MTL - Marshal, She Has Seven Appearances a Week-Chapter 18 What script did the marshal take today?

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Zhao Shumi thought that Lu Weiyu would come to her when she left today. After all, she didn't respond to her last night.

She knew that a person like Lu Weiyu who refused to give up would definitely try harder today.

As a result, Zhao Shumi didn't expect that Lu Weiyu, a woman, even gave up her efforts!

Not only that, she was probably afraid of being hit, so she flew away on a plane in the early morning.

Heh, this must be to let myself chase.

However, how could she fulfill Lu Weiyu's wish? Isn't this a trick?

After a long time, Zhao Shumi knew it was a trick, so she did it without blinking.

Isn't it just a set?

She hurried quickly, and asked someone to prepare things to wait for her downstairs in Lu Weiyu's house. Before getting off the plane, she had no time to put on makeup, and entered Lu Weiyu's house without changing into decent clothes.

In the end, she discovered that the Lu family had celebrated ahead of time—to capture her in the urn, the marshal of the empire!

In fact, Marshal Tangtang was quite happy to be captured. Lu Weiyu's family should not have seen her much before, but now they saw her without the slightest bit of panic, presumably because they had done a lot of homework in advance.

Lu's mother and Zhao Shumi saw each other right, they were chatting about ways to care for their skin, Lu Weiyu also wanted to hear it, but before he sat down, his father dragged him away.

Father Lu cleaned up the kitchen, then lowered his voice and asked, "This, you are, really being adopted?"

"No, free love. Although I am a star, I have my own private life."

Lu Weiyu denied the previous words without hesitation.

"She's an alpha."

Lu Weiyu asked: "Then what's the matter?"

"It's not easy for the two of you to be together. Do you think she wants to be with you on purpose? There are no children here, and the marriage is not stable. You say this..."

"What you said makes a lot of sense." Did Dad just find out? Originally, the relationship of homosexuality without children can easily collapse.

However, she and Zhao Shumi haven't developed to this level yet, so they are completely fussed.

Father Lu said with a deep expression, "Shall we move?"

"Why move..." As long as I was still on the screen, it was impossible to move away.

Moreover, who knows how many years she has signed with the agency!

Lu Weiyu tilted her head to look, and through the foggy glass, she could see Zhao Shumi talking to Mother Lu. Her long hair was very warm, well-bred, and her manners were elegant. When she spoke, she looked into people's eyes, without A little rebellious.

Really good at pretending.

Lu Weiyu thought about it, and was dragged back by her father again, and Lu's father was a little anxious.

"She's the marshal."

"How could it be free love?"

"Can free love have a crush on you? Did you use some special means?"

Before Lu Weiyu could refute, he was sprayed on the face by Lu's father.

Father Lu said worriedly: "I told you everything, your temper is not good, if you don't listen, you don't want to learn anything, you have to learn this..."

"Uncle, what are you talking about? What do you learn in Ah Yu?" Zhao Shumi pushed open the door, stretched her head to look inside, and when she met Lu Weiyu's eyes, she smiled again.

Lu's father said: "No, she is the one who learned... I forgot what you learned, what do you think you learned?"

"Then don't study." Lu Weiyu said.

Zhao Shumi said, "Do you want me to help?"

"Go and sit in the living room, where can I help you?" Mother Lu asked eagerly.

Mother Lu was very enthusiastic, and gave Father Lu another look, "It's still early, I'll cook a pot of boiled fish first, Xiao Zhao likes fish, is it spicy?"

"Yes, yes." Zhao Shumi nodded.

Lu Weiyu said in advance: "Mom... I can't eat."

"I didn't cook it for you."


"Xiao Zhao, shall we watch TV?"

It's only past ten o'clock at this moment, and I have been preparing for lunch all morning. The soup pot inside is still boiling, and the spare chicken wings are soaked in warm water, and they can be put into the pot later.

Inside, Mother Lu wore an apron, and was about to cook the fish again.

Lu's father looked at Zhao Shumi with a kind of hostility from the bottom of his heart. He was not as stupid and sweet as Lu's mother, not to mention the truth, if this was a real marshal, would their family be able to bear it?

They are an ordinary family, and the other party is not ordinary.

Lu Weiyu looked at Papa Lu taking Xiao Zhao one by one. This old man turned his face too quickly.

Lu's father was afraid of embarrassment, so he forcibly switched the TV program, switching from animation to news channel.

When he was about to talk, Father Lu became dumb.

Zhao Shumi is a member of the royal family, so she doesn't speak out politically if she can.

Finally, after watching the news dryly for a while, he could only say: "The price has gone up again."

Zhao Shumi also had a blank face: "Really? But I don't pay much attention to these things. I don't know what uncle has any ideas."

Of course, Father Lu had a lot of good opinions, but when he saw Zhao Shumi's burning eyes, he withered in an instant, "I... I'm just a small store manager, so I don't have any good opinions."

Lu's mother said in the kitchen: "When I went to buy fish today, it was 80 cents more expensive. Yesterday it was still thirteen yuan."

"So cheap?" Zhao Shumi asked.

"Cheap? You young people, you just don't know that things are expensive, and when you buy things, your eyes are blackened. You don't know if people are cheating or not."

Zhao Shumi nodded, and felt that what the aunt said was quite right, and immediately sent a text message to ask Leiya to check how the fish she ate before, which cost thousands of yuan per catty, was made.

Lu's mother raised her voice and said, "Xiao Zhao, let me tell you, if you want to eat in the future, you can come to Auntie's house, and Auntie will make it for you."

Xiao Zhao...

Xiao Zhao...

Xiao Zhao...

Lu Weiyu's mind was completely brainwashed by Xiao Zhao, so whoever called Marshal Xiao Zhao!

You can't just disrespect her just because she's a bit of a dramatist.

"Xiao Zhao, I want to inquire about something. Didn't the individual income tax law be announced recently? Then our salary..."

"It seems that there is such a thing, but it doesn't matter, my money will be in Arabic from now on."

As soon as Lu Weiyu heard his name was mentioned, he immediately knew that it was time for him to appear, and asked, "Really give it to me?"

"I don't care about tens of millions." Zhao Shumi smiled slightly, and took Lu Weiyu's hand in his hand to play with.

tens of millions?

Lu's father looked at Zhao Shumi, then at Lu Weiyu, and said in his eyes, "Look what you've messed with."

Zhao Shumi also observed the expressions of the two of them. Seeing that Lu's father was a little surprised, she immediately took a sip of water and added: "Isn't it just deducting personal taxes, tens of millions are deducted each time, and you will get used to it if you deduct it." gone."

Lu Weiyu's expression had froze, probably except for surprise, she could no longer express any other expressions.

It turns out that the marshal's salary is so high, tens of millions are just a tax?

The family members were very happy, and the appearance of Zhao Shumi made the Lu family extremely excited.

After the excitement, Lu's mother took Lu Weiyu out for a stroll. After living for so many years, most of the people upstairs and downstairs still knew each other.

"Sister Ning, who is this?" Someone asked.

"My daughter, by the way, remember to watch Channel XX next Friday, her variety show."

"Oh, it's that A Yu of your family who is a star. What did you do? Sign me up?"

"It's very rich to play TV, right? But I heard they said that they are all young people, let me see..."

"The child is old enough to have his own ideas." Mother Lu sighed, "Anyway, she already has a girlfriend, so she won't have to fuss with us for the rest of her life."

"Is this the Arabic girlfriend?"

The women looked at Zhao Shumi, but no matter how much they looked at, they couldn't see through the sunglasses, so they could only praise a few more words.

Zhao Shumi followed her out for a while, and then came back at night.

After dinner, Zhao Shumi was dragged back to the bedroom by Lu Weiyu.

"Aren't you going to leave today?" Lu Weiyu seemed surprised.

Zhao Shumi achieved her goal, and smiled again, "Are you happy?"

She is such an archangel, Lu Weiyu must be very happy now.

Lu Weiyu said politely: "It's okay, okay."

Fortunately, what do you mean?

Just be reserved, I think you're going crazy with joy.

Before Zhao Shumi squeaked twice, Lu Weiyu asked, "I've wanted to ask you something a long time ago. Is your salary really that high?"

"That's impossible. I don't want to be taller. Can your father let me be with you?" Zhao Shumi became even more embarrassed, and looked at Lu Weiyu's stupid look, no matter how she looked at it, she felt stupid.

How could it be so stupid? She is a civil servant.

And looking at Lu's father, he seems to be quite satisfied with her salary.

Zhao Shumi rubbed Lu Weiyu's hair, and the long hair slipped from her hands again, carrying a fresh fragrance.

Lu Weiyu touched her head, and before she could drive away the opponent's hand, her hand was pinched in the palm of her hand. She subconsciously took a step back and hit the wall.

The lights were not turned on inside, it was pitch black, and the light from outside was shining through the crack of the door, so you could probably see the other person's appearance clearly. And her legs were separated by Zhao Shumi.

"..." What script did the Marshal take today?

As soon as Lu Weiyu raised her head, she saw Zhao Shumi's hair falling down again along with her movements, rubbing against her face, making it itchy. Immediately afterwards, the hot breath from the other party slowly spread on her face, and Lu Weiyu's breathing also stopped.

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