

I was leaning tightly in another person's arms.

A familiar voice called his senior brother.

The solid soul seal is useless! Qu Shuang is under control again!

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