MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 681 On behalf of the day

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After a punch and an electromagnetic long sword, Lou Cheng quickly condensed new red, lavender, light blue, golden and blazing white with his own "cosmic starry flow" technique, and they no longer rushed out, but let them One by one, serial "bombardment", always following the pace of the five light people.

In the process, he kept at least three rounds of "fire group" hovering and surrounding, as if he had the artificial satellite or the fairy Buddha.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The building is like a fort, and it is constantly bombarded with a "flying bomb" of pale purple or red or golden color, forcing the five light people to expand their body shape, and the geese are walking downstream to avoid the front.

And the silver-and-white flying sword partially restored the "spirituality", and it was as sharp as a dragon. If it was stunned, it would be smashed or smashed or cut, or slashed or smeared, or picked or twisted. He wants to give him the opportunity to deal with the five light people to break through the defense, disrupt the "five fires", and even "smash the enemy"!

However, Lou Cheng looked far and wide, but the mind was inside, while paying attention to the benchmarks around the Wuguangdao people, while reflecting the surrounding, the fidelity, the electromagnetic long sword to destroy which group of fireballs, they rushed out which group.

As for the electromagnetic sword light against his own attack, he did not care, relying on the danger of the hunch, instinctively open his arms at the crucial moment, let the fist wearing ice crystal "gloves" hit the sword body, the other side Knock.

This kind of battle lasted for a while. No matter whether it was a building or a five-lighted person, it seems that there is no way to break the game quickly. It can only go on like this, waiting for the opportunity to change.

For Lou Cheng, this is not a bad thing, but a good thing. He has not forgotten that his goal is to consume the other party as much as possible. The situation is perfect!

The travels and turnings of the Wuguangdao people are getting faster and faster. They are screaming and whistling, and the top of the mountain is shrouded in low-pitched sounds, allowing the clouds to accumulate, dim as lead, and hang low in the air. People's heart.

All of this constitutes a precursor to extreme thunderstorms, and the silver and whiteness that jumps between the clouds slowly accumulates and piles up the deep breath of destruction.

boom! The five light people stepped out, the fire behind them, the black clouds swell, filled with black smoke.

He is like the kind of person who never looks back at the explosion. He keeps his feet and presses the palm of his hand, letting the magnetic swords of the electric snakes dance through the darkness, and then smashing the enemy.

Lou Cheng felt in the heart, immediately shakes his arm, punches the tip of the sword, the surface is clear and pure, and the coldness lingers.

boom! The fist blew open the air and hit the flying sword.

At this moment, half-air suddenly lit up, and a thick silver-white lightning shook all around, and slammed down.

It has a claw and a claw, and it seems to be subjected to some kind of traction, pointing to the tip of the magneto-light flying sword!

How exaggerated the speed of real lightning, when it appeared, it overtook the response of Lou Cheng’s pre-feeling danger, accurately hit the target, let it bloom with glare to the extreme glory, and slammed the enemy’s “Ice Crystal Boxing”. set".

Sword guides the thunder!


Until then, the sound of thunder broke out, rolling back around the top of the mountain, shaking four times.

Zizz, the residual current of the long sword was all poured into the fist of Loucheng, so that his epidermis quickly turned black, and his left arm trembled violently, and quickly spread to the whole body, wanting to leave, but it seems to be stuck there!

After the first violent paralysis, Lou Cheng barely supported, violently spurred the rest of the effort, and embraced the blood, condensed spirit, strength equal to Dantian, brushed back to the left hand, disconnected the passage!

But at this time, the Wuguangdao people have been blindly deceived, and the right hand firmly grasps the hilt, lifts it again, and another lightning bolt leads.

After the "Tianlei" scoured, he seemed to have lost the ability of the remote sword.

boom! Lou Cheng Dan gas burst, muscles bulging, fists on the electric shot, first sprayed a lot of "silver white" just invaded, and then condensed a thick layer of ice.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Five Guangdao people have a sword faster than a sword. Every sword has its own thunder and is sucked and sucked, and its power is amazing.

His sword is simple and unpretentious, but he has some inexplicable mystery. It is like the thunder of nature. It seems to be seen from time to time. It is nothing special, but it contains the most basic and most magical truth.

Nine robberies, and the drums and drums, there is no gap between the sword and the lightning. Although the building is doing its best to resist, and even taking advantage of the situation to raise the surrounding temperature and create a suffocating hell, it is still difficult to break free and gradually lose.

Oh! The Jianguang skyrocketed and turned into a thunder without branches. He squatted on the arms of the building, and he was crushed by the ice wall. He smoked, his body twitched, his feet were paralyzed, and he could not help but fly out.

At a critical juncture, Lou Cheng couldn't care for anything else. He would hang out in the remaining three groups of fireballs that circled around him, and squatted in front of him, purple, red, gold, and flashing instantly!


Huge fire and exaggerated smoke forced the five light people to make a move, and returned to the sword to defend themselves. However, Lu Cheng did not seize this opportunity to slow down. He just landed, his legs were weak, his body was paralyzed, and he immediately bowed. As time went on, the momentum became dim, and the breathing turned weak. Obviously, the Thunder was not light, and it was impossible to make it with a moment of strength.

This can be seen in front of the screen, such as Yan Yan, or biting his lips or sucking a cold breath, a heart swaying and swaying.

Seeing this situation, the five-lighted people's heels spin around, circling the remnants of the wind and waves, carrying a long sword to the opponent, and the blade is surrounded by electric snakes.

At this time, Lou Cheng suddenly stabilized, and the waist back was suddenly straight, and the double fists went out into the sea like a dragon.

The darkness of his body appeared, deep and quiet, a little ignited in it, as if the stars in the night, they slowly "flowing" between, a vast expanse of vast, dangerous feelings filled out.

Lou Cheng’s fundamental school, “Cosmic Mirage”!

His inability to be half is true and half is pretending. With the secret of repairing the truth, he has concealed the specific situation and made himself appear very weak and completely paralyzed, thus tricking the five light people on the hook!

This is one of the means for him to prepare for a strong enemy before the game. It is a way to turn over when he is absolutely inferior. He is not alone in the face of the Shang Qingzong, otherwise he may have forgotten it at this time!

boom! The fist blasted, the darkness poured, and the five-lighted man was completely shrouded inside. The electric light erupted from the sword on his body smashed the layers of ice, but gradually weakened in the boundless cold, and finally dimmed.

Hey! A round of "stars" was dragged and flew, and the former servants followed suit.

They broke the "crystal glimpse" first, and then blasted the five light people.

When the last layer of ice was loose, the five-lighted people suddenly abandoned the long sword, and the hands swallowed the thunder, a purple and a blue, then he twisted the anti-rotation, letting a purple change into a blue, a green and a purple, quickly collided together.

Silently, the light of the "wheel" of the round was deprived, leaving only a spherical, black, invading lightning that absorbed all of the surrounding and immediately exploded.

The eighth style of the Lei Department, "Yin and Yang reversed.

Rumble! The light and the flame were thrown out, and the building that had to wait for the continuous move had to twist the waist and swing back, swaying the hurricane and rushing to the side.

This is the case, the place where he was wiped by the anti-rolling power is also hot and painful.

The "storm" was slightly relieved, and the figure of the five-lighted person was re-presented. He was slanting and twisting with the raft of the ballad, the black hair and the silver silk were scattered, and the two sleeves were missing, showing the age and appearance. Different stout arms, a piece of flesh and blood on them.

In other parts of his body, there are also many broken blacks, and some can even see the white bones. The whole person is no longer "ordinary" and becomes embarrassed.

At the same time as the breath dropped rapidly, he raised his hand and let the lead cloud left in the air completely collapse, letting the lightning bolts wrapped around the home field all the way down, such as plowing the earth.

Bang! Bang! In the silvery thunder forest, Lou Chengqiang resisted the injury, and sometimes flashed and moved, the footwork was clever, and sometimes he punched, opened the electric snake, and opened the big match.

Just as he was about to survive this wave of blows, his heart suddenly gave birth to a dangerous premonition. If he didn't want to think about it, he took a step back and pulled his arm toward the side.

boom! He condensed the muscles of the ice wall and smashed a silver-and-white blade, letting the other side bend and fly backwards!

The five-lighted man's electromagnetic sword does not know when to re-emptive, quietly struck, almost succeeded!

One hit, the thunder is also scattered, but the building is not happy, but there is a more intense danger.

Snapped! He detonated the remaining "Yan Emperor" in the body and moved it laterally. At this time, behind him, the figure of the five-lighted people emerged at a rapid speed, no one noticed!

Lou Cheng almost forgot the existence of the opponent!

Seeing him avoiding it in time, the face of the Wuguangdao people was not wavering, no joy and no anger, like turning the palm of the hand as early as possible, shining in the air, the "purple chapter" shining in the middle, running up and down!

Lou Cheng’s potential was just finished, and suddenly there was a flash of light. At the top of the head, a purple thunder was formed, and it was full of glory.

After even doing the dodge, his dangerous premonition only had to open his head and was left by the purple electric power on the shoulder.


He seems to be shrouded in light, the bones are clearly defined, the whole person is stuck there, trembling, and paralysis is difficult.

The first style of the Lei Department, "On behalf of the day to punish"!

Hey! When the five-lighted people move their fingers, the electromagnetic long sword accelerates again, and the knots become faster. The shells are shot out and hovering in the eyebrow position of Loucheng.

When Lou Cheng had just eased, he saw such a scene and could only sigh and sigh.

The referee immediately raised his right hand and announced loudly:

"The third game, Wuguangdao people win!"

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