MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 2 All beginnings are hard

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It is far away, in fact, it is not too far. After running for a long time, the building achievements came to the front of the martial arts venue, and the nine steps were up. The heart creaked and the cheeks were hot. I don’t know how long it ran. For the sake of it, it is still for the upcoming talk.

He has rehearsed various developments in his mind. At this time, he gasps and silently clenches his fists.

"I am afraid of fear, it is a man, don't be jealous!"

After a few seconds of inner play, Lou Cheng slowed down, and if the line of sight seemed to be contactless, the beauty and dignity of the red and white Hanfu set off, as if all the idle people passed by, but just about to pass by, He suddenly paused and said with a surprise:

"You, are you in Xiushan?"

Strictly stunned, as if I didn’t hear it for a while, but I immediately returned, and the two soft, black eyebrows stretched out: “Yes, are you?”

Lou Cheng’s heartbeat is like a drum, his face is full of smiles, and he still gasps: “I am in four classes. Every time I do a radio martial arts class, I am next to you. Well, you are in a few positions. Oh, I didn’t expect you to come to Songda."

Yan Yanran, although obviously did not know Loucheng, but it seems to put a lot of alert, the shallow dimples appeared on the cheek: "I have never heard of other people before the test, I thought I was One."

Lou Cheng thought about Cai Zongming's teachings, and resisted the impulse of scratching his head. He laughed and said: "I am relatively low-key, and I am not familiar with other classmates."

The sternness of Xiaoying Yingying became more and more beautiful, and he could not move his eyes.

Yan Yan keeps a smile, not a little reluctant, and seems to feel happy from the heart: "What is your name, maybe I have heard of you? Your four classes of Cheng Tao, they often run to us."

Her voice was succinct but not shy, as if the scorpion was.

"Cheng Tao, every time I borrowed my homework, I called Lou Cheng, I guess you haven't heard it, no name." Lou Cheng deliberately humorous, then instinctively impulsive, hehe laughed, "But I know what you call Yan Yan, you are very famous in our school, um, learning well, good personality, everyone thought that you would go to the Imperial Capital or Huahai, and the result was to Songcheng."

Being complimented and face-to-face like this, Yan Yan turned his head and looked to the side, and the mouth vortex was more prosperous:

"If I missed the college entrance examination and lost more than a dozen points, you will offend me."

I rubbed it, it’s really ah, I just didn’t have a brain to talk, but fortunately, it’s not a big song that came wrong from the college entrance examination... Lou Cheng was shocked, quite a bit scared, and he almost said “beautiful, learning again Ok, good character," just thinking that the first time I chatted, it would be too frivolous to be forced to hold back.

It’s no wonder that love is not to talk more, it’s a love!

Thinking of Cai Zongming's embarrassment, Lou Cheng quickly said: "If you are such a celebrity mistakes in the college entrance examination, it will definitely spread to our grades. Hey, more and more people, I am advanced, do not bother you."

"Okay." Yan Yan answered briskly.

Lou Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and opened his mouth. It looked like a random one: "Yes, how many QQ numbers do you have? We seem to have several students who have also taken the test to Songcheng. Maybe there is a chance to get together."

After saying this, he held his breath and his heartbeat seemed to stop.

The latter sentence is an excuse to find casually, the real reason is to QQ number!

Yan Yan did not hesitate, Xiao Xiao pointed to the red rope at the neck: "I am not convenient to wear this clothes to take the phone, you should write down my QQ number, add you back, remember to note the four classes , Lou Cheng, I don't add a strange number, my QQ number is XXXXXX"

"Okay." Lou Cheng was ecstatic, almost could not hold it, while silently numbering, while taking out the mobile phone from the left pocket of the jeans, boarded the QQ, chose to search, but almost laughed, "Yes." Tai Chihua's this?"

The style of this name is too much, and the performance on the Internet and the reality is very different...

Yan Yan’s eyes bent, with a clear smile: “Yeah, don’t you think the name is very grounded?”

She paused again: "You don't know the stalk?"

"Is it ruined?" Although Lou Cheng did not know, but this style is too obvious, it can be thought of by speculation.

Murong, Huangfu, Shangguan, Zhuge, and Fujian are very special. They feel tall and have a good name in the back. They are not the main characters in romance novels and TV dramas, but they are a big supporting character, but with a local name, it makes people laugh. Even if it is not native, the name with a certain sense of the times has the same effect, such as Murong Jianjun, Huangfu Sufen, Shangguan Weiguo, and so on.

Yan Yan’s eyes are smiling: “Yes, don’t you think it’s fun?”

"It's very fun, should I change the QQ name to 'Zhuge two dogs'?" Lou Cheng only felt very happy with Yan Yan, almost wanting to talk about it all the time, but there was a cough behind him. Cai Zongming has already arrived.

Lou Cheng restrained the impulse and waved to Yan Yan: "My friend is here, I am advanced, and bye."

"By the way." Yan Yan waved his hand and attracted the attention of others.

Lou Cheng turned around, so that he did not drag the mud to the side of Cai Zongming, his face was a concealed joy.

"Yes, I thought that you would end up stuttering with your words, or have potential." Cai Zongming took a few steps and stepped into the door. The noisy voices rushed to the face, and they were not afraid of being heard by others.

The central site of the Budokan is divided into two halves, half of which is arranged in a platform. The basketball court is the size of the basketball court. There are layers of grandstand seats in front and rear. The other half is directly connected to the platform. There are four or five basketball courts in size, surrounded by various instruments. It is a place where you usually practice martial arts. Now it is used as a welcome party. It only sees people shaking, bustling, and much more than the imagination of the building.

"Isn't this a strong support?" Lou Cheng smiled and said, "The Wudao community is really a lot."

"Of course, the martial arts competition is the most popular competition in the world. The martial arts strongman is the most loved person in the world. The martial arts clubs of various universities are of course the largest society." Cai Zongming stood up and showed his hidden master. Demeanor, at the end of the road, "Do you want to go to the QQ number?"

There is no first in the text, Wu no second, after many years of contracting, the fighting between the warriors is more and more, and their tyranny beyond the limits of the human body also allows the audience to adrenaline secretion, blood boiling, imagine that they can also be so heroic So powerful, no longer afraid of being small, no longer worried about weakness, this situation was later interpreted, after the media and entertainment circles intervened, there was a regular martial arts competition.

This kind of martial arts competition is divided into two types. One is the squadron between the original sects. It is participated by a family, the Wuhui and the martial arts clubs, and competes in a collective form to determine the strongest inheritance of the strongest forces. It is the competition between individuals and the name of the first.

The former is the "professional martial arts competition" that is now popular all over the country. It is divided into four levels. The highest level is the 12 forces of the domestic martial arts. For them, the biggest humiliation is in the competition between each other. In the end, being thrown down to the next level, it can be called shameful shame.

The latter currently has five national-level personal competitions, also known as "titles", because once you get the first place in the competition, you can get the corresponding title, which is recognized as one of the strongest in the country, for example, in "Wu After winning the championship in the "jihad", the title of "Wu Sheng" will be monopolized in the following year. Therefore, there is a saying in the saying that there is a "title" on the top!

Such a game has a high business income, which makes the major forces and martial arts strong earned a lot of money. It has both honor and huge wealth. It is also sought after by fans. The impact is equally profound. Even the university is difficult to escape. The "National University Budokai" products, the martial arts clubs of various schools have flourished.

Do you want to go to the QQ number? Lou Cheng couldn't help but tilt his mouth:

"Of course! Love, what should I do next?"

"What can I do? Find a topic to chat, pull in the distance between each other, understand each other's preferences, and then look for opportunities to come out, you are classmates, the topic should not be difficult to find." Cai Zongming scornfully looked at Lou Cheng At a glance, jokingly said, "If you don't understand, give me the QQ number, I will help you talk!"

“Roll!” Lou Cheng’s words were concise, and then he said with emotion, “Experienced people are not the same.”

"Of course, I have made many girlfriends," Cai Zongming smiled smugly.

Lou Cheng was "suppressed" for a long time today. At this time, his mind was turned and he looked at him. He snorted and said, "How old are you?"

"18? What happened? Can't you have a lot of girlfriends? I fell in love with my third grade!" Cai Zongming looked at you and dared to question the expression of my strengths.

"No, I mean, you have met so many girlfriends and you have broken up. Well, the problem is definitely in you..." Lou Chengbian said that he deliberately "up" and "down" to look at each other. "Stunned."

Cai Zongming’s face suddenly became stiff, and then there was no good air:

"Can you still chat?"

He said, he casually explained: "There are some pen pal users, so fast, cold and fast, there is something to delay for a while without contact, and some are transferred, and I have no way, some are really getting along with each other. Didn't you sing, love is always easy, get along too hard? In short, I am not a heart-warming person, but now I am also taking care of my heart. If I see my girlfriend in the future, don’t you say anything like love, love, etc. Speaking of it, you can't get a good nickname? Love is more difficult to listen to, don't call again."

"Okay, Xiao Ming." Lou Chengxiao replied.

Cai Zongming’s expression was stunned and he sighed: “It’s still called love.”

"Yes, Xiao Ming." Lou Cheng pulled back a game and he got up.

I don't know if it is a thing to drop a thing. Xiao Ming is very valued for the current girlfriends in different places, just like he is strict.

Cai Zongming laughed at "the gas":

"Orange, in fact, we should not join the martial arts society, should go to the Xiangsheng Society, I am teasing you, absolutely fire!"

His voice just fell, and there was a sudden sigh of relief at the door:

"The forest is missing!"

"Lin is missing!"

With the embarrassment, the crowd surged toward the door.

Lou Cheng and Cai Zongming glanced at each other. They were also excited, excited and curious. They followed the crowd and squeezed over.

There have been rumors in the school that this time a talented martial artist joined, and at the age of 18, he has successfully set a career nine products, martial arts entry, better than most martial arts disciples and students of various martial arts schools.

Such a genius warrior turned down the invitation and training of the martial art, the Wuhui and the martial arts club, and chose to enter the university!

In the entire university circle, it is not the only one who has a professional nine products, but they are all concentrated in the traditional martial arts strong school. Songcheng University is still the first place.

And this genius warrior is Lin deficiency!

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