MTL - Marshal, She Has Seven Appearances a Week-Chapter 16 This person is my girlfriend,

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Lu Weiyu signed the contract directly after the audition, and Director Chen was very fast, as if he was afraid that Lu Weiyu would go back on his word.

Cai Junya's manager wondered what Director Chen was thinking? She glanced at Cai Junya, Cai Junya's face was somewhat gloomy.

Wu Siman couldn't help thinking, could it be that Lu Weiyu found a financial backer?

And that funder is more powerful than the investors behind them?

It would be best to ask Yang Fei about this matter, but Yang Fei is no longer in it.

Seeing that Director Chen with a kind face had no time to talk to her, Wu Siman pulled the assistant director and asked, "Director Li, what's going on?"

"Oh, how do I know Director Chen's thoughts, right? What's more, Lu Weiyu's acting skills are obvious to all of us."

Wu Siman felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

Not to mention acting skills, just before Lu Weiyu started to act, the two directors started to boast, who can see what Lu Weiyu is acting?

As for the exaggerated acting skills of those two directors, they are a hundred times more exciting than Lu Weiyu!

Lu Weiyu has just signed the contract and is about to bring his agent back to the hotel.

The two went around, Pan Zehan knew that Lu Weiyu was in a bad mood now, but he was overjoyed!

In this way, a big director was easily dealt with. The pie that fell from the sky was cheap.

Several people went downstairs, but Pan Zehan didn't see Zhao Shumi, so he pulled Lu Weiyu and asked, "Aren't you waiting for the marshal?"

"What are you waiting for her to do?"

"No, why don't you thank her more for today's matter? If she is unhappy alone, you have to play the little widow."

"..." Lu Weiyu would rather play the little widow now.

Face is very important, Lu Weiyu is very grateful to Zhao Shumi, but she hates others to dictate her decision.

The door was a revolving door, and as soon as Lu Weiyu went out, he happened to see a person standing outside the glass door.

Zhao Shumi was still dressed as before, her hat seemed to be lowered even lower, her head was lowered slightly, her long hair was draped behind her back, fluttering in the occasional breeze.

She didn't know what she was looking at, but as soon as Lu Weiyu went out, Zhao Shumi raised her chin slightly, as if she was looking at Lu Weiyu carefully.

"All right, let's go eat now."

Lu Weiyu felt that it was necessary for him to make it clear to the other party, for example, that he should fight for it by himself at this time, and he couldn't pretend to be someone else.

Lu Weiyu nodded slightly, and then followed behind.

Pan Zehan looked at it, his heart was full of joy, and he grew up with a girl in his own family, and finally released it to harm other people's family.

Pan Zehan was touched and said: "A Yu, we will enter the arena at 2 pm, don't forget the time."

Lu Weiyu nodded. It was not the first time for her to be on the big and small shows, and she was very experienced.

But look at Zhao Shumi again.

Zhao Shumi bent down to open the door, motioned for Lu Weiyu to go in and sit down, then closed the door again, and sat in from the other side.

Seeing the people around her, Lu Weiyu couldn't help leaning towards the door again. She thought the other person was going to drive.

Zhao Shumi was very generous, she propped her chin with one hand, turned to this side, and let Lu Weiyu stare at her. She smiled slightly, took off her sunglasses and hat and brushed her long hair.

There are many times when Zhao Shumi doesn't smile, but when she smiles, she looks very amazing. She smiled slightly, gracefully, with the confidence that everything was under control.

However, Lu Weiyu is a little tired of looking at it now, and it's really not suitable for him to appear on a beautiful face like this.

Zhao Shumi leaned over and pressed down on Lu Weiyu. Lu Weiyu couldn't help but leaned back again until it was inevitable.

The two struggled to breathe, making the driver in front unable to bear to look directly at them.

Lu Weiyu could even count the opponent's eyelashes clearly, they were long and dense, and looked like a small fan.

I only heard Zhao Shumi say: "Are you happy now? Do you really want to cheer? Be good, don't hold back, I allow you to hug me."

The other party's hint was too obvious, and it took Lu Weiyu a long time to come back to his senses. The other party's clothes were open, and Lu Weiyu didn't even know where to put his eyes.

She coughed dryly: "You think too much."

Zhao Shumi was pushed back, and as soon as she turned her head, she saw Lu Weiyu turn her face away.

She blushed! Zhao Shumi thought to herself.

However, think too much? Why do you think too much?

Zhao Shumi looked at the two adjutants whom she was not looking back at.

Beta's thoughts are too difficult to understand. I invited her to dinner and gave her a role. Now she looks so calm, why?

Why didn't there be that kind of exclamation and excitement out of control?

Zhao Shumi lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking, but her serious attitude made Lu Weiyu very curious.

Zhao Shumi raised her face and said solemnly: "Lu Weiyu, I will make you fall in love with me irresistibly."

"..." Lu Weiyu originally wanted to love, but now that I think about it...why make it difficult for myself? How many days have you been together?

Lu Weiyu's silence made Zhao Shumi even more excited.

Yes, that's the way it is, and it's this attitude that fascinates her the most. Lu Weiyu is completely different from ordinary coquettish sluts.

Could it be that because I was too kind to her, she would worry about gains and losses? !

Zhao Shumi lowered her head slightly and smiled with her lips curled up. This is just the beginning.

First-class acting is a very popular variety show in recent years.

In the first few years, I invited a few famous teachers to take on the role of acting skills. In recent years, I will also take over several crews to promote new dramas in advance. A lot of good-looking little stars have gone out from here, and then they have skyrocketed all the way.

Of course there are, they just go up to serve as a foil, what they looked like before is what they look like now.

And as an ordinary viewer, just look at it casually.

Many people are also curious about the behind-the-scenes, and they are also very happy to see this kind of instant performance. Of course, they are even more happy if they can see them make a fool of themselves.

"West Wind Puzzled" is a novel with a high IP popularity. The first edition was named a classic, and the male protagonist became a hit because of it. There have been countless remakes. Although it is not as classic as it is, there are always fans for it. Idol pays.

Because it is a male-female TV series, today's Lu Weiyu is just a display, just show your face.

However, when the rehearsal started, the director came in with one person. Lu Weiyu looked at Zhao Shumi who had agreed to go to the lounge, and was a little surprised for a moment.

The people next to him were also very surprised. Didn't they read it wrong?

Why does this person look exactly like Marshal Zhao Shumi?

Lu Weiyu's expression did not arouse anyone's suspicion, but soon, everyone's eyes were on her.

Zhao Shumi took Lu Weiyu's little hand and said, "Lu Weiyu is my girlfriend, I hope everyone will take care of her."


Could it be that Zhao Shumi wanted to announce their relationship to the world?

The two little fresh meats in the crew were startled, and the supporting actress next to her was also stunned, and they couldn't agree more with the host of the script.

what operation? !

Lu Weiyu bit her lips slightly, and smiled back when the inquiring eyes of the people next to her looked over.

A group of people were shocked on the spot, and Zhao Shumi said again: "Don't panic, just treat it as an ordinary program, I just came to watch."

"Be good, and I'll watch you from the audience."

When Zhao Shumi said it tenderly, she patted Lu Weiyu's hand again.

I'm afraid I didn't say this to Lu Weiyu, but to all of them!

This is all related, is it still an ordinary program?

Do a good job, do you want the program crew to give more shots?

Watching it from the audience is proper surveillance!

If the marshal is dissatisfied, will the road be cut off in the future?

It turns out, it turns out that Lu Weiyu's acting skills are so poor, but the backstage is too big to be prepared for.

Many people regretted it at the beginning, it is too late to change the script now, Lu Weiyu's camera can be counted with both hands!

The recording started at four o'clock, and Lu Weiyu stood at the very edge, but became the focus.

The two little fresh meats were thrown aside, and they stood there without embarrassment, a little trembling.

After all, the person standing next to him is the marshal's object, even if there is no marriage certificate yet, who would dare to mess with the marshal's person.

"You don't need to be like this, I don't need special treatment."

During the break, Lu Weiyu's first sentence was this.

The people in the stage only thought she was being modest.

"No, no, no special treatment." It's just all the shots, where is there any special treatment?

The people next to him were trembling, and the camera shot all of them on Lu Weiyu's face. Machines No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 counted in this way, and the audience focused their attention.

Many fans are a little angry, what does this mean?

The host on the stage smiled stiffly: "Lu Weiyu and Yan Tai are sisters and brothers, right? How do you feel about being able to cooperate in a play?"

Yan Tai laughed so hard that his face cramped and said: "Senior Sister is quite powerful, our rivalry is played by Senior Sister who brought me into the play."

"Where is it, you are still amazing." Lu Weiyu sincerely praised, at least now when you lie, you don't make drafts.

"Yes, Senior Sister Lu acted very vividly. I believe everyone will feel the same way after Xifeng Puzzled is released." Another fresh meat said again.

Yes, stupid and bad, he is acting in his true colors.

The camera was brought to Lu Weiyu's body, and of course the topic had to be kept up. She thought it was terrible because it didn't live up to its name.

But still have to laugh.

As soon as Lu Weiyu turned her head, she found that Zhao Shumi was sitting in the first row at the moment, raising her hand reservedly, beckoning at her.

Lu Weiyu had already roared countless swear words in his heart.

There were two dimples on her face, her eyes were smiling, and she didn't feel any discomfort to the dissatisfied fans below.

When the host asked the protagonists to act in a rivalry scene according to the request in the script, the two little fresh meats couldn't continue, but they saw the marshal's beckoning, like the call of death!

Xiao Xianrou said: "Let Senior Sister Lu come!"

The fans below couldn't bear it anymore. It is said that they came for the two little fresh meats, not Lu Weiyu!

They can see here, without scolding in the street, their quality is already very good!

It was enough to hold Lu Weiyu before, but now he even wants to show people the chance? !

The fans can hardly hold back.

Senior Sister Lu still looks like a fairy, with a smile in her eyes, as if she has nothing to do with her attitude, she looked at the restless fans below, raised the microphone and said: "Sorry, I am a vase character now."

The host was taken aback, hey, this question is beyond the outline! How to pick it up?

Lu Weiyu's voice was soft, and the audience below became silent for a moment, and then laughed in good faith, and the crisis was resolved in an instant.

But the two little fresh meats felt that a catastrophe was imminent, and looked at Lu Weiyu dumbfounded—

Speaking of which, the marshal is still sitting under the stage, can you not cut off their backs!

The Marshal below smiled and said, "A Yu, she really has a sense of variety show, and the vase character design is very interesting, isn't it?"

"...hehe." Leiya smiled cooperatively, then turned her head and looked around, in case anyone found Zhao Shumi.

After the show ended, before Lu Weiyu found Zhao Shumi to settle the score, Pan Zehan rushed over like a cannonball.

"I called from home. It seems urgent."

Lu Weiyu received more than a dozen calls, but Pan Zehan didn't answer at first, thinking that he would wait until it was over.

As a result, he called several times over there. After he answered, Lu Weiyu was asked to call back.

Lu Weiyu called back the phone with some hesitation, and when he heard the connection over there, he couldn't help saying: "Hello?"

"No answer for so long? Why did you go?" a woman's voice.

"Record the show." Lu Weiyu said dryly.

"What show are you recording? Hurry up and come back now, if you continue like this, our family will live forever!" The woman said, "Dare to mess with men and women outside, your wings are hardened?"

The woman's voice was very emotional, Lu Weiyu couldn't figure out the relationship with the other party, so she agreed again.

Lu Weiyu hung up the phone, and Pan Zehan asked anxiously, "What's wrong?"

"Let me go back."

"How to get out? Really get out? Get the headlines, right?"


Lu Weiyu was so annoyed that she wished she could gag Pan Zehan.

Turning to look at Zhao Shumi, she was stopped by the director again.

The director is a diehard fan of Zhao Shumi, and now I finally saw it, and I want to invite someone to dinner.

Lu Weiyu waited there, feeling that it was not good to say goodbye without saying goodbye, not to mention their special relationship.

Zhao Shumi managed to get rid of the director, and was about to wait for someone to use some special tricks to thank herself, but she heard Lu Weiyu say: "I might have to go home."

go home? When Zhao Shumi heard this word, she became alert instantly.


"Probably tomorrow."

"In such a hurry?"


Zhao Shumi looked at Lu Weiyu's eyes, and there seemed to be some pleading in it.

Does this woman want to invite herself together?

"Don't want me to go back with you to meet your parents. You are not so important in my heart now."

Because of a few words in front of people, did you get carried away?

She praised Lu Weiyu before that she was different, but in the end, her methods were even more sophisticated, and her feelings were waiting for her here!

Lu Weiyu was so angry that Zhao Shumi coughed twice, she looked at each other, only felt that Zhao Shumi had surprised her more and more recently——

How could this woman be Cai Junya's harem? How could it be?

And looking at the comments and votes at the time, Zhao Shumi was the most popular heroine in the harem!

How popular is this?

Because of anger?

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