MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 43 You have

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Fortunately, although Mu Qinglan said all kinds of embarrassing things, she didn't just say those things all day long.

Most of the time, Huo Jue heard Mu Qinglan introducing him to the scenery and animals of Xiangjun Mountain.

At first, Huo Jue couldn't accept what Mu Qinglan said about their past.

He couldn't understand why he was really confused with an inhuman?

But every day he hears Mu Qinglan's cheerful voice. She told him that there are many Xiangjun trees in Xiangjun Mountain, also known as husband and wife trees; Like the double lotus, the same root is twin, the vines are luxuriant and intertwined, and there is a lot of resin slurry. It is the favorite tree of Chaifu who cuts wood.

She told him that there are very few wolves, tigers and leopards in the mountains, and the small animals live freely.

She said that since she woke up in the mountain and became conscious, all the wolves, tigers and leopards in Xiangjun Mountain have been imported. And because most of the animals in the mountains have spirits, wolves, tigers and leopards can't catch them, and they are often hungry, so they will leave soon after they come.

She told him that there were two wild pear trees in the back mountain. Although the fruits were small, they were very sweet; There is also a hot spring in his mountain, which is shrouded in mist all year round like a fairyland.

A flower, a grass, a tree, and a tree are all so fresh and fascinating in Mu Qinglan's mouth.

Huo Jue is often obsessed with listening to it. He listened to Mu Qinglan telling him day after day that when he woke up, he would take him to play wildly in the mountains and fields, see spring flowers, taste summer fruits, enjoy autumn maple leaves, and soak in winter springs.

Mu Qinglan said that after he was reborn, he would be able to see everything again. When she talked about this, her tone was happier than she saw it.

It took less than ten days for Huo Jue to understand why he was involved with such an inhuman as Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan is like a beam of warm sunshine, a mountain flower swaying in the wind, or a bird soaring in the sky.

Everything she said, Huo Jue felt that she was a lively and fragrant world.

He has been depressed and boring for many years, and he can't resist such a fresh life at all.

Gradually, he changed from being forced to listen to Mu Qinglan to expecting to hear her speak.

It's a pity that Huo Jue wasn't always awake. As he entered the rebirth lotus longer, his soul merged with the reshaped body, and his waking hours became less and less.

He began to fall into the chaotic images over and over again, the nightmares he had dreamed, like turning over a yellowed and old scroll, returned to his body incomparably real and cruel.

He sank into it, as if in a icy quagmire. He could still hear what Mu Qinglan said to him in his ear, the warmth in her words, her voice became the only straw for Huo Jue not to be swallowed by the "mire".

Mu Qinglan is very happy every day. It only takes more than two months for Rebirth Lotus to reshape her body. After this year is over, Huo Jue should be able to spend the fifteenth day of the first lunar month with her in time!

She played wildly with the spirits in the mountains all day long, and talked to the rebirth pool, and the time passed quickly. As the New Year approached, there were two heavy snowfalls in Xiangjun Mountain.

The whole mountain is covered with white snow, looking around, it is somewhat similar to the snowfield of Beisong Mountain.

But Xiangjun Mountain ushered in not only heavy snow, but also uninvited guests.

Mu Qinglan smashed Mu Wanran's spiritual mansion that day. If Mu Wanran said that she was determined to win the rebirth lotus and rebirth pool just for her, then now she must get it even if it is for her own life. Rebirth Pond and Rebirth Lotus.

The day when the members of the Mu family and Xiexiu ventured into the mountain was the New Year's Eve, the town was full of joy, and Xiangjun Mountain was no exception.

A group of spirits gathered in a wooden house they built in the early years,

Like ordinary people, they gather together to make New Year dishes, wear new clothes, post couplets, post New Year pictures, make dumplings, and even set off firecrackers.

Mu Qinglan was sitting among the spirits and monsters that were busy celebrating the New Year, and she had already condensed into a real entity. After all, even though her believers didn't brave the snow to go up the mountain to worship the mountain temple after the Chinese New Year, they would still burn incense at home, thinking that they would want her to protect them in the coming year.

The monsters in the mountains have almost recovered, and many of them have gained weight for more than a lap or two.

Mu Qinglan held the respawn pool on her heart, leaned closer and said, "Huo Lang, it's New Year's Eve!"

"Huo Lang, the dumplings tonight are delicious."

"Huo Lang, wake up quickly. It will be fifteen soon after the New Year's Eve. As you said, you will be an adult in two months... At that time, we can go to the town to watch lanterns together!"

The crowd was bustling with excitement, when suddenly a little **** ran up and reported to everyone.

"A lot of people came up Xiangjun Mountain, all of them were walking with swords, and they were rushing towards here—"

The elves started to quarrel, and Mu Qinglan shouted calmly, "Stop arguing, you brats are making you quarrel!"

She knew about those people as soon as they entered the range of Xiangjun Mountain. As long as Mu Qinglan is awake, she will know everything that happened in Xiangjun Mountain.

She is a mountain ghost after all!

"Those who are afraid go and hide. When we arrive at Xiangjun Mountain, our one-acre three-point land, what are we afraid of?"

Mu Qinglan stuffed the rebirth pool into her collar, rubbed off the outer skin of the peeled peanut, blew on it, threw it into her mouth, and clapped her hands again.

She had expected that Mu Wanran's people would come here sooner or later. Even if Mu Qinglan asked the weasel to disband the caravan and hide everyone in the caravan, there would be no trace of them traveling in the four countries for so long. None left.

Mu Wanran came later than she expected. Mu Qinglan thought she would take advantage of the victory to pursue her, but it turned out that two months had passed before Mu Wanran sent someone here.

Now that they are "strong and strong", and they are still on their one-acre three-point land, who is Mu Qinglan afraid of?

After listening to Mu Qinglan's words, the spirits ran away without any ability, and the rest found a place to hide and began to snowball.

Mu Qinglan got up and walked to the door of the small wooden house outside. The group of people had already landed on the ground, each holding a long sword, looking murderous.

Mu Qinglan walked over swaggeringly like a king of the mountain, followed by her one-two-three masters.

She folded her arms, tilted her head slightly and looked at the monks who looked like fifty black crows and said, "Just a few people here?"

"Hand over the rebirth pool, and let me save your life." The leader of the team is the monk of the Mu family. He is the most respectable person next to Mu Wanran. ten.

A gust of cold wind blew off the residual snow on the branches.

With a "bang", two pieces of snow fell on the ground, and a layer of snow foam exploded.

"Don't fart your mother!" The vixen behind Mu Qinglan was the first to attack, pointing with her hands on her hips, and a strange fragrance rushed towards the monks.

They held their breath immediately, but the aroma seemed to have life and drilled into their noses. They couldn't resist Huang Shen for a moment, just for a moment, when they recovered, they were wrapped around their wrists by vines.

They already knew Mu Qinglan's method, and they were ready to deal with it. With a backhand twist, the tree vine was crushed.

Some people snorted coldly, thinking that the eldest lady was exaggerating, and this Mu Qinglan was nothing more than that.

But soon, just as those people were about to charge up with horizontal swords, the solid ground under their feet suddenly cracked.

Their bodies were weightless, and they immediately stabilized their bodies with spiritual power. The next moment, countless vines protruded from the ground of the cracked deep pit, bound their hands and feet, and pulled them down.

They exploded their spiritual power to break through a layer of tree vines and rushed upwards, but soon a steady stream of tree vines came from all directions, wrapping around their heads and faces in an impenetrable way, and they couldn't cut them off completely.

And when they were fighting with the tree vines, Mu Qinglan stood on the edge of the ground fissure with her hands behind her back.

I looked at them for a moment, and raised my hand - countless snowballs, big or small, all fell towards them.

A group of spirits and monsters all appeared, and some little squirrels even held snowballs the size of human heads in their two small paws, and threw them at the bound group of people.

The scene was very funny for a while. Mu Qinglan shrugged, and said, "You're still uttering wild words when you're on my territory?"

What she said to Qu Shuang at that time was not false, maybe Beisongshan could not keep Huo Jue, but she could. Just let her go back to Xiangjun Mountain.

She is the mountains with bones and trees as veins, and every inch of land in this mountain is at her disposal. It's not like on Beisong Mountain, which can only drive the cedar tree spirit.

Soon those people were entangled and attacked by a group of spirits and mortal trees and vines that they didn't even care about, and they slowly fell into the deep pit.

Mu Qinglan took a step forward, lowered her head and asked them, "If a monk is buried alive, how long will it take to die?"

As soon as Mu Qinglan finished speaking, there was a "boom", and the ground in front of her that was cracked out of thin air suddenly closed again.

Those monks were buried in the cold winter and frozen soil of Xiangjun Mountain before they could make a move.

Mu Qinglan scratched her face, grabbed a handful of dried fruit from the table, pointed to a little squirrel and said, "Stay here and listen to the music, you can't let them die. Call me when you're dying, and I'll take them Release it."

After she finished speaking, she handed the dried fruit to the little squirrel. The little squirrel squatted on the closed ground, listening to the sound professionally.

The spirits and monsters gathered in one place again to continue celebrating the New Year.

After entering the house, the vixen asked, "Shan Gui, they know we are in Xiangjun Mountain, what if they keep sending people to harass us?"

Mu Qinglan took out the rebirth pool, looked down, and saw that the flower bud where Huo Jue was located was glowing faintly in the miniature rebirth pool.

He smiled and said, "Wait for a while, and when Huo Lang is reborn, we will leave without implicating you."

"That's not what I mean," said the fox spirit. "We are afraid of getting hurt, we can run, and at worst we can stay on the top of the mountain, but you can't go to the mountain ghost."

"That's right, aren't your ghosts scattered in the mountains, haven't they been completely collected yet?"

Mu Qinglan just looked at the rebirth pool with a smirk, curled her lips indifferently, moved closer to the rebirth pool, and planted a kiss on it.

Said: "Anyway, there must be a way for the car to go to the front of the mountain. Am I still afraid that they won't succeed?"

Everyone thought of the means by which the mountain ghost was almost omnipotent and ubiquitous in the mountains, so they didn't worry too much, and continued to eat and drink. Mu Qinglan hugged the rebirth pool, drank a little wine, and laughed drunkenly.

Soon! Huo Jue is about to be reborn! Mu Qinglan couldn't help being happy just thinking about it.

Huo Jue did reshape his body to the most critical moment, that is, the body and soul are united.

He was submerged in chaos, and only Mu Qinglan's voice was his only reference.

These days, every word she said would affect him, causing him to fall into one vortex after another.

At this moment when Huo Jue heard what Mu Qinglan said, the chaos he was in suddenly changed - he was in a forest, followed by a woman walking in front with her back turned to him.

"Anyway, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Am I afraid that they won't succeed?" The woman's voice subtly overlapped with Mu Qinglan's, but it was more immature.

"Anyway, I won't marry him. Even if he's the mayor's son, I don't like it." The woman said, "In life, one must marry someone you like, right?"

The woman stood still, and suddenly said: "Little Xianjun, I like you, will I marry you?"

Huo Jue didn't have time to stop following her, and bumped into her. At that moment, Huo Jue felt that his heart was about to fly out of his mouth, whether it was because of her words or the impact. .

The woman chuckled and turned around suddenly, "Are you okay?"

Huo Jue suddenly withdrew his consciousness, unable to see the woman's appearance. He wanted to wake up completely, but was quickly dragged into another vortex.

He subconsciously looked for Mu Qinglan's voice as the dividing point of his consciousness.

It seemed that Mu Qinglan was talking to someone.

"Master, why are you here?" Mu Qinglan's voice was very happy, and she dragged Duan Qinxuan towards the house.

Duan Qinxuan followed in, and the disciples behind her stayed outside, staring at those ghosts.

"I received the news that the Mu family sent people here, so I'll come and take a look." Duan Qinxuan's expression was a little strange, it was indescribable.

She looked around, and finally her eyes fell on Mu Qinglan's face, she was very relieved.

Mu Qinglan poured Duan Qinxuan a glass of wine and said, "Master, auspicious new year!"

Duan Qinxuan stared straight at her, raised his hand to catch the cup she handed over, and even trembled a little.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Mu Qinglan blinked and asked with concern.

Duan Qinxuan's spirits entered her throat, making her voice hoarse.

She said, "I, it's my first time to Xiangjun Mountain." But it's not the first time I've come to this mountain.

To be exact, Duan Qinxuan has been here countless times, more than 150 years ago.

At that time, this mountain was not called Xiangjun Mountain, but Beast Forest, because there were many large beasts in the mountain.

Duan Qinxuan stared at Mu Qinglan in a daze, then frowned after a while, shook his head, and said it was impossible.

how is this possible?

How could there be such a coincidence in this world?

If it is really a coincidence, then what kind of evil fate is this...

"Master? What's the matter with you? Did something happen again in the sect?" Seeing Duan Qinxuan's expression was really strange, Mu Qinglan thought something happened again in Xuesong Mountain.

Duan Qinxuan shook his head, "It's nothing."

She followed the Mu family all the way, the closer she got to Xiangjun Mountain, the more her heart shook like a landslide.

But at this moment, she suppressed her turbulent mood, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Everything is fine in the sect, my father and Elder Yushan are helping me, and an elder who ran away brought his disciples back."

"That's good." Mu Qinglan smiled brightly at Duan Qinxuan.

Duan Qinxuan looked at her, swallowed, took the jug again, and poured himself a glass of wine.

Mu Qinglan said: "Master is worried that I won't be able to defeat the Mu family. You are here. Don't worry, master, they are now underground."

"Huh?" Duan Qinxuan stopped drinking.

Mu Qinglan pointed to the open space in front of the small wooden house, "I buried them alive, listen to that little squirrel, release them when they are about to die and throw them out."

Mu Qinglan said proudly: "No one can do anything to me on Xiangjun Mountain! Master, don't worry, I will definitely protect Huo Lang."

Mu Qinglan was afraid that Duan Qinxuan would take the rebirth pool back.

Duan Qinxuan glanced at the rebirth pool that Mu Qinglan was wearing around her neck, and didn't even care about the buried Mu family.

She couldn't help thinking about the things that happened when she followed her junior brother to this mountain more than a hundred years ago.

Duan Qinxuan looked at Mu Qinglan's pure and bright smiling face, and for a moment, he seemed to see the ferocious appearance of his junior brother who was going crazy and about to be possessed by a demon. The past is like ripples in the water, slowly swaying away.

"Have you been on this mountain before?" Duan Qinxuan asked after drinking the strong wine in his glass.

"That's right." Seeing that Duan Qinxuan liked to drink this mortal burning knife, Mu Qinglan poured her another glass.

"I'm a mountain ghost. I've been in this mountain since I became conscious. However, after being condensed into a body by a human priest, I went to play in the mortal world."

Mu Qinglan smiled and said: "Fortunately, I went to the mortal world, and by chance, I replaced the dead Mu family, so I was able to meet Huo Lang at the Mu family."

Duan Qinxuan's breath was full of the pungent smell of alcohol, like the unbearable past, just thinking about it, it is pungent and biting.

She only knew that Mu Qinglan was the mountain ghost of Xiangjun Mountain before, and sent her disciples to Xiangjun Mountain to check, but she never knew that Xiangjun Mountain was actually this "Xiangjun Mountain".

This is the place where her junior brother committed suicide.

Duan Qinxuan thought of that night more than a hundred years ago, when she and Huo Yuanfei knew that Huo Jue had escaped from the forbidden area, they rushed towards this side, but it was still too late.

At that time, she saw that her junior brother, who was brought up in one hand, almost cut off her entire head with the Yingying sword, and the blood was scattered in the mountains and forests. Her spirit was shaken, and her heart was almost broken.

If Huo Yuanfei hadn't comforted her that Huo Jue still had a chance to be reborn, and knocked her unconscious in time, Duan Qinxuan would have been broken on the spot.

"You..." Duan Qinxuan's voice was dry, and he cleared his throat before saying, "I have something that I didn't have time to tell you that day."

She looked at Mu Qinglan and said, "My junior brother, this is not the first time I have been reborn."

"Ah?" Mu Qinglan was puzzled, a little incredulous, "Could it be that Huo Lang was seriously injured before, and the Lingfu was broken?"

Duan Qinxuan closed his eyes when he thought that Huo Jue was punished by the Heavenly Dao Jieshan for being contaminated with karma, but he was still obsessed with demons and doing countless stupid things.

Looking at Mu Qinglan's ignorant eyebrows, she couldn't be sure if she was the one who caused Huo Jue's blood to splatter the forest.

If so, after staying in Cedar Mountain for so long, she shouldn't have shown any clues, how could she be so indifferent, how could she still be obsessed with Huo Jue as if nothing had happened?

Duan Qinxuan decided to test her first.

"Actually, Huo Jue liked a woman before." Duan Qinxuan's words were like lightning flashing from the sky, directly splitting Mu Qinglan's skin.

"What?" She stared blankly at Duan Qinxuan.

Duan Qinxuan saw that her expression did not seem to be pretending, and continued: "When he was seventeen years old, he went down the mountain with his disciples to practice, and liked a mortal woman."

Mu Qinglan stayed for a while before saying, "Seventeen, what a age..."

She paused, her mind was at a loss at first, and then she said slowly, "He is already 170 years old, after this year's 171, is it normal to have a woman he likes?"

Mu Qinglan quickly relieved herself and accepted this fact.

Mu Qinglan was also curious: "What kind of person is the other party?"

"A... village girl." Duan Qinxuan saw that her appearance was not fake at all, and the initial shock was a little better.

He poured himself another glass of wine and drank it down.

Mu Qinglan's eyes sparkled, she paused, and said, "The person Huo Lang likes must be very beautiful, very good."

Duan Qinxuan thought of what would happen to his junior brother after he fell in love with that person, got drunk, and said angrily: "I don't know! I haven't seen it before! It is said that he is dark and stupid!"

But Mu Qinglan laughed "poof".

He murmured: "I often see those teenage village girls at the foot of the mountain. I don't think it's surprising that Huo Jue would like them. Those girls are ingenious, industrious and capable. They can do embroidery and starch laundry to make money for their families. Able to work in the fields. Standing on top of a door is not inferior to a man!"

Watching Mu Qinglan's reaction, Duan Qinxuan fell silent for a moment.

However, Huo Jue, who was originally trapped in chaos, heard Mu Qinglan's words, and he seemed to be pulled into a situation that was so clear that he could even smell the fragrance of wild flowers in the mountains.

He was on a hillside with a group of disciples dressed in cedar mountain disciple uniforms, worrying about how to get rid of a monster. He saw a woman holding a washtub coming from a distance.

When she got to the field ridge, she put the laundry tub and the unwashed clothes in the tub on her head and supported her with her hands. He was also chirping like a lively sparrow, talking to the women behind him.

They were not too far away. Huo Jue was a cultivator, so he should be able to see the woman's appearance clearly, but it seemed that because the sun was too strong, he could only see her gracefully approaching figure under the shadow of the washtub.

They stopped by the river, and Huo Jue saw her raising her hand to wipe the fine sweat from her face. The skin exposed by her cuffs was not fair, because of years of hard work, it was moist and honey-colored.

But because of the young age, the honey color does not look rough, like the mixed noodles steamed in the village to entertain them, smooth and elastic.

Huo Jue sometimes watched her starch and wash clothes, sometimes watched her work in the field, and sometimes she would go up the mountain with a basket on her back to hunt pigweed, and she would go down the mountain with two peeled snakes in her hand.

Her hair is very long, thick black and smooth, once when Huo Jue was on the mountain, he saw her washing her hair by the water.

Her hair was like lush aquatic plants in the water. Huo Jue wanted to touch it, but in the next moment, he really squatted on the bank, stretched out his hand from the cold river water, and fished out a handful of soft hair.

Touching a woman's hair is a very unrestrained and offensive behavior. Huo Jue himself was frightened by his behavior, so he heard the woman's chuckle like a silver bell jingle, like a clear spring jingle.

She lowered her head and soaked her long hair in the water, revealing a part of her fair neck that was different from the rest of her skin. Presumably, this part has not seen the light all year round and has not been exposed to the sun.

"You are the first man to touch my hair. My mother said, if you touch my hair, you will marry me, little fairy..."

Huo Jue only felt ashamed and ashamed, but he didn't let go of his hand on the hair. He let the long hair pass through his five fingers and tangle into the gap between his fingers.

His mouth was parched, and he seemed to want to speak, but his consciousness was withdrawn from the green mountains and green waters again.

Huo Jue heard Mu Qinglan ask, "Did Huo Lang marry that girl? Does that girl like him too?"

Duan Qinxuan said slowly: "How can a cultivator be with ordinary people?"

Mu Qinglan heard the words: "I think it's okay. Even if a cultivator doesn't grow old, that's okay. If you like each other but miss each other, what a pity..."

Duan Qinxuan smiled when he heard the words.

Huo Jue was drawn into another vortex again because of Mu Qinglan's words.

In the forest where the leaves were already yellow, Huo Jue was leaning against a tree. He felt sorry for him. He was a young generation of kendo genius of the Tianyuan Sword Sect, but he was forced by the woman who had just reached his shoulder. There is no way out.

He lowered his head a little helplessly, staring at the toe of his shoe against the opponent.

Straw sandals with open toes, and pine-pattern boots embroidered with silver thread. The two pairs of feet in a small piece of heaven and earth where the wood can reach are clearly close to each other, but they are like a moat straddling clouds and mud.

But what the two said was completely opposite to the reality.

The woman in straw sandals approached Huo Jue, with a smile in her voice, she said firmly: "You like me."

"I didn't!" Huo Jue retorted almost immediately.

"You have." The woman insisted.

"I'm a practitioner, how can I be with mortals?" When Huo Jue said this, he felt his face was so hot that it was about to burn.

And the innocent voice of the other party coincided with the voice of Mu Qinglan heard by Huo Jue at this moment: "I think it's okay. Even if a cultivator doesn't grow old, that's okay. If you like each other but miss each other, what a pity..."

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