MTL - Marshal, She Has Seven Appearances a Week-Chapter 30 Jin|Marshal|Jiang|She|First|Seven samples a week|

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Lu Weiyu saw the excited voice of the person in front of her. She couldn't understand it, and looked at the people around her in surprise.

Leiya shouted, "Marshal, Miss Lu Weiyu is here."

The woman immediately put down the pen and paper, turned around slowly, her eyes moved slightly when she saw Lu Weiyu, and even her movements paused.

She walked from the dark to the light, and her appearance became clearer and clearer. She saw that her face seemed a little pale, but the shadows under her eyes were very clear.

It's like not getting a good night's sleep.

Zhao Shumi's eyes were slightly enchanting. When she looked at Lu Weiyu, she accidentally released a trace of charm and blinked at Lu Weiyu.

Lu Weiyu looked at the person in front of him indifferently, not knowing why.


Zhao Shumi looked at the woman in front of her. Although she was wearing pajamas, she was still imposing, with her chin raised high and her eyes slightly loose.

She curled her lips slightly, revealing a charming smile.

"You are a beta." Zhao Shumi said.

"... Well, for me." Lu Weiyu admitted directly.

She didn't know what Zhao Shumi meant, but it was better to answer honestly at this time.

She raised her eyes slightly, but saw Zhao Shumi's eyes suddenly lit up, like a beast that had been hungry for a long time, and finally found her favorite food.

Zhao Shumi smiled at Leiya with praise, "Leiya, you understand me so well."


Lu Weiyu looked at Leiya without knowing why, and asked what Zhao Shumi meant?

Leia smiled calmly.

Zhao Shumi added, "I allow you to raise your salary."

"...Thank you." Leiya replied politely.

Lu Weiyu put her ignorant eyes on Zhao Shumi again.

You know, before that, Zhao Shumi promised her that she would fire Leiya.

Even if she didn't care whether Leiya was here or not, the change was so fast that she couldn't recover from it.

Looking at Leiya's serious expression, Lu Weiyu seemed to understand something.

You can't believe what a man says in bed, and you can't believe what a woman says from the very beginning!

Zhao Shumi had no idea what Lu Weiyu was thinking.

All she knew was that Lu Weiyu had a good appearance and a good figure, as if she looked like the person in her dream. Even every pore is in line with her requirements.

The person was found by Leiya, and it seemed unreasonable not to raise her salary.

Although I don't know why Leiya would show her so many strange things, but when Lu Weiyu stepped into this room, she seemed to have understood—

After theory comes practice.

Zhao Shumi stretched out her hand and grabbed Lu Weiyu's wrist. The hand was white and delicate. It was just stuck between the tiger's mouth, and the temperature in her hand rose rapidly.

Lu Weiyu's fingertips moved, like a little rabbit caught by a tiger, weak and pitiful.

"I am very satisfied with this beta." Zhao Shumi praised.

Lei Yatai was in front of the landslide and her face remained unchanged. She was stimulated by Zhao Shumi's convulsions from time to time, and now she is no longer frightened. It's just that Tan Lun's usually calm face is a little more frightened.

Tan Lun felt that he seemed to understand something, for example, the marshal had no interest in Omega, but she was actually a beta fetish!

Lu Weiyu was puzzled, as for praising her like this?

She also said that she was very satisfied with herself.

Zhao Shumi didn't care about the eyes of the few people at all. She looked at Lu Weiyu very curiously, and then raised her chin and asked, "What's your name? Let me guess, is it Little Sweetheart?" , or is it called Xiaobao?"


Zhao Shumi said: "If you don't talk, then call me little baby."

The little baby looked at Leiya subconsciously, saying that today's marshal...

Lu Weiyu gestured with his eyes: What's wrong with her? It's a little abnormal.

"Baby, what happened to your eyes?"

"My name is Lu Weiyu."

"You—you are Lu Weiyu?" Zhao Shumi was surprised.

Lu Weiyu looked at the other party with an indescribable feeling. The other party's appearance didn't look like a fake, but it made people's scalp tingle. Is it necessary to use this trick every time?

Looking at Leiya's complete indifference, it will make Lu Weiyu think that what he saw before was an illusion.

She looked at Zhao Shumi, let go of the worries in her heart, and put aside the awkwardness about gender. She smiled slightly and said, "What's wrong with the name Lu Weiyu?"

Zhao Shumi let go of Lu Weiyu, straightened up, turned around and walked back to the table, her voice came lightly, "It seems that someone has been saying in my ear that the name of the person I am destined to be is Lu Weiyu."

Lu Weiyu looked at the back, and then at Leiya. Leiya's face was very stiff.

"Do you want to watch it together? The notes I just made - I realized a truth, existence is truth, even if I am an alpha, my future partner should be Omega, but at this moment, I feel that everyone should We are equal, and so is love. You and I should transcend the mundane."

Everyone was silent, and Lu Weiyu knew that alpha's perfect match was Omega, after all, only when they combine can they have children.

And myself, not so lucky, is a beta.

But - Lu Weiyu suddenly thought of something, it seems that when she saw Cai Junya's Weibo that day, her personal information was also written as beta?

Cai Junya can open a harem, so she should be able to too?

Zhao Shumi said: "Why are you distracted, am I wrong?"

"…well said."

After receiving Lu Weiyu's answer, Zhao Shumi turned her head again and asked the adjutant: "What are you doing here? Didn't you see that I want to talk to her alone and share my rich notes?"

"Marshal, please think twice."

Leiya looked at the person in front of her, and at the same time put the doctor on standby, because she didn't know which personality the other person was, or if it was a new one.

If the latter, then...

It's over.

Lu Weiyu didn't intend to embarrass Leiya, she said directly: "Have you played enough? My mother told you to come back with me for dinner, will you go?"

Leiya frowned, she didn't expect to lead the wolf into the house!

Zhao Shumi was also taken aback, a look of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

Yes, it is unbelievable.

In other words, when Lu Weiyu talked to her, he was obviously not big or small. He didn't seem to be afraid of her at all, and he didn't need an honorific title. It seemed very reluctant to call her a marshal.


It's very interesting, she may have been trained by Leiya before coming here, so Lu Weiyu is very natural when talking to her.

Leiya has done a good job, and she can consider raising her salary again.

Zhao Shumi smiled and said, "Go home, is your home?"


Lu Weiyu didn't expect that the other party would really go home with her, but...

After such a long time, she thought she should have calmed down, and she always left the other side alone, which seemed very bad.

"You wait, I'm going to change clothes."

Zhao Shumi smiled lightly, her pretty face was even more alluring because of her smile.

Today's Zhao Shumi is like a walking hormone, every move involves Lu Weiyu's mind.

Could it be Zhao Shumi's pheromone smell?

However, isn't the pheromone setting only available to alpha and omega?

Before Leiya could stop it, everything happened right under her nose.

Leiya has fallen into deep self-blame. The emergence of personality seems to have nothing to do with Lu Weiyu, because without Lu Weiyu, personality still appeared... um...

The decision to close the small black house was made by the Marshal!

When Leiya was thinking, she heard Lu Weiyu ask again: "Marshal, she seems to like acting very much?"

Reya said: "Yes, she likes acting the most."

Lu Weiyu also nodded, and Leiya also turned her face away.

Several people were silent, only the video still shaking on the wall was declaring their presence, and the room was gradually filled with an awkward atmosphere.

Zhao Shumi wants to go out, and Leiya can't put her under house arrest because Lu Weiyu is an outsider.

Unless, she can put Lu Weiyu under house arrest together.

But Leia couldn't do that at all.

Soon, the two left the villa, Lu Weiyu followed into the car, and saw a black car behind them.

She looked away, and heard Zhao Shumi ask: "What do you do?"

Zhao Shumi wore a retro red long dress, which covered her long legs and exposed her fair neck, and changed into a coquettish makeup.

Zhao Shumi squeezed Lu Weiyu's hand, and then turned the other's face over. She said with emotion, her hands are so slippery and her face is so tender, it looks like she came prepared.

"As an actor, you have asked many times, Marshal."

"Have you asked many times? Why don't I remember?"

Lu Weiyu looked away speechlessly and looked straight ahead.

She was too lazy to joke around like that.

Even if she really wanted to comfort herself, Zhao Shumi was already very kind to herself, and she couldn't help but think that Zhao Shumi was perfunctory to her, so perfunctory.

"Since you're an actor, what do you want? I can give it to you as long as it's not too much."

"Need not."

"Don't use it, don't use it, don't you still look down on me?"

Lu Weiyu said helplessly: "It's nothing, how could I look down on you?"

Zhao Shumi got another satisfactory answer, and she showed a satisfied smile, as if she had completed her daily task.

Lu Weiyu turned her head and thought about what Zhao Shumi did with her before.

It's not a bad thing, but I always feel that she doesn't want to rely on Zhao Shumi to obtain these things.

What she's looking at now is only this person, not others.

The two of them chatted randomly along the way, and Zhao Shumi's eyes gradually turned into surprise, probably never seeing such a civilian residence.

The two pressed the elevator and went upstairs together.

As soon as the doorbell rang, Lu Xiaodi ran over to open the door, and when he saw that it was Zhao Shumi, his excited eyes suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Lu's mother eagerly pulled him in, her eagerness on her face was genuinely caring and she said, "I thought you weren't coming, are you busy lately? It's your news—"

"Mom, she's busy." Lu Weiyu hurriedly interrupted.

Zhao Shumi said: "Mom."

"When you're busy—huh?" Mama Lu cut off the conversation again.




Mother Lu looked at the two daughters in front of her, feeling a little dizzy.

Lu Weiyu also gave Zhao Shumi a headache when he shouted, "What are you doing?"

"Your mother, don't I also call you mother?" Zhao Shumi said.

"..." Lu Weiyu's words were choked in her throat, and the woman blinked at her, then embraced Lu Weiyu very intimately.

Lu's mother yelled at this sentence, and she asked Lu Xiaodi to bring fried small fish from the kitchen, "Eat slowly, I will make delicious food for you."

Zhao Shumi said: "Marshal, is something wrong with you today?"

"What? Doesn't it look better?"

Lu Weiyu looked at the other party's bright red lips, enchanting eye shadows, and the raised phoenix eyes looked even more like Lu Weiyu.

" looks better."

"That's good."

Half an hour later, the family began to serve food and bowls with chopsticks, and the small room was soon filled with laughter.

Lu's mother seemed to be married to a daughter. She looked more and more satisfied with Zhao Shumi's appearance.

Lu's mother asked: "How is the situation in your family? Although our Ayu is a good-looking person, I follow her, but her brain follows her father, and she doesn't think much about doing anything. It's easy to be stupid. You talk to our Ayu like this..."

"Mom, don't worry, I, Zhao Shumi, am also an adult, and no one can control who I like or dislike." Zhao Shumi laughed.

"Then...that's good." Lu's mother was a little relieved. She only drank two mouthfuls of chicken soup, just like drinking fake wine, with small tears in her eyes, "Our family, Ah Yu, has always been very strong. Being a star is also a good thing." If you don’t like it, tell her to sing, she’s going to act, knowing that she’s not good at acting, she’s going to die. I’ve heard that many celebrities have injuries all over their bodies... Her, I don’t allow her to act in those martial arts movies .”

"A language is very good." Zhao Shumi continued to praise.

Mother Lu sighed: "Very good, alas, some people don't have eyes—"

"Mom, you drank too much." Lu Weiyu interrupted in time.

"Okay, you guys drink."

Lu's mother gave three spoonfuls of soup by herself, Lu Xiaodi happily ate the meat, and Lu's father affectionately picked up vegetables for Lu's mother.

Seeing this, Zhao Shumi knew that Mother Lu was not going to speak, but she wanted to hear it.

I want to hear Lu Weiyu's past.

She had never been so interested in anyone's past.

"It's better to let Ah Yu find a job. Acting is not easy." Zhao Shumi said.

"I think so too, but she..." Lu's mother said: "I'm still too young, and if I don't work hard at this time, what can I do in the future? As a human being, there is always a struggle in life, no matter how much or how little." , if you don’t try hard, how can you do it. That’s the price you paid..."

Lu Weiyu was a little silent, indeed.

However, I have chosen a path, and I can't wait to go to the end.

Zhao Shumi said: "A Yu, why don't we get married this year."


"Well, the parents have seen it too." Zhao Shumi smiled slightly, "We will get married this year and have a baby next year. We will try to have two children in three years, three children in five years, and complete the national second-child plan as soon as possible."



The whole family was silent, younger brother Lu looked at each other with sick eyes, mother Lu forgot to drink the soup, and father Lu even dropped a chopstick bone into the bowl, making a loud bang.


Lu Weiyu looked at the other party and didn't recover for a long time. When she recovered, she saw the eyes of the whole family were on her face.

Lu Weiyu coughed dryly, "Drink less, why are you talking nonsense like your mother?"

Can she give birth to children? Can you have a baby with an alpha? Then the world might start to crumble.

After the meal, Lu Weiyu went to wash the dishes, and Zhao Shumi also rushed into the kitchen. It was hard to turn around in the small room, and every time he walked, he was touched by the other party.

Zhao Shumi's chin was on Lu Weiyu's shoulder, watching Lu Weiyu wash the dishes in an orderly manner with gloves on, and the sink was full of foam, which made her feel a little itchy.

Zhao Shumi stretched out her hand to grab it, just a handful, and then Lu Weiyu grabbed her hand again and began to rinse.

After washing, Zhao Shumi withdrew her hand, only to feel that Lu Weiyu's hand was hotter than the water, and it burned her heart.

"Go out and take a shower first, I've already brought out your clothes." Since Zhao Shumi didn't have the habit of taking clothes before, Lu Weiyu asked Mother Lu to prepare clothes before.

Zhao Shumi got the order and went back to take a bath.

Lu Weiyu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the lights in the kitchen were tainted by oily smoke, so it was not particularly clear. Her face was hot, and she always felt that Zhao Shumi behind her was extremely scary.

Seeing Zhao Shumi go out, Lu's mother came in and whispered to Lu Weiyu for a while, probably because she also saw the news and felt a little panicked.

But she didn't expect that the relationship between the two was so good that the other party called her 'Mom' directly.

"Isn't it you who taught me?" Mother Lu said.

"You see she is so smart, do I need to teach her?"

"..." That's right.

Lu Weiyu washed the dishes, listened to a lecture, and then packed up his clothes to take a shower.

Zhao Shumi took off her makeup, and was drying her hair in front of a cheap vanity mirror, strands of her long hair fluttered, making her feel flustered.

Lu Weiyu looked away, clicked his tongue again, and turned to take a bath.

Zhao Shumi also turned off the hair dryer. Although she didn't hear what Lu Weiyu said just now, she saw Lu Weiyu's expression.

This woman, I like her very much.

Of course, there are many people who like her. She doesn't respond to every one of them either.

Probably this was her arrangement from heaven, so she was able to meet a woman who made her fall in love at first sight, and it was not in vain that she begged for five hundred years in front of the Buddha in her previous life.

Now that the weather is getting colder, Lu Weiyu couldn't help but put on a shirt jacket after taking a shower.

Zhao Shumi was already on standby on the bed, and when she saw Lu Weiyu, she took her head off her phone again.

Lu Weiyu wiped her hair, and after it was half dry, she was ready to go to bed and watch TV.

In fact, she was still a little apprehensive, after all, this is no longer a cute girl, this is a cute girl with a big dick.

Lu Weiyu lifted the quilt and went to bed, and saw a pair of straight white legs crossed on the bed, Lu Weiyu was stunned for a long time before going up.

Zhao Shumi threw the phone away, then pulled the person straight down, and pinched Lu Weiyu's face.

Lu Weiyu was pulled down, she struggled to throw off the quilt, and was pulled into bed by Zhao Shumi again.

Seeing Lu Weiyu's embarrassed appearance, the other party showed a successful smile again: "Come on, let's start having children."


"Aren't you the one my family arranged for me to have a baby?"

Lu Weiyu laughed angrily, and asked with the common sense she learned a few days ago: "Then do you think alpha and beta can have children?"

"Can't you?" Zhao Shumi sneered, "Show me so many videos, don't you just want me to influence you? What's more-I'm Zhao Shumi, the strongest alpha in the empire, there is no one I can't live with, and unborn children!"

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