MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 9 touch the bone

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"Who are you?!"

"How did you get in here!"

Huo Jue questioned repeatedly, grabbing Mu Qinglan's paw that was trying to commit crimes with one hand, while the other hand was already covered by the sleeve of his robe, and he went to the storage bag to touch the talisman.

Mu Qinglan was really flustered, mainly because she swaggered into Huo Jue's room right now, easily exposing the fact that she came and went freely.

Originally, when the Mu family and the Tianyuan Sword Sect got engaged, in the betrothal gift that the Tianyuan Sword Sect sent to the Mu family, there was a jade pendant, which was a rune jade that could pass through all the formations of the Tianyuan Sword Sect.

This is also easy to understand, if Mu Wanran, the eldest lady of the Mu family, really married into the Tianyuan Sword Sect, then she would be the wife of the Young Master, and naturally belong to the Tianyuan Sword Sect, so she can go anywhere.

Before Mu Qinglan agreed to marry as a substitute, she asked Mu Wanran for the rune jade. Mu Wanran had bad intentions and refused to marry anyone, but she refused to give the rune jade to Mu Qinglan.

In a fit of anger, Mu Qinglan sneaked into Mu Wanran's room and destroyed the jade pendant.

So now that Mu Qinglan was caught by Huo Jue on the spot, she didn't even have an excuse. She couldn't explain how she passed through the formations and how she bypassed the guarding disciples to get in.

Mu Qinglan panicked and wanted to break away from Huo Jue and slip away.

But looking at Huo Jue's shocked and furious eyebrows, she felt that his whole body was alive. Mu Qinglan was even terrified, thinking that Huo Jue couldn't see anyway, so why don't she take a bite and run away? !


Mu Qinglan always moves faster than her mind, she quickly approached Huo Jue, searched his face, and selected Huo Jue's brow with a more restrained manner.

Huo Jue sensed Mu Qinglan's approach, and the hand that didn't let go of Mu Qinglan squeezed her tightly to prevent her from running away—the other hand took out a talisman to mobilize the broken Lingfu, and when Mu Qinglan approached, When it came to his face, he raised his hand very accurately and made a "pop"!

The talisman was pasted on Mu Qinglan's smooth forehead full of unhealthy thoughts.

Huo Jue's brows were frosty, eyes narrowed slightly, waiting for the talisman to take effect, if he had not guessed wrongly, the talisman was directly pasted on the opponent's altar, no matter who it was, they might not be able to withstand the blast of the talisman bursting This directly stirred the Lingtai.

But after waiting for two breaths, nothing happened.

Huo Jue: "..." is a dummy.

Mu Qinglan, who was about to go all out and get bombed: "..."

So the blind man is fine, what kind of talisman do you draw?

It's better if it doesn't work like this, but what if it blows itself up as soon as you push it!

Mu Qinglan raised her hand to peel off the talisman, folded it with one hand, and put it directly into the storage bag. If it was broken, it was also written by Huo Lang.

On the contrary, Mu Qinglan left in no hurry, and continued to observe Huo Jue's complexion closely.

He frowned slightly, although he couldn't see his eyes, he could tell that he was anxious.

Huo Jue was indeed in a hurry.

The spiritual power activated by this talisman seal is only a tiny wisp, but Huo Jue's spiritual mansion has been turned upside down.

He will never be able to mobilize his spiritual power by himself.

He has no other way to defend against the enemy other than activating the talisman. The opponent does not know who it is, and the origin is unknown. Apart from Huo Jue's senior sister Duan Qinxuan and the lady of the canteen of the Tianyuan Sword School, Beisongshan has no women at all!

It's not that Huo Jue never thought that Duan Qinxuan would come back early to tease him. But this woman's fingers are slender and her skin is as thick as fat, she is definitely not Duan Qinxuan who has been practicing epee all year round.

Huo Jue didn't think about Mu Qinglan at all, or he didn't think she had the ability to break in at all, so he didn't pay attention to Mu Qinglan, a puppet of the Mu family.

Just assume that this is another person who covets the magic weapon in the door, and somehow got in.

Huo Jue moved his lips, wanting to call his disciples, but soon he pressed his lips tightly together again.

Most of the disciples in his courtyard are not good at cultivation, and those who are higher have gone to another school. This woman can touch his room, and it seems that her cultivation is not shallow, Huo Jue can't harm the disciples.

He only thought about it for a while, and then gave up asking for help. Anyway, he was dying, and the other party wanted the magic weapon...he would definitely not be able to find it.

Therefore, Huo Jue didn't do anything other than holding Mu Qinglan's hand.

The two stood next to each other, and neither of them spoke for a short period of time. Their shadows were reflected on the ground by the sunlight outside the window, and there was an indescribable warmth and harmony for a while.

Of course, if they didn't have their own ghosts so that they were about to give birth.

Huo Jue endured the pain like being stabbed by a knife, and crazily mobilized the spiritual power in his body. He had already broken his spiritual mansion, and mobilizing his spiritual power was like fetching water from a bamboo basket. But he didn't give up easily, he slowly condensed a small strand in the meridian, and then pushed it towards the palm of his hand...

Huo Jue thought, if he moved another talisman, he might be able to force the opponent back. He still refuses to admit defeat, and blames himself for not drawing talismans with his eyes closed before. The talismans didn't work, and it fell into such a situation.

And Mu Qinglan thought—he has moved the Lingfu again!

Mu Qinglan was anxious, but she didn't dare to suppress the Lingfu for Huo Jue at this time. Seeing Huo Jue stubbornly mobilizing his spiritual power, she sighed slightly.

Forget it, Huo Jue has a strong temper, and he has the courage to fight back after being crippled like this. What if he feels humiliated after being bitten by her, and he can't think about committing suicide anymore?

Of course, Mu Qinglan could break away from Huo Jue and run away, but Huo Jue's way of sitting by the window and worrying deeply made Mu Qinglan give up the idea of ​​leaving.

Of course, the most important thing is that she is also reluctant to let Huo Jue let go of her hand.

He took her hand!

In the mortal world, if you hold hands, you will be destined for life!

A layer of crimson gradually appeared on Mu Qinglan's face, she was genuinely shy. Huo Jue is so strong, he hurt her so much...

Mu Qinglan couldn't help but said, "Huo Lang, be gentle."

Huo Jue was concentrating on concentrating his spiritual power, but he didn't expect the person being caught to speak suddenly, he was so startled that the spiritual power he had gathered so easily disappeared without a trace, and he let go of his hand.

How could Mu Qinglan let Huo Jue let go? She hasn't caught enough yet.

Mu Qinglan grabbed Huo Jue's hand with her backhand, and then covered the back of her hand again.

"Catch it, I'm here with you."

Huo Jue's fine hair stood up all the way from the tailbone to the Tianling cover.

He asked again, "Who are you?"

"I'm your newly married wife." Mu Qinglan approached Huo Jue, squatted beside him, clamped Huo Jue's hand with both hands, and gently stroked it.

The voice was soft enough to pinch water: "My name is Mu Qinglan."

Huo Jue frowned fiercely, but soon returned to normal.

He didn't believe what Mu Qinglan said at all, but he had to calm down and deal with this person.

Huo Jue didn't speak. Now that Mu Qinglan had revealed her identity, she let it go and asked what she always wanted to ask: "Why didn't you see me? Do you want to regret the marriage?"

Huo Jue withdrew his hand again. Mu Qinglan was very sorry, but this time she didn't grab him again.

Huo Jue turned his head slightly, looking for Mu Qinglan's direction.

Mu Qinglan looked at Huo Jue's slender hands that were pressed on her knees, without touching them, she tapped Huo Jue's knees lightly through the robe, and said, "I'm here, squatting."

Huo Jue lowered his face, as if he was looking at Mu Qinglan.

"I have no intention of getting married." Huo Jue said, "You are not the candidate for the vow."

When Mu Qinglan heard this, Huo Jue really wanted to go back on his word.

She wasn't annoyed, Huo Jue was sitting in front of her, and he couldn't run away. Mu Qinglan was in no hurry to pursue someone.

She thought for a while and said, "Have you met Mu Wanran, the eldest lady of the Mu family? I am prettier than her."

Huo Jue: "..."

Mu Qinglan said: "The eyes are bigger than hers, the skin is better than hers, the legs are longer than hers, and she is even taller than hers!"

"Everyone who has met me says I'm pretty, really, if you don't believe me, touch it!"

Mu Qinglan finally found an excuse to grab Huo Jue's hands, but she still grabbed both of them, and pressed her face when she grabbed them.

"You can't see, you can feel the bones, you know how to feel the bones, my nose bridge, among this person, is Wangfu's long-lived good looks!"

Huo Jue's hand was pressed stiffly, and he walked slowly on Mu Qinglan's face. He could touch it a little, but... the key is that this person is really the puppet of the Mu family?

How did he break through the magic circle and come to him at the initial stage of Shattering Illusion Realm?

Huo Jue didn't shy away from refusing. Although he didn't believe what Mu Qinglan said, he could at least feel the subtle differences in the bones of monsters and humans.

She is...human.

Huo Jue was so thoughtful, he let Mu Qinglan play with his hands for a while, and naturally he didn't notice that Mu Qinglan secretly rubbed his lips against his fingers under the guise of touching his bones.

Mu Qinglan is still sparing no effort to promote herself: "Touch it, this pointed chin, this neck is comparable to a crane, right?"

Mu Qinglan brought Huo Jue's hands down, and when she saw that she was about to go up the mountain, Huo Jue suddenly withdrew her hands.

Shen Sheng asked with some coldness: "How did you get in? What about the disciples outside? How did you break through the magic circle? Did the Mu family give you a rune jade pendant?"

A series of four indifferent questions dampened Wang Po's enthusiasm for selling melons.

Mu Qinglan also replied to Huo Jue's question, saying, "He came in with a disciple, and I don't have a jade pendant. He waited for the disciples I escaped to set up for me."

"who is it?"

This time, Mu Qinglan didn't answer. She just planted the disciple who had a relationship with Ye Luo and secretly betrayed Huo Jue, but she didn't know the name of the disciple.

Mu Qinglan only said, "Anyway, I've already married you, so you can't go back on your word."

"You don't still think about Miss Mu, do you?"

Mu Qinglan shook her head and said, "Don't think about her, let me tell you, I saw her secretly raising a merman in the backyard, a male, golden red, and she was in the water with that merman..."

"It's so embarrassing!"

Mu Qinglan touched her hot cheek and said, "Anyway, she doesn't like you, so don't miss her."

Huo Jue: "...Mu Wan secretly raised sharks in the yard?"

"Yeah! That shark looks pretty, she must like to go there all day."

Huo Jue was lost in thought.

Mu Qinglan saw that his face was different, and said quickly: "Of course! The shark is definitely not comparable to you. He is not as good-looking as you, and his body is still in tatters. I guess he was thrown away by someone and picked up by the eldest lady." Yes. People who are not of my race will have a different heart! Don’t worry, I’m the same as you, what kind of racial discrimination.”

Huo Jue's eyes behind the white gauze narrowed slightly, this was something he didn't know.

He didn't care about the remorse of the Mu family's marriage. The head of the Mu family, Huo Yuanfei, took advantage of Huo Jue's downhill training to make his own decisions. Huo Jue and the young lady of the Mu family only met once.

But if the Miss Mu family hides the Merman secretly, she won't know anything about the evil cultivators of the monster clan... This is useful news for Huo Jue.

He didn't say anything for a while, Mu Qinglan waited and saw that he didn't speak, she grabbed his hand again and shook it.

Said: "So Huo Lang, when will we make up the worship hall? You haven't lifted my hijab yet, and I keep all the hijabs!"

Huo Jue faced her with a serious face, not knowing what to say.

He had already confirmed that the person in front of him was indeed Mu Qinglan.

Didn't he say it clearly enough? He has no intention of getting married, not to mention that when he was good, he only focused on cultivation, as he is now, getting married is also a drag on others.

He wondered if Qu Shuang hadn't asked his disciples to give Mu Qinglan a way to suppress the puppet Gu, so she didn't dare to go down the mountain?

Mu Qinglan didn't wait for him to reply, she said again: " don't have to go to church if you don't want to, you are not in good health, you really need to save your energy. How about...I'll move in to live with you tonight?"

Start double cultivation tonight, and he won't suffer anymore!

Huo Jue's "I'll give you the antidote" was directly dismissed by Mu Qinglan's violent words.

His well-shaped and light-colored lips moved, and finally he only spit out two words absurdly: "What... what?"

Who do you live with?

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