MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 7 not see

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Mu Qinglan returned to her Sushuang Pavilion, and returned to the body she was meditating on as a cover-up.

I sigh in my heart that Huo Jue is the young head of the Tianyuan Sword Sect, even if the Lingfu is broken and blind, he still has the ability to be unstoppable.

Mu Qinglan pressed the place on her heart where the soul string had passed through, and smiled as she wished.

He ate the pie he made!

Mu Qinglan was sitting on the chair, her face was pink and her eyes were shy. That kind of cake was called mother-in-law cake. It was the dry food that married women made for their husbands who went to work in the fields.

Although Mu Qinglan and Huo Jue haven't visited yet, in Mu Qinglan's view, they are already a real couple.

Huo Jue kissed her even though he knew she was not Qu Shuang!

Mu Qinglan smiled, and accidentally vomited some blood. The Soul Beaming Silk and those talisman blades had directly injured her soul, and she was indeed not seriously injured.

But thinking that this injury was caused by the formation that Huo Jue personally arranged for her, Mu Qinglan wished that she would recover slowly, so she didn't even try to make herself recover quickly.

Seeing her vomiting blood and smiling strangely, the people serving her surrounded her in shock, but there was no worry in their eyes. These people were sent by the Mu family to monitor her.

"Miss, pay attention to your body, and don't rush to practice for a while."

The leader was an older woman, with bland eyes, blue lips, and a face that had been poisoned for a long time, her name was Ye Luo.

She is the nanny next to Mu Wanran, the eldest daughter of the Mu family. She has cultivated to the middle stage of Shattering Delusion Realm in her middle age, and she has eaten Zhuyan Pill, but her cultivation base is stuck at the peak of Shattering Delusion Realm. It's still young, but inside it's a rotten old thing that's near the end of its lifespan.

Ye Luo winked at the other two maids, and the two little maids left quickly.

Ye Luo helped Mu Qinglan up, and took out the puppet-gu relieving bottle from his arms, poured out a pill, and gave it to Mu Qinglan.

She said like giving alms: "Eat, Miss Mu, forgive me for speaking harshly, after eating, stop doing useless exercises." She thought that Mu Qinglan vomited blood because of her rash practice.

Persuading him with malicious intentions: "Missy told you to complete the task early, there are plenty of panacea waiting for you, and the cultivation base that you have swallowed is much faster than your hard work."

Ye Luo was probably doing whatever he wanted to do, wishing that Mu Qinglan could be worse than her noble nanny.

Who doesn't know that relying on pills to improve one's cultivation base is not only unstable, but also extremely easy to go crazy.

The accumulation of toxins she ate herself might have poisoned her heart, so she actually wanted Mu Qinglan to follow the same path as her.

"Miss sent a message with a spirit bird yesterday to inquire about the progress," Ye Luo lowered his voice and moved closer to Mu Qinglan. He couldn't exert pressure, so he wanted to use her bluish face to oppress Mu Qinglan and scare her. Don't worry. Meditate in the yard all day, doing useless work.

Ye Luo said menacingly: "Your mother's life is miserable, and she is still waiting for you to go back. As long as Ms. Mu succeeds and wins the favor of the eldest lady, do you still worry about her status in the family in the future?"

Mu Qinglan wiped her mouth clean, raised her eyes to look at Ye Luo, thinking that my mother's life is suffering?

Mu Qinglan couldn't help but laugh because of Ye Luo's threat.

She thought of the one who pretended to be her mother and acted in a bitter scene... The one who felt really miserable was probably the one who was serving her now.

But Mu Qinglan didn't say a word, she pretended to be useless, and played her cowardly little fish without distraction.

Now is not the time to tear yourself apart, Mu Wanran wants a person with such a low cultivation level to steal Tianyuan Sword Sect's superb magic weapon, it is definitely not the ultimate goal.

Mu Qinglan guessed that Mu Wanran had other conspiracy, otherwise she would not let her nanny follow her up the mountain, so she had to follow her plan and investigate further.

Moreover, Mu Qinglan's current goal does not conflict with the task Mu Wanran assigned her - to get close to Huo Jue as soon as possible.

So Mu Qinglan lowered her head and muttered, "I'll go see you tomorrow...tomorrow."

"I will definitely complete the task as soon as possible."

She must keep an eye on Ye Luo to see what she is doing with her on this mountain.

Seeing Mu Qinglan's cowardly and timid look as usual, Ye Luo thought that she was afraid of mentioning her ugly mother.

So the next day, Mu Qinglan begged to see Huo Jue again.

It's been four days since she got married, and Huo Jue still refuses to see her, otherwise she wouldn't have made such a bad move.

This early in the morning, she stood outside the Cedar Courtyard for a long time, when that idiot Qu Shuang came out, he still insisted on letting her go.

"Miss Mu, with all due respect, you and the young master have never been married, but..." Qu Shuang paused, looked at Ye Luo and the other two maids beside Mu Qinglan, and stopped talking.

Qu Shuang really felt that the young lady of the Mu family didn't know how to live or die. She had been in Sushuang Pavilion for four days, and the puppet Gu must have been suppressed.

If she has any brains, she should know that leaving is the best thing. If the Tianyuan Sword Sect who stays here is really using the magic weapon, what will happen?

But this Miss Mu has no intention of leaving at all, it seems that she is not only controlled by the Gu insects, but also wants to steal the magic weapon of the school herself!

There is no one available in the gate now, the two elders and the guards stationed by the imperial court are all watching. Two days ago, there was another incident of a cocooned soul cultivator descending. It really couldn't be more chaotic.

At this time, Qu Shuang was not in the mood to deal with this ignorant Miss Mu family.

With a tiger's face, he said: "It's okay to invite Miss Mu to go back, or go down the mountain. Things are heavy in the door, and the young master is exhausted and sick in bed. I can't meet Miss Mu!"

Mu Qinglan stared in the direction of Xuesongyuan, and Qu Shuang said so seriously, she didn't care at all, she just worried, "Huo Lang, is he sick again?"

"Yes." Qu Shuang prevaricated, "Please also invite Miss Mu to go back."

Mu Qinglan had no choice but to take her back with her, feeling extremely worried.

Back at Sushuang Pavilion, Ye Luo advised Mu Qinglan: "There are not many disciples in Xuesongyuan, why don't you just keep an eye on Qu Shuang and break in when Qu Shuang is not around."

"Anyway, you are Huo Jue's nominal wife. Who can blame you when he sees his eagerness? Besides, Huo Jue is already a useless person. You can **** it away. We will go down the mountain immediately..."

When Ye Luo said this, he suddenly felt cold all over.

Mu Qinglan looked at her with a smile, and in the blink of an eye, she had thought of no less than a dozen ways to make Ye Luo get rid of her.

What Ye Luo said is right, Huo Jue is in such a situation surrounded by enemies, he himself can't even move, he can't see things, isn't he letting others bully him?

But how could Mu Qinglan bully Huo Jue, she wanted to pursue him!

With Huo Jue's naturally cold personality, he is jealous of evil, if she dares to do evil, Huo Jue will definitely not like her!

She managed to find ways to come to Cedar Mountain, and she must not ruin this excellent opportunity.

When the two of them cooked rice and cooked rice, it would be better to have a big belly after cooking a few more times. Huo Jue is so responsible, even if he knew her by then... he would just hide her in embarrassment.

Mu Qinglan trembled slightly with excitement at the thought of being hidden by him.

Will he tie himself up by then?

He will definitely say with a cold face, "Don't run around, I will protect you."

Ye Luo saw that Mu Qinglan's smile became more and more weird, rubbed her arms, frowned and said, "What are you laughing at?"

Mu Qinglan's beautiful plans were shattered, and she regained her composure and restrained her emotions.

Rourou weakly said: "Don't worry, I'll stand outside the Cedar Courtyard later, the master is soft-hearted, if I stand more, he might see me."

Ye Luo was annoyed by Mu Qinglan's cowardice, but she didn't force Mu Qinglan to break into the Cedar Court.

In the evening, Mu Qinglan really went to stand outside the Xuesong Courtyard again.

She changed into a light blue jacket, with black hair like a waterfall and lips like vermilion fruit. Standing outside the desolate and cold cedar courtyard, she looked like a spring feeling that had strayed into winter.

She was standing outside begging for an audience, Qu Shuang was very annoying, and the young master and the young master hadn't been able to figure out a rule to avoid being sent down by the spirit all day. As a result, Miss Mu's wolfish ambition to steal the magic weapon was not concealed. !

"What should I do? Her puppet **** should be suppressed. Sushuang Pavilion's formations are all good," Qu Shuang asked Huo Jue, "But she refuses to go down the mountain. The young master is not married to her, so she forced her to marry her." If I stay here, I still want to see you, it must be a big picture!"

Huo Jue was silent, his stomach hurts.

To be precise, it is the pain in the Lingfu.

Pain is already normal, and since the shattering of the Lingfu, he has been enduring this kind of pain all the time.

But... two days ago, because he was fed with something, his spiritual power froze in the inner palace for a short time, suppressing the pain.

But his inner mansion couldn't retain the spiritual power after all, it had already dissipated slowly, and the pain returned naturally.

Huo Jue's face was pale and covered with veil, like a jade mountain about to collapse.

It took a long time before he said: "No see, please go back."

After a pause, he continued: "Let the disciple avoid her maid in private, and give her the medicine to suppress the puppet voodoo."

Huo Jue was already at this point, and he couldn't take care of himself. He could still think that Mu Qinglan was probably coerced and threatened by the maid, so she didn't go down the mountain, and the puppet Gu was suppressed, so she didn't solve it completely. I think she was afraid.

When Qu Shuang was about to go out, she moved her pale lips, and Zhou Quan ordered: "If she is willing to go down the mountain, send two disciples to lead her to ride a horse with the wind, and **** her down the mountain."

"But there are not many disciples available in the courtyard, and there are only a few Yufeng horses left," Qu Shuang said, "Young master, we can't take care of ourselves now..."

Huo Jue turned his head to Qu Shuang's direction, frowned slightly, Qu Shuang immediately shut up, and led the order to send Mu Qinglan away from the courtyard.

Mu Qinglan obediently went back to Sushuang Pavilion, and then ran back outside the Cedar Courtyard in the middle of the night.

She can't force her way in, it will arouse the guard of the disciples, and she can no longer possess the disciples of the Cedar Courtyard. Huo Jue will worry about the safety of the disciples, and will try to fight her again.

After thinking about it, Mu Qinglan quietly stuck to the big cedar tree outside Huo Jue's window, then concealed her breath, and blended in completely.

At the same time, the cedar tree roots that took root deep below were quietly urged to crawl under Huo Jue's house.

Mu Qinglan was really worried about Huo Jue's health. Knowing that he was in pain, she had a way to relieve his pain, so she thought of a wonderful way.

She urged the roots to quietly climb from the ground and the window to Huo Jue's house. After a tree root pierced the window, she "saw" Huo Jue sleeping.

He frowned, looking very uneasy.

Mu Qinglan's distressed tree roots trembled.

Because the roots of the cedar tree she manipulated have grown in Cedar Mountain for many years, and they have long been integrated with the formation of the Cedar Courtyard, and the breath is not repulsive, so she successfully broke through the formation set up by Huo Jue in the house .

Then, rustling, broke out of the ground, and crawled to Huo Jue's bed from all directions.

A green vine was exposed among a group of tree roots, and the room was filled with the fragrance of grass and trees.

In his sleep, Huo Jue, whose five senses faded and was not as good as ordinary people, did not wake up.

Mu Qinglan pretended to be clever, and brought the vine close to Huo Jue's lips.

Then manipulated the vine to fold, and the crystal clear green juice dripped in along the slit of Huo Jue's lips.

She also thought it was safe to do so.

But the entrance of the cold and fragrant juice may wake up the farmer who died of sleep, especially Huo Jue's inner palace is in severe pain, and it is already a luxury to be able to take a nap for a while.

He flung his eyes open—but could see nothing.

The strong fragrance of plants and trees in the air made Huo Jue immediately realize—that person is here again!

It was rare for Huo Jue this time, and he didn't have any creepy fear.

Probably because he planned to put all his eggs in one basket and burn everything, but the other party was not upset when he was injured, so he made cakes for him...

Anyway, Huo Jue was about to stand up with his arms propped up, and had a good chat with this mysterious person, asking him about his real purpose.

As a result, Mu Qinglan, who had turned into tree roots and vines, "seeed" that Huo Jue had woken up, and immediately panicked.

Huo Jue grew up in Xianshan, and inherited the orthodoxy of Xianmen. Huo Jue should hate this kind of inhuman method the most!

Mu Qinglan wanted to run subconsciously, but she hadn't relieved Huo Jue's pain yet, so she couldn't just leave like this, the way he fell asleep was so distressing.

Mu Qinglan simply did nothing and kept going! Manipulating the vines, he quickly climbed onto the bed, tied Huo Jue's hands, feet and even his neck from the four corners, and pulled him back onto the bed tightly.

In the blink of an eye, Huo Jue, whose limbs were stretched and tied up: "..." What the **** is this!

Mu Qinglan also knew that her way was too bad, and she complained in her heart that Huo Jue didn't see her.

He had gotten along well with her earlier, and the double cultivation of the two of them would have stabilized his inner mansion, but in the end, she had to be forced to make such a bad move.

With the idea of ​​a quick fix, Mu Qinglan strangled the green, juicy vine directly into Huo Jue's mouth, forcing him to drink.

Huo Jue's white veil fell off his face, and he stared into his big gray eyes, terrified.

And...his pale face turned **** from embarrassment after a long absence.

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