MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 686 Shangde Hall

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For the hope of Li Xiaoyuan, Lou Cheng, who has a feeling of heart, has no doubt given encouragement and blessing.

Such a friend who is not too familiar but knows very early, "visiting", and the wonderful facts that the two sides are still in a circle, has evoked his nostalgia for the past and provoked the incitement of his initial debut. The idea of ​​"my future is not a dream" re-enacted last night is perfectly reflected.

In a similar state, he was in a very good mood. He had a little bit of feeling before the drink, so that after he had traveled to the apartment arranged by the Dragon Tiger Club, he walked for a while on the riverside bridge. And ascend to the heights, took a picture of the beauty of the "no night city" to Yan Yan.

The next day, on the business car of Dragon Tiger, Lou Cheng was sitting on his back and his eyes were half closed, as if he was raising his spirit.

Auman flipped through the notepad and glanced at the building and whispered softly:

"Mr. Lou, at 9:10 am, you have to go to the fifth floor conference room and have a few guests."

"What guest?" Lou Cheng did not blink, and asked slowly.

Auman had already sorted out his words and smiled and replied: "Guests from two game companies."

“Well?” Lou Cheng expressed his doubts with a single syllable.

What does the game company do for me?

I have their shares, which is the kind of director of the board?

"This is the case." Auman smiled and explained, "Your current endorsement contract and portrait rights issues are all handled by the 'foreign affairs group', the process of the club, they have recently negotiated two game contracts, one is the host fighting Class, called 'Dawu Daojia', the other party spent a lot of money to get the authorization of most of the nephews, so that ordinary people can also manipulate different strong players to compete for top titles."

“So I need to cooperate with them to do the modeling and moves design of the data?” The similar game building has also played, and the once-popular “King of Fighters” belongs to this category, so he is no stranger, and his heart is already .

"It should be." Auman continued to say after a positive reply. "There is also a ‘strong alliance,’ it should be an instant battle game on the mobile phone.”

Lou Cheng slowly bowed his head: "Then tell them in advance, don't delay my time too much."

This kind of thing, the assistant can't do it for you.

"Okay." Auman answered calmly.


After morning exercise and breakfast, Lou Cheng put on clean and fresh clothes, took time to come to the fifth floor conference room, and saw the game company personnel sitting on both sides.

"Good morning, Mr. Lou, it is too much trouble for you." One of the men wearing rimless glasses got up and greeted.

"Should." Lou Cheng did not put a shelf, smiled and responded, "What do I need to do?"

"We have actually built a model through your recent few foreign-level battles, which reproduces the effect, but because you are participating in too few games, we are afraid of omissions, so we still have to trouble you, let us make a simple Data collection, rest assured, will not involve anything too specific."

The man wearing rimless glasses explained with a smile: "The other is the 3D modeling of your shape and the design of the exclusive celebration action."

" problem." Lou Cheng slightly made a sinking road.

After a while, all the problems were solved, and his unique celebration movement was also set to become a long-short, "spraying" starry sky.

When another group of people reached their goal, they did not dare to delay the time of building, and they all got up and said goodbye.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Lou, this is our internal test. Hey, you should be a demo version. If you have time, you can play two games and make comments, especially about your own part. Let us Can be adjusted in time." The man wearing half-rimmed glasses handed it to the building into a CD with the words "Dawu Daojia" written with a water-based pen.

From the previous conversation, he noticed that Lou Cheng was also a person who loves to play games.

"We will also send your relevant demos as soon as possible." The producers of the "Strong Alliance" followed.

"Yes." Lou Cheng took over the things and watched them leave.

When the door was closed, the large conference room was re-empty. He quieted for a few seconds, and went to the host computer before going to the projection screen just doing the demonstration.

Hey, I don't know what level they are positioning me... Lou Cheng sits cross-legged and looks at the light, and the logo flashes.

Soon, he entered the selection interface and found more than a hundred sturdy avatars.

No accident, he first picked himself.

"This face is a bit stiff..." Lou Cheng slammed his mouth.

Then he swept the screen and pressed the random button. After some flashing, the picture was fixed on the "Dragon King".

"It’s so good... um, ‘Dragon King’ is definitely one of the strongest, just to compare the ‘I’’ situation...” Lou Cheng’s heart was happy and started to fight.

"I rub, so strong!"

"With my ability to manipulate, I lost to the ‘Dragon King’...”

“It does not reflect the characteristics of ‘I’’’’’’’’’’’’

"No, I have to be serious."


After seven or eight innings, he suddenly raised his arms and waved his fists. He was very excited. On the screen, the "Dragon King" nose and face swollen slowly, setting off the "Fengcheng himself" with his fingers on his lips.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened, and an dark-eyed Chen Qichen walked in. His eyes crossed the distance of ten meters and he cast it on the big screen.

Uh... Lou Cheng is a bit stunned.

I didn't realize that someone was close...

It is worthy of "Dragon King"...

Chen Qichen stared at the picture, then slowly looked at the building, his expression did not change, and his footsteps were slightly.

I said that I am just random, do you believe it... The floor is smacked and I speak to myself.


On the flight from Brutal to Huacheng, Yan Hao put down the first-class seats and planned to wrap the quilt and sleep.

When you wake up, you will land soon! The girl thought.

According to her original plan, she should return to Xiushan now, and then go south with her family for a while. On the day of booking, she chose the flower city.

It must be that someone’s mind is too strong, and it produces a cursing-like effect. Well, it must be like this! Yan Yan silently said a word, began to empty the mind, into a quiet sleep.

After sleeping for an hour or two, she woke up, turned her wrist and looked at the watch, then went to sleep and wake up to confirm the time.

After repeated, she simply adjusted her position to sit, took a book, boring to read it, and the number of times she looked at the wrist was more and more frequent.

After a while, she even picked up the small backpack, took out the information, and did the time to pass the test. However, the mind could not completely immerse herself, and the result could not be obtained for a long time.

Huh, she vomited and turned her eyes to the window, only to see the dark clouds flashing the light from the wings, a tranquil and quiet.


On the flying silver-gray commercial vehicle, the floor was covered with a piece of tape, and a pair of fast-dissolving racks looked like.

"The Dragon King is so serious about training, so violent... I don't really care about that thing?" When the thought turned, Lou Cheng wanted to sigh.

His eyes swept across the window, and he suddenly remembered something, struggling to sit up straight and calmly open:

"Let Lao Zhao drive to the nearest import and export supermarket."

When my mom and dad came to Huacheng, they bought food there.

"Ah..." Auman was a glimpse, and immediately said, "Mr. Lou, what do you need? I can buy it, without having to take a special trip."

"Nothing, every day at home, I also got to walk around." Lou Cheng smiled and refused the good intentions of the assistant.

After some blockage, the business car arrived at the destination, Lou Cheng found out the black-rimmed glasses to wear, buckled the top hat, Shi Shiran went to the entrance of the supermarket, seeing Auman glimpse.

Into the supermarket, he found a cart, just like in the city of Kangzhou, strolling through the fresh area and other places, pick a few boxes when you see good ingredients.

At the same time, his mind is already thinking about what to cook, what accessories and condiments are missing.

So strolling around in a lap, he pushed the full purchase of the car to the checkout counter, front of a lot of old ladies, they sometimes turned back, make up other items, and sometimes give up some things that ultimately decided not to.

Waiting patiently for a while, Lou Cheng paid the money with his mobile phone, carrying three big bags of food, and quickly walked out of the supermarket, and there was not much difference between the pedestrians coming and going, just not seemingly laborious.

Auman was sitting in the car, just aiming at this scene, and sometimes he couldn't believe his eyes.

Such a Mr. Lou, she saw it for the first time.

I didn't expect him to have such a side...

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