MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 669 Come to an end (request for a ticket)

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Shaking off the purple inflammation, stepping forward on the 17th, the right leg brushed up, tightened and pulled to the head of Loucheng, and it was really anxious and fierce, as the fire invaded.

The building became a short body, slanting out, avoiding kicking, while the other side stood alone, the right hand drooped, and a hook and a trembling, pulled out a cluster of purple flames sticking to the ground.

It is quietly burning, and its power is hidden. Even if the master of fire control encounters it, it will suffer from burning and melting.

The performance of "ice burning", the essence of the fifth part of the fire department "burning the lake"!

On the 17th, one leg kicked, the waist was strong, and the homestead was vacated, letting a bunch of pale purple flames rush to the wall, soaring, so that the erected silver metal was softened and twisted.

Half-empty bent back, the 17th is like a tight spring, explain it, slamming straight into the body, and gently kicking the left foot sideways.

This foot seems to be casual and natural, there is no fireworks, but it is just right, heavy and secret, so that the building can not help but rush forward and take the initiative to meet.

吱格! Lou Cheng qi and blood turned, stimulating the body, in order to simplify the word "dou", let the muscles swell, with the explosive force to resist the suction, throwing a punch.


His fist was hitting the sole of the 17th, letting the black military boots brake the butterfly, one fluttering, falling into the fire, or falling to the ground.

On the 17th, after borrowing the force, I haven’t had time to stand firm. I saw that the building was rushing with lightning. The right fist was heavy and the purple squad was covered. It was like a mythical legendary emperor’s majesty reaching out. world.

Simplify the word "row"!

The heart of the lake was slightly moving, and the greenery on the 17th was self-generated, and the light quickly condensed, and shot at the head of Loucheng.

"Laser light cannon!"

You are fast, I am faster!

This is a high-tech device that can be used on the 16th, 17th, and 18th. It is inseparable from their own specificity. Other codenames are incapable of inspiring even if they are acquired.

Even these three terrorist-level powerhouses cannot be used continuously, and they are often used, and the body and instruments cannot withstand them.

Lou Cheng burst into a punch, and the heart suddenly felt dangerous premonition, violently collapsed his shoulders, pulled his arm, forcibly changed his squat as a squat, and led the body to follow the trend.

Hey! Two green rays hit the silver-white wall opposite, and went straight through, leaving a hole.

Lou Cheng had not had time to straighten his body. On the 17th, he grabbed it, his right arm smashed out, and he made a fist.

Two screams, he opened the bow around, and evenly beaten, the golden red flames screamed and clawed.

Lou Cheng lowered his head, swayed his arms and blocked him.

Bang! Bang!

After the two beatings, the right arm fell on the 17th, and the fist started from the bottom, rushing to the chin of the building, seems to take him to the sky.

The building was busy shrinking his shoulders, letting his arms close in front of him, covering his face and posing a defensive shelf in boxing.


A group of fires burst into flames, and the building fell back and made a step backwards.

On the 17th, the body was sent forward and took a step.

He lost his shoes and his left foot just stepped on the ground, and there was a fire spray immediately under the building. It was obvious that Huang Huang rushed into the air, which seemed to have a gun.

boom! At a critical juncture, Lou Cheng detonated some of the fire in the body. He turned around and turned across, letting the shouting fire column pass by, just hitting his right leg.

The navy blue pants are grayed out, and the "wool pants" in the mouth are soaked away, leaving only the red skin.

If you burn for a little longer, even if it is built, it will inevitably be burned.

The 17th formed by the strokes did not waste the advantage of the accumulation of the previous ones, and "burned" the fire in several parts of the body.

This "burning" is like a match in which the car's fuel tank is swayed by the "flowers". On the 17th, it broke out instantly, and whistling to make a full eight fists to Lou Cheng. !

Hey! It is difficult to support the "single wood", and it can only show a complete defensive posture, protect the upper body, and the other positions condense the ice wall and condense continuously.

Click! Click! Click! Unclear is the crystal broken or the sound of bone cracking, he finally survived the most violent round of attack on the 17th, and there are many depressions on the body surface.

After the eight punches, the 17th step back, slowed down, and slammed the right fist again. The golden red flame sang loudly and sang, seemingly turned into a mythical legendary eternal bird, fiercely smashing to the opponent, and it The bird's beak is the fist of the 17th!

At this time, just in the complete defense, but don't forget to prepare for the counterattack, the building will endure the pain, and the enemy will step back and exhale.


He didn't finish the print, and relied on the idea, the secret and the spirit to operate, and semi-simplified the display to save time.

The air suddenly solidified, as if it had become an invisible wall. The golden red "immortal bird" that was made by the fist of the 17th was just about to fly out, but it was imprisoned in the same place, so it bitterly burned and burned.

The semi-simplified "array" word effect is definitely not as complete as it is. It only supports the half-interest and is shattered and burned by the fist, but it is helpless.

However, Lou Cheng has already squatted down, just right to avoid the "Fighting Birds", and highlight the dark and dark universe and the lingering stars around the body.

This hand, even the band to play, wonderful to the peak!

Followed by him, his hands clasped, like a sledgehammer, from the bottom up to the 17th, accompanied by the straightening of the body and the gaze of the eyes.

On the 17th, he clenched his left fist and slammed it down. He just touched the hands held by the building, and the body lost weight, and he retreated backwards and halfway.

He just stepped back, and the dreamy "starry sky" has shrouded, leaving the surrounding black and cold, and the ice layer heavy.

On the 17th, it was sealed in a transparent coffin. It was difficult to move for a short time. The stars of that round roared like rockets that were shot again and again, and they continued to lie on the ice.

They first blasted the crystal, and then flew to the 17th.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dense explosions almost merged into one, and the ripples of the ripples caused the ice wall outside the forest to be broken.

In the scattered flames and smoke mist, the figure on the 17th is highlighted, and the red and white mixed liquid flows through the corners of the mouth. The clothes on the body are broken, the pits are quite a lot, and the flesh is black.

He relied on the defense of his own shield and the control of the flame, the injury is not very serious.

But in his pupil, the building has been swirling around the body with purple, light blue and reddish colors, and is still condensed in golden and blazing white.


Lou Cheng stepped down and bullied.

On the 17th, I was waiting for a boxing block, avoiding the aggregation and seeking a counterattack. I just raised my arm and slammed the green and flashed. It seemed to be aware of what was happening. I forced the "flame jump" and slammed it out.

This change is too steep, so that many wounds on the 17th surface are cracked and blood flows out.

Unfortunately, he didn't hook, didn't block the "sigh after the ice"... Lou Cheng thought and turned, and continued to fight the enemy.

At this moment, on the 18th, there was a scream of a little more fear, and then the eyes of Lou Cheng were filled with the sword light.


Between Jianguang’s vertical and horizontal, the sound of flesh and blood in the shackles continued, and Ji Jianzhang and Dou Ning joined forces for a long time. Finally, the 18th was put to death. If they did not cooperate with each other, they would be replaced by other two nephews, as long as they are not "And the "Dragon King", the 18th has a chance to escape from the base.

The sound was in the ear, the brow was wrinkled, and on the 17th, the machine was broken, and a golden red fireball with tyrannical horror was played. The goal was not to build a building, but to lack Lin!

The fireball just flew, and he ran to the door without returning to the door, step by step, and the figure flashed.

Lou Cheng’s pupils shrank and did not dare to take the risk of a forest that was severely damaged by the ice wall. Immediately, he turned to the ice and shone in front of the metal bed.

puff! Bang!

The golden red fireball was first worn, and immediately burst open, the sound was deafening, and the impact wave was like a tsunami, but it was blocked by the dripping water.

Hey! The remnants of the 18th were piled up in pieces, and there was a reluctant color in the eyes. Compared with the performance of the 16th and other people who did not collapse and fear, she was more like a lively terrorist powerhouse.

At this time, the figure of the 17th has long disappeared at the door, I do not know where to go.

Seeing that the building was slightly regrettable, Ji Jianzhang took the sword to the sheath:

"I am doing very well. I was a little impulsive to the old man. I should first transfer the missing child and say it."

"So far, the direct starter and the base leader have already given the first prize. He is only a researcher, don't care too much."

"Do not do too much things, so you are still in the country."

It turned out that in the world of nephews, this is not too arrogant... Lou Cheng looked at all the dead experimental personnel and the 18th, and his mouth twitched.

However, if you think about it, the matter of the country and the East will be the first thing to do. The things that are done are against the human nature, and they will be scorned. If you leave some face for them, it’s not too bad. If anyone dares to be selfish, it’s hard. Hey, do you think that your family can defend against foreigners and defend the revenge for ten years?

The border line is so long, you can sneak into the place when you find a place. Even if you have a strong-minded person at home, you can't hang your whole family on your waist at all times. Once you tear your face and don't die, both sides will suffer huge losses. Therefore, there is a certain amount of difference between the foreigners.

Of course, except for the madness of the "night bat".

"Look for some living, take the copy of the information here, and then destroy the base, this is to hold the handle, and the second is to prevent the lack of children after the experiment, the body has hidden dangers, when the time, you can follow the map." Half is sighing half and saying kindly to Lou Cheng.

She is teaching the experience of dealing with similar things.

"Okay." Lou Cheng sighed and turned to another lab.



The huge fire was raging and Beigang Machinery Co., Ltd. completely collapsed.

The 17th of the blonde is hidden in the crowd, watching this scene.

Suddenly, he laughed and laughed and tears flowed out.

"Free, free..." He kept whispering, in exchange for a mad-like look around him.

PS: It was two seventy-four before, so this is seventy-six, for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets~

Read The Duke's Passion