MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 679 Change of mindset

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"The second game, Lou Chengsheng!"

The voice of the referee plunged into the ear, and the figure of Qian Donglou's slightly arched figure reflected in the pupil. The building was a bit embarrassing for a moment, like a vivid dream.

I won?

I really won?

I really won the famous Wusheng of the world for nearly ten years?

Even if he has been struggling for a battle and is seriously injured, it is also the Dragon King, who is the leader of the battle! It is the ultimate BOSS when I am young and fantasy!

The white clothes were dyed gray by the dust, and the scenes of broken and torn were everywhere, mixed with burnt black and blood. The sweat on the forehead slipped down at a speed visible to the naked eye; the right arm was unable to hang down, and the left hand was barely lifted to half. Gently trembled; behind the head, the black hair jumped with purple electricity, and there were many dead roots, and the mess was as if it had been **** by dogs...

These are the "Wushan" Qiandong Building that Lou Cheng saw at this moment, standing in the position of the winner from the perspective of the battle video and interview reports.

He is also a human being, he will also be injured, he will not respond...

Inexplicable feelings poured into my heart, and there was a natural change in the building.

He has just stepped into the outer circle, and he has a respectful, yearning and pilgrimage attitude when he comes to the title war and the top professional competition. This is due to the initial embarrassment and years of edification.

Now, with Qian Donglou losing in his hands, this feeling is fading away, and a dream is precipitated. Those familiar names weaken the aura and present the real situation they should represent:

Friends of Wuhuiyou, the enemy who won the battle, the living person, and the opponent who can defeat!

"Call, is this a bit strong mentality?" Lou Cheng secretly ridiculed himself and took back his hands.

Looking at Qian Donglou turned around, he held a fist and said:


As soon as this was said, he suddenly had an indescribable joy and wanted to share his joy with his wife and relatives.

Hey, I can also say this to Wu Sheng!

This feeling is so beautiful, let Lou Cheng want to come back several times, let him start to face the scene of the complete body "Wu Sheng" in the future, let him double the desire of the next opponent.

No matter who he is, I will challenge him as an enemy. Although he is defeated, he is mad for victory!

Qian Donglou looked at him with a single hand, and his mouth was slightly mechanically hooked, and then his footsteps vainly went to the Qingzong seat.

This kind of reaction is more pleasant than saying "good"... Lou Chengbian wants to hurry up and pick up the blood, and cut down the negative effects of the body's paralysis and nerves without control. The two strong players are preparing.

Well, who is he? What is he better at?

When the thoughts flashed, Lou Cheng suddenly felt a bit stunned and found that he did not have any impression of the nephew who played in the second place in the Qing Dynasty.

Who is it... How can I not pay attention to...

At this time, the Dragon Tiger Club, Chen Qichen's straight posture did not change, but the face is much less gloomy, Ning Yu quietly relieved, and have more confidence in the development.

After the battle with "Wu Sheng", Lou Cheng’s mentality should have undergone a major change, and the completion of the consumption task is no longer a luxury...

"It's okay..." coach Lu Yan whispered.

On the other side of the Qing dynasty, Peng Leyun rarely went to the sky from beginning to end, and brought himself into the building. He focused on watching frame by frame. Until the end, he fell into meditation and considered what he would do. What kind of response, there is no good building, no one noticed that someone standing next to me stood up.


"The second game, Lou Chengsheng!"

Brutal, who was just lit up in the sky, raised her arms and opened her lips. It seemed to be shouting, but the voice just turned to the throat, and she woke up and slammed the palms of her hands. Keep your mouth open, and the excitement of shouting becomes fragmented and unpleasant.

She is in a hotel arranged by the Financial Summit Forum, and the female students on the bed next to her are still asleep.

Almost dysfunctional, almost did not have quality people ... Yan Yan sneaked into the eyes of Jennifer, slightly invisible spit out the tongue, a pair of bad things almost caught.

She looked back at the screen, and the picture had not changed much. She made a screenshot and then carefully looked through it several times. The pear vortex copied the copy and sent it to her mailbox easily and happily.

Take out the computer, start inside, she clicks on the hard drive, finds a folder called "Stupid people have stupid blessings", pastes the screenshot of "received" into it, and downloads the video resources that have already appeared.

Moving on the line of sight, she saw the contents of the title "Some two foreigners" and "Silly Orange really defeated Peng Leyun", so many kinds of things.

After a few seconds of indulging, she re-named the new video and screenshots, one called "First Battle Wusheng" and the other called "Orange Brother Big Bang".

Looking up at the window, she suddenly lowered her voice.

I almost forgot that this is not a title battle, and the oranges will have battles next!

Yan Zheng’s key point was to mention the tablet.

Hey...who is the opponent...


"The second game, Lou Chengsheng!"

Cai Zongming had forgotten that the Tucao commentary had no fun. He looked at the two temples on the two sides of the Qiandong Building. He seemed to break this scene into countless small cells, or look for traces of PS, or remember it in his mind.

When Lou Cheng jumped over the Dragon Gate and achieved a foreigner's appearance, he also had a similar feeling, but he was never as strong as it is now. The strong man who held the palm against the "Wu Sheng" was really dressed up in the original, often afraid of Fearful, not confident friends?

At that time, if anyone dared to predict this, he would definitely have a good joke with him!

Even if you look at a person slowly changing and slowly succeeding, when he reaches a situation where he can't dream in the past, will he feel that he is not real enough, just like a dream?

Cai Zongming slowly took a breath and made a bullet:

"My brother!"

When this came out, it immediately attracted a fierce response, and the screen was almost smashed:

"I buddy!"

"My big brother!"

"my husband!"

"My child, he!"

"I am!"


... Mom, this is a group of people... I am shameless than me! Cai Zongming looked dumbfounded.


"The second game, Lou Chengsheng!"

Upon hearing this sentence, "The night is coming" Yan Xiaoling immediately bounced, made a perfect screenshot, and then sent to the forum:

“Haha, the first challenge to ‘Wu Sheng’ success!”

"What's the matter... As long as you play the top professional game, there will be a similar time sooner or later." "Gai Shilong Wang" pretends to disdain Yan Xiaoling's excitement.

Yan Xiaoling did not mind “turning the circle and laughing”: “Haha, it’s hard to start all things. With this time, there will be another time. Now it’s 30% blood, and it’s 50%. Seventy percent, 90% of Wu Sheng, complete body Wu Sheng, explosion of body Wu Sheng, think about it is a little excited!"

", are you playing a can still say such words..." "Fantasy Brahman" was shocked and "screamed."

"Haha, learn to use it! Think of the scenes that will be there at that time, wow, I can't help but cry out." Yan Xiaoling said that change will change.

"Nie Wei" they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It's still a stupid bell... or a sensible operator..."

"Well, don't talk, the third game is about to start!" At this time, "Gai Shilong Wang" reminded him.

"Looking down, almost forgot!" Yan Xiaoling sweared a thick mouth.

"Who is the opponent..." "Fantasy" is very aggressive.

"Probably..." "Gai Shi Long Wang" quickly sneaked into the list of appearances, "No Light Man!"

Oh, I always feel like I have a typo...


At this time, Lou Cheng has seen the next enemy, his silver and black hair are almost half, the temperament is gentle and peaceful, not tall or short, not thin or fat, looks ordinary, lacks features.

Five...five...five light people... Lou Cheng finally pulled out the name from the depths of memory and remembered who the other party is!

Shang Qingzong teaches, the most powerful title is not strong!

Before coming to Tianlei Mountain, I have seen many of his game videos, summed up a lot of useful things, prepared for the specificity, how to almost forget him?

By the way, what I have figured out before, I always feel that the other side is unremarkable, nothing good at...

When Loucheng racked his brains back, the Wuguangdao people stood on the opposite side of the sword with a shiny metallic luster. They were separated by nearly 30 meters, and there was a high-voltage pole around them. The lines criss-cross and touch the ground, complementing the rest of the air.